def ibmc_outband_fw_update_module(module): """ Function: Outband firmware upgrade Args: module : information from yml Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2019/10/9 20:30 """ with IbmcBaseConnect(module.params, log, report) as ibmc: ret = is_support_server(ibmc, SERVERTYPE) if ret['result']: all_file = (module.params.get("local_file"), module.params.get("remote_file")) if all(all_file) or not any(all_file): log_error = "Please select an out-of-band firmware upgrade " \ "mode from local_file and remote_file." set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret try: local, file, protocol = get_file_name(module) except Exception as e: log_error = "Update failed! %s" % str(e) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret ret = update_fw(ibmc, file, protocol, local) return ret
def check_item(ibmc, snmp_info, item, item_dict): """ Function: Set SNMP trap resource properties Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC snmp_info : User-set SNMP trap information item : Validation item item_dict : Value range of item Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: Set SNMP trap resource properties failed! Date: 2019/10/12 17:21 """ ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} item_value = snmp_info.get(item) if item_value: item_value = item_dict.get(str(item_value).lower()) if item_value in item_dict.values(): return item_value else: log_msg = 'The trap version is incorrect, It should be %s' % item_dict set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret return ret
def verify_file_path(ibmc, local_path=None): """ Function: verify local file path Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC local_path :Local path for storing files Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2021/2/22 21:13 """ # Initialize return information ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # Setting the default save path if not local_path: local_path = os.path.join(IBMC_REPORT_PATH, "download") if not os.path.exists(local_path): os.makedirs(local_path) # Verify the bmc_file and local_path if not os.path.exists(local_path): log_error = "Download file failed! The local_path %s is incorrect, the path does not exist." \ "Please reset it." % local_path set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret ret['msg'] = local_path return ret
def ibmc_profile_import_module(module): """ Function: import BIOS, BMC, and RAID Controller Configurations Args: module : information from yml Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2019/10/9 20:30 """ with IbmcBaseConnect(module.params, log, report) as ibmc: ret = is_support_server(ibmc, SERVERTYPE) if ret['result']: all_file_path = (module.params.get("local_import"), module.params.get("remote_import")) if all(all_file_path) or not any(all_file_path): log_error = "Profile import failed! Please select a profile " \ "import mode from local_import or remote_import." set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret try: local, profile = get_profile_name(ibmc, module) except Exception as e: log_error = "Profile import failed! %s" % str(e) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret command = "import" ret = server_profile(ibmc, profile, command, local) return ret
def sp_api_set_fw_upgrade(ibmc, image_url, signal_url, image_type="Firmware", parameter="all", upgrade_mode="Auto", active_method="Restart", upgrade_id="1"): """ Function: sp api get fw upgrade Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC image_url : Image URI signal_url : Signal URI image_type : image type Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2019/10/12 17:21 """ uri = "%s/SPService/SPFWUpdate/%s/Actions/SPFWUpdate.SimpleUpdate" \ % (ibmc.manager_uri, upgrade_id) token = ibmc.get_token() headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token} playload = { "ImageURI": image_url, "SignalURI": signal_url, "ImageType": image_type, "Parameter": parameter, "UpgradeMode": upgrade_mode, "ActiveMethod": active_method } ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} try: r = ibmc.request('POST', resource=uri, headers=headers, data=playload, tmout=10) result = r.status_code if result == 200: ibmc.log_info("sp api set fw upgrade successful!\n") ret['result'] = True ret['msg'] = 'successful!' else: log_msg = "set sp_api_set_fw_upgrade error info is: %s \n" % str( r.json()) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) except Exception as e: log_msg = "set FwUpgrade failed! %s " % str(e) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret
