Пример #1
def loadqc():
    See which sites have flags against them
    qdict = {}
    portfolio = iemdb.connect('portfolio', dbhost='meteor.geol.iastate.edu',
    pcursor = portfolio.cursor()
    select s_mid, sensor, status from tt_base WHERE sensor is not null 
    and status != 'CLOSED' and portfolio in ('kccisnet','kelosnet','kimtsnet')
    for row in pcursor:
        if not qdict.has_key(row[0]):
            qdict[row[0]] = {}
        if row[1].find("precip") > -1:
            qdict[row[0]]['precip'] = True
        if row[1].find("tmpf") > -1:
            qdict[row[0]]['tmpf'] = True
        if row[1].find("drct") > -1 or row[1].find("sknt") > -1 or row[1].find("wind") > -1:
            qdict[row[0]]['wind'] = True    
    return qdict
Пример #2
def get_warnings(sts, ets, wfo, wtypes):
    Retreive an array of warnings for this time period and WFO
    tokens = wtypes.split(",")
    phenomenas = str(tuple(tokens))
    POSTGIS = iemdb.connect('postgis', bypass=True)
    pcursor = POSTGIS.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
    sql = """
    SELECT phenomena, eventid, 
    min(issue) at time zone 'UTC' as issue,
    max(expire) at time zone 'UTC' as expire,
    sum(case when gtype = 'P' then 
        ST_Area(ST_Transform(geom,2163))/1000000.0 else 0 end) as polyarea,
    sum(case when gtype = 'C' then 
        ST_Area(ST_Transform(geom,2163))/1000000.0 else 0 end) as countyarea
    from warnings_%s WHERE
    wfo = '%s' and phenomena in %s and significance = 'W' and 
    issue BETWEEN '%s+00' and '%s+00' 
    GROUP by phenomena, eventid ORDER by issue ASC
    """ % (sts.year, wfo, phenomenas, sts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), 
           ets.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
    res = []
    for row in pcursor:
        res.append( row )
    return res
Пример #3
def process(tv):
    IEM = iemdb.connect('iem', bypass=True)
    icursor = IEM.cursor()
    icursor2 = IEM.cursor()
    icursor.execute("""SELECT pday, t.id, t.iemid from current c, stations t WHERE 
      t.network = '%s' and c.iemid = t.iemid""" % (tv,))
    for row in icursor:
        sid = row[1]
        pday = row[0]
        db[sid]["pday"] = [pday] + db[sid]["pday"][0:-1]

        oldTMPF = db[sid]["pday"][14]
        if ( oldTMPF < pday ):
            accum = pday - float(db[sid]["pday"][14])
            #fileRef = "%s.%s.%s" % (sid, "P+", "1min")
            #o = open("/mesonet/share/"+tv+"_events/"+ fileRef, "w")
            #o.write( str(accum) )
            sql = "DELETE from events WHERE station = '%s' and network = '%s'\
                   and event = 'P+'" % (sid, tv)
            sql = "INSERT into events (station, network, valid, event, magnitude) VALUES ('%s','%s',now(), 'P+', %s)" % (sid, tv, accum)

        d = pday - float(db[sid]["pday"][59])
        if (d < 0):
          d = pday
        sql = "UPDATE current SET phour = %s WHERE iemid = %s " % (d, row[2])
        #print sql
Пример #4
def preload():
    IEM = iemdb.connect('iem', bypass=True)
    icursor = IEM.cursor()
    icursor.execute("""SELECT pday, t.id from current c, stations t WHERE 
      t.network in ('KCCI','KELO','KIMT') and c.iemid = t.iemid""")
    for row in icursor:
        sid = row[1]
        db[sid]["pday"] = [row[0]]*60
Пример #5
def sync(dbname):
    Actually do the syncing, please
    # connect to synced database
    dbconn = iemdb.connect( dbname )
    dbcursor = dbconn.cursor()
    # Figure out our latest revision
    SELECT max(modified), max(iemid) from stations
    row = dbcursor.fetchone()
    maxTS = (row[0] or datetime.datetime(1980,1,1))
    maxID = (row[1] or -1)
    # figure out what has changed!
    cur = MESOSITE.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
    cur.execute("""SELECT * from stations WHERE modified > %s or iemid > %s""",
    (maxTS, maxID) )
    for row in cur:
        if row['iemid'] > maxID:
            dbcursor.execute("""INSERT into stations(iemid, network, id) 
             VALUES(%s,%s,%s) """, (row['iemid'], row['network'], row['id']))
        # insert queried stations
        dbcursor.execute("""UPDATE stations SET name = %(name)s, 
       state = %(state)s, elevation = %(elevation)s, online = %(online)s, 
       geom = %(geom)s, params = %(params)s, county = %(county)s, 
       plot_name = %(plot_name)s, climate_site = %(climate_site)s,
       wfo = %(wfo)s, archive_begin = %(archive_begin)s, 
       archive_end = %(archive_end)s, remote_id = %(remote_id)s, 
       tzname = %(tzname)s, country = %(country)s, 
       modified = %(modified)s, network = %(network)s, metasite = %(metasite)s,
       sigstage_low = %(sigstage_low)s, sigstage_action = %(sigstage_action)s,
       sigstage_bankfull = %(sigstage_bankfull)s, sigstage_flood = %(sigstage_flood)s,
       sigstage_moderate = %(sigstage_moderate)s, sigstage_major = %(sigstage_major)s,
       sigstage_record = %(sigstage_record)s, ugc_county = %(ugc_county)s,
       ugc_zone = %(ugc_zone)s
       WHERE iemid = %(iemid)s""",
    print 'Database: %s Modified %s rows TS: %s IEMID: %s' % (dbname, 
       cur.rowcount, maxTS, maxID)
    # close connection
Пример #6
def news():
    """ Print the news that is fit to print """
    mesosite = iemdb.connect('mesosite', bypass=True)
    mcursor = mesosite.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
    # Last dailyb delivery
    lastts = mx.DateTime.now() + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(hour=11, days=-1)
      SELECT *, to_char(entered, 'DD Mon HH:MI AM') as nicedate 
      from news WHERE entered > '%s' 
      ORDER by entered DESC""" % (
      lastts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),) )

