def call_for_statistics(test_function):
    result = [None]

    def callback(statistics):
        result[0] = statistics

    with collector.with_value(callback):
        except Exception:
    assert result[0] is not None
    return result[0]
Пример #2
def pytest_runtest_call(item):
    if not (hasattr(item, 'obj') and is_hypothesis_test(item.obj)):
        store = StoringReporter(item.config)

        def note_statistics(stats):
            gathered_statistics[item.nodeid] = stats

        with collector.with_value(note_statistics):
            with with_reporter(store):
        if store.results:
            item.hypothesis_report_information = list(store.results)
def pytest_runtest_call(item):
    if not (hasattr(item, "obj") and is_hypothesis_test(item.obj)):
        store = StoringReporter(item.config)

        def note_statistics(stats):
            lines = [item.nodeid + ":", ""] + stats.get_description() + [""]
            gathered_statistics[item.nodeid] = lines
            item.hypothesis_statistics = lines

        with collector.with_value(note_statistics):
            with with_reporter(store):
        if store.results:
            item.hypothesis_report_information = list(store.results)
Пример #4
    def pytest_runtest_call(item):
        if not hasattr(item, "obj"):
        elif not is_hypothesis_test(item.obj):
            # If @given was not applied, check whether other hypothesis
            # decorators were applied, and raise an error if they were.
            if getattr(item.obj, "is_hypothesis_strategy_function", False):
                raise InvalidArgument(
                    "%s is a function that returns a Hypothesis strategy, but pytest "
                    "has collected it as a test function.  This is useless as the "
                    "function body will never be executed.  To define a test "
                    "function, use @given instead of @composite." %
                    (item.nodeid, ))
            message = "Using `@%s` on a test without `@given` is completely pointless."
            for name, attribute in [
                ("example", "hypothesis_explicit_examples"),
                ("seed", "_hypothesis_internal_use_seed"),
                ("settings", "_hypothesis_internal_settings_applied"),
                if hasattr(item.obj, attribute):
                    raise InvalidArgument(message % (name, ))
            # Warn about function-scoped fixtures, excluding autouse fixtures because
            # the advice is probably not actionable and the status quo seems OK...
            # See for detail.
            msg = (
                "%s uses the %r fixture, which is reset between function calls but not "
                "between test cases generated by `@given(...)`.  You can change it to "
                "a module- or session-scoped fixture if it is safe to reuse; if not "
                "we recommend using a context manager inside your test function.  See "
                " "
                "for details on fixture scope.")
            argnames = None
            for fx_defs in item._request._fixturemanager.getfixtureinfo(
                    node=item, func=item.function,
                if argnames is None:
                    argnames = frozenset(signature(item.function).parameters)
                for fx in fx_defs:
                    if fx.argname in argnames:
                        active_fx = item._request._get_active_fixturedef(
                        if active_fx.scope == "function":
                            note_deprecation(msg % (item.nodeid, fx.argname),

            if item.get_closest_marker("parametrize") is not None:
                # Give every parametrized test invocation a unique database key
                key = item.nodeid.encode("utf-8")
                item.obj.hypothesis.inner_test._hypothesis_internal_add_digest = key

            store = StoringReporter(item.config)

            def note_statistics(stats):
                stats["nodeid"] = item.nodeid
                item.hypothesis_statistics = describe_statistics(stats)

            with collector.with_value(note_statistics):
                with with_reporter(store):
            if store.results:
                item.hypothesis_report_information = list(store.results)
Пример #5
    def pytest_runtest_call(item):
        if not (hasattr(item, "obj") and "hypothesis" in sys.modules):

        from hypothesis import core
        from hypothesis.internal.detection import is_hypothesis_test

        core.running_under_pytest = True

        if not is_hypothesis_test(item.obj):
            # If @given was not applied, check whether other hypothesis
            # decorators were applied, and raise an error if they were.
            if getattr(item.obj, "is_hypothesis_strategy_function", False):
                from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument

                raise InvalidArgument(
                    f"{item.nodeid} is a function that returns a Hypothesis strategy, "
                    "but pytest has collected it as a test function.  This is useless "
                    "as the function body will never be executed.  To define a test "
                    "function, use @given instead of @composite."
            message = "Using `@%s` on a test without `@given` is completely pointless."
            for name, attribute in [
                ("example", "hypothesis_explicit_examples"),
                ("seed", "_hypothesis_internal_use_seed"),
                ("settings", "_hypothesis_internal_settings_applied"),
                ("reproduce_example", "_hypothesis_internal_use_reproduce_failure"),
                if hasattr(item.obj, attribute):
                    from hypothesis.errors import InvalidArgument

                    raise InvalidArgument(message % (name,))
            from hypothesis import HealthCheck, settings
            from hypothesis.internal.escalation import current_pytest_item
            from hypothesis.internal.healthcheck import fail_health_check
            from hypothesis.reporting import with_reporter
            from hypothesis.statistics import collector, describe_statistics

            # Retrieve the settings for this test from the test object, which
            # is normally a Hypothesis wrapped_test wrapper. If this doesn't
            # work, the test object is probably something weird
            # (e.g a stateful test wrapper), so we skip the function-scoped
            # fixture check.
            settings = getattr(item.obj, "_hypothesis_internal_use_settings", None)

            # Check for suspicious use of function-scoped fixtures, but only
            # if the corresponding health check is not suppressed.
            if (
                settings is not None
                and HealthCheck.function_scoped_fixture
                not in settings.suppress_health_check
                # Warn about function-scoped fixtures, excluding autouse fixtures because
                # the advice is probably not actionable and the status quo seems OK...
                # See for detail.
                argnames = None
                for fx_defs in item._request._fixturemanager.getfixtureinfo(
                    node=item, func=item.function, cls=None
                    if argnames is None:
                        argnames = frozenset(signature(item.function).parameters)
                    for fx in fx_defs:
                        if fx.argname in argnames:
                            active_fx = item._request._get_active_fixturedef(fx.argname)
                            if active_fx.scope == "function":
                                    _FIXTURE_MSG.format(fx.argname, item.nodeid),

            if item.get_closest_marker("parametrize") is not None:
                # Give every parametrized test invocation a unique database key
                key = item.nodeid.encode()
                item.obj.hypothesis.inner_test._hypothesis_internal_add_digest = key

            store = StoringReporter(item.config)

            def note_statistics(stats):
                stats["nodeid"] = item.nodeid
                item.hypothesis_statistics = describe_statistics(stats)

            with collector.with_value(note_statistics):
                with with_reporter(store):
                    with current_pytest_item.with_value(item):
            if store.results:
                item.hypothesis_report_information = list(store.results)
Пример #6
    def pytest_runtest_call(item):
        if not hasattr(item, "obj"):
        elif not is_hypothesis_test(item.obj):
            # If @given was not applied, check whether other hypothesis
            # decorators were applied, and raise an error if they were.
            if getattr(item.obj, "is_hypothesis_strategy_function", False):
                raise InvalidArgument(
                    "%s is a function that returns a Hypothesis strategy, but pytest "
                    "has collected it as a test function.  This is useless as the "
                    "function body will never be executed.  To define a test "
                    "function, use @given instead of @composite." %
                    (item.nodeid, ))
            message = "Using `@%s` on a test without `@given` is completely pointless."
            for name, attribute in [
                ("example", "hypothesis_explicit_examples"),
                ("seed", "_hypothesis_internal_use_seed"),
                ("settings", "_hypothesis_internal_settings_applied"),
                if hasattr(item.obj, attribute):
                    raise InvalidArgument(message % (name, ))
            # Warn about function-scoped fixtures, excluding autouse fixtures because
            # the advice is probably not actionable and the status quo seems OK...
            # See for detail.
            argnames = None
            for fx_defs in item._request._fixturemanager.getfixtureinfo(
                    node=item, func=item.function,
                if argnames is None:
                    argnames = frozenset(signature(item.function).parameters)
                for fx in fx_defs:
                    if fx.scope == "function" and fx.argname in argnames:
                            "%s uses the %r fixture, but function-scoped fixtures "
                            "should not be used with @given(...) tests, because "
                            "fixtures are not reset between generated examples!"
                            % (item.nodeid, fx.argname),