def update_fw(ibmc, file_path, protocol=None, local=False): """ Function: Out_band firmware upgrade Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC file_path : path of the firmware protocol : protocol of the file server local Returns: rets : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: update failed Date: 10/19/2019 """ # Initialize return information rets = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # Uploading a Local Firmware Package if local: upload_file_ret = upload_file(ibmc, file_path) if upload_file_ret.get('result') is False: return upload_file_ret file_name = file_path.split("/")[-1] file_path = os.path.join("/tmp/web", file_name) if protocol is not None: if protocol not in FILE_SERVER: log_msg = "The protocol error, please choose from [HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, CIFS, NFS] \n" set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, rets) return rets # Sending a Firmware Upgrade Request try: if protocol: ret = update_api(ibmc, file_path, protocol) else: ret = update_api(ibmc, file_path) ibmc.log_info("ret:%s" % (str(ret))) code = ret.status_code data = ret.json() ibmc.log_info("code:%s" % (str(code))) if code != 202: log_msg = "update failed: %s" % ( data[u'error'][u'@Message.ExtendedInfo'][0][u'Message']) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, rets) else: wait_task(ibmc, data, file_path, rets) return rets except Exception as e: ibmc.log_error("update failed! exception is: %s" % (str(e))) raise
def get_bios_setting_result(ibmc): """ Function: Querying the Effective Status of BIOS Settings. Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2021/2/22 21:13 """ ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # Obtain the token information of the iBMC token = ibmc.bmc_token # URL of the Bios service url = ibmc.system_uri + "/Bios/Settings" # Initialize headers headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token} # Initialize payload payload = {} try: # Obtain the BIOS effective status information through the GET method request_result = ibmc.request('GET', resource=url, headers=headers, data=payload, tmout=30) # Obtain error code request_code = request_result.status_code if request_code != 200: error_msg = "Get BIOS effective status failed! The error code is: %s, " \ "The error info is: %s \n" % ( str(request_code), str(request_result.json())) set_result(ibmc.log_error, error_msg, False, ret) else: # Parses the response result and obtains the effective status. request_result_json = request_result.json() effect_status = request_result_json.get('Oem') oem_info = ibmc.oem_info status = effect_status.get(oem_info).get('EffectiveStatus') ret['msg'] = status except Exception as e: error_msg = "Get BIOS effective status failed! The error info is: %s \n" % str( e) set_result(ibmc.log_error, error_msg, False, ret) return ret
def set_boot_device_request(ibmc, boot_payload): """ Function: Send a request to set Boot device Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC boot_payload : User-set boot device information Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: Set boot device info failed! Date: 2019/10/23 21:44 """ # Initialize return information ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} payload = {"Boot": boot_payload} # URL of the system resource url = ibmc.system_uri # Obtain token token = ibmc.bmc_token # Obtain etag etag = ibmc.get_etag(url) # Initialize headers headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token, 'If-Match': etag } try: # Modify boot device by PATCH method request_result = ibmc.request('PATCH', resource=url, headers=headers, data=payload, tmout=10) # Obtain the error code request_code = request_result.status_code if request_code == 200: log_msg = "Set boot device info successful!" set_result(ibmc.log_info, log_msg, True, ret) else: log_msg = "Set boot device info failed! The error code is: %s . The error info is: %s" % \ (str(request_code), str(request_result.json())) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) except Exception as e: ibmc.log_error( "Set boot device info failed! The error info is: %s \n" % str(e)) raise requests.exceptions.RequestException( "Set boot device info failed! The error info is: %s" % str(e)) return ret