    textfmt = """
 | Title : %(title)s
 | Date  : %(nicedate)s
 | Author: %(author)s
 | URL   : %(url)s


    htmlfmt = """
<hr />
<br /><strong>Title:</strong> <a href="http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/onsite/news.phtml?id=%(id)s">%(title)s</a>
<br /><strong>Date:</strong> %(nicedate)s
<br /><strong>Author:</strong> %(author)s
<br /><a href="%(url)s">link</a>


    txt = "> News\n"
    html = "<h3>News</h3>"

    for row in mcursor:
        txt  += textfmt % row
        html += htmlfmt % row
    if mcursor.rowcount == 0:
        txt += "\n    No news is good news\n\n"
        html += "<strong>No news is good news</strong>"

    return txt, html
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, network):
     Construct with either a single network, or list of networks
     self.sts = {}
     dbconn = iemdb.connect('mesosite', bypass=True)
     cursor = dbconn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
     if type(network) == type("A"):
         network = [network,]
     for n in network:
         cursor.execute("""SELECT *, x(geom) as lon, y(geom) as lat
             from stations WHERE network = %s ORDER by name ASC""", (n,))
         for row in cursor:
             self.sts[ row['id'] ] = {}
             for key in row.keys():
                 self.sts[ row['id'] ][key] = row[key]
Пример #8
def check_for_work():
    See if we have any requests to process!
    MESOSITE = iemdb.connect('mesosite', bypass=True)
    mcursor = MESOSITE.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
    mcursor2 = MESOSITE.cursor()
    mcursor.execute("""SELECT jobid, wfo, radar, 
        sts at time zone 'UTC' as sts, 
        ets at time zone 'UTC' as ets, nexrad_product, wtype
        from racoon_jobs WHERE processed = False""")
    jobs = []
    for row in mcursor:
        mcursor2.execute("""UPDATE racoon_jobs SET processed = True 
        WHERE jobid = %s""", (row[0],))
    return jobs
Пример #9
def feature():
    """ Print the feature for yesterday """
    mesosite = iemdb.connect('mesosite', bypass=True)
    mcursor = mesosite.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
    lastts = mx.DateTime.now() + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=-1)
    # Query
      SELECT *, to_char(valid, 'DD Mon HH:MI AM') as nicedate 
      from feature WHERE date(valid) = 'YESTERDAY'""")
    textfmt = """
 | Title : %(title)s
 | Date  : %(nicedate)s
 | Votes : Good: %(good)s   Bad: %(bad)s


    htmlfmt = """
<p><a href="%(link)s">%(title)s</a>
<br /><strong>Date:</strong> %(nicedate)s
<br /><strong>Votes:</strong> Good: %(good)s &nbsp;  Bad: %(bad)s


    txt = "> Daily Feature\n"
    html = "<h3>Daily Feature</h3>"

    for row in mcursor:
        row2 = row.copy()
        row2['link']  = "http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/onsite/features/cat.php?day=%s" % (lastts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),)
        txt  += textfmt % row2
        html += htmlfmt % row2
    if mcursor.rowcount == 0:
        txt += "\n    No feature posted\n\n"
        html += "<strong>No feature posted</strong>"

    return txt, html
Пример #10
def dailyc_plot(ax, cfg):
    Plot daily climate
    COOP = iemdb.connect('coop', bypass=True)
    ccursor = COOP.cursor()
    chighs = []
    clows = []
    SELECT high, low from climate51 WHERE station = 'IA0200' ORDER by valid ASC
    for row in ccursor:
        chighs.append( float(row[0]) )
        clows.append( float(row[1]) )
    chighs = numpy.array( chighs )
    clows = numpy.array( clows )

    ax.bar( numpy.arange(len(chighs)), chighs-clows, bottom=clows, width=1.0, ec='#ff0000',
Пример #11
def doit(hr):
    ASOS = iemdb.connect('asos', bypass=True)
    acursor = ASOS.cursor()

