Пример #1
def populate_birthdays_calendar(birthdays):
    """ Populate a birthdays calendar using birthday objects """

    c = Calendar()
    c.scale = 'GREGORIAN'
    c.method = 'PUBLISH'
    c.creator = f'fb2cal v{__version__} ({__status__}) [{__website__}]'
        ContentLine(name='X-WR-CALNAME', value='Facebook Birthdays (fb2cal)'))
    c.extra.append(ContentLine(name='X-PUBLISHED-TTL', value='PT12H'))
        ContentLine(name='X-ORIGINAL-URL', value='/events/birthdays/'))

    cur_date = datetime.now()

    for birthday in birthdays:
        e = Event()
        e.uid = birthday.uid
        e.name = f"{birthday.name}'s Birthday"

        # Calculate the year as this year or next year based on if its past current month or not
        # Also pad day, month with leading zeros to 2dp
        year = cur_date.year if birthday.month >= cur_date.month else (
            cur_date + relativedelta(years=1)).year
        month = '{:02d}'.format(birthday.month)
        day = '{:02d}'.format(birthday.day)
        e.begin = f'{year}-{month}-{day} 00:00:00'
        e.duration = timedelta(days=1)
        e.extra.append(ContentLine(name='RRULE', value='FREQ=YEARLY'))


    return c
Пример #2
def make(parsed, monday):
    calendar = Calendar()
    calendar.creator = "eAUrnik - Fork me on GitHub: https://git.io/JO5Za"
    durations = []
    for duration in parsed[0]:
        start, end = duration.split(" - ")
        start_hours, start_minutes = map(int, start.split(":"))
        end_hours, end_minutes = map(int, end.split(":"))
        durations.append(((start_hours, start_minutes), (end_hours, end_minutes)))
    data = parsed[1]
    for day_index in range(0, len(data)):
        day = monday + timedelta(days = day_index)
        lessons = data[day_index]
        for lesson_index in range(0, len(lessons)):
            for lesson in lessons[lesson_index]:
                title = lesson[0]
                subtitle = lesson[1]
                duration = durations[lesson_index]
                timezone = ZoneInfo("Europe/Ljubljana")
                start = datetime(day.year, day.month, day.day, duration[0][0], duration[0][1], tzinfo = timezone)
                end = datetime(day.year, day.month, day.day, duration[1][0], duration[1][1], tzinfo = timezone)

                event = Event()
                event.name = title
                event.location = subtitle
                event.begin = start
                event.end = end

    return string(calendar)
Пример #3
def populate_birthdays_calendar(birthdays):
    """ Populate a birthdays calendar using birthday objects """

    c = Calendar()
    c.scale = 'GREGORIAN'
    c.method = 'PUBLISH'
    c.creator = f'fb2cal v{__version__} ({__status__}) [{__website__}]'
        ContentLine(name='X-WR-CALNAME', value='Facebook Birthdays (fb2cal)'))
    c.extra.append(ContentLine(name='X-PUBLISHED-TTL', value='PT12H'))
        ContentLine(name='X-ORIGINAL-URL', value='/events/birthdays/'))

    cur_date = datetime.now()
    backburner = []
    rearrange = False

    logger.info("Saving birthdays to local cache...")
    with open('birthdays.pkl', 'wb') as pkl_file:
        pickle.dump(birthdays, pkl_file)
        logger.info("Saved to cache (src/birthdays.pkl)")

    for birthday_i in range(0, len(birthdays)):

        birthday = birthdays[birthday_i]

        if (birthday.month == 2 and birthday.day == 29):
            rearrange = True
            del birthdays[birthday_i]
            birthday_i -= 1
        if rearrange:
            if not (birthday.month == 2 and birthday.day == 28):
                birthdays.insert(birthday_i, backburner)
                rearrange = False
                birthday_i -= 1

        e = Event()
        e.uid = birthday.uid
        e.name = f"{birthday.name}'s Birthday"

