Пример #1
def getTable():
    ''' Check if a table exists otherwise open a new one'''

    ## Check if we can get a table window
    if IJ.getFullVersion() >= "1.53g":
        # try to get any active table
        tableWindow = WindowManager.getActiveTable(
        )  # this function requires 1.53g (or at least not working with 1.53c), return None if no table

        # Fallback on fetching either a window called Annotations or Annotations.csv as in previous plugin version
        win = WindowManager.getWindow("Annotations")
        win2 = WindowManager.getWindow(
            "Annotations.csv")  # upon saving it adds this extension

        if win:
            tableWindow = win

        elif win2:
            tableWindow = win2

            tableWindow = None

    ## If a table window then get its table, otherwise new table. In this case, its name is set later
    return tableWindow.getResultsTable() if tableWindow else ResultsTable()
Пример #2
    def __init__(self):

        if IJ.getFullVersion() < "1.53b":
            message = "ImageJ with at least version 1.53b required. Update with Help > Update ImageJ..."
            raise Exception(message)

        super(TableModel, self).__init__()
        self.headers = ["Group", "Name"]
        groupNames = Roi.getGroupNames()  # groupNames can be None !
        groupNames = groupNames.split(",") if groupNames else [
            "ExampleName-doubleClick to edit"
        ]  # groupNames is a list
        self.nRows = len(groupNames)
        self.columns = [[], []]  # 2 columns
        self.columns[0] = range(1, len(groupNames) + 1)
        self.columns[1] = groupNames
	def actionPerformed(self, event):
		if IJ.getFullVersion() < "1.53g": 
			IJ.error("This plugin requires ImageJ version 1.53g minimum.\n Update using Help > Update ImageJ...")
		tableWindow = WindowManager.getActiveTable() # this function requires the 1.53g (or at least not working with 1.53c)

		if not tableWindow: return

		# Get column Category
		table   = tableWindow.getResultsTable()
		column       = table.getColumnAsVariables("Category")
		columnString = [str(item) for item in column]
		# Plot Pie Plot for this column
		pieChart = PieChart("Category", columnString)
Пример #4
from QualiAnnotations.Charts import PieChart
from ij.gui import GenericDialog
from ij import IJ, WindowManager

if IJ.getFullVersion() < "1.53g":
        "This plugin requires ImageJ version 1.53g minimum.\n Update using Help > Update ImageJ..."
    raise Exception("ImageJ version 1.53g minimum required")

tableWindow = WindowManager.getActiveTable(
)  # this function requires the 1.53g (or at least not working with 1.53c)
#print tableWindow

if not tableWindow:
    IJ.error("No open table")


    # List column headers
    table = tableWindow.getResultsTable()
    headers = table.getHeadings()

    # Generate dialog with dropdown for column selection
    dialog = GenericDialog("PieChart from table column")
    dialog.addChoice("Data column", headers, headers[0])
        """Hover the mouse over the plot to view absolute and relative (%) values\n
	Right-click to set colors, export to PNG...\n
	Note: BarCharts usually provide better distinction than PieCharts for sectors with similar sizes (see Help)."""
Пример #5
On my version of ImageJ (1.52n99) 2019-06-15 setting
res.showRowNumbers() as True or False made no difference

from ij.measure import ResultsTable
from ij import IJ
from ij.plugin.filter import Analyzer
import jmFijiGen as jmg

# start cean
IJ.run("Close All")
jmg.close_open_non_image_window("ROI Manager")

# open our image
imp = IJ.openImage("http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/images/blobs.gif")
Analyzer.setOption("BlackBackground", True)
IJ.run("Convert to Mask")
IJ.run("Set Measurements...",
       "area perimeter shape display redirect=None decimal=3")
IJ.run("Analyze Particles...",
       "size=20-Infinity circularity=0.2-1.00 display exclude clear add")
# Note that this showed the result numbers independent of T/F below
res = ResultsTable.getResultsTable()
print("ImageJ version " + IJ.getFullVersion())
Пример #6
# has to be the first line
from __future__ import print_function

import os, sys

from ij import IJ, WindowManager
from ij.io import OpenDialog
from ij.process import ImageConverter  # by default convert to 8-bit will scale, i need to turn ot off. See: https://ilovesymposia.com/2014/02/26/fiji-jython/
# see: https://imagej.nih.gov/ij/developer/api/ij/process/ImageConverter.html
# Set true to scale to 0-255 when converting short to byte or float to byte and to 0-65535 when converting float to short.

