def test(self): print sys.argv global filename if filename is None: filename = corsika.example_data_dir + '/DAT000002-32' assert os.path.exists(filename) f = corsika.ShowerFile(filename) assert f.find_event(1) == corsika.Status.eSuccess shower = f.current_shower assert shower.primary == 2212 assert == 100000.0 assert shower.muon_number == 1335.0 self.assertAlmostEqual(shower.zenith, 0.3490658, 6) self.assertAlmostEqual(shower.azimuth, 3.0609822, 6) assert shower.min_radius_cut == 0. assert shower.shower_number == 1 self.assertAlmostEqual(shower.em_energy_cutoff, 0.003) self.assertAlmostEqual(shower.muon_energy_cutoff, 0.3) a=0 for i,p in enumerate(shower.particles): if i < reference.shape[0]: assert numpy.all(numpy.isclose([p.description, p.px,, p.pz, p.x, p.y, p.t_or_z], reference[i], 3)) assert p.weight == 1 assert p.observing_level == 0 assert p.corsika_code == int(reference[i,0]/1e3) assert p.pdg_code == corsika.ParticleList.corsika_to_pdg(int(reference[i,0]/1e3)) assert p.hadronic_generation == int((reference[i,0]%1000)/10) assert p.has_muon_info == (p.corsika_code == 5 or p.corsika_code == 6) # muons assert p.has_parent == False a += 1 assert a == 181992 assert f.find_event(2) == corsika.Status.eFail
def test(self): global filename if filename is None: filename = corsika.example_data_dir + '/DAT000011-proton-EHISTORY-MUPROD' assert os.path.exists(filename) #print 'opening', filename f = corsika.ShowerFile(filename) f.find_event(1) shower = f.current_shower particle_it = shower.particles raw = corsika.RawStream(filename) block = corsika.Block() raw.get_next_block(block) # RUNH raw.get_next_block(block) # EVTH raw_particle_it = raw.particles() raw_particles = numpy.zeros(len([p for p in raw_particle_it]), dtype=raw_ptype) raw_particle_it.rewind() i = 0 for p in raw_particle_it: raw_particle2dtype(p, raw_particles[i]) i += 1 particle_it = shower.particles l = len([p for p in particle_it]) particles = numpy.zeros(l, dtype=ptype) parents = numpy.zeros(l, dtype=ptype) grand_parents = numpy.zeros(l, dtype=ptype) parents['code'] = -99999999999 grand_parents['code'] = -99999999999 particle_it.rewind() i = 0 for p in particle_it: particle2dtype(p, particles[i]) if p.has_parent: particle2dtype(p.parent, parents[i]) particle2dtype(p.grand_parent, grand_parents[i]) i += 1 parent_mask = parents['code'] != -99999999999 grandparent_mask = grand_parents['code'] != -99999999999 muon_mask = (particles['code'] == 6) + (particles['code'] == 5) + ( particles['code'] == 95) + (particles['code'] == 96) electron_mask = (particles['code'] == 3) + (particles['code'] == 2) gamma_mask = (particles['code'] == 1) raw_muon_mask = (raw_particles['code'] == 6) + ( raw_particles['code'] == 5) + (raw_particles['code'] == 95) + ( raw_particles['code'] == 96) raw_electron_mask = (raw_particles['code'] == 3) + (raw_particles['code'] == 2) raw_gamma_mask = (raw_particles['code'] == 1) # the following raw entries are filtered by the high-level interface: raw_invalid_mask = raw_particles[ 'description'] == 0 # these are trailing particles, between the last particle and the end of the block raw_history_mask = raw_particles[ 'description'] < 0 # these are EHISTORY particles, which are accessed as members of high-level particles raw_undefined_mask = raw_particles[ 'pdg'] == 0 # these entries have no entry in the particle table (very rare particles) muons = particles[muon_mask] raw_muons = raw_particles[raw_muon_mask * ~raw_invalid_mask * ~raw_history_mask * ~raw_undefined_mask * (raw_particles['level'] == 1)] def test(condition, message): if not condition: print 'FAIL:', message assert test def test_equal(left, right, message): if not left == right: print 'FAIL:', message, ":", left, "!=", right assert left == right test_equal(len(raw_particles), 294645, "total number of raw particles") test_equal(len(particles), 254188, "total number of particles") test_equal( len(particles), len(raw_particles[~raw_invalid_mask * ~raw_history_mask * ~raw_undefined_mask * (raw_particles['level'] == 1)]), "discrepancy in number of particles") test_equal( len(raw_particles[raw_muon_mask * ~raw_invalid_mask * ~raw_history_mask * ~raw_undefined_mask * (raw_particles['level'] == 1)]), len(particles[muon_mask]), "discrepancy in number of muons") test_equal( len(raw_particles[raw_electron_mask * ~raw_invalid_mask * ~raw_history_mask * ~raw_undefined_mask * (raw_particles['level'] == 1)]), len(particles[electron_mask]), "discrepancy in number of electrons") test_equal( len(raw_particles[raw_gamma_mask * ~raw_invalid_mask * ~raw_history_mask * ~raw_undefined_mask * (raw_particles['level'] == 1)]), len(particles[gamma_mask]), "discrepancy in number of gammas") test_equal(len(particles[parent_mask * muon_mask]), len(particles[muon_mask]), "discrepancy in number of muons and muon parents") test(numpy.all(raw_muons['x'] == muons['x']), 'x differs') test(numpy.all(raw_muons['y'] == muons['y']), 'y differs') test(numpy.all(raw_muons['px'] == muons['px']), 'px differs') test(numpy.all(raw_muons['py'] == muons['py']), 'py differs') t_offset = numpy.mean( raw_muons['z_or_t'] - muons['z_or_t']) # particle times might be shifted test( numpy.all( numpy.abs(raw_muons['z_or_t'] - muons['z_or_t'] - t_offset) < 1e-1), 'T or z differs')
import sys try: import icecube within_icecube = True except: within_icecube = False if within_icecube: from icecube import corsika else: import corsika from ROOT import * if len(sys.argv)>1: filename = sys.argv[1] else: filename = corsika.example_data_dir + '/DAT000002-32' f = corsika.ShowerFile(filename) h = TH2F('ground_particles', 'Ground Particles', 100, -5000, 5000, 100, -5000, 5000) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle('X/m') h.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Y/m') f.find_event(1) for particle in f.current_shower.particles: c = h.Fill(particle.x/100., particle.y/100.) h.Draw('surf1') gPad.SetLogz()