Пример #1
def update_global_path_by_dist(env: Env):
    def is_close(x: float, y: float) -> bool:
        xe, ye = env.state[:2]
        return (x - xe) ** 2 + (y - ye) ** 2 <= 6 ** 2

    i = 0
    while not is_close(*env.path[i]):
        # print('Passed a point in global path.')
        i += 1
        if i + 10 > len(env.path):
            print("ERROR: No point in global path is close enough")
    print(f"Skipped {i} points in global path, remaining {len(env.path) - i}")
    env.path = env.path[i:, :]
Пример #2
def update_global_path(env: Env):
    def line_behind_vehicle(x: float, y: float) -> float:
        p: state_t = env.state
        # yaw = p[2]
        p0, p1 = env.path[0:2]
        yaw = np.arctan2(p1[1] - p0[1], p1[0] - p0[0])
        return (x - p[0]) * np.cos(yaw) + (y - p[1]) * np.sin(yaw)

    def is_behind(x: float, y: float) -> bool:
        return line_behind_vehicle(x, y) < 0

    while is_behind(*env.path[0]):
        print('Passed a point in global path.')
        env.path = env.path[1:, :]
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, env: Env, path_length: int):
        # # For Timing
        # global times
        # times.clear()
        # self.print_times = True

        self._env = env
        self._params: CollisionParams = env.collision_params
        self._path_length = path_length

        self.other_vehicle_states = np.zeros(
            (len(env.other_vehicle_states), 4))
        if len(env.other_vehicle_states) != 0:
            stacked = np.stack(env.other_vehicle_states, axis=0)
            self.other_vehicle_states[:, :2] = env.shift_to_global(
                stacked[:, :2])
            self.other_vehicle_states[:, 2] = stacked[:, 2] + env.state[2]
            self.other_vehicle_states[:, 3] = stacked[:, 3]

        self._other_vehicle_paths = np.zeros(
            (len(self.other_vehicle_states), 3, path_length), dtype=float)
        self._time_steps = np.zeros((path_length, ))
Пример #4
def main(args: Optional[List[str]] = None):
    env: Env = Env()
    info: Callable[[str], None] = _logger.info
    env.info = info

    EGO: int = 1
    if args is not None and len(args) >= 2:
        EGO = int(args[1])
    print(f"Using ego {EGO}")

    if args is not None and len(args) >= 3 and args[2].strip() == '--no-plot':
        env.plot_paths = False

    info("Starting up...")

    np_path = env.global_path_handler.global_path.to_numpy()[:, :2]  # Take only (x, y) from path.
    env.path = np.vstack([np_path] * 6 + [np_path[:20, :]])  # Repeat for 6 laps

    info(f"Loaded path from {GLOBAL_PATH_CSV_FILE} of length {len(env.path)}")

        with rti.open_connector(config_name="SCADE_DS_Controller::Controller",
                                url=get_xml_url(EGO)) as connector:
            info('Opened RTI Connector')

            # Readers
            class Inputs:
                sim_wait: Input = connector.get_input("simWaitSub::simWaitReader")
                vehicle_state: Input = connector.get_input("vehicleStateOutSub::vehicleStateOutReader")
                track_polys: Input = connector.get_input("camRoadLinesF1Sub::camRoadLinesF1Reader")
                other_vehicle_states: Input = connector.get_input("radarFSub::radarFReader")

                def list(self) -> Iterable[Input]:
                    return [self.sim_wait, self.vehicle_state, self.track_polys, self.other_vehicle_states]

            inputs = Inputs()

            # Writers
            vehicle_correct = connector.getOutput("toVehicleModelCorrectivePub::toVehicleModelCorrectiveWriter")
            vehicle_steer = connector.getOutput("toVehicleSteeringPub::toVehicleSteeringWriter")
            sim_done = connector.getOutput("toSimDonePub::toSimDoneWriter")


            controller = Controller()

            while True:
                load_rti(env, inputs)
                # info('Got RTI inputs')
                t_start = time.time()
                # Remove passed points
                # Note fails if robot and path have very different orientations, check for that
                use_global = False  # for plotting only

                # ~ 3300 ms
                trajectory = run(env)
                if trajectory is None:
                    info("Warning: Could not get trajectory, falling back to global path.")
                    trajectory = env.path[:31, :], generate_velocity_profile(env, env.path[:32, :])
                    use_global = True

                # ~ 30 ms
                throttle, steer = controller.run_controller_timestep(env, trajectory)
                if use_global:  # Emergency braking
                    throttle = 0.1

                t_logic = time.time()
                print(f"time: {(t_logic - t_start):.3f}")

                if env.plot_paths:  # ~ 200ms
                    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                    plt.title(f"EGO {EGO}")
                    plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
                    plt.xlim((env.state[0] - 75, env.state[0] + 75))
                    plt.ylim((env.state[1] - 75, env.state[1] + 75))

                    from iac_planner.collision_check import CollisionChecker
                    cc = CollisionChecker(env, 20, time_step=0.5)

                    if len(cc.obstacles) != 0:
                        plt.scatter(*zip(*cc.obstacles), label='obstacles', s=5)
                    plt.scatter(*env.path[:40].T, label='global path', s=5)
                    if trajectory is not None:
                        plt.scatter(*trajectory[0].T, label=('local path' if not use_global else 'fake local'), s=5)
                    plt.arrow(env.state[0], env.state[1], 20 * np.cos(env.state[2]), 20 * np.sin(env.state[2]),
                              head_width=5, label='vehicle')
                    for i, state in enumerate(env.other_vehicle_states):
                        plt.arrow(state[0], state[1],
                                  20 * np.cos(state[2]), 20 * np.sin(state[2]),
                                  label=f"other {i + 1}", color='red')

                    for i, path in enumerate(cc._other_vehicle_paths):
                        plt.scatter(*path[:2], s=5, label=f"path {i + 1}", color='red')


                vehicle_steer.instance.setNumber("AdditiveSteeringWheelAngle", steer)
                vehicle_correct.instance.setNumber("AcceleratorAdditive", throttle)

                info("=" * 20)

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        info("Keyboard interrupt")