Пример #1
def call_attr(name: str, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any:
    """Call an attribute of current module with given arguments.

        name: Name of callable attribute
        *args: Arbitrary arguments, that are passed to the call
        *kwds: Arbitrary keyword arguments, that are passes to the call, if
            supported by the member attribute.

        Result of call.

    return otree.call_attr(stack.get_caller_module(), name, *args, **kwds)
Пример #2
def get_submodule(name: str, parent: OptModule = None) -> OptModule:
    """Get instance from the name of a submodule of the current module.

        name: Name of submodule of given module.
        parent: Optional reference to module, which has to be searched for
            submodules. By default the current callers module is used.

        Module reference of submodule or None, if the current module does not
        contain the given module name.

    # Set default values
    parent = parent or stack.get_caller_module()

    # Get reference to submodule
    return get_module(parent.__name__ + '.' + name)
Пример #3
def get_attr(name: str, default: Any = None, module: OptModule = None) -> Any:
    """Get an attribute of current module.

        name: Name of attribute.
        default: Default value, which is returned, if the attribute does not
        module: Optional reference to module, which is used to search for the
            given attribute. By default the current callers module is used.

        Value of attribute.

    # Set default values
    module = module or stack.get_caller_module()

    # Get attribute
    return getattr(module, name, default)
Пример #4
def has_attr(name: str, module: OptModule = None) -> bool:
    """Determine if a module has an attribute of given name.

        name: Name of attribute
        module: Optional reference to module, which is used to search for the
            given attribute. By default the current callers module is used.

        Result of call.

    # Set default values
    module = module or stack.get_caller_module()

    # Check Arguments
    check.has_type("'name'", name, str)
    check.has_type("'module'", module, Module)

    return hasattr(module, name)
Пример #5
def crop_functions(prefix: str, module: OptModule = None) -> list:
    """Get list of cropped function names that satisfy a given prefix.

        prefix: String conatining the initial prefix of the returned functions
        module: Module reference. By default the current callers module is used.

        List of functions, that match a given prefix.

    # Set default values
    module = module or stack.get_caller_module()

    # Get functions of current callers module
    pattern = prefix + '*'
    funcs = otree.get_members_dict(module, classinfo=Function, pattern=pattern)

    # Create list of cropped function names
    offset = len(prefix)
    return [each['name'][offset:] for each in funcs.values()]
Пример #6
def get_root(module: OptModule = None) -> Module:
    """Get top level module.

        module: Optional reference to module. By default the current callers
            module is used.

        Module reference to the top level module of the current callers module.

    # Set default values
    module = module or stack.get_caller_module()

    # Get name of the root module
    name = get_root_name(module.__name__)

    # Get reference to the root module
    root = get_module(name)
    if not isinstance(root, Module):
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"module '{name}' does not exist")
    return root
Пример #7
def get_parent(module: OptModule = None) -> Module:
    """Get parent module.

        module: Optional reference to module. By default the current callers
            module is used.

        Module reference to the parent module of the current callers module.

    # Set default values
    module = module or stack.get_caller_module()

    # Get name of the parent module
    name = module.__name__.rsplit('.', 1)[0]

    # Get reference to the parent module
    parent = get_module(name)
    if not isinstance(parent, Module):
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(f"module '{name}' does not exist")
    return parent
Пример #8
def search_old(module: Optional[Module] = None, **kwds: Any) -> dict:
    """Search for algorithms, that pass given filters.

        module: Module instance, which is used to recursively search in
            submodules for algorithms. Default: Use the module of the caller
            of this function.
        **kwds: Attributes, which are testet by using the filter rules

        Dictionary with function information.

    # Set default value of 'module' to module of caller
    module = module or stack.get_caller_module()

    # Create filter rules for attributes
    rules = {
        'tags': lambda a, b: set(a) <= set(b),  # requires all
        'classes': lambda a, b: bool(set(a) & set(b))
    }  # requires any

    # Search for algorithms
    return pkg.search(module=module, rules=rules, **kwds)
Пример #9
def get_submodules(parent: OptModule = None,
                   recursive: bool = False) -> StrList:
    """Get list with submodule names.

        parent: Optional reference to module, which has to be searched for
            submodules. By default the current callers module is used.
        recursive: Boolean value which determines, if the search is performed
            recursively within all submodules. By default the returned list only
            comprises immediate submodules.

