Пример #1
   def recv_chunks( self, remote_chunk_dir, desired_chunks ):
      # shell out and scp
      cmd = "/usr/bin/scp -P " + str(self.port)
      if self.identity_file != "":
         cmd += "-i " + self.identity_file + " " 
      if remote_chunk_dir[-1] != '/':
         remote_chunk_dir += '/'
      received_chunks = {}
      max_rc = 0
      for chunk in desired_chunks:
         self.num_sent += 1
         if self.num_sent > self.max_sent:
            max_rc = E_NO_CONNECT

         this_cmd = copy.copy( cmd )
         this_cmd += " " + self.remote_user + "@" + self.remote_host + ":" + remote_chunk_dir + str(chunk) + " " + iftfile.get_chunks_dir( self.file_name, self.file_hash ) + "/" + str(chunk)
         iftlog.log(1, self.name + ": '" + this_cmd + "'")
         pipe = os.popen( this_cmd )
         rc = pipe.close()
         if rc != None:
            iftlog.log(5, self.name + ": scp returned " + str(rc) + " for chunk " + str(chunk))
            max_rc = E_NO_CONNECT
         chunk_dir = iftfile.get_chunks_dir( self.file_name, self.file_hash )
         fd = open( chunk_dir + "/" + str(chunk) )
         chunk_data = fd.read()
         received_chunks[ chunk ] = chunk_data
      return (max_rc, received_chunks)
Пример #2
   def recv_chunks( self, remote_chunk_dir, desired_chunks ):
      # receive chunks in fragments, since no remote IFTD and the server is HTTP/1.1
         byte_ranges = []     # determine byte ranges corresponding to the chunk
         if len(desired_chunks) > 1:
            curr_range = -1
            for chunk in desired_chunks:
               byte_ranges.append( [ self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNKSIZE ) * chunk, min( self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNKSIZE ) * (chunk+1) - 1, self.file_size - 1 ) ] )
            byte_ranges = [[ self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNKSIZE ) * desired_chunks[0], min( self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNKSIZE ) * (desired_chunks[0]+1) - 1, self.file_size - 1 ) ]]
         # translate the byte range into a string
         byte_range_str = "bytes="
         for brange in byte_ranges:
            byte_range_str += str(brange[0]) + "-" + str(brange[1]) + ","

         byte_range_str = byte_range_str[:-1]      # remove last ,
         remote_file = self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_SRC_NAME )
         if remote_file[0] != '/':
            remote_file = '/' + remote_file
         iftlog.log(3, self.name + ": request " + byte_range_str + " of " + remote_file + " from " + self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_SRC_HOST ) )
         req = urllib2.Request( "http://" + self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_SRC_HOST ) + ":" + str(self.portnum) + remote_file )
         req.add_header( "range", byte_range_str )
         resp = urllib2.urlopen( req )
         if resp.code < 200 or resp.code > 400:
            # error!
            return E_NO_CONNECT
         # get the data
         #resp_data = resp.read()
         #data = StringIO( resp_data )
         data = resp

         num_chunks = 0

         content_type = resp.headers.getheader('content-type')
         content_range = resp.headers.getheader('content-range')
         if "multipart/byteranges" in content_type:
            # multipart response
            # get xxxxx from boundary=xxxxx

            boundary = content_type[ content_type.find("boundary=") + 9 : ].strip()
            chunk_dict = {}
            CRLF = "\r\n"
            # read the data
            read_offset = 0
            while True:

               line = data.readline()
               if len(line) == 0:

               if line == CRLF:
               line = line[ : len(line) - 2 ]
               start_byte = -1
               stop_byte = -1
               if line == "--" + boundary + "--":
               elif line == "--" + boundary:
                  while True:
                     line = data.readline()
                     if line.lower().startswith("content-range"):
                        content_range = line[ line.find("bytes ") + 6 : line.find("/") ]
                        start_byte = int( content_range[0: content_range.find("-")] )
                        stop_byte = int( content_range[ content_range.find("-") + 1 : ] ) + 1
                     if line == CRLF:
                  # read data
                  chunk_id = start_byte / self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNKSIZE )
                  #t1 = time.time()
                  chunk = data.read( stop_byte - start_byte )
                  #t2 = time.time()
                  #print "chunk took " + str(t2 - t1)
                  num_chunks += 1
                  self.add_chunk( chunk_id, chunk )
            if num_chunks > 0:
               return 0
               return E_NO_DATA
         elif content_range != None:
            # only one range given, and it's only one chunk
            start_byte = int( content_range[ 6 : content_range.find("-") ] )
            chunk_id = start_byte / self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNKSIZE )
            self.add_chunk( chunk_id, resp.read() )
            return 0

