def extract_bh_data(snapfile, isim, isnap, args): """Extract BH data from one particular file""" if isinstance(isim, int): pre = f'ID{isim}/S{isnap}/BH/' else: pre = f'{isim}/S{isnap}/BH/' zred = hd.read_attribute(snapfile, 'Header', 'Redshift')[0] hd.write_attribute(args.outfile, pre, 'Redshift', zred) for field in args.bh_fields: data = hd.read_data(snapfile, 'PartType5/' + field) if data is not None: hd.write_data(args.outfile, pre + '/' + field, data)
def add_coda_to_offsets(vr_part_file): """Add the coda to particle offsets.""" num_name = { 'Haloes': 'NumberOfBoundParticles_Total', 'Unbound': 'NumberOfUnboundParticles_Total', 'Groups': 'NumberOfSOParticles_Total' } for grp in ['Haloes', 'Unbound', 'Groups']: offsets = read_data(vr_part_file, f'{grp}/Offsets') num_ids = read_attribute(vr_part_file, 'Header', num_name[grp]) offsets = np.concatenate((offsets, [num_ids])) write_data(vr_part_file, f'{grp}/Offsets', offsets)
def extract_vr_data(vrfile, isim, isnap, args): """Extract VR data from one particular file""" if isinstance(isim, int): pre = f'ID{isim}/S{isnap}/' else: pre = f'{isim}/S{isnap}/' for field in args.vr_fields: data = hd.read_data(vrfile, field[0]) if data is None: print(f"Could not find field '{field[0]}' in VR file '{vrfile}'!") #set_trace() else: hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'{pre}/{field[1]}', data)
def process_snapshot(isim, isnap, args): """Process one snapshot.""" print("") print(f"Processing snapshot {isnap}...") snap_this = Snapshot(f'{args.wdir}{args.vr_name}_{isnap:04d}') snap_dmo = Snapshot(f'{args.dmo_dir}{args.vr_name}_{isnap:04d}', sim_type='dm-only') # Find the best match in the DMO snapshot for each halo in this sim print("\nMatching from this to DMO...") match_in_dmo, gate_this_dmo, match_frac_in_dmo = ( match_haloes(snap_this, snap_dmo)) # ... and do the same in reverse print("\nMatching from DMO to this...") match_in_this, gate_dmo_this, match_frac_in_this = ( match_haloes(snap_dmo, snap_this)) # Reject matches that are not bijective ind_non_bijective = np.nonzero((match_in_dmo < 0) | (match_in_this[match_in_dmo] != np.arange(snap_this.n_haloes)))[0] match_in_dmo[ind_non_bijective] = -1 ind_not_matched = np.nonzero(match_in_dmo < 0)[0] # Write out results vr_file_this = f'{args.wdir}{args.vr_name}_{isnap:04d}.hdf5' vr_file_dmo = f'{args.dmo_dir}{args.vr_name}_{isnap:04d}.hdf5' hd.write_data(vr_file_this, 'MatchInDMO/Haloes', match_in_dmo) hd.write_data(vr_file_this, 'MatchInDMO/MatchFractionInDMO', match_frac_in_dmo) match_frac_in_this_aligned = match_frac_in_this[match_in_dmo] match_frac_in_this_aligned[ind_not_matched] = np.nan hd.write_data(vr_file_this, 'MatchInDMO/MatchFractionInThis', match_frac_in_this_aligned) for iset in ['M200crit', 'Masses', 'MaximumCircularVelocities']: data_dmo = hd.read_data(vr_file_dmo, iset) data_dmo_aligned = data_dmo[match_in_dmo] data_dmo_aligned[ind_not_matched] = np.nan hd.write_data(vr_file_this, f'MatchInDMO/{iset}', data_dmo_aligned)
def convert_sfr(ascii_file, hdf5_file, sim_type='swift', unit_sfr=1.022690e-2): #hdf5_file = '.'.join(ascii_file.split('.')[:-1]) + '.hdf5' stime = time.time() print(f"Reading file '{ascii_file}'...", end='', flush=True) sfrdata = print(f"done (took {(time.time()-stime):.3f} sec.)") if sim_type.lower() == 'swift': aexp = np.array(sfrdata['col3']) zred = np.array(sfrdata['col4']) sfr = np.array(sfrdata['col8']) * unit_sfr else: # Gadget-style SFR log aexp = np.array(sfrdata['col1']) zred = 1 / aexp - 1 sfr = np.array(sfrdata['col3']) hd.write_data(hdf5_file, 'aExp', aexp) hd.write_data(hdf5_file, 'Redshift', zred) hd.write_data(hdf5_file, 'SFR', sfr)
