Пример #1
class SceneStateChange(Resource):
    ``SceneStateChange`` work differently to :class:`LightState` and
    :class:`GroupState`. ``SceneStateChange`` specifies a change in
    state for a specific scene & light combination.

    For example, to change light ID 1 in scene `e2eab6bf6-on-0` to `on`::

        change = SceneStateChange(
        change.on = True


    #: The scene to which this change applies
    scene = fields.Embedded(model=Scene, read_only=True)
    #: The light to which this scene applies
    light = fields.Embedded(model=Light, read_only=True)
    #: On/Off state of the light. On=true, Off=false
    on = fields.Boolean()
    #: Brightness of the light. This is a scale from the minimum brightness
    #: the light is capable of, 1, to the maximum capable brightness, 254.
    brightness = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(bits=8), name='bri')
    #: The hue value is a wrapping value between 0 and 65535.
    #: Both 0 and 65535 are red, 25500 is green and 46920 is blue.
    hue = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(bits=16))
    #: Saturation of the light. 255 is the most saturated (colored) and 0
    #: is the least saturated (white).
    saturation = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(bits=8), name='sat')
    #: The x and y coordinates of a color in CIE color space.
    xy = fields.List(v.CieColorSpaceCoordinates())
    #: The Mired Color temperature of the light. 2012 connected lights are
    #: capable of 153 (6500K) to 500 (2000K).
    color_temperature = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(bits=16), name='ct')
    #: The duration of the transition from the light's current state to the
    #: new state. This is given as a multiple of 100ms.
    transition_time = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(bits=16),

    class Meta:
        endpoint = '/scenes/{scene_id}/lights/{light_id}/state'

    def get_endpoint_values(self):
        return {
            'scene_id': self.scene.id,
            'light_id': self.light.id,
Пример #2
class Light(MonitorMixin, Resource):
    #: The ID given to the light by the bridge
    id = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(), from_endpoint='id')
    #: A unique, editable name given to the light
    name = fields.String(v.Required())
    #: A fixed name describing the type of light e.g. "Extended color light"
    type = fields.String()
    #: The hardware model of the light
    model_id = fields.String(name='modelid')
    #: As of bridge version 1.7. The manufacturer name
    manufacturer_name = fields.String(name='manufacturername')
    #: As of bridge version 1.4. Unique id of the device.
    #: The MAC address of the device with a unique
    #: endpoint id in the form: AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF:00:11-XX
    unique_id = fields.String(name='uniqueid')
    #: An identifier for the software version running on the light.
    software_version = fields.String(name='swversion')

    #: The state of the light as a :class:`LightState` object
    state = fields.Embedded(LightState)

    #: A managed collection of all lights
    objects = LightManager()
    #: A managed collection of all lights which are reachable
    reachable = LightManager(filter=lambda light: light.state.reachable)
    #: A managed collection of all lights which are unreachable
    unreachable = LightManager(filter=lambda light: not light.state.reachable)
    #: A managed collection of all lights which are new
    new = LightManager(results_endpoint='/lights/new')

    class Meta:
        endpoint = '/lights/{id}'
        endpoint_list = '/lights'
Пример #3
class Group(MonitorMixin, Resource):
    #: The ID given to the group by the bridge
    id = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(), from_endpoint='id')
    #: A unique, editable name given to the group
    name = fields.String(v.Required())
    #: As of 1.4. If not provided upon creation "LightGroup" is used. Can
    #: be "LightGroup" or either "Luminiare" or "LightSource" if a
    #: Multisource Luminaire is present in the system.
    type = fields.String(read_only=True)
    #: The Light resources contained with this group
    lights = ManagedIdListCollection(model=Light)
    action = fields.Embedded(model=GroupState)

    objects = GroupManager()

    class Meta:
        endpoint = '/groups/{id}'
        endpoint_list = '/groups'
Пример #4
class Scene(MonitorMixin, Resource):
    Note that scene state is not available on this resource
    as scene state is write-only. See :class:`SceneStateChange` for details.

