try: if (args.classifier.upper() == "KNN"): classifier_list = [("KNN",knn)] elif (args.classifier.upper() == "NB"): classifier_list = [("Naive Bayes",nb)] except: classifier_list = [("KNN",knn), ("Naive Bayes",nb)] #using imported functions above # Loop through each tuple of the classifier list for (classifier_string, classifier_function) in classifier_list: print "\n-------- %s --------" % classifier_string best_kfolds = 0 best_cv = 0 # Define specific set of folds that split the dataset in an even way for kfolds in [2,3,5,10,15,30,50,75,150]: cv = cross_validate(features, species, classifier_function, kfolds) if cv > best_cv: best_cv = cv best_kfolds = kfolds # For each fold, print out it's accuracy in the cross validation function print "Fold <<%s>> :: Accuracy <<%s>>" % (kfolds, cv) # At the end, print the highest accuracy fold print "Highest Accuracy: <<%s>> :: Fold <<%s>>\n" % (best_cv, best_kfolds)
from hw1 import load_iris_data, cross_validate, knn, nb # Imports functions and opject definitions from (iris_petal_measurements, iris_classes, iris_classnames) = load_iris_data() classfiers_to_cv = [("kNN", knn), ("Naive Bayes", nb)] for (c_label, classifer) in classfiers_to_cv: print print "---> %s <---" % c_label best_k = 0 best_cv_a = 0 foldsizes = [2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 50, 75, 150] #These fold sizes are evenly divisible into the dataset intentionally for k_f in foldsizes: cv_a = cross_validate(iris_petal_measurements, iris_classes, classifer, k_fold=k_f) if cv_a > best_cv_a: best_cv_a = cv_a best_k = k_f print "foldsize <<%s>> :: test accuracy <<%s>>" % (k_f, cv_a) print "Highest Accuracy: fold <<%s>> :: <<%s>>" % (best_k, best_cv_a)
if (args.classifier.upper() == "KNN"): classifier_list = [("KNN", knn)] elif (args.classifier.upper() == "NB"): classifier_list = [("Naive Bayes", nb)] except: classifier_list = [("KNN", knn), ("Naive Bayes", nb)] #using imported functions above # Loop through each tuple of the classifier list for (classifier_string, classifier_function) in classifier_list: print "\n-------- %s --------" % classifier_string best_kfolds = 0 best_cv = 0 # Define specific set of folds that split the dataset in an even way for kfolds in [2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 50, 75, 150]: cv = cross_validate(features, species, classifier_function, kfolds) if cv > best_cv: best_cv = cv best_kfolds = kfolds # For each fold, print out it's accuracy in the cross validation function print "Fold <<%s>> :: Accuracy <<%s>>" % (kfolds, cv) # At the end, print the highest accuracy fold print "Highest Accuracy: <<%s>> :: Fold <<%s>>\n" % (best_cv, best_kfolds)
from hw1 import load_iris_data, cross_validate, knn, nb (XX,yy,y)=load_iris_data() classfiers_to_cv=[("kNN",knn),("Naive Bayes",nb)] for (c_label, classifer) in classfiers_to_cv : print print "---> %s <---" % c_label best_k=0 best_cv_a=0 for k_f in [2,3,5,10,15,30,50,75,150] : cv_a = cross_validate(XX, yy, classifer, k_fold=k_f) if cv_a > best_cv_a : best_cv_a=cv_a best_k=k_f print "fold <<%s>> :: acc <<%s>>" % (k_f, cv_a) print "Highest Accuracy: fold <<%s>> :: <<%s>>" % (best_k, best_cv_a)
from hw1 import load_iris_data, cross_validate, knn, nb # Imports functions and opject definitions from (iris_petal_measurements,iris_classes,iris_classnames)=load_iris_data() classfiers_to_cv=[("kNN",knn),("Naive Bayes",nb)] for (c_label, classifer) in classfiers_to_cv : print print "---> %s <---" % c_label best_k=0 best_cv_a=0 foldsizes=[2,3,5,10,15,30,50,75,150] #These fold sizes are evenly divisible into the dataset intentionally for k_f in foldsizes : cv_a = cross_validate(iris_petal_measurements, iris_classes, classifer, k_fold=k_f) if cv_a > best_cv_a : best_cv_a=cv_a best_k=k_f print "foldsize <<%s>> :: test accuracy <<%s>>" % (k_f, cv_a) print "Highest Accuracy: fold <<%s>> :: <<%s>>" % (best_k, best_cv_a)