        # Calculate the year as this year or next year based on if its past current month or not
        # Also pad day, month with leading zeros to 2dp
        year = cur_date.year if birthday.month >= cur_date.month else (
            cur_date + relativedelta(years=1)).year
        month = '{:02d}'.format(birthday.month)
        day = '{:02d}'.format(birthday.day)
        e.begin = f'{year}-{month}-{day} 00:00:00'
        e.duration = timedelta(days=1)
        e.extra.append(ContentLine(name='RRULE', value='FREQ=YEARLY'))


    return c
Пример #4
    def generate(self):
        c = Calendar()
        c.scale = 'GREGORIAN'
        c.method = 'PUBLISH'
        c.creator = f'fb2cal v{__version__} ({__status__}) [{__website__}]'
                        value='Facebook Birthdays (fb2cal)'))
        c.extra.append(ContentLine(name='X-PUBLISHED-TTL', value='PT12H'))
            ContentLine(name='X-ORIGINAL-URL', value='/events/birthdays/'))

        cur_date = datetime.now()

        for facebook_user in self.facebook_users:
            # Don't add extra 's' if name already ends with 's'
            formatted_username = f"{facebook_user.name}'s" if facebook_user.name[
                -1] != 's' else f"{facebook_user.name}'"
            formatted_username = f'{formatted_username} Birthday'

            # Set date components
            day = facebook_user.birthday_day
            month = facebook_user.birthday_month
            year = facebook_user.birthday_year

            # Feb 29 special case:
            # If event year is not a leap year, use Feb 28 as birthday date instead
            if facebook_user.birthday_month == 2 and facebook_user.birthday_day == 29 and not calendar.isleap(
                day = 28

            # The birth year may not be visible due to privacy settings
            # In this case, calculate the year as this year or next year based on if its past current month or not
            if year is None:
                year = cur_date.year if facebook_user.birthday_month >= cur_date.month else (
                    cur_date + relativedelta(years=1)).year

            # Format date components as needed
            month = f'{month:02}'
            day = f'{day:02}'

            # Event meta data
            e = Event()

            e.uid = facebook_user.id
            e.name = formatted_username
            e.created = cur_date
            e.description = f'{facebook_user}\n{generate_facebook_profile_url_permalink(facebook_user)}'
            e.begin = f'{year}-{month}-{day} 00:00:00'
            e.duration = timedelta(days=1)
            e.extra.append(ContentLine(name='RRULE', value='FREQ=YEARLY'))


        self.birthday_calendar = c
Пример #5
    def calculate_result(self, stamp, **kwargs):
        logit("[Calendar] GenerateCalendarTask: starting up! - - - - - - - - - -")
        sessionTypeValue = SessionType.objects.get(name="Race")
        currentSeason = Season.objects.filter(year=date.today().year)
        # logit("[Calendar] Current Season: " + str(currentSeason[0].year))

        localtz = dateutil.tz.tzlocal()
        localoffset = localtz.utcoffset(datetime.datetime.now(localtz))
        offsetHours = localoffset.total_seconds() / 3600

        # logit("[Calendar] Offset: " + str(offsetHours))

        calendar = Calendar()
        calendar.creator = unicode("IndyBot, a product of /r/INDYCAR on Reddit")

        raceList = Race.objects.filter(season=currentSeason)
        for i in xrange(len(raceList)):
            # logit("[Calendar] ----------------------------------------------- ")
            # logit("[Calendar] " + raceList[i].title)
            event = Event()
            event.name = raceList[i].title
            event.location = raceList[i].course.name
            event.description = "Coverage on " + raceList[i].channel

            startTime = False
            endTime = False
            raceSession = Session.objects.get(race_id=raceList[i].id, type_id=sessionTypeValue)
            startTime = raceSession.tvstarttime + timedelta(hours=offsetHours)

            if raceSession.tvendtime == None:
                endTime = startTime + timedelta(hours=3)
                endTime = raceSession.tvendtime + timedelta(hours=offsetHours)

            event.begin = arrow.get(startTime, 'US/Eastern')
            event.end = arrow.get(endTime, 'US/Eastern')

            # logit("[Calendar] Start Time: " + str(event.begin.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss ZZ')))
            # logit("[Calendar] End Time: " + str(event.end.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss ZZ')))


        with open('static/races.ics', 'w') as f:

        logit("[Calendar] Finished.")