SELECT extract(doy from d) as doy, count(*) from
 (SELECT date(valid) as d, 
  sum( case when skyc1 in ('BKN','OVC') or skyc2 in ('BKN','OVC') or 
        skyc3 in ('BKN','OVC') then 1 else 0 end ) as clouds, 
  max(tmpf) as high, max(dwpf) as maxd,
  max(sknt) as wind from alldata where 
  station = 'DSM' and tmpf > -50 and sknt >= 0 and 
  valid > '1973-01-01' and valid < '2010-01-01' 
  and extract(hour from valid) = %s GROUP by d
  ) as foo
WHERE clouds > 0 GROUP by doy ORDER by doy ASC
  """, (hr,))
    doy = []
    for row in acursor:
        doy.append( row[1] )
    return numpy.array( doy )
Пример #12
def available_radars(form):
    Return available RADAR sites for the given location and date!
    lat = form.getvalue('lat', None)
    lon = form.getvalue('lon', None)
    start_gts = parse_time( form.getvalue('start', '2012-01-27T00:00Z') )
    MESOSITE = iemdb.connect('mesosite', bypass=True)
    mcursor = MESOSITE.cursor()
    root = {'radars': []}
    if lat is None or lon is None:
        sql = """
        select id, name,
        x(geom) as lon, y(geom) as lat, network
        from stations where network in ('NEXRAD','ASR4','ASR11','TWDR') 
        ORDER by id asc"""
        sql = """
        select id, name, x(geom) as lon, y(geom) as lat, network, 
        ST_Distance(geom, GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(%s %s)')) as dist 
        from stations where network in ('NEXRAD','ASR4','ASR11','TWDR') 
        and ST_Distance(geom, GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(%s %s)')) < 3 
        ORDER by dist asc
        """ % (lon, lat, lon, lat)
    root['radars'].append({'id': 'USCOMP', 'name': 'National Composite',
                           'lat': 42.5, 'lon': -95, 'type': 'COMPOSITE'})
    for row in mcursor:
        radar = row[0]
        if not os.path.isdir(start_gts.strftime("/mesonet/ARCHIVE/data/%Y/%m/%d/GIS/ridge/"+
        root['radars'].append({'id': radar, 'name': row[1], 'lat': row[3], 
                               'lon': row[2], 'type': row[4]})
    return root
Пример #13
import iemdb
import math
import Ngl
import numpy
import random
ASOS = iemdb.connect('asos', bypass=True)
acursor = ASOS.cursor()
POSTGIS = iemdb.connect('postgis', bypass=True)
pcursor = POSTGIS.cursor()
pcursor2 = POSTGIS.cursor()
MESOSITE = iemdb.connect('mesosite', bypass=True)
mcursor = MESOSITE.cursor()

stations = {}

def dir22(u,v):
  if (v == 0):
    v = 0.000000001
  dd = math.atan(u / v)
  ddir = (dd * 180.00) / math.pi

  if (u > 0 and v > 0 ): # First Quad
    ddir = 180 + ddir
  elif (u > 0 and v < 0 ): # Second Quad
    ddir = 360 + ddir
  elif (u < 0 and v < 0 ): # Third Quad
    ddir = ddir
  elif (u < 0 and v > 0 ): # Fourth Quad
    ddir = 180 + ddir

  return math.fabs(ddir)
Пример #14
""" Accumulate PET for this year and previous ones """
import iemdb
ISUAG = iemdb.connect('isuag', bypass=True)
icursor = ISUAG.cursor()

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1)

for yr in range(1987, 2013):
    icursor.execute("""SELECT extract(doy from valid), c70 from daily
    WHERE station = 'A130209' and extract(year from valid) = %s 
    and extract(month from valid) > 4
    ORDER by valid ASC""" % (yr, ))
    doy = [0]
    c70 = [0]
    for row in icursor:
        c70.append(c70[-1] + row[1])

    if yr in [1988, 2012, 2009, 1993]:
        ax.plot(doy, c70, linewidth=2, label=yr, zorder=2)
        ax.plot(doy, c70, color='tan', zorder=1)
ax.set_title("Ames Accumulated Potential Evapo-Transpiration (alfalfa)")
ax.set_ylabel("Potential Evapo-transpiration [inch]")
ax.set_xticks((1, 32, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 365))
ax.set_xticklabels(('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug',
                    'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'))
ax.set_xlim(120, 306)
Пример #15
# 28 Aug 2004 port to iem40

import shapelib
import dbflib
import mx.DateTime
import zipfile
import os
import sys
import shutil
import cgi
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/mesonet/www/apps/iemwebsite/scripts/lib')
import wellknowntext
import iemdb
import psycopg2.extras
POSTGIS = iemdb.connect('postgis', bypass=True)
pcursor = POSTGIS.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)

pcursor.execute("SET TIME ZONE 'GMT'")