        List with fully qualified names of submodules.

    # Set default values
    parent = parent or stack.get_caller_module()

    # Check if given module is a package by the existence of a path attribute.
    # Otherwise the module does not contain any submodules and an empty list is
    # returned.
    if not hasattr(parent, '__path__'):
        return []

    # Iterate submodules within package by using pkgutil
    children: StrList = []
    path = parent.__path__  # type: ignore
    for finder, basename, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(path):
        name = '.'.join([parent.__name__, basename])
        if ispkg and recursive:
            child = get_module(name)
            if isinstance(child, Module):
                children += get_submodules(parent=child, recursive=True)

    return children
Пример #10
def search(module: OptModule = None,
           pattern: OptStr = None,
           classinfo: ClassInfo = Function,
           key: OptStr = None,
           val: OptStr = None,
           groupby: OptStr = None,
           recursive: bool = True,
           rules: OptDictOfKeyOps = None,
           errors: bool = False,
           **kwds: Any) -> dict:
    """Recursively search for objects within submodules.

        module: Optional reference to module, which is used to search objects.
            By default the current callers module is used.
        pattern: Only objects which names satisfy the wildcard pattern given
            by 'pattern' are returned. The format of the wildcard pattern is
            described in the standard library module :py:mod:`fnmatch`. If
            pattern is None, then all objects are returned. Default: None
        classinfo: Classinfo given as a class, a type or a tuple containing
            classes, types or other tuples. Only members, which are ether an
            instance or a subclass of classinfo are returned. By default all
            types are allowed.
        key: Name of function attribute which is used as the key for the
            returned dictionary. If 'key' is None, then the fully qualified
            function names are used as keys. Default: None
        val: Name of function attribute which is used as the value for the
            returned dictionary. If 'val' is None, then all attributes of the
            respective objects are returned. Default: None
        groupby: Name of function attribute which is used to group the results.
            If 'groupby' is None, then the results are not grouped. Default:
        recursive: Boolean value which determines if the search is performed
            recursively within all submodules. Default: True
        rules: Dictionary with individual filter rules, used by the attribute
            filter. The form is {<attribute>: <lambda>, ...}, where: <attribute>
            is a string with the attribute name and <lambda> is a boolean valued
            lambda function, which specifies the comparison of the attribute
            value against the argument value. Example: {'tags': lambda arg,
            attr: set(arg) <= set(attr)} By default any attribute, which is not
            in the filter rules is compared to the argument value by equality.
        errors: Boolean value which determines if an error is raised, if the
            module could not be found. By default errors are not raised.
        **kwds: Keyword arguments, that define the attribute filter for the
            returned dictionary. For example if the argument "tags = ['test']"
            is given, then only objects are returned, which have the attribute
            'tags' and the value of the attribute equals ['test']. If, however,
            the filter rule of the above example is given, then any function,
            with attribute 'tags' and a corresponding tag list, that comprises
            'test' is returned.

        Dictionary with function information as specified in the arguments
        'key' and 'val'.

    # Set default values
    module = module or stack.get_caller_module()

    # Check argument types
    check.has_type("'module'", module, Module)
    check.has_opt_type("'pattern'", pattern, str)

    # Get list with module names, including the given and the submodules
    submodules = get_submodules(parent=module, recursive=recursive)
    mnames = [module.__name__] + submodules

    # Create dictionary with member attributes
    fd = {}
    rules = rules or {}
    for mname in mnames:
        minst = get_module(mname, errors=errors)
        if minst is None:
        d = otree.get_members_dict(minst,

        # Ignore members if any required attribute is not available
        for name, attr in d.items():
            if key and not key in attr:
            if val and not val in attr:
            fd[name] = attr

    # Rename key for returned dictionary
    if key:
        d = {}
        for name, attr in fd.items():
            if key not in attr:
            kval = attr[key]
            if kval in d:
            d[kval] = attr
        fd = d

    # Group results
    if groupby:
        fd = mapping.groupby(fd, key=groupby)

    # Set value for returned dictionary
    if val:
        if groupby:
            for gn, group in fd.items():
                for name, attr in group.items():
                    fd[name] = attr[val]
            for name, attr in fd.items():
                fd[name] = attr[val]

    return fd
Пример #11
 def test_get_caller_module(self) -> None:
     module = stack.get_caller_module()
     self.assertIsInstance(module, Module)