Пример #1
 def test_load_encoder_positions(self):
                                settings={'IBLRIG_VERSION_TAG': '4.9.9'})
                                settings={'IBLRIG_VERSION_TAG': '4.9.9'})
Пример #2
 def test_encoder_positions_clock_reset(self):
     dy = loaders.load_encoder_positions(self.session_path)
     dat = np.array([
         849736, 1532230, 1822449, 1833514, 1841566, 1848206, 1853979,
     self.assertTrue(np.all(np.diff(dy['re_ts']) > 0))
     self.assertTrue(all(dy['re_ts'][6:] - 2**32 - dat == 0))
Пример #3
def get_wheel_data(session_path, save=False):
    Get wheel data from raw files and converts positions into centimeters and
    timestamps into seconds.
    **Optional:** saves _ibl_wheel.times.npy and _ibl_wheel.position.npy

    Gets Rotary Encoder timestamps (ms) for each position and converts to times.

    Uses time_converter to extract and convert timstamps (ms) to times (s).

    Positions are in (cm) of RE perimeter relative to 0. The 0 resets every trial.

    cmtick = radius (cm) * 2 * pi / n_ticks
    cmtick = 3.1 * 2 * np.pi / 1024

    :param session_path: absolute path of session folder
    :type session_path: str
    :param save: wether to save the corresponding alf file
                 to the alf folder, defaults to False
    :type save: bool, optional
    :return: Numpy structured array.
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray
    df = raw.load_encoder_positions(session_path)
    names = df.columns.tolist()
    data = structarr(names, shape=(df.index.max() + 1, ))
    data['re_ts'] = df.re_ts.values
    data['re_pos'] = df.re_pos.values
    data['bns_ts'] = df.bns_ts.values
    # ticks to cm factor
    cmtick = 3.1 * 2 * np.pi / 1024
    # Convert position and timestamps to cm and seconds respectively
    data['re_ts'] = data['re_ts'] / 1000.
    data['re_pos'] = data['re_pos'] * cmtick
    # Find timestamps that are repeated
    rep_idx = np.where(np.diff(data['re_ts']) == 0)[0]
    # Change the value of the repeated position
    data['re_pos'][rep_idx] = (data['re_pos'][rep_idx] +
                               data['re_pos'][rep_idx + 1]) / 2
    # get the converter function to translate re_ts into behavior times
    convtime = time_converter_session(session_path, kind='re2b')
    data['re_ts'] = convtime(data['re_ts'])
    # Now remove the repeted times that are rep_idx + 1
    data = np.delete(data, rep_idx + 1)

    if raw.save_bool(save, '_ibl_wheel.timestamps.npy'):
        tpath = os.path.join(session_path, 'alf', '_ibl_wheel.timestamps.npy')
        np.save(tpath, data['re_ts'])
    if raw.save_bool(save, '_ibl_wheel.position.npy'):
        ppath = os.path.join(session_path, 'alf', '_ibl_wheel.position.npy')
        np.save(ppath, data['re_pos'])

    return data
Пример #4
def get_wheel_data(session_path, bp_data=None, save=False):
    Get wheel data from raw files and converts positions into centimeters and
    timestamps into seconds.
    **Optional:** saves _ibl_wheel.times.npy and _ibl_wheel.position.npy

    Gets Rotary Encoder timestamps (ms) for each position and converts to times.

    Uses time_converter to extract and convert timstamps (ms) to times (s).

    Positions are in (cm) of RE perimeter relative to 0. The 0 resets every trial.