def make_plot(args, vr_data, iplot, isnap, iibh, ibh): """Make one specific plot. Parameters ---------- args : object Configuration parameters read from the arg parser vr_data : dict Relevant VR catalogue data for all BHs to be plotted iplot : int Tuple containing information about the specific plot to make. Content: [x-quant, y-quant, color-quant] isnap : int Snapshot index of this plot; only relevant for output naming. iibh : int, optional BH index of target BH in vr_data. If None (default), no BH is highlighted especially. ibh : int, optional Full BH-ID of target BH (only used for output naming). """ plotloc = (f'{args.wdir}{args.plot_prefix}_{iplot[0]}-{iplot[1]}-' f'{iplot[2]}_BH-{ibh}_snap-{isnap}.png') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5.5, 4.5)) # To enable the HTML link map, we must be able to reconstruct the # location of each point on the plot. This is easier with an explicitly # constructed axes frame ([x_off, y_off, x_width, y_width]) ax = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.67, 0.8]) xr, yr = plot_ranges[iplot[0]], plot_ranges[iplot[1]] ax.set_xlim(xr) ax.set_ylim(yr) ax.set_xlabel(ax_labels[iplot[0]]) ax.set_ylabel(ax_labels[iplot[1]]) vmin, vmax = plot_ranges[iplot[2]] # Extract relevant quantities xquant = get_vrquant(vr_data, iplot[0]) yquant = get_vrquant(vr_data, iplot[1]) cquant = get_vrquant(vr_data, iplot[2]) xquant_plt = np.copy(xquant) yquant_plt = np.copy(yquant) if args.show_median: plot_distribution(xquant, yquant, xrange=xr, uncertainty=True, scatter=False, plot_at_median=True, color='grey', nbins=5, dashed_below=5) for iixbh in range(len(xquant)): # Special treatment for (halo of) to-be-highlighted BH if iixbh == iibh and iibh is not None: s, edgecolor = 50.0, 'red' else: s, edgecolor = 15.0, 'none' marker = 'o' ixquant, iyquant = xquant[iixbh], yquant[iixbh] if ((ixquant < xr[0] or ixquant > xr[1]) and (iyquant < yr[0] or iyquant > yr[1])): continue if ixquant < xr[0]: ixquant = xr[0] + (xr[1] - xr[0]) * 0.02 marker = r'$\mathbf{\leftarrow}$' s *= 3 elif ixquant > xr[1]: ixquant = xr[1] - (xr[1] - xr[0]) * 0.02 marker = r'$\mathbf{\rightarrow}$' s *= 3 if iyquant < yr[0]: iyquant = yr[0] + (yr[1] - yr[0]) * 0.02 marker = r'$\mathbf{\downarrow}$' s *= 3 elif iyquant > yr[1]: iyquant = yr[1] - (yr[1] - yr[0]) * 0.02 marker = r'$\mathbf{\uparrow}$' s *= 3 icquant = np.clip(cquant[iixbh], plot_ranges[iplot[2]][0], plot_ranges[iplot[2]][1]) if ixquant * 0 != 0: continue if iyquant * 0 != 0 and iplot[1] != 'MBH': set_trace() if icquant * 0 != 0: icquant = 'grey' #print(f'x={ixquant}, y={iyquant}, c={icquant}') sc = plt.scatter([ixquant], [iyquant], c=[icquant],, marker=marker, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, s=s, edgecolor=edgecolor, zorder=100) # Feed possible clipping changes back to array, for outputting. xquant_plt[iixbh], yquant_plt[iixbh] = ixquant, iyquant # Colour bar on the right-hand side ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.82, 0.15, 0.04, 0.8]) ax2.set_yticks([]) ax2.set_xticks([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(sc, cax=ax2, orientation='vertical') fig.text(0.99, 0.5, ax_labels[iplot[2]], color='black', rotation=90.0, fontsize=10, ha='right', va='center') plt.savefig(plotloc, dpi=200, transparent=False) plt.close('all') # Final bit: store normalised data points in HDF5 file if ibh is not None: return imx = (xquant_plt - xr[0]) / (xr[1] - xr[0]) imx = imx * 0.67 + 0.15 imy = (yquant_plt - yr[0]) / (yr[1] - yr[0]) imy = (1 - (imy * 0.8 + 0.15)) * (4.5 / 5.5) hd.write_data(args.sim_pointdata_loc, f'S{isnap}/{iplot[0]}-{iplot[1]}/xpt', imx, comment='Normalised x coordinates of points.') hd.write_data(args.sim_pointdata_loc, f'S{isnap}/{iplot[0]}-{iplot[1]}/ypt', imy, comment='Normalised y coordinates of points.')
