Пример #1
    async def get_snapshot(client: aiohttp.ClientSession,
                           trading_pair: str,
                           limit: int = 1000) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        original_trading_pair: str = trading_pair
        params: Dict[str, str] = {"count": str(limit), "pair": convert_to_exchange_trading_pair(trading_pair)} if limit != 0 \
            else {"pair": convert_to_exchange_trading_pair(trading_pair)}
        async with client.get(SNAPSHOT_REST_URL, params=params) as response:
            response: aiohttp.ClientResponse = response
            if response.status != 200:
                raise IOError(
                    f"Error fetching Kraken market snapshot for {original_trading_pair}. "
                    f"HTTP status is {response.status}.")
            response_json = await response.json()
            if len(response_json["error"]) > 0:
                raise IOError(
                    f"Error fetching Kraken market snapshot for {original_trading_pair}. "
                    f"Error is {response_json['error']}.")
            data: Dict[str, Any] = next(iter(response_json["result"].values()))
            data = {"trading_pair": trading_pair, **data}
            data["latest_update"] = max(
                [*map(lambda x: x[2], data["bids"] + data["asks"])],

            # Need to add the symbol into the snapshot message for the Kafka message queue.
            # Because otherwise, there'd be no way for the receiver to know which market the
            # snapshot belongs to.

            return data
Пример #2
    async def get_snapshot(
        rest_assistant: RESTAssistant,
        trading_pair: str,
        limit: int = 1000,
        throttler: Optional[AsyncThrottler] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        throttler = throttler or cls._get_throttler_instance()
        original_trading_pair: str = trading_pair
        if limit != 0:
            params = {
                "count": str(limit),
                "pair": convert_to_exchange_trading_pair(trading_pair)
            params = {"pair": convert_to_exchange_trading_pair(trading_pair)}
        async with throttler.execute_task(CONSTANTS.SNAPSHOT_PATH_URL):

            request = RESTRequest(method=RESTMethod.GET,

            response = await rest_assistant.call(request)

            if response.status != 200:
                raise IOError(
                    f"Error fetching Kraken market snapshot for {original_trading_pair}. "
                    f"HTTP status is {response.status}.")
            response_json = await response.json()
            if len(response_json["error"]) > 0:
                raise IOError(
                    f"Error fetching Kraken market snapshot for {original_trading_pair}. "
                    f"Error is {response_json['error']}.")
            data: Dict[str, Any] = next(iter(response_json["result"].values()))
            data = {"trading_pair": trading_pair, **data}
            data["latest_update"] = max(
                [*map(lambda x: x[2], data["bids"] + data["asks"])],

            return data
Пример #3
    def get_mid_price(trading_pair: str) -> Optional[Decimal]:
        from hummingbot.connector.exchange.kraken.kraken_utils import convert_to_exchange_trading_pair

        KRAKEN_PRICE_URL = "https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair="
        k_pair = convert_to_exchange_trading_pair(trading_pair)
        resp = requests.get(url=KRAKEN_PRICE_URL + k_pair)
        resp_json = resp.json()
        if len(resp_json["error"]) == 0:
            for record in resp_json["result"]:  # assume only one pair is received
                record = resp_json["result"][record]
                result = (Decimal(record["a"][0]) + Decimal(record["b"][0])) / Decimal("2")
            return result
    async def get_snapshot(
        client: aiohttp.ClientSession,
        trading_pair: str,
        limit: int = 1000,
        throttler: Optional[AsyncThrottler] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        throttler = throttler or cls._get_throttler_instance()
        original_trading_pair: str = trading_pair
        if limit != 0:
            params = {
                "count": str(limit),
                "pair": convert_to_exchange_trading_pair(trading_pair)
            params = {"pair": convert_to_exchange_trading_pair(trading_pair)}
        async with throttler.execute_task(CONSTANTS.SNAPSHOT_PATH_URL):
            async with client.get(url, params=params) as response:
                if response.status != 200:
                    raise IOError(
                        f"Error fetching Kraken market snapshot for {original_trading_pair}. "
                        f"HTTP status is {response.status}.")
                response_json = await response.json()
                if len(response_json["error"]) > 0:
                    raise IOError(
                        f"Error fetching Kraken market snapshot for {original_trading_pair}. "
                        f"Error is {response_json['error']}.")
                data: Dict[str,
                           Any] = next(iter(response_json["result"].values()))
                data = {"trading_pair": trading_pair, **data}
                data["latest_update"] = max(
                    [*map(lambda x: x[2], data["bids"] + data["asks"])],

                # Need to add the symbol into the snapshot message for the Kafka message queue.
                # Because otherwise, there'd be no way for the receiver to know which market the
                # snapshot belongs to.

                return data
Пример #5
    async def get_ws_subscription_message(self, subscription_type: str):
        # all_markets: pd.DataFrame = await self.get_active_exchange_markets()
        trading_pairs: List[str] = []
        for tp in self._trading_pairs:
            trading_pairs.append(convert_to_exchange_trading_pair(tp, '/'))

        ws_message_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {"event": "subscribe",
                                           "pair": trading_pairs,
                                           "subscription": {"name": subscription_type, "depth": 1000}}

        ws_message: str = ujson.dumps(ws_message_dict)

        return ws_message
Пример #6
    async def get_ws_subscription_message(self, subscription_type: str):
        trading_pairs: List[str] = []
        for tp in self._trading_pairs:
            trading_pairs.append(convert_to_exchange_trading_pair(tp, '/'))

        ws_message: WSJSONRequest = WSJSONRequest({
            "event": "subscribe",
            "pair": trading_pairs,
            "subscription": {
                "name": subscription_type,
                "depth": 1000

        return ws_message
Пример #7
 def test_pair_convesion(self):
     for pair in self.market.trading_rules:
         exchange_pair = convert_to_exchange_trading_pair(pair)
         self.assertTrue(exchange_pair in self.market.order_books)