    cmtick = radius (cm) * 2 * pi / n_ticks
    cmtick = 3.1 * 2 * np.pi / 1024

    :param session_path: absolute path of session folder
    :type session_path: str
    :param data: dictionary containing the contents pybppod jsonable file read with raw.load_data
    :type data: dict, optional
    :param save: wether to save the corresponding alf file
                 to the alf folder, defaults to False
    :type save: bool, optional
    :return: Numpy structured array.
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray
    status = 0
    if not bp_data:
        bp_data = raw.load_data(session_path)
    df = raw.load_encoder_positions(session_path)
    if df is None:
        logger_.error('No wheel data for ' + str(session_path))
        return None
    data = structarr(['re_ts', 're_pos', 'bns_ts'],
                     shape=(df.shape[0],), formats=['f8', 'f8', np.object])
    data['re_ts'] = df.re_ts.values
    data['re_pos'] = df.re_pos.values
    data['re_pos'] = data['re_pos'] / 1024 * 2 * np.pi  # convert positions to radians
    trial_starts = get_trial_start_times(session_path)
    # need a flag if the data resolution is 1ms due to the old version of rotary encoder firmware
    if np.all(np.mod(data['re_ts'], 1e3) == 0):
        status = 1
    data['re_ts'] = data['re_ts'] / 1e6  # convert ts to seconds
    # get the converter function to translate re_ts into behavior times
    convtime = time_converter_session(session_path, kind='re2b')
    data['re_ts'] = convtime(data['re_ts'])
    return data

    def get_reset_trace_compensation_with_state_machine_times():
        # this is the preferred way of getting resets using the state machine time information
        # it will not always work depending on firmware versions, new bugs
        iwarn = []
        ns = len(data['re_pos'])
        tr_dc = np.zeros_like(data['re_pos'])  # trial dc component
        for bp_dat in bp_data:
            restarts = np.sort(np.array(
                bp_dat['behavior_data']['States timestamps']['reset_rotary_encoder'] +
                bp_dat['behavior_data']['States timestamps']['reset2_rotary_encoder'])[:, 0])
            ind = np.unique(np.searchsorted(data['re_ts'], restarts, side='left') - 1)
            # the rotary encoder doesn't always reset right away, and the reset sample given the
            # timestamp can be ambiguous: look for zeros
            for i in np.where(data['re_pos'][ind] != 0)[0]:
                # handle boundary effects
                if ind[i] > ns - 2:
                # it happens quite often that we have to lock in to next sample to find the reset
                if data['re_pos'][ind[i] + 1] == 0:
                    ind[i] = ind[i] + 1
                # also case where the rotary doesn't reset to 0, but erratically to -1/+1
                if data['re_pos'][ind[i]] <= (1 / 1024 * 2 * np.pi):
                    ind[i] = ind[i] + 1
                # compounded with the fact that the reset may have happened at next sample.
                if np.abs(data['re_pos'][ind[i] + 1]) <= (1 / 1024 * 2 * np.pi):
                    ind[i] = ind[i] + 1
                # sometimes it is also the last trial that has this behaviour
                if (bp_data[-1] is bp_dat) or (bp_data[0] is bp_dat):
                # at which point we are running out of possible bugs and calling it
            tr_dc[ind] = data['re_pos'][ind - 1]
        if iwarn:  # if a warning flag was caught in the loop throw a single warning
            logger_.warning('Rotary encoder reset events discrepancy. Doing my best to merge.')
            logger_.debug('Offending inds: ' + str(iwarn) + ' times: ' + str(data['re_ts'][iwarn]))
        # exit status 0 is fine, 1 something went wrong
        return tr_dc, len(iwarn) != 0

    # attempt to get the resets properly unless the unit is ms which means precision is
    # not good enough to match SM times to wheel samples time
    if not status:
        tr_dc, status = get_reset_trace_compensation_with_state_machine_times()

    # if something was wrong or went wrong agnostic way of getting resets: just get zeros values
    if status:
        tr_dc = np.zeros_like(data['re_pos'])  # trial dc component
        i0 = np.where(data['re_pos'] == 0)[0]
        tr_dc[i0] = data['re_pos'][i0 - 1]
    # even if things went ok, rotary encoder may not log the whole session. Need to fix outside
        i0 = np.where(np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_or(data['re_ts'] >= trial_starts[-1],
                                                   data['re_ts'] <= trial_starts[0]),
                                     data['re_pos'] == 0))[0]
    # make sure the bounds are not included in the current list
    i0 = np.delete(i0, np.where(np.bitwise_or(i0 >= len(data['re_pos']) - 1, i0 == 0)))
    # a 0 sample is not a reset if 2 conditions are met:
    # 1/2 no inflexion (continuous derivative)
    c1 = np.abs(np.sign(data['re_pos'][i0 + 1] - data['re_pos'][i0]) -
                np.sign(data['re_pos'][i0] - data['re_pos'][i0 - 1])) == 2
    # 2/2 needs to be below threshold
    c2 = np.abs((data['re_pos'][i0] - data['re_pos'][i0 - 1]) /
                (EPS + (data['re_ts'][i0] - data['re_ts'][i0 - 1]))) < THRESHOLD_RAD_PER_SEC
    # apply reset to points identified as resets
    i0 = i0[np.where(np.bitwise_not(np.bitwise_and(c1, c2)))]
    tr_dc[i0] = data['re_pos'][i0 - 1]

