Пример #1
def idfreader(fname, iddfile, conv=True):
    """read idf file and reutrn bunches"""
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=iddfile)
    if conv:
        convertallfields(data, commdct)
    # fill gaps in idd
    dt, dtls = data.dt, data.dtls
    nofirstfields = iddgaps.missingkeys_standard(commdct, dtls, 
    iddgaps.missingkeys_nonstandard(commdct, dtls, nofirstfields)
    bunchdt = makebunches(data, commdct)
    # TODO : add functions here.
    # - 
    addfunctions(dtls, bunchdt)
    # - 
    return bunchdt, data, commdct
Пример #2
"""how to use iddgap module"""

import sys
from pprint import pprint
from EPlusCode.EPlusInterfaceFunctions import readidf
import iddgaps

iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
fname = "./walls.idf" # small file with only surfaces
data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=iddfile)
commdct = iddgaps.cleancommdct(commdct)

dt = data.dt
dtls = data.dtls

nofirstfields = iddgaps.missingkeys_standard(commdct, dtls, 
            #skipping "TABLE:MULTIVARIABLELOOKUP" because I cannot figure it.
iddgaps.missingkeys_nonstandard(commdct, dtls, nofirstfields)

# key_txt = 'VERSION'
# key_txt = 'SCHEDULE:DAY:LIST'
# key_i = dtls.index(key_txt.upper())
# comm = commdct[key_i]
# print comm
Пример #3
def idfreader1(fname, iddfile, conv=True, commdct=None, block=None):
    """read idf file and reutrn bunches"""
    versiontuple = iddversiontuple(iddfile)
    block, data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct1(fname,
                                iddfile=iddfile, commdct=commdct, block=block)
    if conv:
        convertallfields(data, commdct)
    # fill gaps in idd
    dt, dtls = data.dt, data.dtls
    if versiontuple < (8, ):
        skiplist = ["TABLE:MULTIVARIABLELOOKUP"]
        skiplist = None
    nofirstfields = iddgaps.missingkeys_standard(commdct, dtls, 
    iddgaps.missingkeys_nonstandard(commdct, dtls, nofirstfields)
    bunchdt = makebunches(data, commdct)
    # TODO : add functions here.
    # - 
    addfunctions(dtls, bunchdt)
    # - 
    return bunchdt, block, data, commdct

# class IIDF0(object):
#     iddname = None
#     def __init__(self, idfname):
#         self.idfname = idfname
#         self.read()
#     @classmethod
#     def setiddname(cls, arg):
#         if cls.iddname == None:
#             cls.iddname = arg
#             cls.idd_info = None
#             cls.block = None
#     @classmethod
#     def setidd(cls, iddinfo, block):
#         cls.idd_info = iddinfo
#         cls.block = block
#     def read(self):
#         """read the idf file"""
#         # TODO unit test
#         # TODO : thow an exception if iddname = None
#         readout = idfreader1(self.idfname, self.iddname,
#                                 commdct=self.idd_info, block=self.block)
#         self.idfobjects, block, self.model, idd_info = readout
#         self.__class__.setidd(idd_info, block)
#     def save(self):
#         # TODO unit test
#         s = str(self.model)
#         open(self.idfname, 'w').write(s)
#     def saveas(self, filename):
#         s = str(self.model)
#         open(filename, 'w').write(s)
# class IIDF1(IIDF0):
#     def __init__(self, idfname):
#         super(IIDF1, self).__init__(idfname)
#     def newidfobject(self, key, aname=''):
#         """add a new idfobject to the model"""
#         # TODO unit test
#         return addobject(self.idfobjects,
#                             self.model,
#                             self.idd_info,
#                             key, aname=aname)  
#     def addidfobject(self, idfobject):
#         """add idfobject to this model"""
#         # TODO unit test
#         addthisbunch(self.model,
#                             self.idd_info,
#                             idfobject)  
# class IIDF2(IIDF1):
#     def __init__(self, idfname):
#         super(IIDF2, self).__init__(idfname)
#     def idfstr(self):
#         # print self.model.__repr__()
#         st = ''
#         dtls = self.model.dtls
#         for objname in dtls:
#             for obj in self.idfobjects[objname]:
#                  st = st + obj.__repr__()
#         return st
#     def printidf(self):
#         """print the idf"""
#         s = self.idfstr()
#         dtls = self.model.dtls
#         for objname in dtls:
#             for obj in self.idfobjects[objname]:
#                  print obj
#     # def __repr__(self):
#     #     return self.model.__repr__()

# read code
# iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
# fname = "../idffiles/5ZoneSupRetPlenRAB.idf" # small file with only surfaces
# bunchdt, data, commdct = idfreader(fname, iddfile)
# zones = bunchdt['zone'.upper()]
# surfaces = bunchdt['BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED'.upper()]
# currentobjs = [key for key in bunchdt.keys() if len(bunchdt[key]) > 0]
# print data