Пример #1
 def do_draw(self, data):
     # 1 - Select a valid top-level domain (TLD) name
     # 2 - Check that the number of characters in our selected TLD won't
     # prevent us from generating at least a 1 character subdomain.
     # 3 - Randomize the TLD between upper and lower case characters.
     domain = data.draw(
         st.sampled_from(TOP_LEVEL_DOMAINS).filter(lambda tld: len(
             tld) + 2 <= self.max_length).flatmap(lambda tld: st.tuples(
                 *[st.sampled_from([c.lower(), c.upper()])
                   for c in tld]).map(u"".join)))
     # The maximum possible number of subdomains is 126,
     # 1 character subdomain + 1 '.' character, * 126 = 252,
     # with a max of 255, that leaves 3 characters for a TLD.
     # Allowing any more subdomains would not leave enough
     # characters for even the shortest possible TLDs.
     elements = cu.many(data, min_size=1, average_size=1, max_size=126)
     while elements.more():
         # Generate a new valid subdomain using the regex strategy.
         sub_domain = data.draw(
             st.from_regex(self.label_regex, fullmatch=True))
         if len(domain) + len(sub_domain) >= self.max_length:
         domain = sub_domain + "." + domain
     return domain
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, grammar, start, explicit):
        assert isinstance(grammar, lark.lark.Lark)
        if start is None:
            start = grammar.options.start
        if not isinstance(start, list):
            start = [start]
        self.grammar = grammar

        if "start" in getfullargspec(grammar.grammar.compile).args:
            terminals, rules, ignore_names = grammar.grammar.compile(start)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            # This branch is to support lark <= 0.7.1, without the start argument.
            terminals, rules, ignore_names = grammar.grammar.compile()

        self.names_to_symbols = {}

        for r in rules:
            t = r.origin
            self.names_to_symbols[t.name] = t

        for t in terminals:
            self.names_to_symbols[t.name] = Terminal(t.name)

        self.start = st.sampled_from([self.names_to_symbols[s] for s in start])

        self.ignored_symbols = tuple(self.names_to_symbols[n]
                                     for n in ignore_names)

        self.terminal_strategies = {
            t.name: st.from_regex(t.pattern.to_regexp(), fullmatch=True)
            for t in terminals
        unknown_explicit = set(explicit) - get_terminal_names(
            terminals, rules, ignore_names)
        if unknown_explicit:
            raise InvalidArgument(
                "The following arguments were passed as explicit_strategies, "
                "but there is no such terminal production in this grammar: %r"
                % (sorted(unknown_explicit), ))

        nonterminals = {}

        for rule in rules:

        for v in nonterminals.values():

        self.nonterminal_strategies = {
            k: st.sampled_from(v)
            for k, v in nonterminals.items()

        self.__rule_labels = {}
Пример #3
def ip_addresses(
    v: int = None,
    network: Union[str, IPv4Network, IPv6Network] = None
) -> SearchStrategy[Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]]:
    r"""Generate IP addresses - ``v=4`` for :class:`~python:ipaddress.IPv4Address`\ es,
    ``v=6`` for :class:`~python:ipaddress.IPv6Address`\ es, or leave unspecified
    to allow both versions.

    ``network`` may be an :class:`~python:ipaddress.IPv4Network` or
    :class:`~python:ipaddress.IPv6Network`, or a string representing a network such as
    ``""`` or ``"2001:db8::/32"``.  As well as generating addresses within
    a particular routable network, this can be used to generate addresses from a
    reserved range listed in the
    `IANA <https://www.iana.org/assignments/iana-ipv4-special-registry/>`__
    `registries <https://www.iana.org/assignments/iana-ipv6-special-registry/>`__.

    If you pass both ``v`` and ``network``, they must be for the same version.
    if v is not None:
        check_type(int, v, "v")
        if v != 4 and v != 6:
            raise InvalidArgument("v=%r, but only v=4 or v=6 are valid" %
                                  (v, ))
    if network is None:
        # We use the reserved-address registries to boost the chance
        # of generating one of the various special types of address.
        four = binary(
            4, 4).map(IPv4Address) | sampled_from(SPECIAL_IPv4_RANGES).flatmap(
                lambda network: ip_addresses(network=network))
        six = binary(
            16).map(IPv6Address) | sampled_from(SPECIAL_IPv6_RANGES).flatmap(
                lambda network: ip_addresses(network=network))
        if v == 4:
            return four
        if v == 6:
            return six
        return four | six
    if isinstance(network, str):
        network = ip_network(network)
    check_type((IPv4Network, IPv6Network), network, "network")
    assert isinstance(network, (IPv4Network, IPv6Network))  # for Mypy
    if v not in (None, network.version):
        raise InvalidArgument("v=%r is incompatible with network=%r" %
                              (v, network))
    addr_type = IPv4Address if network.version == 4 else IPv6Address
    return integers(int(network[0]),
                    int(network[-1])).map(addr_type)  # type: ignore
Пример #4
def test_renaming(cl_and_vals, data):
    converter = Converter()
    cl, vals = cl_and_vals
    attrs = fields(cl)

