Пример #1
    def get_AABB(self, linkId=None):
        """Returns the bounding box of a named link.

        :type linkId: str, NoneType
        :rtype: AABB
        res = pb.getAABB(self.__bulletId,
        return AABB(Vector3(*res[0]), Vector3(*res[1]))
Пример #2
 def __create_contact_point(self, bcp):
     """Internal. Turns a bullet contact point into a ContactPoint."""
     bodyA, linkA = self.__get_obj_link_tuple(bcp[1], bcp[3])
     bodyB, linkB = self.__get_obj_link_tuple(bcp[2], bcp[4])
     return ContactPoint(
         bodyA,  # Body A
         bodyB,  # Body B
         linkA,  # Link of A
         linkB,  # Link of B
         Vector3(*bcp[5]),  # Point on A
         Vector3(*bcp[6]),  # Point on B
         Vector3(*bcp[7]),  # Normal from B to A
         bcp[8],  # Distance
         bcp[9])  # Normal force
Пример #3
def vec_scale(a, x):
    Performs per element multiplication on an indexable structure with len >= 3 and returns the result as Vector3.

    :type a: iterable
    :type x: iterable
    :rtype: iai_bullet_sim.utils.Vector3
    return Vector3(a.x * x, a.y * x, a.z * x)
Пример #4
def vec_sub(a, b):
    Performs per element subtraction on two indexable structures with len >= 3 and returns the result as Vector3.

    :type a: iterable
    :type b: iterable
    :rtype: iai_bullet_sim.utils.Vector3
    return Vector3(a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2])
Пример #5
    def get_link_state(self, link=None):
        """Returns the state of the named link.
        If None is passed as link, the object's pose is returned as LinkState

        :type link: str, NoneType
        :rtype: LinkState
        if link is not None and link not in self.link_index_map:
            raise Exception('Link "{}" is not defined'.format(link))

        zero_vector = Vector3(0, 0, 0)
        if link is None or link == self.base_link:
            frame = self.pose()
            return LinkState(frame, frame, frame, zero_vector, zero_vector)
            ls = pb.getLinkState(self.__bulletId,
            return LinkState(Frame(Vector3(*ls[0]), Quaternion(*ls[1])),
                             Frame(Vector3(*ls[2]), Quaternion(*ls[3])),
                             Frame(Vector3(*ls[4]), Quaternion(*ls[5])),
                             zero_vector, zero_vector)
Пример #6
 def get_AABB(self):
     """Returns the bounding box of this object.
     :rtype: AABB
     res = pb.getAABB(self.__bulletId, -1, physicsClientId=self.__client_id)
     return AABB(Vector3(*res[0]), Vector3(*res[1]))
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, urdf_path, base_link, eef_link, wrist_link, wps, projection_frame):
        self.vis = ROSVisualizer('force_test', base_frame=base_link, plot_topic='plot')
        self.wps = [Frame(Vector3(*wp[3:]), Quaternion(*list(quaternion_from_rpy(*wp[:3])))) for wp in wps]
        self.wpsIdx = 0
        self.base_link = base_link
        self.god_map = GodMap()

        self.js_prefix = 'joint_state'

        self.traj_pub = rospy.Publisher('~joint_trajectory', JointTrajectoryMsg, queue_size=1, tcp_nodelay=True)
        self.wrench_pub = rospy.Publisher('~wrist_force_transformed', WrenchMsg, queue_size=1, tcp_nodelay=True)

        # Giskard ----------------------------
        # Init controller, setup controlled joints
        self.controller = Controller(res_pkg_path(urdf_path), res_pkg_path('package://pbsbtest/.controllers/'), 0.6)
        self.robot = self.controller.robot

        self.js_input = JointStatesInput.prefix_constructor(self.god_map.get_expr, self.robot.get_joint_names(), self.js_prefix, 'position')


        # Get eef and sensor frame
        self.sensor_frame = self.robot.get_fk_expression(base_link, wrist_link)
        self.eef_frame    = self.robot.get_fk_expression(base_link, eef_link)
        self.eef_pos      = pos_of(self.eef_frame)

        # Construct motion frame
        mplate_pos = pos_of(self.robot.get_fk_expression(base_link, 'arm_mounting_plate'))
        self.motion_frame = frame3_rpy(pi, 0, pi * 0.5, mplate_pos)

        wp_frame = self.motion_frame * FrameInput.prefix_constructor('goal/position', 'goal/quaternion', self.god_map.get_expr).get_frame()
        wp_pos = pos_of(wp_frame)

        # Projection frame
        self.world_to_projection_frame = projection_frame

        # Pre init
        self.god_map.set_data(['goal'], self.wps[0])
        self.tick_rate = 50
        deltaT = 1.0 / self.tick_rate
        js = {j: SingleJointState(j) for j in self.robot.get_joint_names()}
        js['gripper_base_gripper_left_joint'] = SingleJointState('gripper_base_gripper_left_joint')

        self.god_map.set_data([self.js_prefix], js)

        err = norm(wp_pos - self.eef_pos)
        rot_err = dot(wp_frame * unitZ, self.eef_frame * unitZ)

        scons = position_conv(wp_pos, self.eef_pos) # {'align position': SoftConstraint(-err, -err, 1, err)}
        scons.update(rotation_conv(rot_of(wp_frame), rot_of(self.eef_frame), rot_of(self.eef_frame).subs(self.god_map.get_expr_values())))
        self.controller.init(scons, self.god_map.get_free_symbols())

        print('Solving for initial state...')
        # Go to initial configuration
        js = run_controller_until(self.god_map, self.controller, js, self.js_prefix, [(err, 0.01), (1 - rot_err, 0.001)], deltaT)[0]

        print('About to plan trajectory...')

        # Generate trajectory
        trajectory = OrderedDict()
        traj_stamp = rospy.Duration(0.0)
        section_stamps = []
        for x in range(1, len(self.wps)):
            print('Heading for point {}'.format(x))
            self.god_map.set_data(['goal'], self.wps[x])
            js, sub_traj = run_controller_until(self.god_map, self.controller, js, self.js_prefix, [(err, 0.01)], deltaT)
            for time_code, position in sub_traj.items():
                trajectory[traj_stamp + time_code] = position
            traj_stamp += sub_traj.keys()[-1]

        print('Trajectory planned! {} points over a duration of {} seconds.'.format(len(trajectory), len(trajectory) * deltaT))

        traj_msg = JointTrajectoryMsg()
        traj_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        traj_msg.joint_names  = trajectory.items()[0][1].keys()
        for t, v in trajectory.items():
            point = JointTrajectoryPointMsg()
            point.positions = [v[j].position for j in traj_msg.joint_names]
            point.time_from_start = t

        js_advertised = False
        print('Waiting for joint state topic to be published.')
        while not js_advertised and not rospy.is_shutdown():
            topics = [t for t, tt in rospy.get_published_topics()]
            if '/joint_states' in topics:
                js_advertised = True

        if not js_advertised:
            print('Robot does not seem to be started. Aborting...')

        print('Joint state has been advertised. Waiting 2 seconds for the controller...')

        print('Sending trajectory.')
        self.tfListener = tf.TransformListener()
        self.wrench_sub = rospy.Subscriber('~wrist_wrench', WrenchMsg, callback=self.transform_wrench, queue_size=1)