        return 1
Пример #6
def add_to_calendar(request, pk, slug):
    conference = Conference.objects.get(id=pk)
    e = Event()
    c = Calendar()
    e.name = conference.name
    e.begin = conference.start_date.isocalendar()
    e.end = conference.end_date.isocalendar()
    e.location = conference.venue
    c.creator = conference.organizer.user.username
    with open('my.ics', 'w') as my_file:

    mail_ics_file.delay(file_name='my.ics', to=request.user.email)

    return redirect('events:conference-detail', pk=pk, slug=slug)
Пример #7
def populate_birthdays_calendar(birthdays):
    """ Populate a birthdays calendar using birthday objects """

    c = Calendar()
    c.scale = 'GREGORIAN'
    c.method = 'PUBLISH'
    c.creator = f'fb2cal v{__version__} ({__status__}) [{__website__}]'
        ContentLine(name='X-WR-CALNAME', value='Facebook Birthdays (fb2cal)'))
    c.extra.append(ContentLine(name='X-PUBLISHED-TTL', value='PT12H'))
        ContentLine(name='X-ORIGINAL-URL', value='/events/birthdays/'))

    cur_date = datetime.now()

    for birthday in birthdays:
        e = Event()
        e.uid = birthday.uid
        e.name = f"{birthday.name}'s Birthday"

        # Calculate the year as this year or next year based on if its past current month or not
        # Also pad day, month with leading zeros to 2dp
        year = cur_date.year if birthday.month >= cur_date.month else (
            cur_date + relativedelta(years=1)).year
        month = '{:02d}'.format(birthday.month)
        day = '{:02d}'.format(birthday.day)
            e.begin = f'{year}-{month}-{day} 00:00:00'
        except ValueError as err:
            # Check if this is due to leap year. If so, move to Feb 28.
            if birthday.month == 2 and birthday.day == 29:
                day = '{:02d}'.format(birthday.day - 1)
                    f"{birthday.name}'s birthday landed on a missing leap day. Moving 1 day earlier ({year}-{month}-{day}) instead."
                e.begin = f'{year}-{month}-{day} 00:00:00'
                raise err
        e.duration = timedelta(days=1)
        e.extra.append(ContentLine(name='RRULE', value='FREQ=YEARLY'))


    return c
Пример #8
    def generate(self):
        c = Calendar()
        c.scale = 'GREGORIAN'
        c.method = 'PUBLISH'
        c.creator = f'fb2cal v{__version__} ({__status__}) [{__website__}]'
                        value='Facebook Birthdays (fb2cal)'))
        c.extra.append(ContentLine(name='X-PUBLISHED-TTL', value='PT12H'))
            ContentLine(name='X-ORIGINAL-URL', value='/events/birthdays/'))

        cur_date = datetime.now()

        for facebook_user in self.facebook_users:
            e = Event()
            e.uid = facebook_user.id
            e.created = cur_date

            # Don't add extra 's' if name already ends with 's'
            formatted_username = f"{facebook_user.name}'s" if facebook_user.name[
                -1] != 's' else f"{facebook_user.name}'"
            e.name = f"{formatted_username} Birthday"

            # Calculate the year as this year or next year based on if its past current month or not
            # Also pad day, month with leading zeros to 2dp
            year = cur_date.year if facebook_user.birthday_month >= cur_date.month else (
                cur_date + relativedelta(years=1)).year

            # Feb 29 special case:
            # If event year is not a leap year, use Feb 28 as birthday date instead
            if facebook_user.birthday_month == 2 and facebook_user.birthday_day == 29 and not calendar.isleap(
                facebook_user.birthday_day = 28

            month = '{:02d}'.format(facebook_user.birthday_month)
            day = '{:02d}'.format(facebook_user.birthday_day)
            e.begin = f'{year}-{month}-{day} 00:00:00'
            e.duration = timedelta(days=1)
            e.extra.append(ContentLine(name='RRULE', value='FREQ=YEARLY'))


        self.birthday_calendar = c
Пример #9
def calendar_view(request, whatever):
    from ics import Calendar, Event
    actions, ctx = _get_actions(request, include_future=True, include_past=30)
    thecal = Calendar()
    thecal.creator = 'XR Mass Events'
    for action in actions:
        evt = Event()
        evt.uid = '{}@{}'.format(action.id, request.get_host())
        evt.name = action.html_title
        evt.description = action.description
        evt.categories = action.tags.names()
        evt.last_modified = action.modified
        evt.url = request.build_absolute_uri(action.get_absolute_url())
        evt.begin = action.when
        evt.duration = timedelta(hours=1)
        # evt.end = action.when + timedelta(hours=1)
        evt.location = action.location
    response = HttpResponse(thecal, content_type='text/calendar')
    return response
Пример #10
def ics_parser(bday_info_tuple, enable_date_swap):