from loci.plugins import BF

# lifeline version is 1.51n99
# newer (April 2020) version is 1.52p99
fijiVersion = IJ.getFullVersion()
fijiVersion = str(fijiVersion)
print('simpleConvert() is running in ImageJ/Fiji:', fijiVersion)
goodVersion = fijiVersion.find('1.51') != -1

def myConvert(path='', imp=None):
    if path == '' and imp is None:
        # NOT USED
        # ask user for file. I do not know how to handle when users hits cancel??? Script will just fail
        notUsedBy_oxs = 'Open a two-channel deconvoluted .oir file'
        path = OpenDialog(notUsedBy_oxs).getPath()

    if len(path) > 0:
        print('    user selected path:', path)
        fileName = os.path.basename(path)
Requirements : 
- IJ-OpenCV (from the updater) 
TO DO : 
- Images with overlay in Stack : change to the easier ij.plugin.ImagesToStack that use a list to make the stack. No need to precise the size.. 
# Python
from __future__		import division 

# ImageJ
from ij					import IJ,ImagePlus, ImageStack 
from ij.plugin.filter	import MaximumFinder
#from ij.gui			import Roi, PointRoi

if IJ.getFullVersion()<"1.52o":
	IJ.error("Please update ImageJ to min v1.52o. Help>Update ImageJ...")

# OpenCV
	from org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_imgproc import matchTemplate, threshold, CV_THRESH_TOZERO
	from org.bytedeco.javacpp.opencv_core	 import Mat, Scalar, Point, minMaxLoc, subtract # UNUSED normalize, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1, CV_32FC1
	from org.bytedeco.javacpp				 import DoublePointer 

	IJ.error("Missing OpenCV dependencies. Make sure to activate 'IJ-OpenCV plugins' update site.")

# Java
from java.lang 	import Float #used to convert BytesToFloat
Пример #8
    def defaultActionSequence(self):
		Central function (DO NOT OVERWRITE) called if a button is clicked or shortcut called
		It trigger the following actions:
		- getting the current table
		- checking the GUI state (checkboxes, dropdown...)
		- running measurements if measure is selected
		- setting ROI attribute (if roi)
		- incrementing table counter
		- adding image directory and name to table
		- filling columns from GUI state using custom fillTable()
		- switching to next slice
		- displaying the annotation GUI to the front, important to catch next keyboard shortcuts
            imp = IJ.getImage()  # get current image
        except:  # no image: just stop the execution then

        # Get current table
        table = getTable()

        # Check options, use getCheckboxes(), because the checkbox plugin have other checkboxes
        checkboxes = self.getCheckboxes()

        # Initialize Analyzer
        if self.runMeasure:
            analyzer = Analyzer(imp, table)
                                    False)  # dont add label to table

        # Check if existing roi manager
        rm = RoiManager.getInstance()
        indexes = rm.getSelectedIndexes() if rm else [
        ]  # Check if roi selected

        if indexes:

            # Loop over selected ROI
            for index in indexes:  # set selected features as property of rois

                roi = rm.getRoi(index)

                # Run measure for the ROI
                if self.runMeasure:  # Automatically increment counter
                    analyzer.measure()  # as selected in Set Measurements

                    )  # Automatically done if runMeasure

                #table.addValue("Index", table.getCounter() )
                for key, value in getImageDirAndName(imp).iteritems():
                    table.addValue(key, value)

                # Add selected items (implementation-specific)

                # Read comment
                stringField = self.getStringFields()[0]
                table.addValue("Comment", stringField.text)

                # Add roi name to the table + set its property
                table.addValue("Roi", roi.getName())  # Add roi name to table
                setRoiProperties(roi, table)

        # No roi selected in the Manager

            if self.runMeasure:  # also automatically increment counter
                analyzer.measure()  # as selected in Set Measurements

                table.incrementCounter()  # Automatically done if runMeasure

            #table.addValue("Index", table.getCounter() )
            for key, value in getImageDirAndName(imp).iteritems():
                table.addValue(key, value)

            # Add selected items (implementation-specific)

            # Read comment
            stringField = self.getStringFields()[0]
            table.addValue("Comment", stringField.text)

            # Check if an active Roi, not yet present in Manager
            roi = imp.getRoi()

            if roi is not None:
                rm = getRoiManager()

                # get back the roi from the manager to set properties
                roiBis = rm.getRoi(rm.getCount() - 1)
                roiName = roiBis.getName()
                table.addValue("Roi", roiName)  # Add roi name to table
                setRoiProperties(roiBis, table)

        title = table.getTitle() if table.getTitle(
        ) else "Annotations"  # getTitle is None for newly generated table
        table.show(title)  # Update table
        #table.updateResults() # only for result table but then addValue does not work !

        # Go to next slice
        doNext = checkboxes[-1].getState()
        if doNext:
            if self.browseMode == "stack":
                nextSlice(imp, self.getSelectedDimension())
            elif self.browseMode == "directory":

        # Bring back the focus to the button window (otherwise the table is in the front)
        if not IJ.getFullVersion().startswith("1.52p"):
            WindowManager.toFront(self)  # prevent some ImageJ bug with 1.52p