Пример #1
def minitest_select(rans,
    """Mini-unit test for select (Python and I2P sockets).
     Calls f1() on socket S1, f4() on socket S4, uses select()
     timeout 'timeout'.  rans, wans, and eans should be lists
     containing indexes 1...6 of the sockets defined below.  The
     result of i2p.select.select() will be verified against these
     lists.  After this, calls c1() on S1, and c4() on S4."""
    S1 = pysocket.socket(pysocket.AF_INET, pysocket.SOCK_STREAM)
    S2 = pysocket.socket(pysocket.AF_INET, pysocket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    S3 = pysocket.socket(pysocket.AF_INET, pysocket.SOCK_RAW)

    kw = {'in_depth': 0, 'out_depth': 0}
    S4 = socket.socket('Fella', socket.SOCK_STREAM, **kw)
    S5 = socket.socket('Boar', socket.SOCK_DGRAM, **kw)
    S6 = socket.socket('Gehka', socket.SOCK_RAW, **kw)

    if f1: f1(S1)
    if f4: f4(S4)

    L = [S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6]

    start = time.time()
    ans = select.select(L, L, L, timeout)
    ans1 = select.select(L, [], [], timeout)
    ans2 = select.select([], L, [], timeout)
    ans3 = select.select([], [], L, timeout)
    end = time.time()
    T = end - start

    ans = [[L.index(x) + 1 for x in ans[i]] for i in range(3)]
    ans1 = [[L.index(x) + 1 for x in ans1[i]] for i in range(3)]
    ans2 = [[L.index(x) + 1 for x in ans2[i]] for i in range(3)]
    ans3 = [[L.index(x) + 1 for x in ans3[i]] for i in range(3)]

    assert ans1[0] == rans
    assert ans2[1] == wans
    assert ans3[2] == eans
    assert ans == [rans, wans, eans]
    assert T < 4 * timeout + 0.1

    if c1: c1(S1)
    if c4: c4(S4)
Пример #2
  def client_func():
    # FIXME: i2p.socket.NetworkError('TIMEOUT', '') errors are produced
    # for our streams if we use '' for all clients.  Why?
    C = socket.socket('Bobb', socket.SOCK_STREAM, **kwargs)
    except socket.BlockError:
      # One could also use timeout=0.1 and loop
      (Rlist, Wlist, Elist) = select.select([C], [C], [C])
      if len(Elist) > 0:
        assert Elist[0] == C
        raise Elist[0].sessobj.err
    rmsg = C.recv(len(msg_to_client), socket.MSG_WAITALL)
    if rmsg != msg_to_client:
      raise ValueError('message should have been: ' +
        repr(msg_to_client) + ' was: ' + repr(rmsg))
    global client_count, client_lock

    # Synchronized
    try: client_count += 1
    finally: client_lock.release()
Пример #3
def minitest_select(rans, wans, eans, timeout,
                    f1=None, f4=None, c1=None, c4=None):
  """Mini-unit test for select (Python and I2P sockets).
     Calls f1() on socket S1, f4() on socket S4, uses select()
     timeout 'timeout'.  rans, wans, and eans should be lists
     containing indexes 1...6 of the sockets defined below.  The
     result of i2p.select.select() will be verified against these
     lists.  After this, calls c1() on S1, and c4() on S4."""
  S1 = pysocket.socket(pysocket.AF_INET, pysocket.SOCK_STREAM)
  S2 = pysocket.socket(pysocket.AF_INET, pysocket.SOCK_DGRAM)
  S3 = pysocket.socket(pysocket.AF_INET, pysocket.SOCK_RAW)

  kw = {'in_depth':0, 'out_depth':0}
  S4 = socket.socket('Fella', socket.SOCK_STREAM, **kw)
  S5 = socket.socket('Boar',  socket.SOCK_DGRAM,  **kw)
  S6 = socket.socket('Gehka', socket.SOCK_RAW,    **kw)

  if f1: f1(S1)
  if f4: f4(S4)

  L = [S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6]

  start = time.time()
  ans  = select.select(L,  L,  L,  timeout)
  ans1 = select.select(L,  [], [], timeout)
  ans2 = select.select([], L,  [], timeout)
  ans3 = select.select([], [], L,  timeout)
  end = time.time()
  T = end - start

  ans  = [[L.index(x) + 1 for x in ans [i]] for i in range(3)]
  ans1 = [[L.index(x) + 1 for x in ans1[i]] for i in range(3)]
  ans2 = [[L.index(x) + 1 for x in ans2[i]] for i in range(3)]
  ans3 = [[L.index(x) + 1 for x in ans3[i]] for i in range(3)]

  assert ans1[0] == rans
  assert ans2[1] == wans
  assert ans3[2] == eans
  assert ans  == [rans, wans, eans]
  assert T < 4 * timeout + 0.1

  if c1: c1(S1)
  if c4: c4(S4)