def test_hitsearch_multi(): """ Test hit search routine with multiple signals """ metadata = {'fch1': 6095.214842353016*u.MHz, 'dt': 18.25361108*u.s, 'df': 2.7939677238464355*u.Hz} frame = stg.Frame(fchans=2**12*u.pixel, tchans=32*u.pixel, df=metadata['df'], dt=metadata['dt'], fch1=metadata['fch1']) test_tones = [ {'f_start': frame.get_frequency(index=500), 'drift_rate': 0.50*u.Hz/u.s, 'snr': 100, 'width': 20*u.Hz}, {'f_start': frame.get_frequency(index=800), 'drift_rate': -0.40*u.Hz/u.s, 'snr': 100, 'width': 20*u.Hz}, {'f_start': frame.get_frequency(index=2048), 'drift_rate': 0.00*u.Hz/u.s, 'snr': 20, 'width': 6*u.Hz}, {'f_start': frame.get_frequency(index=3000), 'drift_rate': 0.07*u.Hz/u.s, 'snr': 50, 'width': 3*u.Hz} ] frame.add_noise(x_mean=0, x_std=5, noise_type='gaussian') for tone in test_tones: frame.add_signal(stg.constant_path(f_start=tone['f_start'], drift_rate=tone['drift_rate']), stg.constant_t_profile(level=frame.get_intensity(snr=tone['snr'])), stg.gaussian_f_profile(width=tone['width']), stg.constant_bp_profile(level=1)) frame.save_fil(filename=synthetic_fil) darray = from_fil(synthetic_fil) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) # <============ fig is UNUSED dedopp, md, hits = run_pipeline(, metadata, max_dd=1.0, min_dd=None, threshold=100, n_boxcar=5, merge_boxcar_trials=True) print(hits.sort_values('snr', ascending=False)) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) plt.subplot(1,2,1) imshow_waterfall(, md, 'channel', 'timestep') plt.subplot(1,2,2) imshow_dedopp(dedopp, md, 'channel', 'driftrate') overlay_hits(hits, 'channel', 'driftrate') plt.savefig('docs/figs/test_hitsearch_multi.png')
def test_hitsearch(): """ Test the hit search routines """ n_timesteps = 32 n_chan = 4096 signal_bw = 16 # Create test data metadata = { 'frequency_start': 1000 * u.MHz, 'time_step': 1.0 * u.s, 'frequency_step': 1.0 * u.Hz } frame = stg.Frame(fchans=n_chan * u.pixel, tchans=n_timesteps * u.pixel, df=metadata['frequency_step'], dt=metadata['time_step'], fch1=metadata['frequency_start']) frame.add_noise(x_mean=0, x_std=1, noise_type='gaussian') frame.save_fil(filename=synthetic_fil) darray = from_fil(synthetic_fil) # Add a signal with bandwidth into the data, SNR of 1000 for ii in range(signal_bw):[:, :, n_chan // 2 + ii] = 1000 / signal_bw print("--- Run dedoppler() then hitsearch() ---") dedopp, md = dedoppler(darray, boxcar_size=16, max_dd=1.0) hits0 = hitsearch(dedopp, threshold=1000) print(hits0) # Output should be #driftrate f_start snr driftrate_idx channel_idx boxcar_size #0 0.0 1000.002056 32000.0 32 2056 16 # Note that SNR here is unnormalized, so actually peak value -- as we didn't renormalize h0 = hits0.iloc[0] assert h0['snr'] == 32000.0 assert h0['channel_idx'] == 2056 assert h0['driftrate_idx'] == 32 or h0[ 'driftrate_idx'] == 33 ## Not sure why new algorithm puts centroid to the side? assert len(hits0) == 1 print("--- run_pipeline with w/o merge --- ") hits = run_pipeline(darray, metadata, max_dd=1.0, min_dd=None, threshold=100, n_boxcar=7, merge_boxcar_trials=False) for rid, hit in hits.iterrows(): assert (np.abs(hit['channel_idx'] - 2048) < np.max( (signal_bw, hit['boxcar_size']))) print(hits) print("--- run merge_hits --- ") print(hits.dtypes) merged_hits = merge_hits(hits) assert len(merged_hits == 1) print(merged_hits) print("--- run_pipeline with merge --- ") hits2 = run_pipeline(, metadata, max_dd=1.0, min_dd=None, threshold=100, n_boxcar=7, merge_boxcar_trials=True) hits2 print(hits2) assert hits2.iloc[0]['boxcar_size'] == signal_bw assert len(hits2) == len(merged_hits) == 1 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) imshow_waterfall(darray, xaxis='channel', yaxis='timestep') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) imshow_dedopp(dedopp, xaxis='channel', yaxis='driftrate') plt.savefig(os.path.join(test_fig_dir, 'test_hitsearch.png'))
def test_dedoppler_boxcar(): """ Test that boxcar averaging works as expected """ def generate_drifting_tone(n_chan, n_timesteps, n_drift_per_step, n_beams=1, sigval=10): """ Simple tone generator to generate smeared tones """ bg = np.zeros((n_timesteps, n_beams, n_chan), dtype='float32') for ii in range(0, bg.shape[0]): for nd in range(n_drift_per_step): z = n_drift_per_step * ii + nd bg[ii, :, bg.shape[2] // 2 + z] = sigval / n_drift_per_step return bg def maxhold_dedoppler(data): """ A simple and crappy dedoppler algorithm Finds the top value in each timestep and adds together. This method only works for single channel tones with high SNR """ manual_dd_tot = 0 for ii in range(bg.shape[0]): manual_dd_tot += np.max(bg[ii]) return manual_dd_tot # Drift rate of 2 channels / integration # To simulate channel smearing metadata = { 'frequency_start': 1000 * u.MHz, 'time_step': 1.0 * u.s, 'frequency_step': 1.0 * u.Hz } bg = generate_drifting_tone(n_chan=256, n_timesteps=32, n_drift_per_step=2, sigval=10) print(f"Total power in frame: {np.sum(bg)}") # Compute dedoppler using basic maxhold method maxhold_res = maxhold_dedoppler(bg) print(f"MAXHOLD recovered power: {maxhold_res}") # With boxcar_size = 1 we should recover 160 dedopp, metadata = dedoppler(bg, metadata, boxcar_size=1, max_dd=2.0, return_space='gpu') maxpixel = np.argmax(cp.asnumpy( mdrift, mchan = (maxpixel // 1024, maxpixel % 1024) maxpixel_val = np.max(cp.asnumpy( print(f"dedopp recovered power (boxcar 1): {maxpixel_val}") assert maxpixel_val == maxhold_res # With boxcar_size = 2 we should recover 320 (full amount) metadata = { 'frequency_start': 1000 * u.MHz, 'time_step': 1.0 * u.s, 'frequency_step': 1.0 * u.Hz } bg = generate_drifting_tone(n_chan=256, n_timesteps=32, n_drift_per_step=2, sigval=10) dedopp, metadata = dedoppler(bg, metadata, boxcar_size=2, max_dd=4.0, return_space='cpu') maxpixel = np.argmax(cp.asnumpy( mdrift, mchan = (maxpixel // 1024, maxpixel % 1024) # <----------- UNUSED maxpixel_val = np.max(cp.asnumpy( print(f"dedopp recovered power (boxcar 2): {maxpixel_val}") assert maxpixel_val == np.sum(bg) # plot plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) imshow_waterfall(bg, metadata) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) imshow_dedopp(, metadata, 'channel', 'driftrate') plt.savefig(os.path.join(test_fig_dir, 'test_dedoppler_boxcar.png'))