    # unwrap the rotation (in radians) and then add the DC component from restarts
    data['re_pos'] = np.unwrap(data['re_pos']) + np.cumsum(tr_dc)

    # Also forgot to mention that time stamps may be repeated or very close to one another.
    # Find them as they will induce large jitters on the velocity function or errors in
    # attempts of interpolation
    rep_idx = np.where(np.diff(data['re_ts']) <= THRESHOLD_CONSECUTIVE_SAMPLES)[0]
    # Change the value of the repeated position
    data['re_pos'][rep_idx] = (data['re_pos'][rep_idx] +
                               data['re_pos'][rep_idx + 1]) / 2
    data['re_ts'][rep_idx] = (data['re_ts'][rep_idx] +
                              data['re_ts'][rep_idx + 1]) / 2
    # Now remove the repeat times that are rep_idx + 1
    data = np.delete(data, rep_idx + 1)

    # convert to cm
    data['re_pos'] = data['re_pos'] * WHEEL_RADIUS_CM

    # #  DEBUG PLOTS START HERE ########################
    # # if you are experiencing a new bug here is some plot tools
    # # do not forget to increment the wasted dev hours counter below
    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # fig = plt.figure()
    # ax = plt.axes()
    # tstart = get_trial_start_times(session_path)
    # tts = np.c_[tstart, tstart, tstart + np.nan].flatten()
    # vts = np.c_[tstart * 0 + 100, tstart * 0 - 100, tstart + np.nan].flatten()
    # ax.plot(tts, vts, label='Trial starts')
    # ax.plot(convtime(df.re_ts.values/1e6), df.re_pos.values / 1024 * 2 * np.pi,
    #         '.-', label='Raw data')
    # i0 = np.where(df.re_pos.values == 0)
    # ax.plot(convtime(df.re_ts.values[i0] / 1e6), df.re_pos.values[i0] / 1024 * 2 * np.pi,
    #         'r*', label='Raw data zero samples')
    # ax.plot(convtime(df.re_ts.values / 1e6) , tr_dc, label='reset compensation')
    # ax.set_xlabel('Bpod Time')
    # ax.set_ylabel('radians')
    # #
    # restarts = np.array(bp_data[10]['behavior_data']['States timestamps']\
    #                         ['reset_rotary_encoder']).flatten()
    # # x__ = np.c_[restarts, restarts, restarts + np.nan].flatten()
    # # y__ = np.c_[restarts * 0 + 1, restarts * 0 - 1, restarts+ np.nan].flatten()
    # #
    # # ax.plot(x__, y__, 'k', label='Restarts')
    # ax.plot(data['re_ts'], data['re_pos'] / WHEEL_RADIUS_CM, '.-', label='Output Trace')
    # ax.legend()
    # # plt.hist(np.diff(data['re_ts']), 400, range=[0, 0.01])
    # #  DEBUG PLOTS STOP HERE ########################