    to_replace = data.draw(sampled_from(attrs))

    u_fn = make_dict_unstructure_fn(
        cl, converter, **{to_replace.name: override(rename="class")}
    s_fn = make_dict_structure_fn(
        cl, converter, **{to_replace.name: override(rename="class")}

    converter.register_structure_hook(cl, s_fn)
    converter.register_unstructure_hook(cl, u_fn)

    inst = cl(*vals)

    raw = converter.unstructure(inst)

    assert "class" in raw

    new_inst = converter.structure(raw, cl)

    assert inst == new_inst
Пример #5
def urls() -> SearchStrategy[str]:
    """A strategy for :rfc:`3986`, generating http/https URLs."""
    def url_encode(s):
        return "".join(c if c in URL_SAFE_CHARACTERS else "%%%02X" % ord(c)
                       for c in s)

    schemes = st.sampled_from(["http", "https"])
    ports = st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2**16 - 1).map(":{}".format)
    paths = st.lists(st.text(string.printable).map(url_encode)).map("/".join)

    return st.builds("{}://{}{}/{}".format, schemes, domains(),
                     st.just("") | ports, paths)
Пример #6
def timezones() -> st.SearchStrategy[dt.tzinfo]:
    """Any timezone in the Olsen database, as a pytz tzinfo object.

    This strategy minimises to UTC, or the smallest possible fixed
    offset, and is designed for use with
    all_timezones = [pytz.timezone(tz) for tz in pytz.all_timezones]
    # Some timezones have always had a constant offset from UTC.  This makes
    # them simpler than timezones with daylight savings, and the smaller the
    # absolute offset the simpler they are.  Of course, UTC is even simpler!
    static = [pytz.UTC]  # type: list
    static += sorted(
        (t for t in all_timezones if isinstance(t, StaticTzInfo)),
        key=lambda tz: abs(tz.utcoffset(dt.datetime(2000, 1, 1))),
    # Timezones which have changed UTC offset; best ordered by name.
    dynamic = [tz for tz in all_timezones if tz not in static]
    return st.sampled_from(static + dynamic)
Пример #7
def timezones() -> st.SearchStrategy[dt.tzinfo]:
    """Any timezone from :pypi:`dateutil <python-dateutil>`.

    This strategy minimises to UTC, or the timezone with the smallest offset
    from UTC as of 2000-01-01, and is designed for use with

    Note that the timezones generated by the strategy may vary depending on the
    configuration of your machine. See the dateutil documentation for more
    all_timezones = sorted(
        (tz.gettz(t) for t in zoneinfo.get_zonefile_instance().zones),
    all_timezones.insert(0, tz.UTC)
    # We discard Nones in the list comprehension because Mypy knows that
    # tz.gettz may return None.  However this should never happen for known
    # zone names, so we assert that it's impossible first.
    assert None not in all_timezones
    return st.sampled_from([z for z in all_timezones if z is not None])
Пример #8
    def _hypothesis_do_random(self, method, kwargs):
        if method == "choices":
            key = (method, len(kwargs["population"]), kwargs.get("k"))
        elif method == "choice":
            key = (method, len(kwargs["seq"]))
        elif method == "shuffle":
            key = (method, len(kwargs["x"]))
            key = (method, ) + tuple(sorted(kwargs))

            result, self.__state = self.__state.next_states[key]
        except KeyError:
            return self.__convert_result(method, kwargs, result)