def import_profile(ibmc, file_path, local): """ Function: Importing BIOS, BMC, and RAID Controller Configurations Args: ibmc: Class that contains basic information about iBMC file_path: Path of the file to be imported local: Import from local Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure """ ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} save_path, file_name = os.path.split(file_path) if local: upload_file_ret = upload_file(ibmc, file_path) if upload_file_ret.get('result'): file_path = os.path.join("/tmp/web", file_name) else: return upload_file_ret oem_info = ibmc.oem_info uri = "%s/Actions/Oem/%s/Manager.ImportConfiguration" % (ibmc.manager_uri, oem_info) token = ibmc.get_token() headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token} payload = {'Type': 'URI', 'Content': file_path} try: request_result = ibmc.request('POST', resource=uri, headers=headers, data=payload, tmout=60) except Exception as e: log_error = "Import server profile failed: %s" % str(e) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret log_info = "Send request to import profile succeeded, please waitting for task finish." ibmc.log_info(log_info) request_code = request_result.status_code request_json = request_result.json() if request_code == 202: ret['result'] = True ret['msg'] = request_result.json() else: log_error = "Import server profile failed, The status code is %s. " \ "The error info is: %s." % (request_code, str(request_json)) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret
def send_request(ibmc, url, request_method, payload): """ Function: Send the request Args: ibmc : information from yml url : user-set request resource request_method : user-set request method request_body : request body content Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2021/2/22 """ # Initialize return information ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # Obtain the token information of the iBMC token = ibmc.bmc_token # Initialize headers headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token} if request_method == "PATCH": e_tag = ibmc.get_etag(url) headers['If-Match'] = e_tag request_code = None # Send request try: request_result = ibmc.request(request_method, resource=url, headers=headers, data=payload, tmout=TIME_OUT) # Analyze the request result. request_code = request_result.status_code request_json = request_result.json() # Parsing the request result if request_code not in STATUS_CODE: log_error = "%s request failed! The error code is: %s. The error info is: %s \n" % \ (request_method, request_code, str(request_json)) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret else: ret["msg"] = str(request_json) return ret except Exception as e: log_error = "%s request failed! The error code is: %s. The error info is: " \ "%s \n" % (request_method, request_code, e) raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(log_error)
def set_snmp_trap_request(ibmc, trap_payload): """ Function: Send request for setting SNMP trap Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC trap_payload : request body Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: Set SNMP trap resource properties failed! Date: 2019/10/12 17:21 """ ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} payload = {"SnmpTrapNotification": trap_payload} # URL of the SNMP service url = ibmc.manager_uri + "/SnmpService" # Obtain token token = ibmc.bmc_token # Obtain etag etag = ibmc.get_etag(url) # Initialize headers headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token, 'If-Match': etag } try: # Modify SNMP trap resource properties by PATCH method request_result = ibmc.request('PATCH', resource=url, headers=headers, data=payload, tmout=30) # Obtain the error code request_code = request_result.status_code if request_code == 200: log_msg = "Set SNMP trap resource properties successful!" set_result(ibmc.log_info, log_msg, True, ret) else: log_msg = "Set SNMP trap resource properties failed! " \ "The error code is: %s, The error info is: %s." \ % (str(request_code), str(request_result.json())) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) except Exception as e: ibmc.log_error("Set SNMP trap resource properties failed! " "The error info is: %s \n" % str(e)) raise requests.exceptions.RequestException( "Set SNMP trap resource properties failed! " "The error info is: %s" % str(e)) return ret
def set_bios_request(ibmc, payload): """ Function: send request to set bios configuration Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC payload : request body Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2021/2/22 21:13 """ # Initialize return information ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # Initialize request information. token = ibmc.get_token() url = ibmc.system_uri + "/Bios/Settings" e_tag = ibmc.get_etag(url) headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token, 'If-Match': e_tag } # send request to set bios try: request_result = ibmc.request('PATCH', resource=url, headers=headers, data=payload, tmout=10) request_code = request_result.status_code if request_code == 200: log_msg = "Set BIOS configuration resource info successfully! " \ "The setting takes effect after the system is restarted." set_result(ibmc.log_info, log_msg, True, ret) else: log_msg = "Set BIOS configuration resource info failed! " \ "The error code is: %s, The error info is: %s." % \ (str(request_code), str(request_result.json())) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) except Exception as e: error_msg = "Set BIOS configuration info failed! The error info is: %s \n" % str( e) ibmc.log_error(error_msg) raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(error_msg) return ret
