Пример #1
 def update_init_data_main(self, init_dict):
     ''' This is the method that is called to process the alert init dictionary
     It puts the init dictionary into self.init dictionary and sets self.raw_data_dict
     and processes them to correctly return them before it returns
     While this method can be overridden, it is recommended to override update_init_data
     self.metadata_cache = None
     self.init_dict = init_dict
     if ALERT_ATTR_RAW_DATA in init_dict:
         self.raw_data_dict = raw_data2dict(init_dict[ALERT_ATTR_RAW_DATA])
         self.raw_data_dict = {}
     if len(self.raw_data_dict) != 0:
         self.init_dict[ALERT_ATTR_RAW_DATA] = dict2raw_data(self.raw_data_dict)
     return self.init_dict
Пример #2
    def send_alert_tosfp(self, alert):
        ''' Convert the alert to a service focal point log and send to the service focal point

        get_logger().debug('In send_alert_tofsp')

        #  Parameters for build() call, which will build the SFP message.
        #       self, alert, client_name, fru_list, notif_type,
        #       enc_mtms, pwr_mtms, neighbor_list, eed_location,
        #       extended_data
        self.raw_data_dict = raw_data2dict(alert.raw_data)
        if 'fru_list' in self.raw_data_dict: 
            fru_list = self.raw_data_dict['fru_list']
            frus = str(fru_list).replace('{','').rstrip('}').split('},')
            get_logger().debug('There is a fru list in the raw data dict.')
            frus = []
            get_logger().debug('There is no fru list in the raw data dict.')

        if 'encl_mtms' in self.raw_data_dict: 
            enclos_mtms = str(self.raw_data_dict['encl_mtms'])
            get_logger().debug('Enclosure MTMS = {0}'.format(enclos_mtms))
            enclos_mtms = []
            get_logger().debug('There is no Enclosure MTMS in the raw data dict.')
        if 'pwr_enc' in self.raw_data_dict: 
            pwr_mtms = str(self.raw_data_dict['pwr_enc'])
            get_logger().debug('Power Enclosure MTMS = {0}'.format(enclos_mtms))
            pwr_mtms = []
            get_logger().debug('There is no Power MTMS in the raw data dict.')
        notif_type = 0
        cust_notif = alert.get_metadata()[META_ALERT_CUST_NOTIFICATION]
        if (cust_notif == 'Y'):
            notif_type = 1

        call_home = alert.get_metadata()[META_ALERT_CALL_HOME]

        # If call_home is not set, then set to a default
        if (call_home == 'Y'):
            notif_type |= 16       
        if 'nbr_loc' in self.raw_data_dict and 'nbr_typ' in self.raw_data_dict: 
            neighbor_list = ['{0}:{1}'.format(self.raw_data_dict['nbr_typ'], self.raw_data_dict['nbr_loc'])]
            neighbor_list = []

        if 'eed_loc' in self.raw_data_dict: 
            eed_location = str(self.raw_data_dict['eed_loc'])
            eed_location = ""

        extended_data = ""
        #get_logger().debug('FRUs           = {0}'.format('\n'.join([str(fru) for fru in frus])))
        get_logger().debug('    Power MTMS = {0}'.format(pwr_mtms))
        get_logger().debug(' Neighbor list = {0}'.format(neighbor_list))
        get_logger().debug('  EED location = {0}'.format(eed_location))

        msg = SfpCreateMessage()
        pkt = msg.build(alert, self.client_name, frus, notif_type, enclos_mtms, 
                        pwr_mtms, neighbor_list, eed_location, extended_data)
        # The following is for DEBUGING
        #pkt_file = open('/tmp/create_msg.txt', 'a')
        #print >>pkt_file,pkt
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)

        # Try to send the Packet to SFP, the number of times specified in
        # in self.sfp_retry_count
        if (self.hmc_connected == True):
            retries_left = self.sfp_retry_count
            while retries_left > 0: 
                    rc = self.sock.send(pkt)
                    if  rc == 0 :
                         get_logger().exception('send failed.')
                         get_logger().debug('The message has been sent to SFP of size {0}'.format(rc))
                    retries_left -= 1
                    get_logger().exception('send failed.  Retries left {0}'.format(retries_left))

            # Check the data returned from the send
            data = self.sock.recv(10)
            msg_ver, status, seq_num = struct.unpack('>BBQ', data)
            get_logger().debug('Message Version = {0}'.format(msg_ver))
            get_logger().debug('         Status = {0}'.format(status))
            get_logger().debug('Sequence number = {0}'.format(seq_num))

            # Check the status returned:
	    #    0  - Success the message has been sent to SFP
	    #    1  - Message was not sent because of bad formatting
	    #    2  - Message was not sent because of a duplicate sequence num
            if (status == 0):
                get_logger().debug('The message has been sent to Service Focal Point')
            elif (status == 1):
                get_logger().warning('The message has not been sent to Service Focal Point, because of bad formatting')
            elif (status == 2):
                # TODO: If 2 need to resend with the next sequence # 
                get_logger().warning('The message has not been sent to Service Focal Point, because of duplicate sequence number')
                get_logger().warning('The message has not been sent to Service Focal Point, because of a connection loss')
            self.hmc_connected = False
            get_logger().warning('The message has not been sent to Service Focal Point, because of no connection to the HMC.')
            get_logger().warning('Here is the Alert Data:')
            get_logger().warning('          Alert = {0}'.format(alert))
            get_logger().warning('    Client Name = {0}'.format(self.client_name))
            get_logger().warning('           FRUs = {0}'.format(frus))
            get_logger().warning('    Notify Type = {0}'.format(notif_type))
            get_logger().warning(' Enclosure MTMS = {0}'.format(enclos_mtms))
            get_logger().warning('     Power MTMS = {0}'.format(pwr_mtms))
            get_logger().warning('  Neighbor List = {0}'.format(neighbor_list))
            get_logger().warning('   EED Location = {0}'.format(eed_location))
            get_logger().warning('  Extended Data = {0}'.format(extended_data))