def process_sim(args, isim, have_full_sim_dir): """Generate the images for one particular simulation.""" if have_full_sim_dir: args.wdir = isim else: args.wdir = xl.get_sim_dir(args.base_dir, isim) # Name of the input BH data catalogue args.catloc = f'{args.wdir}{args.bh_file}' # Find BHs we are intereste in, load data (of internal VR match) select_list = [["Halo_MStar", '>=', args.halo_mstar_range[0]], ["Halo_MStar", '<', args.halo_mstar_range[1]], ["DMO_M200c", '>=', args.halo_m200_range[0]], ["DMO_M200c", '<', args.halo_m200_range[1]]] if not args.include_subdominant_bhs: select_list.append(['Flag_MostMassiveInHalo', '==', 1]) if not args.include_satellites: select_list.append(['HaloTypes', '==', 10]) if args.bh_mass_range is not None: zreds = hd.read_data(args.wdir + args.bh_file, 'Redshifts') best_index = np.argmin(np.abs(zreds - args.bh_selection_redshift)) print(f"Best index for redshift {args.bh_selection_redshift} is " f"{best_index}.") # Subgrid masses are in 10^10 M_sun, so need to adjust selection range select_list.append( ['SubgridMasses', '>=', args.bh_mass_range[0] / 1e10, best_index]) select_list.append( ['SubgridMasses', '<=', args.bh_mass_range[1] / 1e10, best_index]) bh_props_list = ['SubgridMasses', 'Redshifts', 'ParticleIDs'] bh_data, bh_list = xl.lookup_bh_data(args.wdir + args.bh_file, bh_props_list, select_list) if len(bh_list) == 0: print("No BHs selected, aborting.") return args.sim_pointdata_loc = args.wdir + args.plot_prefix + '.hdf5' if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(args.sim_pointdata_loc)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(args.sim_pointdata_loc)) if os.path.isfile(args.sim_pointdata_loc): shutil.move(args.sim_pointdata_loc, args.sim_pointdata_loc + '.old') hd.write_data(args.sim_pointdata_loc, 'BlackHoleBIDs', bh_list, comment='BIDs of all BHs selected for this simulation.') # Go through snapshots for iisnap, isnap in enumerate(args.snapshots): print("") print(f"Processing snapshot {isnap}...") # Need to explicitly connect BHs to VR catalogue from this snap vr_data = xl.connect_to_galaxies( bh_data['ParticleIDs'][bh_list], f'{args.wdir}{args.vr_file}_{isnap:04d}', extra_props=[('ApertureMeasurements/Projection1/30kpc/' 'Stars/HalfMassRadii', 'StellarHalfMassRad'), ('MatchInDMO/M200crit', 'DMO_M200c')]) # Add subgrid mass of BHs themselves ind_bh_cat = np.argmin( np.abs(bh_data['Redshifts'] - vr_data['Redshift'])) print(f"Using BH masses from index {ind_bh_cat}") vr_data['BH_SubgridMasses'] = ( bh_data['SubgridMasses'][bh_list, ind_bh_cat] * 1e10) n_good_m200 = np.count_nonzero(vr_data['DMO_M200c'] * 0 == 0) print(f"Have {n_good_m200} BHs with DMO_M200c, out of " f"{len(bh_list)}.") # Make plots for each BH, and "general" overview plot print("Overview plot") generate_vr_plots(args, vr_data, isnap) if not args.summary_only: for iibh, ibh in enumerate(bh_list): print(f"Make plot for BH-BID {ibh} ({iibh}/{len(bh_list)})") generate_vr_plots(args, vr_data, isnap, iibh, ibh) print("Done!")
def transcribe_data(data_list, vrfile_in, outfile, kind='simple', form='scalar', mixed_source=False): """Transcribe data sets. Parameters ---------- data_list : tuple A list of the transcription keys to process. Each key is a tuple of (VR_name, Out_name, Comment, Conversion_Factor, Type_list). vrfile_in : str The VR file to transcribe data from. outfile : str The output file to store transcribed data in. kind : str The kind of transcription we are doing. Options are - 'main' --> main data transcription - 'profiles' --> transcribe profile data - 'apertures' --> transcribe aperture measurements form : str Form of data elements. Options are - 'scalar' --> simple scalar data quantity - '3darray' --> transcribe 3d array quantities - '3x3matrix' --> transcribe 3x3 matrix quantities mixed_source : bool, optional If True, index 6 specifies the source VR file and 'vrfile' is assumed to be the common base instead. """ for ikey in data_list: if len(ikey) < 5: set_trace() #if len(ikey) > 5 and kind != 'apertures': set_trace() # Deal with possibility of 'None' in Type_list (no type iteration) if ikey[4] is None: types = [None] else: types = ikey[4] # Deal with possibility of mixed-source input if mixed_source: if len(ikey) < 7: print("Need to specify source file in index 6 for " "mixed source transcription!") vrfile = vrfile_in + ikey[6] else: vrfile = vrfile_in if not os.path.isfile(vrfile): print("Could not find input VR file...") set_trace() # Some quantities use capital X/Y/Z in VR... if ikey[0] in [ 'V?c', 'V?cmbp', 'V?cminpot', '?c', '?cmbp', '?cminpot' ]: dimsyms = dimsymbols_cap else: dimsyms = dimsymbols # Iterate over aperture types (only relevant for apertures) if kind == 'apertures': n_proj = 4 ap_list = aperture_list else: n_proj = 1 ap_list = [None] for