def wait_task(ibmc, data, file_path, rets): """ Function: Out_band firmware upgrade Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC file_path : path of the firmware data : information from request rets: result of last step Returns: None Raises: None Date: 10/19/2019 """ task_id = data.get('Id') oem_info = ibmc.oem_info while 1: time.sleep(3) ret = ibmc.get_task_info(task_id) # Check whether the connection is successful. if ret is not None and ret.status_code == 200: data = ret.json() elif ret is not None: ibmc.log_info("code is :%s may be there are disconnect, " "you should wait for a moment!\n" % ret.status_code) continue else: ibmc.log_info("ret is None,may be there are disconnect, " "you should wait for a moment!\n") continue ret = data[u'TaskState'] percent = data[u'Oem'][oem_info][u'TaskPercentage'] percent = percent if percent else 0 ibmc.log_info("status:%s percent:%s" % (ret, str(percent))) # Check the completion status of the current task. if ret == 'Running': time.sleep(1) continue elif ret == 'OK' or ret == 'Completed' or percent == '100%': log_msg = "update %s successful! \n" % (file_path.split("/")[-1]) set_result(ibmc.log_info, log_msg, True, rets) break else: reason = data[u'Messages'][u'Message'] log_msg = " update %s failed! The failed info is %s \n" \ % (file_path.split("/")[-1], reason) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, rets) break
def collect_log_request(ibmc, log_path, url, log_type): """ Function: Send request to collect logs Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC log_path : Log file storage path and file name url: Redfish API for collect logs log_type : Collected log name Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2021/2/22 21:13 """ # Initialize return information ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # Initialize request information. token = ibmc.get_token() headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token} payload = {"Type": "URI", "Content": log_path} # send request to collect logss try: request_result = ibmc.request('POST', resource=url, headers=headers, data=payload, tmout=TIME_OUT) request_code = request_result.status_code request_result_json = request_result.json() except Exception as e: error_msg = "Collect %s logs failed! The error info is: %s \n" \ % (log_type, str(e)) set_result(ibmc.log_error, error_msg, False, ret) return ret if request_code != 202: log_error = "Collect %s logs failed! The error code is: %s, " \ "The error info is: %s." \ % (log_type, str(request_code), str(request_result_json)) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret task_url = request_result_json.get("") ibmc.log_info("Collecting %s logs..." % log_type) ret = wait_collect(ibmc, task_url, log_type) return ret
def check_set_interval(ibmc, min_polling_interval, max_polling_interval): """ Function: Verify the validity of the min_polling_interval and max_polling_interval setted by the user. Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC min_polling_interval : User-set min polling interval max_polling_interval: User-set max polling interval Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2019/10/12 17:21 """ ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} if min_polling_interval is not None: # Verify min_polling_interval is an integer if not isinstance(min_polling_interval, int): log_msg = 'The min polling interval must be an integer' set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret if min_polling_interval < MIN_POLLING_INTERVAL or min_polling_interval > MAX_POLLING_INTERVAL: log_msg = 'The min polling interval is incorrect, It should be a integer from %s to %s' % \ (str(MIN_POLLING_INTERVAL), str(MAX_POLLING_INTERVAL)) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret if max_polling_interval is not None: # Verify max_polling_interval is an integer if not isinstance(max_polling_interval, int): log_msg = 'The max polling interval must be an integer' set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret if max_polling_interval < MIN_POLLING_INTERVAL or max_polling_interval > MAX_POLLING_INTERVAL: log_msg = 'The max polling interval is incorrect, It should be a integer from %s to %s' % \ (str(MIN_POLLING_INTERVAL), str(MAX_POLLING_INTERVAL)) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret if (min_polling_interval is not None) and (max_polling_interval is not None): if min_polling_interval > max_polling_interval: log_msg = 'The min polling interval cannot be greater than max polling interval' set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret return ret