            if item.get_closest_marker("parametrize") is not None:
                # Give every parametrized test invocation a unique database key
                key = item.nodeid.encode("utf-8")
                item.obj.hypothesis.inner_test._hypothesis_internal_add_digest = key

            store = StoringReporter(item.config)

            def note_statistics(stats):
                lines = [item.nodeid + ":", ""
                         ] + stats.get_description() + [""]
                item.hypothesis_statistics = lines

            with collector.with_value(note_statistics):
                with with_reporter(store):
            if store.results:
                item.hypothesis_report_information = list(store.results)
Пример #7
    def pytest_runtest_call(item):
        if not hasattr(item, "obj"):
        elif not is_hypothesis_test(item.obj):
            # If @given was not applied, check whether other hypothesis
            # decorators were applied, and raise an error if they were.
            if getattr(item.obj, "is_hypothesis_strategy_function", False):
                raise InvalidArgument(
                    f"{item.nodeid} is a function that returns a Hypothesis strategy, "
                    "but pytest has collected it as a test function.  This is useless "
                    "as the function body will never be executed.  To define a test "
                    "function, use @given instead of @composite.")
            message = "Using `@%s` on a test without `@given` is completely pointless."
            for name, attribute in [
                ("example", "hypothesis_explicit_examples"),
                ("seed", "_hypothesis_internal_use_seed"),
                ("settings", "_hypothesis_internal_settings_applied"),
                if hasattr(item.obj, attribute):
                    raise InvalidArgument(message % (name, ))
            # Retrieve the settings for this test from the test object, which
            # is normally a Hypothesis wrapped_test wrapper. If this doesn't
            # work, the test object is probably something weird
            # (e.g a stateful test wrapper), so we skip the function-scoped
            # fixture check.
            settings = getattr(item.obj, "_hypothesis_internal_use_settings",

            # Check for suspicious use of function-scoped fixtures, but only
            # if the corresponding health check is not suppressed.
            if (settings is not None and HealthCheck.function_scoped_fixture
                    not in settings.suppress_health_check):
                # Warn about function-scoped fixtures, excluding autouse fixtures because
                # the advice is probably not actionable and the status quo seems OK...
                # See for detail.
                msg = (
                    "%s uses the %r fixture, which is reset between function calls but not "
                    "between test cases generated by `@given(...)`.  You can change it to "
                    "a module- or session-scoped fixture if it is safe to reuse; if not "
                    "we recommend using a context manager inside your test function.  See "
                    "#scope-sharing-fixtures-across-classes-modules-packages-or-session "
                    "for details on fixture scope.")
                argnames = None
                for fx_defs in item._request._fixturemanager.getfixtureinfo(
                        node=item, func=item.function,
                    if argnames is None:
                        argnames = frozenset(
                    for fx in fx_defs:
                        if fx.argname in argnames:
                            active_fx = item._request._get_active_fixturedef(
                            if active_fx.scope == "function":
                                    msg % (item.nodeid, fx.argname),

            if item.get_closest_marker("parametrize") is not None:
                # Give every parametrized test invocation a unique database key
                key = item.nodeid.encode()
                item.obj.hypothesis.inner_test._hypothesis_internal_add_digest = key

            store = StoringReporter(item.config)

            def note_statistics(stats):
                stats["nodeid"] = item.nodeid
                item.hypothesis_statistics = base64.b64encode(

            with collector.with_value(note_statistics):
                with with_reporter(store):
            if store.results:
                item.hypothesis_report_information = list(store.results)