iap in ap_list: for iproj in range(n_proj): # Some special treatment for apertures if kind == 'apertures': if iproj > 0 and ikey[5] is False: break if iproj == 0: ap_prefix = 'Aperture_' ap_outfix = '/' else: ap_prefix = f'Projected_aperture_{iproj}_' ap_outfix = f'/Projection{iproj}/' else: ap_prefix = '' ap_outfix = '' # Iterate over required types for itype in types: # Construct type specifiers in in- and output if itype is None: typefix_in = '' typefix_out = '' else: typefix_in = type_in[itype] typefix_out = type_out[itype] # Adjust comment if itype is None: comment = ikey[2].replace('#', '') else: comment = ikey[2].replace('#', type_self[itype]) # Construct the full data set names in in- and output vrname = ikey[0] + typefix_in outname = typefix_out + ikey[1] # Deal with names for special cases if kind == 'profiles': outname = f'Profiles/{outname}' elif kind == 'apertures': vrname = f'{ap_prefix}{vrname}_{iap}_kpc' outname = (f'ApertureMeasurements{ap_outfix}{iap}kpc/' f'{outname}') # Transcribe data if args.verbose: print(f"{vrname} --> {outname}") if form == '3darray': outdata = np.zeros( (num_haloes, 3), dtype=np.float32) - 1 # Load individual dimensions' data sets into output for idim in range(3): vrname_dim = vrname.replace('?', dimsyms[idim]) outdata[:, idim] = read_data(vrfile, vrname_dim, require=True) elif form == '3x3matrix': outdata = np.zeros( (num_haloes, 3, 3), dtype=np.float32) - 1 for idim1 in range(3): for idim2 in range(3): vrname_dim = (vrname.replace( '?', dimsyms[idim1]).replace( '*', dimsyms[idim2])) outdata[:, idim1, idim2] = read_data(vrfile, vrname_dim, require=True) else: # Standard case (scalar quantity) outdata = read_data(vrfile, vrname, require=True) if ikey[3] is not None: outdata *= ikey[3] write_data(outfile, outname, outdata, comment=comment)
def write_output_file(output_dict, comment_dict, bpart_ids, bpart_first_outputs, gal_props, args): """Write the completed arrays to an HDF5 file.""" print(f"Writing output file '{args.out_dir + args.out_file}...'") dataset_list = list(output_dict.keys()) hd.write_data(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'ParticleIDs', bpart_ids) hd.write_data(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'FirstIndices', bpart_first_outputs) hd.write_data(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'Redshifts', args.redshifts) hd.write_data(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'Times', args.times) if gal_props is not None: hd.write_data(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'Haloes', gal_props['Haloes'], comment='Index of the velociraptor halo containing each ' f'black hole at redshift {args.vr_zred:.3f}.') hd.write_attribute(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'Haloes', 'VR_Snapshot', args.vr_snap) hd.write_attribute(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'Haloes', 'VR_Redshift', args.vr_zred) hd.write_attribute(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'Haloes', 'VR_ScaleFactor', args.vr_aexp) hd.write_data(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'Halo_MStar', gal_props['MStar'], comment='Stellar mass (< 30kpc) of the halo containing ' f'the black holes at redshift {args.vr_zred:.3f} ' '[M_sun].') hd.write_data(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'Halo_SFR', gal_props['SFR'], comment='Star formation rates (< 30kpc) of the halo ' 'containing the black holes at redshift ' f'{args.vr_zred:.3f} [M_sun/yr].') hd.write_data( args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'Halo_M200c', gal_props['M200c'], comment='Halo virial masses (M200c) of the halo containing ' 'the black holes at redshift {args.vr_zred:.3f} ' '[M_sun].') hd.write_data( args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'HaloTypes', gal_props['HaloTypes'], comment='Types of the haloes containing the black holes at ' 'redshift {args.vr_zred:.3f}. Central haloes have ' 'a value of 10.') hd.write_data( args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'Flag_MostMassiveInHalo', gal_props['flag_most_massive_bh'], comment='1 if this is the most massive black hole in its ' f'halo at redshift {args.vr_zred}, 0 otherwise.') hd.write_data(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'DMO_Haloes', gal_props['DMO_Haloes'], comment='Index of the matched velociraptor halo in the ' 'corresponding DM-only simulation, at redshift ' f'{args.vr_zred} (-1 if no bijective match).') hd.write_data(args.out_dir + args.out_file, 'DMO_M200c', gal_props['DMO_M200crit'], comment='Virial masses (M200c) of the matched halo in ' 'the corresponding DM-only simulation at ' f'redshift {args.vr_zred}.') for dset in dataset_list: hd.write_data(args.out_dir + args.out_file, dset, output_dict[dset], comment=comment_dict[dset]) print("...done!")