         # not a multipart response, even though we expected it!
            # byterange request either encompassed the whole file, or this was an HTTP/1.0 server and we got the whole file back.
            local_path = iftfile.get_chunks_dir( self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_DEST_NAME ), self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_HASH ) ) + "/" + os.path.basename( self.job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_DEST_NAME ) )
            rc = self.__write_file( local_path, resp.read() )
            if rc == 0:
               self.whole_file( local_path )
               iftlog.log(5, self.name + ": could not save " + local_path + ", rc = " + str(rc) )
               self.recv_finished( TRANSMIT_STATE_FAILURE )
            return rc
      except Exception, inst:
         iftlog.exception( self.name + ": could not receive chunks " + str(desired_chunks), inst)
Пример #3
def iftsend( job, available_protocols, connect_dict=None, iftd_remote_port = USER_PORT + 1, iftd_xmlrpc_path = "/RPC2", user_timeout = 60 ):
   Intelligently send a file to a remote host.
   @arg job
      This is an iftjob instance containing the job data
   @arg available_protocols
      This is a list of strings of each available (usable) protocol to use
   @arg connect_dict
      This is a dictionary of dictionaries mapping protocol names in available_protocols to connection attribute dictionaries.
   @arg iftd_remote_port
      Remote IFTD XML-RPC port (default is USER_PORT+1)
   @arg iftd_xmlrpc_path
      Remote IFTD XML-RPC domain (default is /RPC2)
   @arg user_timeout
      Timeout for XML-RPC calls
   from iftdata import SEND_FILES_DIR
   job_attrs = job.attrs
   # get remote host
   recv_host = job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_DEST_HOST )
   if recv_host == None:
      iftlog.log(5, "iftsend: remote host not defined")
      return E_INVAL
   # can we even proceed to read this?
   filename = job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_SRC_NAME )
   # sanity check
   if filename == None:
      iftlog.log(5, "iftsend: filename is not specified!")
      return E_INVAL
   if not os.path.exists( filename ):
      iftlog.log(5, "iftsend: file " + filename + " does not exist!")
      return E_FILE_NOT_FOUND
   if not (stat.S_IWUSR & os.stat( filename ).st_mode):
      iftlog.log(5, "iftsend: cannot read file " + filename)
      return E_IOERROR
   if SEND_FILES_DIR[-1] != "/":
   if not filename.startswith(SEND_FILES_DIR, 0, len(SEND_FILES_DIR)):
      iftlog.log(5, "iftsend: cannot send file " + filename + ", it is not in " + SEND_FILES_DIR )
      return E_FILE_NOT_FOUND
   # prepare to send
   rc, file_hash, chunk_hashes, chunk_data = prepare_sender( job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_SRC_NAME ), job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNKSIZE) )
   if rc != 0:
      iftlog.log(5, "iftsend: could not prepare to send")
      return rc
   job.set_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_GIVEN_CHUNKS, True )      # we will be given chunks out of band
   job.set_meta( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_GIVEN_CHUNKS, Queue.Queue(0) )  # use a blocking queue to get chunks within
   # make sure to pass along the file hash
   if job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_HASH ) == None:
      job.set_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_HASH, file_hash )
   # make sure to pass along the file size
   if job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_SIZE ) == None:
      job.set_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_SIZE, os.stat( filename ).st_size )
   # make sure to pass along the file type
   if job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_TYPE ) == None:
      job.set_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_TYPE, iftstats.fset_filetype( job.attrs ) )
   # pass receiver the chunk hashes
   if job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNK_HASHES ) == None:
      job.set_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNK_HASHES, chunk_hashes )
   job.set_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_SRC_CHUNK_DIR, iftfile.get_chunks_dir( filename, file_hash, True ) )
   m = hashlib.sha1()
   m.update( cPickle.dumps( job.attrs ) )
   # transmission id is the sha-1 of the job attrs
   xmit_id = m.hexdigest()
   iftlog.log(3, "iftsend(id: " + xmit_id + "): will send " + str(job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_SRC_NAME )) + " to " + str(job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_DEST_HOST )))
   # make clones of each of the protocols
   proto_list = []
   for proto_name in PROTOCOLS.keys():
      if proto_name.find("_sender") < 0:
      proto = None
         # clone the vanilla protocol so we can run more than one concurrently
         proto = copy.deepcopy( PROTOCOLS[proto_name] )
         proto.assign_job( job )
      except Exception, inst:
         iftlog.exception("iftsend: cannot clone " + proto_name + ", skipping...", inst)
      proto_list.append( proto )
Пример #4
def get_iftd_sender_data( xmit_id, job_attrs, available_protos, connect_dict ):
   Called by the receiver (remote) on the sender (local) to get
   the sender's capabilities--specifically, which protocols it
   has senders for, and where the chunks will be located.
   Return the list of protocols usable to both
   sender and receiver.
   global TransferCore
   error_rc = (xmit_id, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) 
   file_name = job_attrs.get( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_SRC_NAME )
   user_job = iftfile.iftjob( job_attrs )
   # does the file exist?
   if not os.path.exists( file_name ):
      iftlog.log(5, "get_iftd_sender_data: file " + str(file_name) + " does not exist")
      return error_rc     # don't even bother
   # is the file readable?
   if not (stat.S_IWUSR & os.stat( file_name ).st_mode):
      iftlog.log(5, "get_iftd_sender_data: file " + str(file_name) + " is not readable")
      return error_rc     # don't bother--can't read
   # is the file accessible?
   from iftdata import SEND_FILES_DIR
   if SEND_FILES_DIR[-1] != '/':
   if not os.path.abspath(file_name).startswith( SEND_FILES_DIR, 0, len(SEND_FILES_DIR)):
      iftlog.log(5, "get_iftd_sender_data: will not send " + str(file_name) + ", it is not in " + SEND_FILES_DIR )
      return error_rc     # access control violation