    # Set calender info.
    c = Calendar()
    c.scale = 'GREGORIAN'
    c.method = 'PUBLISH'
    c.creator = 'Hardeep Singh Narang @hardeepnarang10'
    c._unused.append(ContentLine(name='X-WR-CALNAME', params={}, value='Facebook Birthdays Calendar (fb2ics)'))
    c._unused.append(ContentLine(name='X-PUBLISHED-TTL', params={}, value='PT12H'))
    c._unused.append(ContentLine(name='X-ORIGINAL-URL', params={}, value='/events/birthdays/'))

    # Get present date.
    present_date = datetime.now()

    # Process and add individual Events to the Calender object.
    for each_tuple in bday_info_tuple:
        # Calculate year for next birthday.
        # Add padding for day and month (2 digits - leading zero).
        tuple_date = each_tuple[2]
        year = present_date.year if int(tuple_date[0:tuple_date.index('/')]) >= present_date.month else (present_date + relativedelta(years=1)).year

        if enable_date_swap:
            day = '{:02d}'.format(int(tuple_date[0:tuple_date.index('/')]))
            month = '{:02d}'.format(int(tuple_date[tuple_date.index('/') + 1:]))
            month = '{:02d}'.format(int(tuple_date[0:tuple_date.index('/')]))
            day = '{:02d}'.format(int(tuple_date[tuple_date.index('/')+1:]))

        # Create Event object.
        e = Event()
        e.uid = each_tuple[0]
        e.name = f"{each_tuple[1]}'s Birthday!"
        e.description = "Facebook friend's birthday! Wish them well!"
        e.begin = f'{year}-{month}-{day} 00:00:00'
        e.duration = timedelta(days=1)
        e._unused.append(ContentLine(name='RRULE', params={}, value='FREQ=YEARLY'))


    return c
Пример #11
def writeICS():
    conn = sqlite3.connect('xueshu.sqlite3', detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
    c = conn.cursor()
    now = datetime.now()
    future = now + timedelta(days=60)
    items = c.execute('select * from xueshu where startdate>=? and startdate<=?', (now.date(), future.date()))
    c = Calendar()
    c.creator = 'meelo'
    for item in items:
        e = Event()
        e.name = item[1].replace(' ','') + '【{}】'.format(item[10]) + item[9]
#        e.begin = arrow.get(item[3], 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss').replace(tzinfo=tz.gettz('Asia/Chongqing'))
        e.begin = arrow.get(item[3], 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss').replace(tzinfo='+08:00')
        e.duration = timedelta(hours=2)
        e.location = item[4]
        e.description = item[12]
#    print(c.events)
    with open('xueshu.ics', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
def event_generator(units):

	# set up a calendar
	c = Calendar()
	c.creator = "The Null Pointers"

	# set up a dictionary for the general week events
	weekly = {}
	for i in range(1,14):
		weekly[i] = []

	# set up a list of formal exams
	final_exams = []

	for unit in units:

		for assessment in unit.list_of_assessments:

			# if the assessment has a due date we want to create an event
			# for it
			if assessment.due_date != None:

				e = Event()
				e.name = unit.code + ": " + assessment.description_title + " (" + "weighting: " + assessment.weight + ")"
				date = arrow.get(assessment.due_date, "DD MMM YYYY")
				e.begin = date
				e.description = assessment.description_body


			if assessment.due_str.startswith("Week "):

				week = int(assessment.due_str.split()[1])

			if assessment.is_final:

	# loop through the general weekly assessments
	for week in sorted(weekly.keys()):

		if weekly[week] == []:

		e = Event()
		e.name = "Week " + str(week) + " Assessments"

		desc = ""
		for assessment in weekly[week]:
			desc += assessment.unit.code +": " + assessment.description_title + " (weighting: " + assessment.weight + ")"+ "\n"