def image_snap(isnap): """Main function to image one specified snapshot.""" print(f"Beginning imaging snapshot {isnap}...") stime = time.time() plotloc = (args.rootdir + f'{args.outdir}/image_pt{args.ptype}_{args.imtype}_' f'{args.coda}_') if args.cambhbid is not None: plotloc = plotloc + f'BH-{args.cambhbid}_' if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(plotloc)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(plotloc)) if not args.replot_existing and os.path.isfile( f'{plotloc}{isnap:04d}.png'): print(f"Image {plotloc}{isnap:04d}.png already exists, skipping.") return snapdir = args.rootdir + f'{args.snap_name}_{isnap:04d}.hdf5' mask = sw.mask(snapdir) # Read metadata print("Read metadata...") boxsize = max(mask.metadata.boxsize.value) ut = hd.read_attribute(snapdir, 'Units', 'Unit time in cgs (U_t)')[0] um = hd.read_attribute(snapdir, 'Units', 'Unit mass in cgs (U_M)')[0] time_int = hd.read_attribute(snapdir, 'Header', 'Time')[0] aexp_factor = hd.read_attribute(snapdir, 'Header', 'Scale-factor')[0] zred = hd.read_attribute(snapdir, 'Header', 'Redshift')[0] num_part = hd.read_attribute(snapdir, 'Header', 'NumPart_Total') time_gyr = time_int * ut / (3600 * 24 * 365.24 * 1e9) mdot_factor = (um / 1.989e33) / (ut / (3600 * 24 * 365.24)) # ----------------------- # Snapshot-specific setup # ----------------------- # Camera position camPos = None if vr_halo >= 0: print("Reading camera position from VR catalogue...") vr_file = args.rootdir + f'vr_{isnap:04d}.hdf5' camPos = hd.read_data(vr_file, 'MinimumPotential/Coordinates') elif args.varpos is not None: print("Find camera position...") if len(args.varpos) != 6: print("Need 6 arguments for moving box") set_trace() camPos = np.array([ args.varpos[0] + args.varpos[3] * time_gyr, args.varpos[1] + args.varpos[4] * time_gyr, args.varpos[2] + args.varpos[5] * time_gyr ]) print(camPos) camPos *= aexp_factor elif args.campos is not None: camPos = np.array(args.campos) * aexp_factor elif args.campos_phys is not None: camPos = np.array(args.campos) elif args.cambhid is not None: all_bh_ids = hd.read_data(snapdir, 'PartType5/ParticleIDs') args.cambh = np.nonzero(all_bh_ids == args.cambhid)[0] if len(args.cambh) == 0: print(f"BH ID {args.cambhid} does not exist, skipping.") return if len(args.cambh) != 1: print(f"Could not unambiguously find BH ID '{args.cambhid}'!") set_trace() args.cambh = args.cambh[0] if args.cambh is not None and camPos is None: camPos = hd.read_data(snapdir, 'PartType5/Coordinates', read_index=args.cambh) * aexp_factor args.hsml = hd.read_data( snapdir, 'PartType5/SmoothingLengths', read_index=args.cambh) * aexp_factor * kernel_gamma elif camPos is None: print("Setting camera position to box centre...") camPos = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) * boxsize * aexp_factor # Image size conversion, if necessary if not args.propersize: args.imsize = args.realimsize * aexp_factor args.zsize = args.realzsize * aexp_factor else: args.imsize = args.realimsize args.zsize = args.realzsize max_sel = 1.2 * np.sqrt(3) * max(args.imsize, args.zsize) extent = np.array([-1, 1, -1, 1]) * args.imsize # Set up loading region if max_sel < boxsize * aexp_factor / 2: load_region = np.array( [[camPos[0] - args.imsize * 1.2, camPos[0] + args.imsize * 1.2], [camPos[1] - args.imsize * 1.2, camPos[1] + args.imsize * 1.2], [camPos[2] - args.zsize * 1.2, camPos[2] + args.zsize * 1.2]]) load_region = sw.cosmo_array(load_region / aexp_factor, "Mpc") mask.constrain_spatial(load_region) data = sw.load(snapdir, mask=mask) else: data = sw.load(snapdir) pt_names = ['gas', 'dark_matter', None, None, 'stars', 'black_holes'] datapt = getattr(data, pt_names[args.ptype]) pos = datapt.coordinates.value * aexp_factor # Next bit does periodic wrapping def flip_dim(idim): full_box_phys = boxsize * aexp_factor half_box_phys = boxsize * aexp_factor / 2 if camPos[idim] < min(max_sel, half_box_phys): ind_high = np.nonzero(pos[:, idim] > half_box_phys)[0] pos[ind_high, idim] -= full_box_phys elif camPos[idim] > max(full_box_phys - max_sel, half_box_phys): ind_low = np.nonzero(pos[:, idim] < half_box_phys)[0] pos[ind_low, idim] += full_box_phys for idim in range(3): print(f"Periodic wrapping in dimension {idim}...") flip_dim(idim) rad = np.linalg.norm(pos - camPos[None, :], axis=1) ind_sel = np.nonzero(rad < max_sel)[0] pos = pos[ind_sel, :] # Read BH properties, if they exist if num_part[5] > 0 and not args.nobh: bh_hsml = (hd.read_data(snapdir, 