Пример #1
def calPredictions(thisTree, Wcat, Wv, indicies, sStr, params):
    wsz = params.wordSize
    # vecPath - contains the vectors along the node path
    # nodePath - contains the nodes along the node path
    thisTree.nodePath = findPath(thisTree, indicies) 
    # Get the internal features
    thisTree.features = getInternalFeatures(thisTree.nodePath, sStr, indicies, params.features_mean, params.features_std)
    # Add only the top node
    thisTree.nodePath = np.max(thisTree.nodePath)
    thisTree.pooledVecPath = thisTree.nodeAct_a[:,thisTree.nodePath].reshape(wsz,1)  
    # Add the elements
    thisTree.pooledVecPath = np.hstack((thisTree.pooledVecPath, thisTree.nodeAct_a[:,[indicies[0]]], thisTree.nodeAct_a[:,[indicies[1]]]))
    thisTree.nodePath = np.array([thisTree.nodePath, indicies[0], indicies[1]], dtype='int32')
    thisTree.poolMatrix = np.eye(3*wsz)
    # add outer context words
    thisTree = addOuterContext(thisTree, indicies, len(sStr), params);
    # add inner context words
    thisTree = addInnerContext(thisTree,indicies, Wv, len(sStr), params);
    # add in nearest neighbors
#    thisTree = addNN(thisTree, Wv, sNN, params);  #bhanu 
    catInput = np.concatenate((thisTree.pooledVecPath.flatten(), thisTree.features))#, thisTree.NN_vecs.flatten())) #bhanu    
    thisTree.score = np.dot(Wcat, np.transpose(catInput)) #score for each label/tag
    num = np.exp(thisTree.score)
    thisTree.y = np.divide(num, np.sum(num))  #conditional probs for each tag/label
Пример #2
 def _setInternalFeatureStats(self, data):
     # features [path length, path depth1, path depth2, sentence length, length between elements]
     numFeatures = 5;
     self.features_mean = 0;
     self.features_std = np.ones(numFeatures);
     totaltrees = 0
     for s in range(len(data.allSStr)):
         nverbs = len(data.verbIndices[s].flatten())
         sentLength = len(data.allSStr[s].flatten())
         totaltrees += nverbs*sentLength
     allFeatures = np.zeros((totaltrees,numFeatures));
     thisTree = Tree()
     for s in range(len(data.allSStr)):
         thisTree.pp = data.allSTree[s].flatten()
         verbIndexesList = data.verbIndices[s].flatten()
         for  vid in verbIndexesList:
             for wid in range(len(data.allSStr[s])):    
                 indices = [vid, wid]        
                 fullPath = findPath(thisTree, indices)
                 allFeatures[s,:] = getInternalFeatures(fullPath, data.allSNum[s], indices, self.features_mean, self.features_std);
     # Find the mean
     self.features_mean = np.mean(allFeatures,axis=0); # check this
     allFeatures = allFeatures - self.features_mean
     # Find the standard deviation
     self.features_std  = np.std(allFeatures, axis=0)
Пример #3
def calPredictions(thisTree, Wcat, Wv, indicies, sStr, params):
    wsz = params.wordSize
    # vecPath - contains the vectors along the node path
    # nodePath - contains the nodes along the node path
    thisTree.nodePath = findPath(thisTree, indicies)

    # Get the internal features
    thisTree.features = getInternalFeatures(thisTree.nodePath, sStr, indicies,

    # Add only the top node
    thisTree.nodePath = np.max(thisTree.nodePath)
    thisTree.pooledVecPath = thisTree.nodeAct_a[:, thisTree.nodePath].reshape(
        wsz, 1)

    # Add the elements
    thisTree.pooledVecPath = np.hstack(
        (thisTree.pooledVecPath, thisTree.nodeAct_a[:, [indicies[0]]],
         thisTree.nodeAct_a[:, [indicies[1]]]))
    thisTree.nodePath = np.array([thisTree.nodePath, indicies[0], indicies[1]],
    thisTree.poolMatrix = np.eye(3 * wsz)

    # add outer context words
    thisTree = addOuterContext(thisTree, indicies, len(sStr), params)

    # add inner context words
    thisTree = addInnerContext(thisTree, indicies, Wv, len(sStr), params)

    # add in nearest neighbors
    #    thisTree = addNN(thisTree, Wv, sNN, params);  #bhanu

    catInput = np.concatenate(
         thisTree.features))  #, thisTree.NN_vecs.flatten())) #bhanu
    thisTree.score = np.dot(Wcat,
                            np.transpose(catInput))  #score for each label/tag

    num = np.exp(thisTree.score)
    thisTree.y = np.divide(num,
                           np.sum(num))  #conditional probs for each tag/label