Пример #1
def SaveCoverFromFs(tiles, newwidth, newheight, cols, rows):

	tilewidth = int(newwidth/cols)
	tileheight = int(newheight/rows)

	newwidth = int(newwidth/tilewidth) * tilewidth
	newheight = int(newheight/tileheight) * tileheight

	hiresoutip = ColorProcessor(newwidth, newheight)
	hiresout = ImagePlus("hi res output", hiresoutip)

	x = 0
	y = -1

	plane = []

	# scale the images
	for i in sorted(tiles.iterkeys()):
		if y < rows-1:
			y += 1
			y = 0
			x += 1
		imp = IJ.openImage(str(tiles[i]))
		scale = Scale(imp.getProcessor())
		ipscaled = ScaleImageToSize(scale, tilewidth, tileheight)
		hiresoutip.copyBits(ipscaled, x*tilewidth, y*tileheight, 0)
def scale(ip, s):
	""" Scale the image with the parameter scale = s """
	imp = ImagePlus('scale',ip)
	IJ.run(imp, "Scale...", "x="+str(s)+" y="+str(s)+" interpolation=Bilinear average");
	ip = imp.getProcessor()
	w = ip.width
	h = ip.height
	cd = CanvasResizer()
	ip = cd.expandImage(ip, int(round(s*w)), int(round(s*h)), -int(round((1-s)/2*w)), -int(round((1-s)/2*h)) )
	return ip
def draw_bounding_boxes(objects,title,templateImage):
	drawnIp = ByteProcessor(templateImage.getWidth(),templateImage.getHeight())
	drawnImage = ImagePlus(title,drawnIp)
	for j in range(len(objects)):
Пример #4
def generateOverlay(project, patch, shape):
    oWidth  = patch.getOWidth()
    oHeight = patch.getOHeight()

    overlayp = ByteProcessor(oWidth, oHeight)
    # TODO: Use ShortProcessor instead of ByteProcessor
    imp      = ImagePlus("Patch %s" % patch, overlayp)
    stepX    = oWidth/shape[0]
    stepY    = oHeight/shape[1]
    color    = 1

    for x in xrange(shape[0]):
        offsetX = x * stepX
        for y in xrange(shape[1]):
            offsetY = y * stepY
            imp.setRoi(offsetX, offsetY, stepX, stepY)
            color += 1
    overlayPatch = Patch(project, "%s_overlay" % patch, 0.0, 0.0, imp)
    return overlayPatch
Пример #5
		def __init__(self, listpaths):
			self.__listpaths = listpaths
			self.__listimp = []
			for v in listpaths :
				print v
				imp = ImagePlus(v)
				print imp.getTitle()
			swing.JFrame.__init__(self, title="Images")
def scaleLongSide(ip, longSide):
	""" Scale the image with respect to the longSide parameter (new size along the long side of the image should equal the longSide parameter) """
	w = ip.width
	h = ip.height
	l = max(w,h)
	s = float(longSide)/l
	imp = ImagePlus('scaleLongSide',ip)
	IJ.run(imp, "Scale...", "x="+str(s)+" y="+str(s)+" interpolation=Bilinear average");
	ip = imp.getProcessor()
	cd = CanvasResizer()
	ip = cd.expandImage(ip, int(round(s*w)), int(round(s*h)), -int(round((1-s)/2*w)), -int(round((1-s)/2*h)) )
	return ip, s
def siftSingle(ref, target):
	""" perform SIFT registration for one image """
	impRef = ImagePlus('Sift_source', ref)
	impTarget = ImagePlus('Sift_target', target)
	expected_transformation = 'Similarity'
	initial_gaussian_blur = 2
	feature_descriptor_size = 8
	imp = ImagePlus('siftRefTest', ref)
	t = SIFT_ExtractPointRoi()
	t.exec( impRef, impTarget )
	roiRef = impRef.getRoi()
	roiTarget = impTarget.getRoi()
	return roiRef, roiTarget
Пример #8
	def __init__(self):
		self.imp = None
		self.preview = None
		self.cells = None
		self.files = []
		self.results = ResultsTable()
		self.pairs = []
		self.methods = []
def extract_frame_process_roi(imp, frame, channel, process, roi):
  # extract frame and channel 
  imp_frame = ImagePlus("", extract_frame(imp, frame, channel)).duplicate()
  # check for roi and crop
  if roi != None:
    #print roi.getBounds()
    IJ.run(imp_frame, "Crop", "")
  # process  
  if process:
    IJ.run(imp_frame, "Mean 3D...", "x=1 y=1 z=0");
    IJ.run(imp_frame, "Find Edges", "stack");
  # return
  return imp_frame
def test():
	newImg = ImagePlus("GrayScaled",imp)
	newip = newImg.getProcessor()

	hist = newip.getHistogram()
	lowTH = Auto_Threshold.IsoData(hist)
	newip.setThreshold(lowTH, max(hist),ImageProcessor.BLACK_AND_WHITE_LUT)

	rt = ResultsTable()
	pa = ParticleAnalyzer(ParticleAnalyzer.SHOW_RESULTS | ParticleAnalyzer.SHOW_OVERLAY_OUTLINES, Measurements.AREA |Measurements.MEAN |\
		Measurements.MEDIAN | Measurements.STD_DEV | Measurements.MIN_MAX | Measurements.RECT, rt,50, 200000, 0.5, 1  )
Пример #11
def extract_stack_under_arealist():
	# Check that a Display is open
	display = Display.getFront()
	if display is None:
		IJ.log("Open a TrakEM2 Display first!")
	# Check that an AreaList is selected and active:
	ali = display.getActive()
	if ali is None or not isinstance(ali, AreaList):
		IJ.log("Please select an AreaList first!")