# Get CGI vars
form = cgi.FormContent()
year = int(form["year"][0])
etn = int(form["etn"][0])
fp = "watch_%s_%s" % (year, etn)


shp = shapelib.create(fp, shapelib.SHPT_POLYGON)

dbf = dbflib.create(fp)
Пример #16
import psycopg2.extras
import sys
import iemre
import netCDF4
import mx.DateTime
import numpy
ts = mx.DateTime.now() + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=-1,hour=0,minute=0,second=0)

# Load up netcdf file
nc = netCDF4.Dataset("/mnt/mesonet/data/iemre/%s_mw_daily.nc" % (ts.year,),'r')
p01d = nc.variables['p01d']
offset = int((ts - (ts + mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(month=1,day=1))).days)

iem = iemdb.connect("iem", bypass=True)
icursor = iem.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
icursor.execute("""SELECT x(geom) as lon, y(geom) as lat, id, pday
  FROM summary_%s s JOIN stations t ON (t.iemid = s.iemid) where t.network in ('KCCI','KIMT','AWOS') and day = 'YESTERDAY'::date
  ORDER by pday DESC""" % (ts.year,))
obs = []
estimates = []
fmt = "%7s %5s OB: %.2f EST: %4.2f"
for row in icursor:
    station = row['id']
    lat = row['lat']
    lon = row['lon']
    # Lookup IEMRE data
    ix,jy = iemre.find_ij(lon, lat)
    estimate = p01d[offset,jy,ix] / 25.4
    # If site is offline, we could care less
Пример #17
import iemdb
import math
import iemtz
import numpy
HADS = iemdb.connect('hads', bypass=True)
hcursor = HADS.cursor()

def uv(sped, drct2):
    dirr = drct2 * math.pi / 180.00
    s = numpy.sin(dirr)
    c = numpy.cos(dirr)
    u = -sped * s
    v = -sped * c
    return u, v

 select valid, key, value from raw2012_12 where station = 'SAYI4' 
 and key in ('HPIRGZ', 'UDIRGZ', 'USIRGZ') and valid > '2012-12-07 23:30' 
 ORDER by valid ASC
valid = {'HPIRGZ': [], 'UDIRGZ': [], 'USIRGZ': []}
values = {'HPIRGZ': [], 'UDIRGZ': [], 'USIRGZ': []}
for row in hcursor:

u, v = uv(numpy.array(values['USIRGZ']), numpy.array(values['UDIRGZ']))

Пример #18
import iemdb
import numpy
import datetime
import numpy.ma
OTHER = iemdb.connect('other', bypass=True)
ocursor = OTHER.cursor()

def getsite(station):
    SELECT valid, hs, le_wpl from flux2013 where station = %s
    and le_wpl BETWEEN -100 and 1000 and valid > '2013-08-01' ORDER by valid ASC
    """, (station,))
    valid = []
    soil = []
    val2 = []
    for row in ocursor:
        valid.append( row[0] )
        soil.append( row[1] )
        val2.append( row[2] )
    return valid, soil, val2

v1, s1, s2 = getsite('nstl30ft')
#v2, s2 = getsite('nstlnsp')
s1 = numpy.array( s1 )
s2 = numpy.array( s2 )
bowen = s1 / s2

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1,1)
Пример #19
import ephem
import datetime
import pytz
import iemdb
import numpy
import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects

COOP = iemdb.connect('coop', bypass=True)
ccursor = COOP.cursor()

ccursor.execute("""SELECT valid, high from climate71 where
 station = 'IA8706' """)
climate51 = {}
for row in ccursor:
    lts = row[0]
    climate51[ "%02i%02i" % (  lts.month, lts.day)] = row[1]

ccursor.execute("""SELECT day, high from alldata_ia where
 station = 'IA8706' and month in (2,3,4)""")
data = {}
for row in ccursor:
    lts = row[0]
    data[ "%s%02i%02i" % ( lts.year, lts.month, lts.day)] = row[1]
data['20130328'] = 48
data['20130329'] = 100

years = []
start = []
end = []
for yr in range(1900,2014):
    d1 = ephem.next_equinox(str(yr))
Пример #20
Copy RWIS data from iem database to its final resting home in 'rwis'

import iemdb
import psycopg2.extras
import mx.DateTime, sys, traceback

IEMDB = iemdb.connect("iem")
RWISDB = iemdb.connect("rwis")

# Figure out what date of data we are interested in
if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
  ts = mx.DateTime.now()
  ts = mx.DateTime.now() - mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=1)

