Пример #1
    def get(self):

        logging.debug('self.request=' + str(self.request))

        templateValues = {
            # Pass configuration data from server to client.
            'minLengthRequest': conf.minLengthRequest,
            'minLengthProposal': conf.minLengthProposal,
            'minLengthReason': conf.minLengthReason,
            'TOO_SHORT': conf.TOO_SHORT,
            'NO_COOKIE': conf.NO_COOKIE,
            'NO_LOGIN': conf.NO_LOGIN,
            'BAD_CRUMB': conf.BAD_CRUMB,
            'BAD_LINK': conf.BAD_LINK,
            'NOT_OWNER': conf.NOT_OWNER,
            'HAS_RESPONSES': conf.HAS_RESPONSES,
            'STOP_WORDS': json.dumps({w: True
                                      for w in conf.STOP_WORDS}),
            'loginApplicationId': secrets.loginApplicationId,
            'LOGIN_URL': conf.LOGIN_URL_DEV if conf.isDev else conf.LOGIN_URL,
            'IS_DEV': 'true' if conf.isDev else 'false',
        # Dont set cookie at this time, because javascript-browser-fingerprint not available to sign cookie
        httpServer.outputTemplate('main.html', templateValues, self.response)
Пример #2
    def post(self):

        logging.debug( 'LoginReturn.post() request.body=' + self.request.body )

        # Collect inputs
        requestLogId = os.environ.get( conf.REQUEST_LOG_ID )
        responseData = { 'success':False, 'requestLogId':requestLogId }
        inputData = urlparse.parse_qs( self.request.body )
        logging.debug( 'LoginReturn.post() inputData=' + str(inputData) )

        requestId = inputData['requestId'][0]
        responseSignature = inputData['responseSignature'][0]
        voterId = inputData['voterId'][0]
        city = inputData['city'][0]

        # Check that browser-id exists
        # Cannot check browser crumb/fingerprint, because they do not exist in the referring page
        # Send fingerprint via ajax before auto-closing tab
        cookieData = httpServer.validate( self.request, inputData, responseData, self.response, crumbRequired=False, signatureRequired=False )

        if not cookieData.browserId:  return
        browserId = cookieData.browserId

        # Check responseSignature
        expectedResponseSignature = user.signLoginResult( requestId, voterId, city )
        logging.debug( 'LoginReturn.post() expectedResponseSignature=' + str(expectedResponseSignature) )
        if (responseSignature != expectedResponseSignature):  return httpServer.outputJson( cookieData, responseData, self.response, errorMessage='responseSignature does not match expected' )

        # Check stored browserId -> loginRequestId , check timeout, then delete record
        browserRecord = browser.BrowserRecord.get_by_id( browserId )
        logging.debug( 'LoginReturn.post() browserRecord=' + str(browserRecord) )
        now = int( time.time() )
        if not browserRecord:  return httpServer.outputJson( cookieData, responseData, self.response, errorMessage='login browserRecord=null' )
        if browserRecord.voterLoginRequestId != requestId:  return httpServer.outputJson( cookieData, responseData, self.response, errorMessage='login requestId does not match expected' )
        if browserRecord.loginRequestTime + conf.VOTER_ID_TIMEOUT_SEC < now:  return httpServer.outputJson( cookieData, responseData, self.response, errorMessage='login past timeout' )

        browserRecordKey = ndb.Key( browser.BrowserRecord, browserId )

        # Send login-id to browser now, with response-page cookie, instead of server storing a mapping
        # To set crumbForLogin into original page's javascript variable, have to use separate getLoginCrumb call

        # Add voter-id to persistent cookie
        appVoterId = user.voterIdToApp( voterId )
        cookieData.dataNew[ conf.COOKIE_FIELD_VOTER_ID ] = appVoterId
        cookieData.dataNew[ conf.COOKIE_FIELD_VOTER_CITY ] = city

        # Send page that closes tab
        responseData.update( {
            'SITE_NAME': conf.SITE_NAME ,
            'crumb': user.createCrumb( browserId ) ,
            'city': city
        } )
        httpServer.outputTemplate( 'loginReturn.html', responseData, self.response, cookieData=cookieData )
Пример #3
    def get(self):

        templateValues = {
            # Pass configuration data from server to client.
            'minLengthSurveyIntro': conf.minLengthSurveyIntro,
            'minLengthQuestion': conf.minLengthQuestion,
            'minLengthAnswer': conf.minLengthAnswer,
            'TOO_SHORT': conf.TOO_SHORT,
            'NO_COOKIE': conf.NO_COOKIE,
            'NO_LOGIN': conf.NO_LOGIN,
            'BAD_CRUMB': conf.BAD_CRUMB,
            'BAD_LINK': conf.BAD_LINK,
            'NOT_OWNER': conf.NOT_OWNER,
            'HAS_RESPONSES': conf.HAS_RESPONSES,
            'STOP_WORDS': json.dumps({w: True
                                      for w in conf.STOP_WORDS}),
            'loginApplicationId': secrets.loginApplicationId,
            'LOGIN_URL': getattr(conf, 'LOGIN_URL_DEV', conf.LOGIN_URL),
            'IS_DEV': 'true' if conf.isDev else 'false',
        httpServer.outputTemplate('autocomplete/main.html', templateValues,
Пример #4
 def get(self):
     templateValues = {}
     httpServer.outputTemplate('siteList.html', templateValues,