    if raw.save_bool(save, '_ibl_wheel.timestamps.npy'):
        tpath = os.path.join(session_path, 'alf', '_ibl_wheel.timestamps.npy')
        np.save(tpath, data['re_ts'])
    if raw.save_bool(save, '_ibl_wheel.position.npy'):
        ppath = os.path.join(session_path, 'alf', '_ibl_wheel.position.npy')
        np.save(ppath, data['re_pos'])
    return data
Пример #5
 def test_encoder_positions_clock_errors(self):
     # here we test for 2 kinds of file corruption that happen
     # 1/2 the first sample time is corrupt and absurdly high and should be discarded
     # 2/2 2 samples are swapped and need to be swapped back
     dy = loaders.load_encoder_positions(self.session_path_biased)
     self.assertTrue(np.all(np.diff(np.array(dy.re_ts)) > 0))
Пример #6
 def test_encoder_positions_duds(self):
     dy = loaders.load_encoder_positions(self.session_path)
     self.assertEqual(dy.bns_ts.dtype.name, 'object')
     self.assertTrue(dy.shape[0] == 14)
Пример #7
def get_wheel_position(session_path, bp_data=None, display=False):
    Gets wheel timestamps and position from Bpod data. Position is in radian (constant above for
    radius is 1) mathematical convention.
    :param session_path:
    :param bp_data (optional): bpod trials read from jsonable file
    :param display (optional): (bool)
    :return: timestamps (np.array)
    :return: positions (np.array)
    status = 0
    if not bp_data:
        bp_data = raw.load_data(session_path)
    df = raw.load_encoder_positions(session_path)
    if df is None:
        _logger.error('No wheel data for ' + str(session_path))
        return None, None
    data = structarr(['re_ts', 're_pos', 'bns_ts'],
                     shape=(df.shape[0],), formats=['f8', 'f8', object])
    data['re_ts'] = df.re_ts.values
    data['re_pos'] = df.re_pos.values * -1  # anti-clockwise is positive in our output
    data['re_pos'] = data['re_pos'] / 1024 * 2 * np.pi  # convert positions to radians
    trial_starts = get_trial_start_times(session_path)
    # need a flag if the data resolution is 1ms due to the old version of rotary encoder firmware
    if np.all(np.mod(data['re_ts'], 1e3) == 0):
        status = 1
    data['re_ts'] = data['re_ts'] / 1e6  # convert ts to seconds
    # # get the converter function to translate re_ts into behavior times
    re2bpod = sync_rotary_encoder(session_path)
    data['re_ts'] = re2bpod(data['re_ts'])

    def get_reset_trace_compensation_with_state_machine_times():
        # this is the preferred way of getting resets using the state machine time information
        # it will not always work depending on firmware versions, new bugs
        iwarn = []
        ns = len(data['re_pos'])
        tr_dc = np.zeros_like(data['re_pos'])  # trial dc component
        for bp_dat in bp_data:
            restarts = np.sort(np.array(
                bp_dat['behavior_data']['States timestamps']['reset_rotary_encoder'] +
                bp_dat['behavior_data']['States timestamps']['reset2_rotary_encoder'])[:, 0])
            ind = np.unique(np.searchsorted(data['re_ts'], restarts, side='left') - 1)
            # the rotary encoder doesn't always reset right away, and the reset sample given the
            # timestamp can be ambiguous: look for zeros
            for i in np.where(data['re_pos'][ind] != 0)[0]:
                # handle boundary effects
                if ind[i] > ns - 2:
                # it happens quite often that we have to lock in to next sample to find the reset
                if data['re_pos'][ind[i] + 1] == 0:
                    ind[i] = ind[i] + 1
                # also case where the rotary doesn't reset to 0, but erratically to -1/+1
                if data['re_pos'][ind[i]] <= (1 / 1024 * 2 * np.pi):
                    ind[i] = ind[i] + 1
                # compounded with the fact that the reset may have happened at next sample.
                if np.abs(data['re_pos'][ind[i] + 1]) <= (1 / 1024 * 2 * np.pi):
                    ind[i] = ind[i] + 1
                # sometimes it is also the last trial that has this behaviour
                if (bp_data[-1] is bp_dat) or (bp_data[0] is bp_dat):
                # at which point we are running out of possible bugs and calling it
            tr_dc[ind] = data['re_pos'][ind - 1]
        if iwarn:  # if a warning flag was caught in the loop throw a single warning
            _logger.warning('Rotary encoder reset events discrepancy. Doing my best to merge.')
            _logger.debug('Offending inds: ' + str(iwarn) + ' times: ' + str(data['re_ts'][iwarn]))
        # exit status 0 is fine, 1 something went wrong
        return tr_dc, len(iwarn) != 0

    # attempt to get the resets properly unless the unit is ms which means precision is
    # not good enough to match SM times to wheel samples time
    if not status:
        tr_dc, status = get_reset_trace_compensation_with_state_machine_times()