def wait_task(ibmc, data, command, file_path): """ Function: Obtaining the File Transfer Result Args: ibmc: Class that contains basic information about iBMC data: Information returned after sending request command: Export or import file_path: Path to save the file Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure """ rets = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} save_path, file_name = os.path.split(file_path) cnt = -1 task_id = data.get('Id') oem_info = ibmc.oem_info try: for cnt in range(WAIT_TASK_TIME): time.sleep(3) task_ret = ibmc.get_task_info(task_id) if task_ret.status_code != 200: ibmc.log_info("code is: %s ,may be there are disconnect, " "you should wait for a moment!" % str(task_ret.status_code)) continue data = task_ret.json() ret = data[u'TaskState'] percent = data[u'Oem'][oem_info][u'TaskPercentage'] ibmc.log_info("status: %s percent: %s" % (ret, str(percent))) if ret == 'Running': time.sleep(1) continue elif ret == 'OK' or ret == 'Completed' or percent == '100%': log_msg = "%s: %s successful! " % (command, file_name) set_result(ibmc.log_info, log_msg, True, rets) return rets else: log_msg = "%s: %s failed! The error info is %s " % \ (command, file_name, str(data['Messages']['Message'])) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, rets) return rets if cnt == (WAIT_TASK_TIME - 1): log_msg = " %s : %s failed! Get task result timeout " % (command, file_name) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, rets) return rets except Exception as e: log_msg = "%s profile exception! %s" % (command, str(e)) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, rets) return rets
def set_ntp_request(ibmc, payload): """ Function: set NTP configuration Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2019/10/12 21:13 """ ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # URL of the NTP service url = ibmc.manager_uri + "/NtpService" # Obtain token token = ibmc.bmc_token # Obtain etag etag = ibmc.get_etag(url) # Initialize headers headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token, 'If-Match': etag } try: # Modify NTP configuration by PATCH method request_result = ibmc.request('PATCH', resource=url, headers=headers, data=payload, tmout=10) # Obtain the error code request_code = request_result.status_code if request_code == 200: log_msg = "Set NTP configuration resource info successful!" set_result(ibmc.log_info, log_msg, True, ret) else: log_msg = "Set NTP configuration resource info failed! The error code is: %s, " \ "The error info is: %s." % ( str(request_code), str(request_result.json())) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) except Exception as e: msg = "Set NTP configuration resource info failed! The error info is: %s" % str( e) ibmc.log_error(msg) raise requests.exceptions.RequestException(msg) return ret
def check_status(ibmc): """ Function: check ibmc version, power status and sp status Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2019/10/12 17:21 """ rets = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} r = ibmc.check_ibmc_version(BMC_EXPECT_VERSION) if r is False: log_msg = "ibmc version must be %s or above" % BMC_EXPECT_VERSION set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, rets) return rets ret = manage_power(ibmc, "PowerOff") if ret['result'] is True: ibmc.log_info("ForceOff system successfully!") else: log_msg = "ForceOff system failed!" set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, rets) return rets time.sleep(5) for cnt_times in range(WAIT_POWEROFF): time.sleep(1) ret = get_power_status(ibmc) if "off" in ret['msg'].lower(): break if cnt_times == WAIT_POWEROFF - 1: ibmc.log_error("power state is still on after 120 s") for cnt_times in range(WAIT_POWEROFF): time.sleep(1) try: ret = sp_api_get_status(ibmc) if ret is None: ibmc.log_error("get sp status return None ") except Exception as e: ibmc.log_error("get sp status exception exception is :%s" % str(e)) continue if SP_STATUS_POWEROFF in ret: break if cnt_times == WAIT_POWEROFF - 1: ibmc.log_info("sp state is still on after 120 s") return rets
