Пример #1
    def codemod(path):
        """`hypothesis codemod` refactors deprecated or inefficient code.

        It adapts `python -m libcst.tool`, removing many features and config options
        which are rarely relevant for this purpose.  If you need more control, we
        encourage you to use the libcst CLI directly; if not this one is easier.

        PATH is the file(s) or directories of files to format in place, or
        "-" to read from stdin and write to stdout.
            from libcst.codemod import gather_files

            from hypothesis.extra import codemods
        except ImportError:
                "You are missing required dependencies for this option.  Run:\n\n"
                "    python -m pip install --upgrade hypothesis[codemods]\n\n"
                "and try again."

        # Special case for stdin/stdout usage
        if "-" in path:
            if len(path) > 1:
                raise Exception(
                    "Cannot specify multiple paths when reading from stdin!"
            print("Codemodding from stdin", file=sys.stderr)
            return 0

        # Find all the files to refactor, and then codemod them
        files = gather_files(path)
        errors = set()
        if len(files) <= 1:
            errors.add(_refactor(codemods.refactor, *files))
            with Pool() as pool:
                for msg in pool.imap_unordered(
                    partial(_refactor, codemods.refactor), files
        for msg in errors:
            print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
        return 1 if errors else 0
Пример #2
def test_refactor_function_is_idempotent():
    before = ("from hypothesis.strategies import complex_numbers\n\n" +
    after = codemods.refactor(before)
    assert before.replace("None", "min_magnitude=0") == after
    assert codemods.refactor(after) == after