# Delete any obs from yesterday
rcursor = RWISDB.cursor()
rcursor.execute("""DELETE from t%s WHERE date(valid) = '%s'""" % (ts.year, 
       ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ))
rcursor.execute("""DELETE from t%s_soil WHERE date(valid) = '%s'""" % (ts.year, 
       ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ))
rcursor.execute("""DELETE from t%s_traffic WHERE date(valid) = '%s'""" % (
       ts.year, ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ))

# Always delete stuff 3 or more days old from iemaccess
icursor = IEMDB.cursor()
icursor.execute("""DELETE from rwis_traffic_data_log WHERE 
  valid < ('TODAY'::date - '3 days'::interval)""")
Пример #21
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import iemdb
import numpy
dbconn = iemdb.connect("coop", bypass=True)

a1993 = []
a2010 = []
climate = []
c = dbconn.cursor()
c.execute("""SELECT valid, precip from climate51 where station = 'ia2203'
          and valid >= '2000-06-01' and valid < '2000-09-01' ORDER by valid ASC""")
running = 0
for row in c:
  running += row[1]
  climate.append( running )
climate = numpy.array( climate )

c.execute("""SELECT day, precip from alldata where stationid = 'ia2203'
          and month in (6,7,8) and year = 2010 ORDER by day ASC""")
running = 0
for row in c:
  running += row[1]
  a2010.append( running )
#a2010.append(running + 1.17)
a2010 = numpy.array( a2010 )
c.execute("""SELECT day, precip from alldata where stationid = 'ia2203'
          and month in (6,7,8) and year = 1993 ORDER by day ASC""")
running = 0
for row in c:
  running += row[1]
Пример #22
import iemdb
POSTGIS = iemdb.connect('postgis', bypass=True)
pcursor = POSTGIS.cursor()
pcursor.execute("""SET TIME ZONE 'GMT'""")

def getdata(year):
select s.valid, extract(doy from s.valid), ST_Area( ST_Transform( 
    ST_Intersection(s.geom, t.the_geom),26915) ) / 1000000. / 145693.8 
from spc_outlooks s, states t 
WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geom, t.the_geom) 
and t.state_name = 'Iowa' and category = 'SLGT' 
and s.valid > %s and s.valid < %s and day = 1 
and extract(hour from s.valid) = 13 
ORDER by valid ASC
    """, ("%s-01-01" % (year, ), "%s-01-01" % (year + 1, )))

    doy = []
    ratio = []

    for row in pcursor:
        ratio.append(row[2] * 100.0)
    return doy, ratio

doy2009, ratio2009 = getdata(2009)
doy2010, ratio2010 = getdata(2010)
Пример #23

 one langley is 41840.00 J/m2(or joules per square metre).
 one Langley is 11.622 watt-hours per square metre

 400 W/m2 1440 000 J/hr

import iemdb
ISUAG = iemdb.connect('isuag', bypass=True)
icursor = ISUAG.cursor()

 select valid, c80
 from daily WHERE station = 'A130209' and valid > '2012-11-01'
 ORDER by valid ASC 

obs = []
days = []
for row in icursor:
 days.append( row[0] )
 obs.append( row[1] )

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1,1)

ax.bar(days, obs, fc='pink', ec='pink')
Пример #24
import iemdb
import numpy

RWIS = iemdb.connect('rwis', bypass=True)
rcursor = RWIS.cursor()

 select extract(doy from valid) as d, avg(tfs1), stddev(tfs1),
 sum(case when tfs1 < 32 then 1 else 0 end), count(*) from alldata 
 where station = 'RMTI4' and extract(hour from valid) between 12 and 16 
 and tfs1 between -30 and 160 
 GROUP by d ORDER by d ASC
doy = []
avg = []
stddev = []
freq = []
for row in rcursor:
    doy.append( row[0] )
    avg.append( row[1] )
    stddev.append( row[2] )
    freq.append( row[3] / float(row[4]) * 100.0 )

def movingaverage(interval, window_size):
    window = numpy.ones(int(window_size))/float(window_size)
    return numpy.convolve(interval, window, 'same')

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1,1)
Пример #25
import shutil
import traceback
import logging
import smtplib, StringIO
from email.MIMEText import MIMEText

# 3rd Party
import mx.DateTime

# Local stuff
import nwnOB
import secret

import iemdb
import psycopg2.extras
MESOSITE = iemdb.connect('mesosite', bypass=True)
mcursor = MESOSITE.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)


# Write a PID File
o = open("ingest.pid",'w')
o.write("%s" % ( os.getpid(),) )

# Load up locs
locs = {}
mcursor.execute("""SELECT nwn_id, id, x(geom) as lon, y(geom) as lat, name,
Пример #26
# Output the 12z morning low temperature

import os, random
import iemdb
import iemplot

import mx.DateTime
now = mx.DateTime.now()