def download_file(ibmc, bmc_file, local_path=None, change_name=True): """ Function: download files from /tmp/web/ Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC bmc_file : User-specified file to be download local_path :Local path for storing files Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2021/2/22 21:13 """ ibmc.log_info("Start to download the files...") # Initialize return information ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # Verify the bmc_file if not isinstance(bmc_file, str): log_error = "Download file failed! The bmc_file %s is incorrect, the" \ " value must be a string. Please reset it." % bmc_file set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret # Verify the local_path verify_result = verify_file_path(ibmc, local_path) if not verify_result.get('result'): return verify_result # Set the file name. local_path = verify_result.get('msg') if change_name: date_str = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()) file_name = '%s_%s_%s' % (str(ibmc.ip), date_str, bmc_file) else: file_name = bmc_file local_file_name = os.path.join(local_path, file_name) # Obtaining the download result request_result = download_file_request(ibmc, bmc_file, local_file_name) if not request_result.get('result'): return request_result log_msg = "Download file successfully! File saved to %s." % local_file_name set_result(ibmc.log_info, log_msg, True, ret) return ret
def ibmc_modify_account_module(module): """ Function: Args: ansible_module (class): Returns: ret = {"result": False, "msg": 'not run modify account yet'} Raises: Exception Examples: Author: xwh Date: 2019/10/9 20:30 """ ret = {"result": False, "msg": 'not run modify account yet'} with IbmcBaseConnect(module.params, log, report) as ibmc: oem_info = ibmc.oem_info config_dic = {} body_para = {} oem_dic = {oem_info: {}} if module.params.get("new_account_user"): body_para["UserName"] = module.params.get("new_account_user") if module.params.get("new_account_pswd"): body_para["Password"] = module.params.get("new_account_pswd") if module.params.get("roleid"): body_para["RoleId"] = module.params.get("roleid") if module.params.get("locked") is not None: if module.params["locked"] is not False: error_msg = "The locked param can not be set to true" set_result(ibmc.log_error, error_msg, False, ret) return ret body_para["Locked"] = module.params["locked"] if module.params.get("enable") is not None: body_para["Enabled"] = module.params["enable"] if module.params.get("account_insecure_prompt_enabled") is not None: oem_dic[oem_info]["AccountInsecurePromptEnabled"] = module.params["account_insecure_prompt_enabled"] try: new_information(ibmc, module, oem_dic) except Exception as e: set_result(ibmc.log_error, str(e), False, ret) return ret if oem_dic[oem_info] != {}: body_para['Oem'] = oem_dic config_dic[module.params["old_account_user"]] = body_para ret = modify_account(ibmc, config_dic) return ret
def export_profile(ibmc, file_path, local): """ Function: Export BIOS, BMC, and RAID Controller Configurations Args: ibmc: Class that contains basic information about iBMC file_path: Path to save the file local: Export to local Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure """ ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} save_path, file_name = os.path.split(file_path) if local: file_path = os.path.join("/tmp/web", file_name) oem_info = ibmc.oem_info uri = "%s/Actions/Oem/%s/Manager.ExportConfiguration" % (ibmc.manager_uri, oem_info) token = ibmc.get_token() headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token} payload = {"Type": "URI", "Content": file_path} try: request_result = ibmc.request('POST', resource=uri, headers=headers, data=payload, tmout=60) except Exception as e: log_error = "Export server profile failed: %s" % str(e) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret request_code = request_result.status_code request_json = request_result.json() if request_code != 202: log_error = "Export profile failed! The status code is %s. " \ "The error info is %s" % (request_code, str(request_json)) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) else: ret['result'] = True ret['msg'] = request_json return ret
def get_log_id(ibmc): """ Function: Indicates the ID of a log file dynamically obtained. Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC Returns: ret : a dict of task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2021/6/30 18:04 """ ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} url = "%s/LogServices" % ibmc.system_uri # Obtain the token information of the iBMC token = ibmc.bmc_token # Initialize headers headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token} # Initialize payload payload = {} try: # Obtain the BIOS resource information through the GET method request_result = ibmc.request('GET', resource=url, headers=headers, data=payload, tmout=30) # Obtain error code request_code = request_result.status_code res_info = request_result.json() except Exception as e: log_error = "Get log id failed! The error info is %s" % e set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret if request_code != 200: log_error = "Get log id failed! The error info is %s" % res_info set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) else: log_id = res_info.get("Members")[0].get("") ret["msg"] = log_id return ret