		# shift by 1 to account for midsem break
		if week > 7:
			week += 1
		date = start_sem.shift(weeks=week-1)
		e.begin = date

		e.description = desc

	if final_exams != []:

		e = Event()
		e.name = "Your final exams"
		desc = ""
		for assessment in final_exams:
			desc += assessment.unit.code + ": " + assessment.description_title + " (weighting: " + assessment.weight + ")" + "\n"
		e.description = desc
		e.begin = formal_exam_period

	with open('static_files/calendar.ics', 'w+') as my_file:
Пример #13
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException, WebDriverException
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from io import open
from ics import Calendar, Event
from ics.alarm import AudioAlarm
from datetime import timedelta

c = Calendar()
e = Event()
c.creator = "cher"
e.name = 'First Event'
e.begin = '2019-11-08T22:00:00+07'
e.duration = {"minutes": 100}
e.description = "This is my first event"
e.location = "404-Not Found"

# print(c)

with open('my.ics', 'w') as f:
Пример #14
def ical(request):

    # This should be a comma-separated list with values corresponding to
    # Committee's abbreviation_short field.
    abbreviations = request.GET.get(
        'committee', '').split(',') if 'committee' in request.GET else []

    committees = Committee.objects.filter(

    if len(abbreviations) > 0:
        committees = committees.filter(abbreviation_short__in=abbreviations)

    cal = Calendar()
    cal.creator = '-//Alþingi//NONSGML Fastanefndir Alþingis//IS'
    cal.scale = 'GREGORIAN'
    cal.method = 'PUBLISH'

    agendas = CommitteeAgenda.objects.select_related(

    for agenda in agendas:
        # Short-hand.
        agenda_id = agenda.committee_agenda_xml_id

        description = 'Dagskrá:\n\n'
        for item in agenda.committee_agenda_items.select_related(
            description += '%d. %s\n' % (item.order, capfirst(item.name))
            # Add URL of issue, if any.
            if item.issue is not None:
                description += '%s\n' % external_issue_url(
                    item.issue.parliament.parliament_num, item.issue.issue_num)
            description += '\n'

        event = Event()
        event.uid = '*****@*****.**' % agenda_id
        event.name = capfirst(agenda.committee.name)
        event.description = description
        event.begin = agenda.timing_start_planned
        event.end = agenda.timing_end
        event.url = 'https://www.althingi.is/thingnefndir/dagskra-nefndarfunda/?nfaerslunr=%d' % agenda_id

        # Committee agendas are never planned at midnight (or damn well
        # hopefully not). So when a committee agenda is planned without a time
        # factor, or in other words, is timed at midnight, we'll assume that
        # the timing is actually not precisely determined and turn it into an
        # all-day event instead, using the timing text (determined below) to
        # elaborate instead.
        if event.begin.hour == 0 and event.begin.minute == 0 and event.begin.second == 0:

        if agenda.timing_text:
            # If agenda.timing_text is just a representation of what is
            # already known from the planned starting time, we'll want to
            # nullify it so that we don't clutter the name with it
            # unnecessarily. To do this, we have to re-construct the text that
            # is typically provided and compare it against agenda.timing_text.
            # If they match, we won't include it. If they don't match, then
            # what's provided in agenda.timing_text is presumably more
            # meaningful than simply a (badly) reformatted version of
            # agenda.timing_start_planned.

            timing = agenda.timing_start_planned

            day = timing.day
            month_name = ICELANDIC_MONTHS[timing.month]
            year = str(timing.year)[2:]
            time = timing.strftime('%-I:%M')
            am_pm = icelandic_am_pm(timing)

            # Known inconsistencies are whether there is a space in the
            # beginning, and whether there is one space or two between "kl."
            # and the time-of-day. We strip and replace to compensate.
            timing_text_test = '%d. %s %s, kl. %s %s' % (day, month_name, year,
                                                         time, am_pm)
            if agenda.timing_text.strip().replace('  ',
                                                  ' ') != timing_text_test:
                event.name += ' (%s)' % agenda.timing_text.strip()


    ical_text = monkey_patch_ical(
        cal.__str__(), 'Fastanefndir Alþingis',
        'Dagatal sem inniheldur boðaða fundi fastanefnda Alþingis ásamt dagskrá í lýsingu.',
        'Reykjavik/Iceland', 'PT10M')

    if request.GET.get('plaintext', False):
        content_type = 'text/plain'
        content_type = 'text/calendar'

    return HttpResponse(ical_text,
                        content_type='%s; charset=utf-8' % content_type)