'PartType5/SmoothingLengths') * aexp_factor) bh_pos = hd.read_data(snapdir, 'PartType5/Coordinates') * aexp_factor bh_mass = hd.read_data(snapdir, 'PartType5/SubgridMasses') * 1e10 bh_maccr = (hd.read_data(snapdir, 'PartType5/AccretionRates') * mdot_factor) bh_id = hd.read_data(snapdir, 'PartType5/ParticleIDs') bh_nseed = hd.read_data(snapdir, 'PartType5/CumulativeNumberOfSeeds') bh_ft = hd.read_data(snapdir, 'PartType5/FormationScaleFactors') print(f"Max BH mass: {np.log10(np.max(bh_mass))}") else: bh_mass = None # Dummy value # Read the appropriate 'mass' quantity if args.ptype == 0 and args.imtype == 'sfr': mass = datapt.star_formation_rates[ind_sel] mass.convert_to_units(unyt.Msun / unyt.yr) mass = np.clip(mass.value, 0, None) # Don't care about last SFR aExp else: mass = datapt.masses[ind_sel] mass.convert_to_units(unyt.Msun) mass = mass.value if args.ptype == 0: hsml = (datapt.smoothing_lengths.value[ind_sel] * aexp_factor * kernel_gamma) elif fixedSmoothingLength > 0: hsml = np.zeros(mass.shape[0], dtype=np.float32) + fixedSmoothingLength else: hsml = None if args.imtype == 'temp': quant = datapt.temperatures.value[ind_sel] elif args.imtype == 'diffusion_parameters': quant = datapt.diffusion_parameters.value[ind_sel] else: quant = mass # Read quantities for gri computation if necessary if args.ptype == 4 and args.imtype == 'gri': m_init = datapt.initial_masses.value[ind_sel] * 1e10 # in M_sun z_star = datapt.metal_mass_fractions.value[ind_sel] sft = datapt.birth_scale_factors.value[ind_sel] age_star = (time_gyr - hy.aexp_to_time(sft, time_type='age')) * 1e9 age_star = np.clip(age_star, 0, None) # Avoid rounding issues lum_g = et.imaging.stellar_luminosity(m_init, z_star, age_star, 'g') lum_r = et.imaging.stellar_luminosity(m_init, z_star, age_star, 'r') lum_i = et.imaging.stellar_luminosity(m_init, z_star, age_star, 'i') # --------------------- # Generate actual image # --------------------- xBase = np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float32) yBase = np.copy(xBase) zBase = np.copy(xBase) if args.imtype == 'gri': image_weight_all_g, image_quant, hsml = ir.make_sph_image_new_3d( pos, lum_g, lum_g, hsml, DesNgb=desNGB, imsize=args.numpix, zpix=1, boxsize=args.imsize, CamPos=camPos, CamDir=camDir, ProjectionPlane=projectionPlane, verbose=True, CamAngle=[0, 0, rho], rollMode=0, edge_on=edge_on, treeAllocFac=10, xBase=xBase, yBase=yBase, zBase=zBase, return_hsml=True) image_weight_all_r, image_quant = ir.make_sph_image_new_3d( pos, lum_r, lum_r, hsml, DesNgb=desNGB, imsize=args.numpix, zpix=1, boxsize=args.imsize, CamPos=camPos, CamDir=camDir, ProjectionPlane=projectionPlane, verbose=True, CamAngle=[0, 0, rho], rollMode=0, edge_on=edge_on, treeAllocFac=10, xBase=xBase, yBase=yBase, zBase=zBase, return_hsml=False) image_weight_all_i, image_quant = ir.make_sph_image_new_3d( pos, lum_i, lum_i, hsml, DesNgb=desNGB, imsize=args.numpix, zpix=1, boxsize=args.imsize, CamPos=camPos, CamDir=camDir, ProjectionPlane=projectionPlane, verbose=True, CamAngle=[0, 0, rho], rollMode=0, edge_on=edge_on, treeAllocFac=10, xBase=xBase, yBase=yBase, zBase=zBase, return_hsml=False) map_maas_g = -5 / 2 * np.log10(image_weight_all_g[:, :, 1] + 1e-15) + 5 * np.log10( 180 * 3600 / np.pi) + 25 map_maas_r = -5 / 2 * np.log10(image_weight_all_r[:, :, 1] + 1e-15) + 5 * np.log10( 180 * 3600 / np.pi) + 25 map_maas_i = -5 / 2 * np.log10(image_weight_all_i[:, :, 1] + 1e-15) + 5 * np.log10( 180 * 3600 / np.pi) + 25 else: image_weight_all, image_quant = ir.make_sph_image_new_3d( pos, mass, quant, hsml, DesNgb=desNGB, imsize=args.numpix, zpix=1, boxsize=args.imsize, CamPos=camPos, CamDir=camDir, ProjectionPlane=projectionPlane, verbose=True, CamAngle=[0, 0, rho], rollMode=0, edge_on=edge_on, treeAllocFac=10, xBase=xBase, yBase=yBase, zBase=zBase, zrange=[-args.zsize, args.zsize]) # Extract surface density in M_sun [/yr] / kpc^2 sigma = np.log10(image_weight_all[:, :, 1] + 1e-15) - 6 if args.ptype == 0 and args.imtype in ['temp']: tmap = np.log10(image_quant[:, :, 1]) elif args.ptype == 0 and args.imtype in ['diffusion_parameters']: tmap = image_quant[:, :, 1] # ----------------- # Save image data # ----------------- if save_maps: maploc = plotloc + f'{isnap:04d}.hdf5' if args.imtype == 'gri' and args.ptype == 4: hd.write_data(maploc, 'g_maas', map_maas_g, new=True) hd.write_data(maploc, 'r_maas', map_maas_r) hd.write_data(maploc, 'i_maas', map_maas_i) else: hd.write_data(maploc, 'Sigma', sigma, new=True) if