   # get our available protocols
   my_protos = proto_names( senders( list_protocols() ) )
   other_protos = []
   if available_protos:
      other_protos = proto_names( available_protos )
   # calculate intersection between both available protos
   my_protos_set = set( my_protos )
   other_protos_set = set( other_protos )
   usable_protos_set = my_protos_set.intersection( other_protos_set )
   file_size = iftfile.get_filesize( file_name )
   iftlog.log(1, "get_iftd_sender_data: file " + str(file_name) + ", size " + str(file_size))
   # start my passive senders
   sender_names = senders( list_protocols() )
   proto_insts = []
   for proto in sender_names:
      if PROTOCOLS.get(proto) != None and not PROTOCOLS.get(proto).isactive():
         p = None
         # start this passive sender
            p = copy.deepcopy( PROTOCOLS.get(proto) )
            iftlog.log(5, "get_iftd_sender_data: could not start passive sender " + proto)

   expected_fsize = user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_SIZE )
   min_fsize = user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_MIN_SIZE )
   max_fsize = user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_MAX_SIZE )
   # do some sanity checking...
   if min_fsize != None and max_fsize != None:
      if file_size < min_fsize or file_size > max_fsize:
         return error_rc      # wrong size expectation
   if expected_fsize != None and expected_fsize != file_size:
      return error_rc      # wrong size expectation

   # set up
   rc, file_hash, chunk_hashes, chunk_data = prepare_sender( file_name, user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNKSIZE ) )
   if rc != 0:
      iftlog.log(5, "get_iftd_sender_data: could not prepare to send")
      return error_rc

   user_job.supply_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_SIZE, file_size )
   user_job.supply_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_HASH, file_hash )
   user_job.supply_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_TYPE, iftstats.filetype( file_name ) )

   passive_protos = start_passive_protos( connect_dict, user_job, proto_insts, 1.0 )
   # start passive protocol handling thread
   TransferCore.begin_ift_send( xmit_id, user_job, chunk_data, user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNK_TIMEOUT ), connect_dict )
   TransferCore.run_ift_send_passive( xmit_id, user_job, passive_protos, user_job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNK_TIMEOUT ))
   proto_mask = [0] * len(sender_names)
   for i in xrange(0, len(sender_names)):
      p = sender_names[i]
      if PROTOCOLS[p].isactive():
         proto_mask[i] = True
         proto_mask[i] = False
   return (xmit_id, iftfile.get_chunks_dir( file_name, file_hash, True), file_size, file_hash, iftstats.filetype(file_name), sender_names, proto_mask, chunk_hashes)
Пример #5
       # now we have the protocols available to both of us.
       # get the best protocol
       features = iftstats.extract_features( job.attrs )
       best_proto = iftstats.best_protocol( features )
       if best_proto != None:
          usable_protos = proto_names( [best_proto] + sender_available_protos )
    # make chunk directory in preparation for receiving pieces (i.e. from an active sender)
    rc = iftfile.make_chunks_dir( job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_DEST_NAME ), job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_HASH ) )
    if rc != 0:
       iftlog.log(5, "iftreceive: could not make chunks directory")
       return rc
    # record local chunk dir
    job.set_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_DEST_CHUNK_DIR, iftfile.get_chunks_dir( job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_DEST_NAME ), job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_FILE_HASH ), remote_iftd ))
 # start up a transfer processor with the available protocols
 proto_instances = []
 iftlog.log(1, "iftreceive: available receivers are " + str([proto + "_receiver" for proto in usable_protos]))
 iftlog.log(1, "iftreceive: file chunksize is " + str(job.get_attr( iftfile.JOB_ATTR_CHUNKSIZE ) ) )
 for proto in usable_protos:
    proto = proto + "_receiver"   # if it's available, then there's a receiver available
    p = None
       p = copy.deepcopy( PROTOCOLS[proto] )
    except Exception, inst:
       iftlog.log(5, "iftreceive: ERROR: could not clone protocol " + proto)