    #: The ID given to the scene by the bridge (alphanumeric, Eg: `s123457`)
    id = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(), from_endpoint='id')
    #: An editable name given to the scene
    name = fields.String(v.Required())
    #: The Light resources effected by this scene
    lights = fields.ManagedIdListCollection(model=Light)
    #: Is this scene active?
    active = fields.Boolean()

    objects = SceneManager()

    class Meta:
        endpoint = '/scenes/{id}'
        endpoint_list = '/scenes'
Пример #5
class GroupState(MonitorMixin, Resource):
    GroupState operates in the same way as :class:`LightState`
    except that it operates on a group of lights rather than an
    individual light. This can be a more effective way of
    controlling multiple lights rather than making API calls for
    each individual light.

    #: On/Off state of the light. On=true, Off=false
    on = fields.Boolean()
    #: Brightness of the light. This is a scale from the minimum brightness
    #: the light is capable of, 1, to the maximum capable brightness, 254.
    brightness = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(bits=8), name='bri')
    _hue = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(bits=16))
    _saturation = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(bits=8), name='sat')
    _xy = fields.List(v.CieColorSpaceCoordinates())
    _color_temperature = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(bits=16), name='ct')
    #: The alert effect, which is a temporary change to the bulb's state
    #: (none/select/lselect).
    alert = fields.String(v.In(['none', 'select', 'lselect']))
    #: The dynamic effect of the light, can either be "none" or "colorloop".
    effect = fields.String(v.In(['none', 'select', 'lselect']))
    #: Indicates the color mode in which the light is working, this is
    #: the last command type it received. Values are "hs" for Hue and Saturation,
    #: "xy" for XY and "ct" for Color Temperature. Note that this will be
    #: set automatically upon setting the hue/saturation/xy/colour_temperature
    #: properties
    color_mode = fields.String(v.In([
        LightState.MODE_HUE_SAT, LightState.MODE_COLOR_TEMP, LightState.MODE_XY
    #: Indicates if a light can be reached by the bridge.
    reachable = fields.Boolean()

    # Write-only properties below...

    #: The duration of the transition from the light's current state to the
    #: new state. This is given as a multiple of 100ms.
    transition_time = fields.Integer(v.UnsignedInteger(bits=16),
    #: As of 1.7. Increments or decrements the value of the brightness.
    brightness_increment = fields.Integer(v.Integer(),
                                          v.Range(min=-254, max=254),
    #: As of 1.7. Increments or decrements the value of the sat.
    saturation_increment = fields.Integer(v.Integer(),
                                          v.Range(min=-254, max=254),
    #: As of 1.7. Increments or decrements the value of the hue.
    hue_increment = fields.Integer(v.Integer(),
                                   v.Range(min=-65534, max=65534),
    #: As of 1.7. Increments or decrements the value of the ct.
    color_temperature_increment = fields.Integer(v.Integer(),
    #: As of 1.7. Increments or decrements the value of the xy.
    xy_increment = fields.Integer(v.Float(),
                                  v.Range(min=-0.5, max=0.5),

    class Meta:
        endpoint = '/groups/{group_id}/action'

    def set_rgb(self, red, green, blue):
        """The red/green/blue color value of the light

        This will be converted and set as the :attr:`xy` value
        x, y = rgb_to_xy(red, green, blue)
        self.xy = [x, y]

    def xy(self):
        """The x and y coordinates of a color in CIE color space.

        The first entry is the x coordinate and the second entry is the y coordinate. Both x and y are between 0 and 1.

        For more information see:
        return self._xy

    def xy(self, xy):
        self.color_mode = LightState.MODE_XY
        self._xy = xy

    def hue(self):
        """Hue of the light. This is a wrapping value between 0 and 65535.
        Both 0 and 65535 are red, 25500 is green and 46920 is blue."""
        return self._hue

    def hue(self, hue):
        self.color_mode = LightState.MODE_HUE_SAT
        self._hue = hue

    def saturation(self):
        """Saturation of the light. 254 is the most saturated (colored)
        and 0 is the least saturated (white)."""
        return self._saturation

    def saturation(self, saturation):
        self.color_mode = LightState.MODE_HUE_SAT
        self._saturation = saturation

    def color_temperature(self):
        """The Mired Color temperature of the light.
        2012 connected lights are capable of 153 (6500K)
        to 500 (2000K).

        return self._color_temperature

    def color_temperature(self, xy):
        self.color_mode = LightState.MODE_COLOR_TEMP
        self._color_temperature = xy