    # if something was wrong or went wrong agnostic way of getting resets: just get zeros values
    if status:
        tr_dc = np.zeros_like(data['re_pos'])  # trial dc component
        i0 = np.where(data['re_pos'] == 0)[0]
        tr_dc[i0] = data['re_pos'][i0 - 1]
    # even if things went ok, rotary encoder may not log the whole session. Need to fix outside
        i0 = np.where(np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_or(data['re_ts'] >= trial_starts[-1],
                                                   data['re_ts'] <= trial_starts[0]),
                                     data['re_pos'] == 0))[0]
    # make sure the bounds are not included in the current list
    i0 = np.delete(i0, np.where(np.bitwise_or(i0 >= len(data['re_pos']) - 1, i0 == 0)))
    # a 0 sample is not a reset if 2 conditions are met:
    # 1/2 no inflexion (continuous derivative)
    c1 = np.abs(np.sign(data['re_pos'][i0 + 1] - data['re_pos'][i0]) -
                np.sign(data['re_pos'][i0] - data['re_pos'][i0 - 1])) == 2
    # 2/2 needs to be below threshold
    c2 = np.abs((data['re_pos'][i0] - data['re_pos'][i0 - 1]) /
                (EPS + (data['re_ts'][i0] - data['re_ts'][i0 - 1]))) < THRESHOLD_RAD_PER_SEC
    # apply reset to points identified as resets
    i0 = i0[np.where(np.bitwise_not(np.bitwise_and(c1, c2)))]
    tr_dc[i0] = data['re_pos'][i0 - 1]

    # unwrap the rotation (in radians) and then add the DC component from restarts
    data['re_pos'] = np.unwrap(data['re_pos']) + np.cumsum(tr_dc)

    # Also forgot to mention that time stamps may be repeated or very close to one another.
    # Find them as they will induce large jitters on the velocity function or errors in
    # attempts of interpolation
    rep_idx = np.where(np.diff(data['re_ts']) <= THRESHOLD_CONSECUTIVE_SAMPLES)[0]
    # Change the value of the repeated position
    data['re_pos'][rep_idx] = (data['re_pos'][rep_idx] +
                               data['re_pos'][rep_idx + 1]) / 2
    data['re_ts'][rep_idx] = (data['re_ts'][rep_idx] +
                              data['re_ts'][rep_idx + 1]) / 2
    # Now remove the repeat times that are rep_idx + 1
    data = np.delete(data, rep_idx + 1)

    # convert to cm
    data['re_pos'] = data['re_pos'] * WHEEL_RADIUS_CM

    #  DEBUG PLOTS START HERE ########################
    if display:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        ax = plt.axes()
        tstart = get_trial_start_times(session_path)
        tts = np.c_[tstart, tstart, tstart + np.nan].flatten()
        vts = np.c_[tstart * 0 + 100, tstart * 0 - 100, tstart + np.nan].flatten()
        ax.plot(tts, vts, label='Trial starts')
        ax.plot(re2bpod(df.re_ts.values / 1e6), df.re_pos.values / 1024 * 2 * np.pi,
                '.-', label='Raw data')
        i0 = np.where(df.re_pos.values == 0)
        ax.plot(re2bpod(df.re_ts.values[i0] / 1e6), df.re_pos.values[i0] / 1024 * 2 * np.pi,
                'r*', label='Raw data zero samples')
        ax.plot(re2bpod(df.re_ts.values / 1e6), tr_dc, label='reset compensation')
        ax.set_xlabel('Bpod Time')
        # restarts = np.array(bp_data[10]['behavior_data']['States timestamps']
        #                             ['reset_rotary_encoder']).flatten()
        # x__ = np.c_[restarts, restarts, restarts + np.nan].flatten()
        # y__ = np.c_[restarts * 0 + 1, restarts * 0 - 1, restarts+ np.nan].flatten()
        # ax.plot(x__, y__, 'k', label='Restarts')
        ax.plot(data['re_ts'], data['re_pos'] / WHEEL_RADIUS_CM, '.-', label='Output Trace')
        # plt.hist(np.diff(data['re_ts']), 400, range=[0, 0.01])
    return data['re_ts'], data['re_pos']
Пример #8
 def test_encoder_positions_duds(self):
     dy = loaders.load_encoder_positions(self.session_path)
     self.assertEqual(dy.bns_ts.dtype.name, 'datetime64[ns]')
     self.assertTrue(dy.shape[0] == 2)