IEM = iemdb.connect('iem', bypass=True)
icursor = IEM.cursor()

sql = """
select c.station, 
  x(s.geom) as lon, y(s.geom) as lat, 
  min_tmpf as low, s.network
 from summary_%s c, stations s
 WHERE day = 'TODAY' and min_tmpf < 90 
 and (c.network ~* 'ASOS' or c.network ~* 'AWOS' or c.network = 'IA_COOP') 
 and s.country = 'US' and s.network = c.network and s.id = c.station 
""" % (now.year, )

lats = []
lons = []
vals = []
valmask = []
labels = []
for row in icursor:
  lats.append( row[2] )
  lons.append( row[1] )
Пример #27
import iemdb, sys, mx.DateTime
IEM = iemdb.connect('iem', bypass=True)
icursor = IEM.cursor()
MESOSITE = iemdb.connect('mesosite')
mcursor = MESOSITE.cursor()
year = mx.DateTime.now().year

 DELETE from current where iemid = (select iemid from stations where id = '%s' and network = '%s')
""" % (sys.argv[2],sys.argv[1]))

 DELETE from summary_%s where iemid = (select iemid from stations where id = '%s' and network = '%s') and day in ('TODAY','TOMORROW')
""" % (year, sys.argv[2],sys.argv[1]))


update stations SET online = false where id = '%s' and network = '%s'
""" % (sys.argv[2],sys.argv[1]))

Пример #28
import iemdb
import numpy
import numpy.ma
OTHER = iemdb.connect('other', bypass=True)
ocursor = OTHER.cursor()

def getsite(station):
    SELECT valid, outgoing_sw, incoming_sw from flux2014 where station = %s
    and extract(hour from valid) = 12 and extract(minute from valid) = 0
    and incoming_sw > 0 and outgoing_sw >= 0 ORDER by valid ASC
    """, (station, ))
    valid = []
    soil = []
    val2 = []
    for row in ocursor:
    return valid, soil, val2

v1, s1, s2 = getsite('nstl11')
#v2, s2 = getsite('nstlnsp')
s1 = numpy.array(s1)
s2 = numpy.array(s2)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
Пример #29
        a = zip(x, y)
        p = Polygon(a,
                    fc=fill_colors.get(lookup, 'None'),
                    ec=edge_colors.get(lookup, 'k'),
                    zorder=zorder.get(lookup, 2),
                    lw=linewidth.get(lookup, .1))
        if gtype == 'P':

ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches, match_original=True))
ax.add_collection(PatchCollection(patches2, match_original=True))

import iemdb
IEM = iemdb.connect('iem', bypass=True)
icursor = IEM.cursor()
select id, avg(tmpf), x(geom), y(geom) from current_log c JOIn stations s 
 on (s.iemid = c.iemid) WHERE s.network in ('AWOS','IA_ASOS') and 
 valid between '2013-04-09 17:50' and '2013-04-09 18:00' 
 and id not in ('MPZ') GROUP by id, x, y
for row in icursor:
    x, y = m(row[2], row[3])
    txt = ax.text(x, y, '%.0f' % (row[1], ), color='white', size=18)
    #                                             foreground="black")])

txt = ax.text(0.25,
Пример #30
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import mesonet
import math
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.font_manager

prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=12)
import iemdb

ASOS = iemdb.connect('asos', bypass=True)
acursor = ASOS.cursor()

SYEAR = 1970

def get_data(station):
    data = []
    for yr in range(SYEAR, 2013):
        SELECT valid + '10 minutes'::interval, tmpf, dwpf from t%s WHERE station = '%s'
        and extract(year from valid + '0 month'::interval) = %s 
        and extract(month from valid) in (6,7,8) and dwpf > -30 and tmpf > -30
        """ % (yr, station, yr))
        tot = 0
        for row in acursor:
            dwpc = mesonet.f2c(row[2])
            e = 6.112 * math.exp((17.67 * dwpc) / (dwpc + 243.5))
            mixr = 0.62197 * e / (1000.0 - e)
            if mixr > 0:
                tot += mixr
Пример #31
import iemdb
import re
import numpy
import numpy.ma
import scipy.stats
import mx.DateTime
postgis = iemdb.connect('postgis', bypass=True)
pcursor = postgis.cursor()

SELECT issue, report, x(ST_Centroid(geom)), y(ST_Centroid(geom)) from warnings where wfo in ('ARX','DVN','DMX','OAX','FSD') and 
significance = 'W' and gtype = 'P' and phenomena = 'SV' and issue > '2008-01-01' 

SVRs = []

for row in pcursor:
    tokens = re.findall(
        r'TIME...MOT...LOC [0-9]{4}Z ([0-9]{1,3})DEG ([0-9]{1,3})KT', row[1])
    if len(tokens) == 0:
        print row[1]
    (dir, sknt) = tokens[0]
    if int(sknt) > 80:
    data = {
Пример #32
import iemdb
import numpy.ma
MOS = iemdb.connect('mos', bypass=True)
mcursor = MOS.cursor()
COOP = iemdb.connect('coop', bypass=True)
ccursor = COOP.cursor()