        if method == "_randbelow":
            result = cu.integer_range(self.__data, 0, kwargs["n"] - 1)
        elif method in ("betavariate", "random"):
            result = self.__data.draw(UNIFORM)
        elif method == "uniform":
            a = normalize_zero(kwargs["a"])
            b = normalize_zero(kwargs["b"])
            result = self.__data.draw(st.floats(a, b))
        elif method in ("weibullvariate", "gammavariate"):
            result = self.__data.draw(
                st.floats(min_value=0.0, allow_infinity=False))
        elif method in ("gauss", "normalvariate"):
            mu = kwargs["mu"]
            result = mu + self.__data.draw(
                st.floats(allow_nan=False, allow_infinity=False))
        elif method == "vonmisesvariate":
            result = self.__data.draw(st.floats(0, 2 * math.pi))
        elif method == "randrange":
            if kwargs["stop"] is None:
                stop = kwargs["start"]
                start = 0
                start = kwargs["start"]
                stop = kwargs["stop"]

            step = kwargs["step"]
            if start == stop:
                raise ValueError("empty range for randrange(%d, %d, %d)" %
                                 (start, stop, step))

            if step != 1:
                endpoint = (stop - start) // step
                if (start - stop) % step == 0:
                    endpoint -= 1

                i = cu.integer_range(self.__data, 0, endpoint)
                result = start + i * step
                result = cu.integer_range(self.__data, start, stop - 1)
        elif method == "randint":
            result = cu.integer_range(self.__data, kwargs["a"], kwargs["b"])
        elif method == "choice":
            seq = kwargs["seq"]
            result = cu.integer_range(self.__data, 0, len(seq) - 1)
        elif method == "choices":
            k = kwargs["k"]
            result = self.__data.draw(
                                len(kwargs["population"]) - 1),
        elif method == "sample":
            k = kwargs["k"]
            seq = kwargs["population"]

            if k > len(seq) or k < 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Sample size %d not in expected range 0 <= k <= %d" %
                    (k, len(seq)))

            result = self.__data.draw(

        elif method == "getrandbits":
            result = self.__data.draw_bits(kwargs["n"])
        elif method == "triangular":
            low = normalize_zero(kwargs["low"])
            high = normalize_zero(kwargs["high"])
            mode = normalize_zero(kwargs["mode"])
            if mode is None:
                result = self.__data.draw(st.floats(low, high))
            elif self.__data.draw_bits(1):
                result = self.__data.draw(st.floats(mode, high))
                result = self.__data.draw(st.floats(low, mode))
        elif method in ("paretovariate", "expovariate", "lognormvariate"):
            result = self.__data.draw(st.floats(min_value=0.0))
        elif method == "shuffle":
            result = self.__data.draw(st.permutations(range(len(kwargs["x"]))))
        # This is tested for but only appears in 3.9 so doesn't appear in coverage.
        elif method == "randbytes":  # pragma: no cover
            n = kwargs["n"]
            result = self.__data.draw(st.binary(min_size=n, max_size=n))
            raise NotImplementedError(method)

        new_state = RandomState()
        self.__state.next_states[key] = (result, new_state)
        self.__state = new_state

        return self.__convert_result(method, kwargs, result)
Пример #9
 def gen_ignore(self, data, draw_state):
     if self.ignored_symbols and data.draw_bits(2) == 3:
         emit = data.draw(st.sampled_from(self.ignored_symbols))
         self.draw_symbol(data, emit, draw_state)
Пример #10
 def sample_with_prefixes(zone):
     keys_with_prefixes = (zone, f"posix/{zone}", f"right/{zone}")
     return sampled_from(
         [key for key in keys_with_prefixes if valid_key(key)])
Пример #11
def timezone_keys(
    # allow_alias: bool = True,
    # allow_deprecated: bool = True,
    allow_prefix: bool = True,
) -> SearchStrategy[str]:
    """A strategy for :wikipedia:`IANA timezone names <List_of_tz_database_time_zones>`.

    As well as timezone names like ``"UTC"``, ``"Australia/Sydney"``, or
    ``"America/New_York"``, this strategy can generate:

    - Aliases such as ``"Antarctica/McMurdo"``, which links to ``"Pacific/Auckland"``.
    - Deprecated names such as ``"Antarctica/South_Pole"``, which *also* links to
      ``"Pacific/Auckland"``.  Note that most but
      not all deprecated timezone names are also aliases.
    - Timezone names with the ``"posix/"`` or ``"right/"`` prefixes, unless

    These strings are provided separately from Tzinfo objects - such as ZoneInfo
    instances from the timezones() strategy - to facilitate testing of timezone
    logic without needing workarounds to access non-canonical names.

    .. note::

        The :mod:`python:zoneinfo` module is new in Python 3.9, so you will need
        to install the :pypi:`backports.zoneinfo` module on earlier versions, and
        the :pypi:`importlib_resources` backport on Python 3.6.

