Пример #1
def getFile(fname):
	if os.path.exists(fname + '.cache') and os.path.getmtime(fname + '.cache') > os.path.getmtime(fname):
		res = json.load(file(fname + '.cache'))
		res = parse(file(fname).read())
		with file(fname + '.cache', 'w') as fp:
			json.dump(res, fp)
	return res
Пример #2
def main():
    global allTypes

    fns = ['ipcdefs/auto.id'] + [
        x for x in glob.glob('ipcdefs/*.id') if x != 'ipcdefs/auto.id'

    if os.path.exists('ipcdefs/cache') and all(
            os.path.getmtime('ipcdefs/cache') > os.path.getmtime(x)
            for x in fns):
        res = json.load(file('ipcdefs/cache'))
        res = idparser.parse('\n'.join(file(fn).read() for fn in fns))
        with file('ipcdefs/cache', 'w') as fp:
            json.dump(res, fp)
    types, ifaces, services = res

    allTypes = types

    typesByNs = splitByNs(types)
    ifacesByNs = splitByNs(ifaces)

    namespaces = {x: [] for x in typesByNs.keys() + ifacesByNs.keys()}

    for ns, types in typesByNs.items():
        for name, spec in sorted(types.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
            retyped, plain = retype(spec, noIndex=True), retype(spec)
                'using %s = %s;%s' %
                (name, retyped, ' // ' + plain if retyped != plain else ''))

    for ns, ifaces in ifacesByNs.items():
        for name in sorted(ifaces.keys()):
            namespaces[ns].append('class %s;' % name)

    with file('IpcStubs.h', 'w') as fp:
        print >> fp, '#pragma once'
        print >> fp, '#include "Ctu.h"'
        print >> fp

        print >> fp, '#define SERVICE_MAPPING() do { \\'
        for iname, snames in sorted(services.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
            for sname in snames:
                print >> fp, '\tSERVICE("%s", %s); \\' % (sname, iname)
        print >> fp, '} while(0)'
        print >> fp

        for ns, elems in sorted(namespaces.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
            if ns is not None:
                print >> fp, 'namespace %s {' % ns
            hasUsing = False
            for elem in elems:
                if not hasUsing and elem.startswith('using'):
                    hasUsing = True
                elif hasUsing and elem.startswith('class'):
                    print >> fp
                    hasUsing = False
                print >> fp, ('\t' if ns is not None else '') + elem
            if ns is not None:
                print >> fp, '}'

        print >> fp

        allcode = '\n'.join(
            file(fn, 'r').read() for fn in glob.glob('ipcimpl/*.cpp'))

        partials = parsePartials(allcode)

        for ns, ifaces in sorted(ifacesByNs.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
            print >> fp, '%snamespace %s {' % ('//// ' if ns is None else '',
            for name, funcs in sorted(ifaces.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
                qname = '%s::%s' % (ns, name) if ns else name
                partial = partials[qname] if qname in partials else None
                print >> fp, '\tclass %s : public IpcService {' % name
                print >> fp, '\tpublic:'
                if re.search(
                        '(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9:])%s::%s[^a-zA-Z0-9:]' % (qname, name),
                    print >> fp, '\t\t%s(Ctu *_ctu%s);' % (
                        name, ', ' + ', '.join('%s _%s' % (k, v)
                                               for k, v in partial[1])
                        if partial and partial[1] else '')
                    print >> fp, '\t\t%s(Ctu *_ctu%s) : IpcService(_ctu)%s {}' % (
                        name, ', ' + ', '.join('%s _%s' % (k, v)
                                               for k, v in partial[1])
                        if partial and partial[1] else '',
                        ', ' + ', '.join('%s(_%s)' % (v, v)
                                         for k, v in partial[1])
                        if partial and partial[1] else '')
                print >> fp, '\t\tuint32_t dispatch(IncomingIpcMessage &req, OutgoingIpcMessage &resp) {'
                print >> fp, '\t\t\tswitch(req.cmdId) {'
                for fname, func in sorted(funcs.items(),
                                          key=lambda x: x[1]['cmdId']):
                    print >> fp, '\t\t\tcase %i: {' % func['cmdId']
                    print >> fp, '\n'.join(
                        '\t\t\t\t' + x
                        for x in reorder(generateCaller(qname, fname, func)))
                    print >> fp, '\t\t\t}'
                print >> fp, '\t\t\tdefault:'
                print >> fp, '\t\t\t\tLOG_ERROR(IpcStubs, "Unknown message cmdId %%u to interface %s", req.cmdId);' % (
                    '%s::%s' % (ns, name) if ns else name)
                print >> fp, '\t\t\t}'
                print >> fp, '\t\t}'
                for fname, func in sorted(funcs.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
                    implemented = re.search(
                        '[^a-zA-Z0-9:]%s::%s[^a-zA-Z0-9:]' % (qname, fname),
                    print >> fp, '\t\tuint32_t %s(%s);' % (
                        fname, generatePrototype(func))
                if partial:
                    for x in partial[0]:
                        print >> fp, '\t\t%s' % x
                print >> fp, '\t};'
            print >> fp, '%s}' % ('//// ' if ns is None else '')

            print >> fp, '#ifdef DEFINE_STUBS'
            for name, funcs in sorted(ifaces.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
                qname = '%s::%s' % (ns, name) if ns else name
                partial = partials[qname] if qname in partials else None
                for fname, func in sorted(funcs.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
                    implemented = re.search(
                        '[^a-zA-Z0-9:]%s::%s[^a-zA-Z0-9:]' % (qname, fname),
                    if not implemented:
                        print >> fp, 'uint32_t %s::%s(%s) {' % (
                            qname, fname, generatePrototype(func))
                        print >> fp, '\tLOG_DEBUG(IpcStubs, "Stub implementation for %s::%s");' % (
                            qname, fname)
                        for i, (name, elem) in enumerate(func['outputs']):
                            if elem[0] == 'object' and elem[1][0] != 'IUnknown':
                                name = name if name else '_%i' % (
                                    len(func['inputs']) + i)
                                print >> fp, '\t%s = buildInterface(%s);' % (
                                    name, elem[1][0])
                                if elem[1][0] in partials and partials[elem[1]
                                    print 'Bare construction of interface %s requiring parameters.  Created in %s::%s for parameter %s' % (
                                        elem[1][0], qname, fname, name)
                            elif elem[0] == 'KObject':
                                name = name if name else '_%i' % (
                                    len(func['inputs']) + i)
                                print >> fp, '\t%s = make_shared<FauxHandle>(0x%x);' % (
                                    name, uniqInt(qname, fname, name))
                        print >> fp, '\treturn 0;'
                        print >> fp, '}'
            print >> fp, '#endif // DEFINE_STUBS'