# Get rain obs
obs = {}
    SELECT day, precip from alldata_ia where year > 2003 and 
    month = 5 and station = 'IA2203' and precip > 0.001
for row in ccursor:
    obs[ row[0].strftime("%Y%m%d") ] = row[1]
# Get pwater
    SELECT runtime, pwater from model_gridpoint where station = 'KDSM'
    and model = 'NAM' and runtime = ftime and extract(month from runtime) = 5 
    and extract(hour from runtime) = 7
total = numpy.ma.zeros( (20,), 'f') # 4 mm to 100
hits = numpy.ma.zeros( (20,), 'f')
pwater = []
precip = []
for row in mcursor:
    bin = int(row[1] / 4)
    print row[1], bin
    if obs.has_key( row[0].strftime("%Y%m%d")):
        hits[bin] += 1
Пример #33
Provide IDEP output on a per township basis
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/mesonet/www/apps/iemwebsite/scripts/lib')
import iemdb
import wellknowntext
import shapelib
import dbflib
import os
import cgi
import mx.DateTime
import sys
import zipfile
import shutil
import psycopg2.extras
WEPP = iemdb.connect('wepp', bypass=True)
wcursor = WEPP.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)


# Figure out what date we want
form = cgi.FormContent()
year = int(form["year"][0])
month = int(form["month"][0])
day = int(form["day"][0])
ts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(year, month, day)
fp = "%s_idep" % (ts.strftime("%Y%m%d"), )
interval = None
if form.has_key("interval"):
    interval = int(form["interval"][0])
    fp = "%s_%s_idep" % (ts.strftime("%Y%m%d"), interval)
Пример #34
""" Accumulate PET for this year and previous ones """
import iemdb
ISUAG = iemdb.connect('squaw', bypass=True)
icursor = ISUAG.cursor()
import numpy.ma
import datetime

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1, 1)

icursor.execute("""SELECT date(valid) as d, max(cfs) from real_flow
    WHERE valid > '2010-01-01'
    GROUP by d ORDER by d ASC""")
vals = []
days = []
for row in icursor:

ax.plot(days, vals, lw=2)

ax.set_title("Ames Squaw Creek at Lincoln Way")
ax.set_xlabel("1 June 2010 thru 11 March 2013")
ax.set_ylabel("Water Flow [cfs], log scale")
#ax.set_xticks( (1,32,60,91,121,152,182,213,244,274,305,335,365) )
#ax.set_xticklabels( ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec') )
ax.set_xlim(datetime.date(2010, 6, 1), datetime.date(2013, 4, 1))
Пример #35
""" Create a simple prinout of observation quanity in the database """
import datetime
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
import numpy
counts = numpy.zeros((120,12))
mslp = numpy.zeros((120,12))
metar = numpy.zeros((120,12))

import iemdb
ASOS = iemdb.connect('asos', bypass=True)
acursor = ASOS.cursor()

import sys
stid = sys.argv[1]

class bcolors:
    HEADER = '\033[95m'
    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
    WARNING = '\033[93m'
    FAIL = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'

acursor.execute("""SELECT extract(year from valid) as yr,
 extract(month from valid) as mo, count(*),
 sum(case when mslp is null or mslp < 1 then 1 else 0 end),
 sum(case when metar is null or metar = '' then 1 else 0 end)
 from alldata WHERE
 station = %s GROUP by yr, mo ORDER by yr ASC, mo ASC""", (stid,))

for row in acursor:
Пример #36
import iemdb
ASOS = iemdb.connect('asos')
acursor = ASOS.cursor()
MESOSITE = iemdb.connect('mesosite')
mcursor = MESOSITE.cursor()
mcursor2 = MESOSITE.cursor()
IEM = iemdb.connect('iem')
icursor = IEM.cursor()

# Find blank start stations!
select id, network from stations where archive_begin is null and network ~* 'ASOS' and online ORDER by network
for row in mcursor:
  id = row[0]
  network = row[1]
  # Look in current for valid
  SELECT valid from current where station = %s and network = %s
  """, (id, network) )
  row = icursor.fetchone()
  if row:
    valid = row[0]
    if valid.year == 1980:
      print 'No current data for %s %s' % (id, network)
    mcursor2.execute(""" UPDATE stations SET online = 'f' where
    id = %s and network = %s """, (id, network) )
    print 'Setting %s %s to offline'  % (id, network)
Пример #37
# Process Soil Data
import csv
import iemdb
import psycopg2.extras