        ``pip install hypothesis[zoneinfo]`` will install these conditional
        dependencies if and only if they are needed.

    On Windows, you may need to access IANA timezone data via the :pypi:`tzdata`
    package.  For non-IANA timezones, such as Windows-native names or GNU TZ
    strings, we recommend using :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.sampled_from` with
    the :pypi:`dateutil` package, e.g. :meth:`dateutil:dateutil.tz.tzwin.list`.
    # check_type(bool, allow_alias, "allow_alias")
    # check_type(bool, allow_deprecated, "allow_deprecated")
    check_type(bool, allow_prefix, "allow_prefix")
    if zoneinfo is None:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ModuleNotFoundError(
            "The zoneinfo module is required, but could not be imported.  "
            "Run `pip install hypothesis[zoneinfo]` and try again.")

    available_timezones = ("UTC", ) + tuple(

    # TODO: filter out alias and deprecated names if disallowed

    # When prefixes are allowed, we first choose a key and then flatmap to get our
    # choice with one of the available prefixes.  That in turn means that we need
    # some logic to determine which prefixes are available for a given key:

    def valid_key(key):
        return key == "UTC" or _valid_key_cacheable(zoneinfo.TZPATH, key)

    # TODO: work out how to place a higher priority on "weird" timezones
    # For details see https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis/issues/2414
    strategy = sampled_from(
        [key for key in available_timezones if valid_key(key)])

    if not allow_prefix:
        return strategy

    def sample_with_prefixes(zone):
        keys_with_prefixes = (zone, f"posix/{zone}", f"right/{zone}")
        return sampled_from(
            [key for key in keys_with_prefixes if valid_key(key)])

    return strategy.flatmap(sample_with_prefixes)
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, grammar, start, explicit):
        assert isinstance(grammar, lark.lark.Lark)
        if start is None:
            start = grammar.options.start
        if not isinstance(start, list):
            start = [start]
        self.grammar = grammar

        # This is a total hack, but working around the changes is a nicer user
        # experience than breaking for anyone who doesn't instantly update their
        # installation of Lark alongside Hypothesis.
        compile_args = getfullargspec(grammar.grammar.compile).args
        if "terminals_to_keep" in compile_args:
            terminals, rules, ignore_names = grammar.grammar.compile(start, ())
        elif "start" in compile_args:  # pragma: no cover
            # Support lark <= 0.10.0, without the terminals_to_keep argument.
            terminals, rules, ignore_names = grammar.grammar.compile(start)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            # This branch is to support lark <= 0.7.1, without the start argument.
            terminals, rules, ignore_names = grammar.grammar.compile()

        self.names_to_symbols = {}

        for r in rules:
            t = r.origin
            self.names_to_symbols[t.name] = t

        for t in terminals:
            self.names_to_symbols[t.name] = Terminal(t.name)

        self.start = st.sampled_from([self.names_to_symbols[s] for s in start])

        self.ignored_symbols = tuple(self.names_to_symbols[n] for n in ignore_names)

        self.terminal_strategies = {
            t.name: st.from_regex(t.pattern.to_regexp(), fullmatch=True)
            for t in terminals
        unknown_explicit = set(explicit) - get_terminal_names(
            terminals, rules, ignore_names
        if unknown_explicit:
            raise InvalidArgument(
                "The following arguments were passed as explicit_strategies, "
                "but there is no such terminal production in this grammar: "
                + repr(sorted(unknown_explicit))

        nonterminals = {}

        for rule in rules:
            nonterminals.setdefault(rule.origin.name, []).append(tuple(rule.expansion))

        for v in nonterminals.values():

        self.nonterminal_strategies = {
            k: st.sampled_from(v) for k, v in nonterminals.items()

        self.__rule_labels = {}
Пример #13
def test_Chain_bg(chain: Chain):

    updated = chain.bg
    assert updated._background

def test_Chain_fg(chain: Chain):

    updated = chain.fg
    assert updated._background == False

@given(chain(), sampled_from(Style))
def test_Chain_applies_Style(chain: Chain, style: Style):
    updated = chain._handle_style(style)
    assert style in updated.chalk.style

@given(chain(), one_of(sampled_from(Color), true_color()), booleans())
def test_Chain_applies_Color(chain: Chain, color: Color_T, background: bool):
    if background:

    updated = chain._handle_color(color)

    if background: