def setUp(self): super(TestExporter, self).setUp() config = DummyConfig({ 'export:test': { 'url': None, 'skip_keys': 'export_source', 'batch': '3', }, 'export:everything': { 'url': '', 'batch': '5', }, 'export:no_test': { 'skip_keys': 'test_1 test\ntest:-1', 'batch': '2', }, 'export:invalid_ftp': { 'url': '', 'batch': '5', }, 'export:invalid': { 'url': 'no_url', 'batch': '5', }, }) self.celery_app.export_queues = queues = configure_export( self.redis_client, config) self.test_queue_key = queues['test'].queue_key() self.session.add(ApiKey(valid_key='test2', log_submit=True)) self.session.flush()
def _init_searcher(self, klass): return klass( settings=DummyConfig({}), geoip_db=self.geoip_db, raven_client=self.raven_client, redis_client=self.redis_client, stats_client=self.stats_client, )
def setUp(self): super(TestInternal, self).setUp() config = DummyConfig({ 'export:internal': { 'url': 'internal://', 'batch': '0', }, }) self.celery_app.app_config = config
def setUp(self): super(TestS3, self).setUp() config = DummyConfig({ 'export:backup': { 'url': 's3://bucket/backups/{api_key}/{year}/{month}/{day}', 'batch': '3', }, }) self.celery_app.app_config = config
def setUp(self): super(TestGeosubmit, self).setUp() config = DummyConfig({ 'export:test': { 'url': '', 'batch': '3', }, }) self.celery_app.app_config = config
def setUp(self): super(TestS3Uploader, self).setUp() config = DummyConfig({ 'export:backup': { 'url': 's3://bucket/backups/{api_key}/{year}/{month}/{day}', 'batch': '3', }, }) self.celery_app.export_queues = configure_export( self.redis_client, config)
def setUp(self): super(TestGeosubmitUploader, self).setUp() config = DummyConfig({ 'export:test': { 'url': '', 'batch': '3', }, }) self.celery_app.export_queues = configure_export( self.redis_client, config)
def setUp(self): super(TestUploader, self).setUp() config = DummyConfig({ 'export:internal': { 'url': 'internal://', 'metadata': 'true', 'batch': '0', }, }) self.celery_app.export_queues = configure_export( self.redis_client, config)
def test_redis_config(self): app_config = DummyConfig({ 'ichnaea': { 'db_master': SQLURI, 'db_slave': SQLURI, 'redis_url': REDIS_URI, } }) app = _make_app(app_config=app_config, _raven_client=self.raven_client, _stats_client=self.stats_client) self.assertTrue( is not None)
def test_redis_config(self): app_config = DummyConfig({ 'cache': { 'cache_url': REDIS_URI, }, }) app = _make_app(app_config=app_config, _db_rw=self.db_rw, _db_ro=self.db_ro, _raven_client=self.raven_client, _stats_client=self.stats_client) redis_client = self.assertTrue(redis_client is not None) self.assertEqual(redis_client.connection_pool.connection_kwargs['db'], 1)
def test_db_hooks(self): app_config = DummyConfig( {'ichnaea': { 'db_master': SQLURI, 'db_slave': SQLURI, }}) app = _make_app( app_config=app_config, _raven_client=self.raven_client, _redis_client=self.redis_client, _stats_client=self.stats_client, ) self.db_rw = self.db_ro = self.setup_session() app.get('/stats_wifi.json', status=200)
def setUp(self): super(TestExporter, self).setUp() config = DummyConfig({ 'export:test': { 'url': 'dummy://', 'skip_keys': 'export_source', 'batch': '3', }, 'export:everything': { 'url': 'dummy://', 'batch': '5', }, 'export:no_test': { 'url': 'dummy://', 'skip_keys': 'test_1 test\ntest:-1', 'batch': '2', }, }) self.celery_app.app_config = config ApiKeyFactory(valid_key='test2') self.session.flush()
def test_db_config(self): app_config = DummyConfig({ 'database': { 'rw_url': SQLURI, 'ro_url': SQLURI, }, }) app = _make_app(app_config=app_config, _raven_client=self.raven_client, _redis_client=self.redis_client, _stats_client=self.stats_client, ) db_rw = db_ro = # the configured databases are working try: self.assertTrue( self.assertTrue( finally: # clean up the new db engine's _make_app created db_rw.engine.pool.dispose() db_ro.engine.pool.dispose()
def test_schedule(self): app_config = DummyConfig({ 'assets': { 'bucket': 'bucket', }, 'export:internal': { 'url': 'internal://', 'metadata': 'True', 'batch': '1000', }, 'export:backup': { 'url': 's3://bucket/directory/{api_key}/{year}/{month}/{day}', 'skip_keys': 'test', 'batch': '10000', }, 'export:outside': { 'url': 'https://localhost:9/some/api/url?key=export', 'skip_keys': 'test', 'batch': '10000', }, 'import:ocid': { 'url': 'https://localhost:9/downloads/', 'apikey': 'some_key', }, }) tasks = set(schedule.celerybeat_schedule(app_config)) for name in ('cell-export-full', 'cell-export-diff'): self.assertTrue(name in tasks) for name in ('cell-import-external', 'monitor-ocid-import'): self.assertTrue(name in tasks) for name in ('gsm', 'wcdma', 'lte'): self.assertTrue('update-cell-' + name in tasks) for name in ('ne', 'nw', 'se', 'sw'): self.assertTrue('update-datamap-' + name in tasks) for i in range(16): self.assertTrue('update-wifi-%x' % i in tasks)
# Some test-data constants TEST_CONFIG = DummyConfig({ 'assets': { 'bucket': 'localhost.bucket', 'url': '', }, 'export:test': { 'url': None, 'skip_keys': 'export', 'batch': '3', }, 'export:internal': { 'url': 'internal://', 'metadata': 'true', 'batch': '0', }, 'import:ocid': { 'url': '', 'apikey': 'xxxxxxxx-yyyy-xxxx-yyyy-xxxxxxxxxxxx', }, 'locate:fallback': { 'url': '', 'ratelimit': '10', 'ratelimit_expire': '60', 'ratelimit_interval': '5', 'cache_expire': '60', }, }) GEOIP_DATA = {
SQL_BASE_STRUCTURE = os.path.join(DATA_DIRECTORY, 'base_structure.sql') SQLURI = os.environ.get('SQLURI') REDIS_URI = os.environ.get('REDIS_URI', 'redis://localhost:6379/1') SESSION = {} # Some test-data constants TEST_CONFIG = DummyConfig({ 'ichnaea': { 'assets_url': '', 's3_backup_bucket': 'localhost.bucket', 's3_assets_bucket': 'localhost.bucket', 'ocid_url': '', 'ocid_apikey': 'xxxxxxxx-yyyy-xxxx-yyyy-xxxxxxxxxxxx', }, 'export:test': { 'url': None, 'source_apikey': 'export', 'batch': '3', }, }) GEOIP_DATA = { 'London': { 'city': True, 'country_code': 'GB', 'country_name': 'United Kingdom', 'ip': '', 'latitude': 51.5142, 'longitude': -0.0931,