args.ptype == 0 and args.imtype == 'temp': hd.write_data(maploc, 'Temperature', tmap) elif args.ptype == 0 and args.imtype == 'diffusion_parameters': hd.write_data(maploc, 'DiffusionParameters', tmap) hd.write_data(maploc, 'Extent', extent) hd.write_attribute(maploc, 'Header', 'CamPos', camPos) hd.write_attribute(maploc, 'Header', 'ImSize', args.imsize) hd.write_attribute(maploc, 'Header', 'NumPix', args.numpix) hd.write_attribute(maploc, 'Header', 'Redshift', 1 / aexp_factor - 1) hd.write_attribute(maploc, 'Header', 'AExp', aexp_factor) hd.write_attribute(maploc, 'Header', 'Time', time_gyr) if bh_mass is not None: hd.write_data(maploc, 'BH_pos', bh_pos - camPos[None, :], comment='Relative position of BHs') hd.write_data(maploc, 'BH_mass', bh_mass, comment='Subgrid mass of BHs') hd.write_data( maploc, 'BH_maccr', bh_maccr, comment='Instantaneous BH accretion rate in M_sun/yr') hd.write_data(maploc, 'BH_id', bh_id, comment='Particle IDs of BHs') hd.write_data(maploc, 'BH_nseed', bh_nseed, comment='Number of seeds in each BH') hd.write_data(maploc, 'BH_aexp', bh_ft, comment='Formation scale factor of each BH') # ------------- # Plot image... # ------------- if not args.noplot: print("Obtained image, plotting...") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(args.inch, args.inch)) ax = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]) # Option I: we have really few particles. Plot them individually: if pos.shape[0] < 32: plt.scatter(pos[:, 0] - camPos[0], pos[:, 1] - camPos[1], color='white') else: # Main plotting regime # Case A: gri image -- very different from rest if args.ptype == 4 and args.imtype == 'gri': vmin = -args.scale[0] + np.array([-0.5, -0.25, 0.0]) vmax = -args.scale[1] + np.array([-0.5, -0.25, 0.0]) clmap_rgb = np.zeros((args.numpix, args.numpix, 3)) clmap_rgb[:, :, 2] = np.clip( ((-map_maas_g) - vmin[0]) / ((vmax[0] - vmin[0])), 0, 1) clmap_rgb[:, :, 1] = np.clip( ((-map_maas_r) - vmin[1]) / ((vmax[1] - vmin[1])), 0, 1) clmap_rgb[:, :, 0] = np.clip( ((-map_maas_i) - vmin[2]) / ((vmax[2] - vmin[2])), 0, 1) im = plt.imshow(clmap_rgb, extent=extent, aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', alpha=1.0) else: # Establish image scaling if not args.absscale: ind_use = np.nonzero(sigma > 1e-15) vrange = np.percentile(sigma[ind_use], args.scale) else: vrange = args.scale print(f'Sigma range: {vrange[0]:.4f} -- {vrange[1]:.4f}') # Case B: temperature/diffusion parameter image if (args.ptype == 0 and args.imtype in ['temp', 'diffusion_parameters'] and not args.no_double_image): if args.imtype == 'temp': cmap = None elif args.imtype == 'diffusion_parameters': cmap = clmap_rgb = ir.make_double_image( sigma, tmap, percSigma=vrange, absSigma=True, rangeQuant=args.quantrange, cmap=cmap) im = plt.imshow(clmap_rgb, extent=extent, aspect='equal', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', alpha=1.0) else: # Standard sigma images if args.ptype == 0: if args.imtype == 'hi': cmap = elif args.imtype == 'sfr': cmap = elif args.imtype == 'diffusion_parameters': cmap = else: cmap = elif args.ptype == 1: cmap = elif args.ptype == 4: cmap = if args.no_double_image: plotquant = tmap vmin, vmax = args.quantrange[0], args.quantrange[1] else: plotquant = sigma vmin, vmax = vrange[0], vrange[1] im = plt.imshow(plotquant, cmap=cmap, extent=extent, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest', aspect='equal') # Plot BHs if desired: if show_bhs and bh_mass is not None: if args.bh_file is not None: bh_inds = np.loadtxt(args.bh_file, dtype=int) else: bh_inds = np.arange(bh_pos.shape[0]) ind_show = np.nonzero( (np.abs(bh_pos[bh_inds, 0] - camPos[0]) < args.imsize) & (np.abs(bh_pos[bh_inds, 1] - camPos[1]) < args.imsize) & (np.abs(bh_pos[bh_inds, 2] - camPos[2]) < args.zsize) & (bh_ft[bh_inds] >= args.bh_ftrange[0]) & (bh_ft[bh_inds] <= args.bh_ftrange[1]) & (bh_mass[bh_inds] >= 10.0**args.bh_mrange[0]) & (bh_mass[bh_inds] <= 10.0**args.bh_mrange[1]))[0] ind_show = bh_inds[ind_show] if args.bh_quant == 'mass': sorter = np.argsort(bh_mass[ind_show]) sc = plt.scatter(bh_pos[ind_show[sorter], 0] - camPos[0], bh_pos[ind_show[sorter], 1] - camPos[1], marker='o', c=np.log10(bh_mass[ind_show[sorter]]), edgecolor='grey', vmin=5.0, vmax=args.bh_mmax, s=5.0, linewidth=0.2) bticks = np.linspace(5.0, args.bh_mmax, num=6, endpoint=True) blabel = r'log$_{10}$ ($m_\mathrm{BH}$ [M$_\odot$])' elif args.bh_quant == 'formation': sorter = np.argsort(bh_ft[ind_show]) sc = plt.scatter(bh_pos[ind_show[sorter], 0] - camPos[0], bh_pos[ind_show[sorter], 1] - camPos[1], marker='o', c=bh_ft[ind_show[sorter]], edgecolor='grey', vmin=0, vmax=1.0, s=5.0, linewidth=0.2) bticks = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=6, endpoint=True) blabel = 'Formation scale factor' if args.bhind: for ibh in ind_show[sorter]: c = (np.log10(bh_mass[ibh]) - 5.0) / (args.bh_mmax - 5.0)) plt.text(bh_pos[ibh, 0] - camPos[0] + args.imsize / 200, bh_pos[ibh, 1] - camPos[1] + args.imsize / 200, f'{ibh}', color=c, fontsize=4, va='bottom', ha='left') if args.draw_hsml: phi = np.arange(0, 2.01 * np.pi, 0.01) plt.plot(args.hsml * np.cos(phi), args.hsml * np.sin(phi), color='white', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.5) # Add colour bar for BH masses if args.imtype != 'sfr': ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.6, 0.07, 0.35, 0.02]) ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_yticks([]) cbar = plt.colorbar(sc, cax=ax2, orientation='horizontal', ticks=bticks) fig.text(0.775, 0.1, blabel, rotation=0.0, va='bottom', ha='center', color='white', fontsize=8) # Done with main image, some embellishments... plt.text(-0.045 / 0.05 * args.imsize, 0.045 / 0.05 * args.imsize, 'z = {:.3f}'.format(1 / aexp_factor - 1), va='center', ha='left', color='white') plt.text(-0.045 / 0.05 * args.imsize, 0.041 / 0.05 * args.imsize, 't = {:.3f} Gyr'.format(time_gyr), va='center', ha='left', color='white', fontsize=8) plot_bar() # Plot colorbar for SFR if appropriate if args.ptype == 0 and args.imtype == 'sfr': ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.6, 0.07, 0.35, 0.02]) ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_yticks([]) scc = plt.scatter([-1e10], [-1e10], c=[0],, vmin=vrange[0], vmax=vrange[1]) cbar = plt.colorbar(scc, cax=ax2, orientation='horizontal', ticks=np.linspace(np.floor(vrange[0]), np.ceil(vrange[1]), 5, endpoint=True)) fig.text( 0.775, 0.1, r'log$_{10}$ ($\Sigma_\mathrm{SFR}$ [M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-2}$])', rotation=0.0, va='bottom', ha='center', color='white', fontsize=8) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta x$ [pMpc]') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta y$ [pMpc]') ax.set_xlim((-args.imsize, args.imsize)) ax.set_ylim((-args.imsize, args.imsize)) plt.savefig(plotloc + str(isnap).zfill(4) + '.png', dpi=args.numpix / args.inch) plt.close() print(f"Finished snapshot {isnap} in {(time.time() - stime):.2f} sec.") print(f"Image saved in {plotloc}{isnap:04d}.png")
def process_sim(isim, args): """Process one individual simulation""" if isinstance(isim, int): wdirs = glob.glob(f'{args.basedir}/ID{isim}*/') if len(wdirs) != 1: set_trace() wdir = wdirs[0] else: wdir = args.basedir + '/' + isim + '/' print(f"Analysing simulation {wdir}...") bfile = wdir + args.catloc if not os.path.isfile(bfile): print(f"Could not find BH data file for simulation {isim}.") return # Copy out the desired fields for field in args.bh_fields: data = hd.read_data(bfile, field) if data is None: print(f"Could not load data set '{field}'!") set_trace() hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'ID{isim}/{field}', data) # Copy out metadata fields times = hd.read_data(bfile, 'Times') redshifts = hd.read_data(bfile, 'Redshifts') first_indices = hd.read_data(bfile, 'FirstIndices') vr_haloes = hd.read_data(bfile, 'Haloes') vr_halo_mstar = hd.read_data(bfile, 'Halo_MStar') vr_halo_sfr = hd.read_data(bfile, 'Halo_SFR') vr_halo_m200c = hd.read_data(bfile, 'Halo_M200c') vr_halo_types = hd.read_data(bfile, 'HaloTypes') vr_halo_flag = hd.read_data(bfile, 'Flag_MostMassiveInHalo') hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'ID{isim}/Times', times) hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'ID{isim}/Redshifts', redshifts) hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'ID{isim}/FirstIndices', first_indices) if vr_haloes is not None: hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'ID{isim}/Haloes', vr_haloes) hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'ID{isim}/Halo_MStar', vr_halo_mstar) hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'ID{isim}/Halo_SFR', vr_halo_sfr) hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'ID{isim}/Halo_M200c', vr_halo_m200c) hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'ID{isim}/Halo_Types', vr_halo_types) hd.write_data(args.outfile, f'ID{isim}/Halo_FlagMostMassiveBH', vr_halo_flag)