DBCONN = iemdb.connect('iem', bypass=True)
#DBCONN = psycopg2.connect(database="iem")

def load_metadata():
    Load up what we know about these traffic sites
    meta = {}
    cur = DBCONN.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
    cur.execute("""SELECT * from rwis_soil_data""")
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    for row in rows:
        key = "%s_%s" % (row["location_id"], row["sensor_id"])
        meta[ key ] = True
    return meta

def create_sensor( row ):
    Create a sensor in the database please
    print "Adding RWIS Soil Probe: %s Probe Level: %s" % (
      row["site_id"], row["sensor_id"])
    cursor = DBCONN.cursor()
    cursor.execute("""INSERT into rwis_soil_data(location_id,
     sensor_id) VALUES (%s, %s)""", (row["site_id"],
Пример #38
import iemdb
import re
import numpy
import numpy.ma
import scipy.stats
import mx.DateTime
postgis = iemdb.connect('postgis', bypass=True)
pcursor = postgis.cursor()

SELECT issue, report, x(ST_Centroid(geom)), y(ST_Centroid(geom)) from warnings where wfo in ('ARX','DVN','DMX','OAX','FSD') and 
significance = 'W' and gtype = 'P' and phenomena = 'SV' and issue > '2008-01-01' 

SVRs = []

for row in pcursor:
  tokens = re.findall(r'TIME...MOT...LOC [0-9]{4}Z ([0-9]{1,3})DEG ([0-9]{1,3})KT', row[1])
  if len(tokens) == 0:
    print row[1]
  (dir, sknt) = tokens[0]
  if int(sknt) > 80:
  data = {'sknt': int(sknt), 'drct': int(dir), 'ts': mx.DateTime.strptime(row[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
          'x': row[2], 'y': row[3] }

Пример #39
        sites.append( site )
print `sites`

import sys
import os
import smtplib
from email import encoders
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
import mx.DateTime
import iemdb
from xlwt import Workbook
MESOSITE = iemdb.connect('mesosite', bypass=True)
mcursor = MESOSITE.cursor()
COOP = iemdb.connect('coop', bypass=True)
ccursor = COOP.cursor()
IEM = iemdb.connect('iem', bypass=True)
icursor = IEM.cursor()

DATA = """IA0112,ALBI4,A
Пример #40
Drive the reprocessing of the MWcomp plot.  We are doing this since our
data archives have more data than the stuff I previously got from NSSL
import mx.DateTime
import subprocess
import iemdb
import os

ASOS = iemdb.connect("asos", bypass=True)
acursor = ASOS.cursor()

min10 = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(minutes=10)

def metar_extract(now):
    Giveme a METAR file with the data we have in the coffers
    SELECT metar from t%s WHERE valid BETWEEN '%s+00' and '%s+00' 
    and metar is not null
        % (now.year, (now - min10).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), (now + min10).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))
    output = open("metar.txt", "w")
    output.write("000 \r\r\n")
    output.write("SAUS99 KISU %s\r\r\n" % (now.strftime("%d%H%M"),))
Пример #41
 1 langley is 41840.00 J m-2 is 41840.00 W s m-2 is 11.622 W hr m-2
 So 1000 W m-2 x 3600 is 3,600,000 W s m-2 is 86 langleys
 Dr Arritt wants MJ m-2 dy-1
import netCDF4
import datetime
import pyproj
import numpy
import iemdb
import sys
import os
COOP = iemdb.connect('coop', bypass=True)
ccursor = COOP.cursor()
ccursor2 = COOP.cursor()

def get_gp(xc, yc, x, y):
    """ Return the grid point closest to this point """
    distance = []
    xidx = (numpy.abs(xc-x)).argmin()
    yidx = (numpy.abs(yc-y)).argmin()
    dx = x - xc[xidx]
    dy = y - yc[yidx]
    movex = -1
    if dx >= 0:
        movex = 1
    movey = -1
    if dy >= 0:
Пример #42
import datetime
events = [
    [0, "?", datetime.datetime(2013,2,21)],
    [0.27, 6.8, datetime.datetime(2013,1,30)],
    [0.37, 4.5, datetime.datetime(2012,2,4)],
    [0.59, 7.1, datetime.datetime(2011,1,10)],
    [0.28, 6.4, datetime.datetime(2010,1,25)],
    [0.97, 15.5, datetime.datetime(2009,12,8)],
    [0.27, 7.6, datetime.datetime(2009,2,13)],
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as npma
import iemdb
MOS = iemdb.connect('mos', bypass=True)
mcursor = MOS.cursor()
import pytz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
(fig, ax) = plt.subplots(1,1)
ys = 1.0
ylabels = []
for (precip,snow, sts) in events:
    sts = sts.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC"))
    select runtime, sum(precip) from model_gridpoint_%s 
    where station = 'KDSM' and model = 'GFS' and 
    ftime BETWEEN '%s 00:00+00' and '%s 00:00+00' and
    runtime < '%s 00:00+00' GROUP by runtime ORDER by runtime
    """ % (sts.year, sts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
           (sts + datetime.timedelta(days=2)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),
    x = []