Пример #1
def list_ideas(count):
    ideas = []
    for i in range(count):
        idea = Idea()

    return select_idea("Choose your idea", ideas)
Пример #2
def parse_app(app, meta):
    if app['name'] == "Atom":
        return Atom(
            folder=parse_field('folder', app, meta),
            file=parse_field('file', app, meta)
    elif app['name'] == "Google-chrome":
        return GoogleChrome(
            file=parse_field('file', app, meta)
    elif app['name'] == "XTerm":
        return XTerm(
            cwd=parse_field('cwd', app, meta),
            args=[meta[arg] for arg in app['args']]
    elif app['name'] == "Slack":
        return Slack()
    elif app['name'] == "idea":
        return Idea(folder=parse_field('folder', app, meta))
Пример #3
    ssc = StreamingContext(sc, batch_size)

    # Creating accumulator
    accum = sc.accumulator({}, IDAccumulatorParam())
    """ Kafka init producer and load messages from topic """

    # Producer for topic_out
    producer = KafkaProducer(bootstrap_servers=kafka_brokers_out)

    # Kafka messages are input, groupId (id8641233) has to be unique - if 2 consumers are present
    kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc, zookeper_in, offset,
                                          {topic_in: 1})
    """ Mark duplicates """

    # Build key:(category, source_ip, target_ip, node_name, detect_time) !Do not change order! and value:idea
    tuples = kafkaStream.map(lambda message: Idea(message[1])). \
        map(lambda idea: ((idea.category,
                           idea.detect_time), idea))

    # Reduce current batch
    batch_reduced = tuples.mapValues(lambda idea: (idea.id, idea.detect_time)). \
        reduceByKey(lambda x, y: leaveOlder(x, y))

    # Apply window and leave only needed idea values (id, detect_time) then reduce
    reduced = batch_reduced.window(window_duplicate, slide_size). \
        reduceByKey(lambda x, y: leaveOlder(x, y))

    # Join reduced and raw IDEA with key, apply marking function (see def for tuple members) and filter None