def upload_file(ibmc, file): """ Function: Upload files to /bmc/temp Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC file : User-specified file to be transferred Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2021/2/22 21:13 """ ibmc.log_info("Start to upload the files...") # Initialize return information ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} if not os.path.isfile(file): log_error = "Upload file failed! The file %s is incorrect, " \ "please reset it." % file set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret # Initialize request information url = "https://%s/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory" % ibmc.ip token = ibmc.get_token() filename = file.split("/")[-1] with open(file, 'rb') as f: # Large files cannot be directly transferred and need to be encoded. m = MultipartEncoder( fields={'file': (filename, f, 'multipart/form-data')}) headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token, 'Content-Type': m.content_type} try: request_result = ibmc.request('POST', resource=url, data=m, headers=headers, tmout=600) except Exception as e: log_error = "Send request to upload the file failed! The error info is: %s \n" % str( e) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret if request_result.status_code != 202: log_error = "Send request to upload the file failed! " \ "The error code is: %s, The error info is: %s" \ % (str(request_result.status_code), str(request_result.json())) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret log_msg = "Upload file successfully!" set_result(ibmc.log_info, log_msg, True, ret) return ret
def set_bios(ibmc, bios_info, immediately): """ Function: Set bios Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC bios_info : user set bios information immediately : restart the server Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2021/2/22 21:13 """ ibmc.log_info("Start to set BIOS configuration resource info...") # Initialize return information ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # Verify the BIOS content set by the user. if not isinstance(bios_info, dict): log_msg = 'The attributes format is incorrect, ' \ 'please set it in the set_bios.yml file.' set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret if len(bios_info) == 0: log_msg = 'The attributes is null, ' \ 'please set it in the set_bios.yml file' set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret # Obtain the request result. payload = {"Attributes": bios_info} request_result = set_bios_request(ibmc, payload) if not request_result.get('result') or not immediately: return request_result # Restart the server restart_result = restart_server(ibmc) if not restart_result.get('result'): return restart_result ret = verify_configuration(ibmc, bios_info) return ret
def sp_api_get_fw_info(ibmc): """ Function: sp api get fw info Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2019/10/12 17:21 """ ret = {'result': False, 'msg': '', "fwInfo": []} uri = "%s/SPService/DeviceInfo" % ibmc.manager_uri token = ibmc.get_token() headers = {'X-Auth-Token': token} playload = {} try: r = ibmc.request('GET', resource=uri, headers=headers, data=playload, tmout=10) result = r.status_code if result != 200: log_msg = "get FwInfo error info is: %s \n" % str(r.json()) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret ibmc.log_info("get FwInfo successful!\n") ret['result'] = True ret['msg'] = 'successful!' # PCIeCards is empty or do not has the key PCIeCards should raise if r.json().get("PCIeCards"): ret["fwInfo"] = r.json().get("PCIeCards") else: msg = "get FWInfo failed! do not has keys PCIeCards or PCIeCards is empty; " \ "Maybe you should start sp once" ibmc.log_error(msg) raise Exception(msg) except Exception as e: ibmc.log_error("get FWInfo failed! %s" % str(e)) raise return ret
def get_power_status(ibmc): """ Args: ibmc (class): Returns: None Raises: Exception Examples: None Author: xwh Date: 10/19/2019 """ token = ibmc.get_token() headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-Auth-Token': token} uri = ibmc.system_uri rets = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} payload = {} try: response = ibmc.request("GET", resource=uri, headers=headers, data=payload) except Exception as e: ibmc.log_error("send get power state exception; exception is: %s" % (str(e))) raise Exception("send get power state exception; exception is: %s" % (str(e))) try: if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() log_msg = "get system power state successful! power status is :%s" % data[ u'PowerState'] set_result(ibmc.log_info, log_msg, True, rets) return rets else: ibmc.log_error(" get system power state failed!") raise Exception( "get power state failed , error code exception,error code is %s" % str(response.status_code)) except Exception as e: ibmc.log_error("parse response exception %s" % (str(e))) raise Exception("parse response exception %s" % (str(e)))
def check_user_set(ibmc, url, request_method, request_body): """ Function: Validity of parameters set by users Args: ibmc : information from yml url : user-set request resource request_method : user-set request method request_body : user-set request body content Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure """ # Initialize return information ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # Verifying Parameters Configured by Users if request_method not in REQUEST_METHOD: log_error = "The request method is incorrect. " \ "Please set it in the common_api.yml file" set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret if request_method in ("GET", "DELETE") and request_body != '{}': log_error = "When request_method is 'Get' or 'Delete', request_body must be empty." set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret if not isinstance(request_body, str) or not request_body.startswith("{"): log_error = "Incorrect request_body format. Please set it in the common_api.yml file." set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret if not url.startswith("/"): log_error = "The url is incorrect. Please set it in the common_api.yml file." set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret msg = "Check parameter setting successfully!" set_result(ibmc.log_info, msg, True, ret) return ret
def ibmc_set_request(module): """ Function: Set SNMP trap resource properties Args: module (class): Returns: {"result": False, "msg": 'not run set snmp trap yet'} Raises: None Examples: Author: Date: 2019/12/12 17:33 """ ret = {} if module.params.get("verify") is False: verify = False elif module.params.get("verify") is None or module.params.get( "verify") == "": verify = True else: if module.params.get("verify") is True and module.params.get( "certify"): verify = module.params.get("certify") else: verify = True ciphers = module.params.get("ciphers") if module.params.get("force_tls1_2") is False: force_tls1_2 = False else: force_tls1_2 = True r = set_ssl_cfg(verify, force_tls1_2, ciphers, log) if r: log_msg = "set verify sucessed" set_result(, log_msg, True, ret) else: log_msg = "set verify failed" set_result(log.error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret
def prepare_update(ibmc): """ Function: set sp and power for update Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC Returns: ret : Task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2019/10/12 17:21 """ rets = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # start sp to upgrade ret = sp_api_set_sp_service(ibmc, sp_enable=True) if ret['result'] is True: ibmc.log_info("set sp_service successfully!") else: time.sleep(CHECK_INTERVAL) ret = sp_api_set_sp_service(ibmc, sp_enable=True) if ret['result'] is True: ibmc.log_info("set sp service again successfully!") else: log_msg = "set sp service again failed!" set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, rets) return rets # power on ret = manage_power(ibmc, "PowerOn") if ret['result'] is True: ibmc.log_info("power on system successfully!") else: log_msg = "power on system failed!" set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, rets) return rets ret = wait_sp_start(ibmc) if ret['result'] is False: return ret return rets
def wait_collect(ibmc, task_url, log_type): """ Function: wait task start for Args: ibmc : Class that contains basic information about iBMC task_url : url of task log_type : Collected log name Returns: ret : a dict of task result "result": True or False "msg": description for success or failure Raises: None Date: 2019/11/9 18:04 """ ret = {'result': True, 'msg': ''} # Wait for task start time.sleep(START_TIME) request_time = GET_RESULT_TIME.get(log_type) sleep_time = SLEEP_TIME.get(log_type) for loop_time in range(0, request_time): # Get task result try: task_result = get_task_status(ibmc, task_url) except Exception as e: log_error = "Get task status exception, " \ "The error info is: %s, continue..." % str(e) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret loop_time += 1 if task_result[0].find("Successful") != -1: log_msg = "Collect %s logs successfully!" % log_type set_result(ibmc.log_info, log_msg, True, ret) return ret elif task_result[-1].find("failed") != -1 or task_result[0].find( "Exception") != -1: log_error = "Collect %s logs failed! %s" % (log_type, task_result[-1]) set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_error, False, ret) return ret else: time.sleep(sleep_time) # Collect time out log_msg = "Collect %s logs failed! Collection timed out." % log_type set_result(ibmc.log_error, log_msg, False, ret) return ret