Пример #1
def dump_binary(fname):
    max_addr = 0
    # Check if we have a buggy IDA or not
        idaapi.get_many_bytes_ex(0, 1)
    except TypeError:
        buggy = True
        buggy = False
    if buggy:
        f = idaapi.qfile_t()
        f.open(fname, 'wb+')
        segments = [x for x in idautils.Segments()]
        max_addr = idc.GetSegmentAttr(segments[-1], idc.SEGATTR_END)
        # TODO check max_addr to see if it's sane to write such a big file
        idaapi.base2file(f.get_fp(), 0, 0, max_addr)

        with open(fname, 'wb+') as f:
            # over all segments
            for s in idautils.Segments():
                start = idc.GetSegmentAttr(s, idc.SEGATTR_START)
                end = idc.GetSegmentAttr(s, idc.SEGATTR_END)
                # print "Start: %x, end: %x, size: %x" % (start, end, end-start)
                max_addr = max(max_addr, end)
                f.seek(start, 0)
                # Only works with fixed IDAPython.
                f.write(idaapi.get_many_bytes_ex(start, end - start)[0])

    dump_log.debug("section[dump] = 0, 0x%x, 0, 0x%x", max_addr, max_addr)
Пример #2
def dump_binary(path):
    max_addr = 0
    # Check if we have a buggy IDA or not
        idaapi.get_many_bytes_ex(0, 1)
    except TypeError:
        buggy = True
        buggy = False
    if buggy:
        f = idaapi.qfile_t()
            f.open(path, 'wb+')
        except TypeError:
            # Another ugly hack for IDA 6/7 compat (unicode strings)
            f.open(str(path), 'wb+')
        segments = [idaapi.getnseg(x) for x in range(idaapi.get_segm_qty())]

        # no need for IDA 7 compat, it's not buggy
        max_addr = segments[-1].endEA

        if max_addr > 200 * 1024 * 1024:
            askyn = idaapi.ask_yn if hasattr(idaapi,
                                             "ask_yn") else idaapi.askyn_c
            if askyn(
                    idaapi.ASKBTN_NO, "Dump file is over 200MB,"
                    " do you want to dump it anyway ?") != idaapi.ASKBTN_YES:
                return None

        idaapi.base2file(f.get_fp(), 0, 0, max_addr)
        return [("dump", 0, max_addr, 0, max_addr)]

        sections = []
        current_offset = 0
        with open(path, 'wb+') as f:
            # over all segments
            for n in range(idaapi.get_segm_qty()):
                seg = idaapi.getnseg(n)
                if hasattr(seg, "start_ea"):
                    start_ea = seg.start_ea
                    start_ea = seg.startEA
                if hasattr(seg, "end_ea"):
                    end_ea = seg.end_ea
                    end_ea = seg.endEA
                size = end_ea - start_ea
                # Only works with fixed IDAPython.
                f.write(idaapi.get_many_bytes_ex(start_ea, size)[0])
                sections.append((idaapi.get_segm_name(seg), start_ea, size,
                                 current_offset, size))
                current_offset += size
        return sections
Пример #3
def _save_file(filename, ea, size, offset=0):
    path = os.path.abspath(filename)
    of = idaapi.fopenWB(path)
    if not of:
        raise Exception, 'Unable to open target file : %s' % path
    res = idaapi.base2file(of, offset, ea, ea + size)
    return res
Пример #4
def _save_file(filename, ea, size, offset=0):
    path = os.path.abspath(filename)
    of = idaapi.fopenWB(path)
    if not of:
        raise Exception, 'Unable to open target file : %s'% path
    res = idaapi.base2file(of, offset, ea, ea+size)
    return res
Пример #5
def _save_file(filename, ea, size, offset=0):
    path = os.path.abspath(filename)
    of = idaapi.fopenWB(path)
    if not of:
        raise IOError("{:s}.save_file({!r}, {:x}, {:#x}) : Unable to open target file : {:s}".format(__name__, filename, ea, size, path))
    res = idaapi.base2file(of, offset, ea, ea+size)
    return res
Пример #6
def dump_binary(path):
    max_addr = 0
    # Check if we have a buggy IDA or not
        idaapi.get_many_bytes_ex(0, 1)
    except TypeError:
        buggy = True
        buggy = False
    if buggy:
        f = idaapi.qfile_t()
        f.open(path, 'wb+')
        segments = [idaapi.getnseg(x) for x in range(idaapi.get_segm_qty())]
        max_addr = segments.endEA  # no need for IDA 7 compat, it's not buggy
        if max_addr > 200 * 1024 * 1024:
            if idaapi.ask_yn(
                    idaapi.ASKBTN_NO, "Dump file is over 200MB,"
                    " do you want to dump it anyway ?") != idaapi.ASKBTN_YES:
                return None

        idaapi.base2file(f.get_fp(), 0, 0, max_addr)
        return [("dump", 0, max_addr, 0, max_addr)]

        sections = []
        current_offset = 0
        with open(path, 'wb+') as f:
            # over all segments
            for n in range(idaapi.get_segm_qty()):
                seg = idaapi.getnseg(n)
                start_ea = seg.start_ea if hasattr(seg,
                                                   "start_ea") else seg.startEA
                end_ea = seg.end_ea if hasattr(seg, "end_ea") else seg.endEA
                size = end_ea - start_ea
                # print "Start: %x, end: %x, size: %x" % (start, end, end-start)
                # Only works with fixed IDAPython.
                f.write(idaapi.get_many_bytes_ex(start_ea, size)[0])
                sections.append((idaapi.get_segm_name(seg), start_ea, size,
                                 current_offset, size))
                current_offset += size
        return sections
Пример #7
def __save_file(filename, ea, size, offset=0):
    path = os.path.abspath(filename)

    # use IDA to open up a file to write to
    # XXX: does IDA support unicode file paths?
    of = idaapi.fopenWB(path)
    if not of:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.save_file({!r}, {:#x}, {:+#x}) : Unable to open target file \"{:s}\".".format(__name__, filename, ea, size, utils.string.escape(path, '"')))

    # now we can write the segment into the file we opened
    res = idaapi.base2file(of, offset, ea, ea+size)
    return res
def __save_file(filename, ea, size, offset=0):
    path = os.path.abspath(filename)

    # use IDA to open up a file to write to
    # XXX: does IDA support unicode file paths?
    of = idaapi.fopenWB(path)
    if not of:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(
            u"{:s}.save_file({!r}, {:#x}, {:+#x}) : Unable to open target file \"{:s}\"."
            .format(__name__, filename, ea, size,
                    utils.string.escape(path, '"')))

    # now we can write the segment into the file we opened
    res = idaapi.base2file(of, offset, ea, ea + size)
    return res