	# Get the range of layers to which ali paints:
	ls = display.getLayerSet()
	ifirst = ls.indexOf(ali.getFirstLayer())
	ilast = ls.indexOf(ali.getLastLayer())
	layers = display.getLayerSet().getLayers().subList(ifirst, ilast +1)

	# Create a stack with the dimensions of ali
	bounds = ali.getBoundingBox()
	stack = ImageStack(bounds.width, bounds.height)

	# Using 16-bit. To change to 8-bit, use GRAY8 and ByteProcessor in the two lines below:
	type = ImagePlus.GRAY16
	ref_ip = ShortProcessor(bounds.width, bounds.height)

	for layer in layers:
		area = ali.getArea(layer)
		z = layer.getZ()
		ip = ref_ip.createProcessor(bounds.width, bounds.height)
		if area is None:
			stack.addSlice(str(z), bp)

		# Create a ROI from the area of ali at layer:
		aff = ali.getAffineTransformCopy()
		aff.translate(-bounds.x, -bounds.y)
		roi = ShapeRoi(area.createTransformedArea(aff))

		# Create a cropped snapshot of the images at layer under ali:
		flat = Patch.makeFlatImage(type, layer, bounds, 1.0, layer.getDisplayables(Patch), Color.black)
		b = roi.getBounds()
		ip.insert(flat.crop(), b.x, b.y)

		# Clear the outside of ROI (ShapeRoi is a non-rectangular ROI type)
		bimp = ImagePlus("", ip)
		IJ.run(bimp, "Clear Outside", "")

		# Accumulate slices
		stack.addSlice(str(z), ip)

	imp = ImagePlus("AreaList stack", stack)
def run_script():
    # We can use import inside of code blocks to limit the scope.
    import math
    from ij import IJ, ImagePlus
    from ij.process import FloatProcessor
    blank = IJ.createImage("Blank", "32-bit black", img_size, img_size, 1)
    # This create a list of lists. Each inner list represents a line.
    # pixel_matrix[0] is the first line where y=0.
    pixel_matrix = split_list(blank.getProcessor().getPixels(), wanted_parts=img_size)
    # This swaps x and y coordinates.
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8421337/rotating-a-two-dimensional-array-in-python
    # As zip() creates tuples, we have to convert each one by using list().
    pixel_matrix = [list(x) for x in zip(*pixel_matrix)]
    for y in range(img_size):
        for x in range(img_size):
            # This function oszillates between 0 and 1.
            # The distance of 2 maxima in a row/column is given by spacing.
            val = (0.5 * (math.cos(2*math.pi/spacing*x) + math.sin(2*math.pi/spacing*y)))**2
            # When assigning, we multiply the value by the amplitude.
            pixel_matrix[x][y] = amplitude * val
    # The constructor of FloatProcessor works fine with a 2D Python list.
    crystal = ImagePlus("Crystal", FloatProcessor(pixel_matrix))
    # Crop without selection is used to duplicate an image.
    crystal_with_noise = crystal.crop()
    crystal_with_noise.setTitle("Crystal with noise")
    IJ.run(crystal_with_noise, "Add Specified Noise...", "standard=%d" % int(amplitude/math.sqrt(2)))
    # As this is a demo, we don't want to be ask to save an image on closing it.
    # In Python True and False start with capital letters.
    crystal_with_noise.changes = False
    filtered = fft_filter(crystal_with_noise)
    # We create a lambda function to be used as a parameter of img_calc().
    subtract = lambda values: values[0] - values[1]
    """ This is a short form for:
    def subtract(values):
        return values[0] - values[1]
    # The first time we call img_calc with 2 images.
    difference = img_calc(subtract, crystal, filtered, title="Difference of 2")
    # The first time we call img_calc with 3 images.
    minimum = img_calc(min, crystal, filtered, crystal_with_noise, title="Minimum of 3")
    for imp in (crystal, crystal_with_noise, filtered, difference, minimum):
        IJ.run(imp, "Measure", "")
Пример #13
	def __falign(self) :
		stack = self.__impRes.getStack() # get the stack within the ImagePlus
		n_slices = stack.getSize() # get the number of slices
		ic = ImageCalculator()
		w = self.__impRes.getWidth()
		h = self.__impRes.getHeight()
		self.__sens[:] = []
		self.__listrois[:] = []

		for index in range(1, n_slices+1):	
			ip1 = stack.getProcessor(index)
			imp1 = ImagePlus("imp1-"+str(index), ip1)
			#imp1sqr = ic.run("Multiply create 32-bit", imp1, imp1)			

			#IJ.setThreshold(imp1sqr, 1, 4294967296)
			#IJ.run(imp1sqr, "Create Selection", "")
			#IJ.run(imp1sqr, "Select All", "")
			#roi = imp1sqr.getRoi()
			#roi = Roi(rect)

			#ipsqr = imp1sqr.getProcessor()
			#is1 = ipsqr.getStatistics()

			IJ.run(imp1, "Select All", "")
			roi = imp1.getRoi()
			ipsqr = imp1.getProcessor()
			is1 = ipsqr.getStatistics()
			if is1.xCenterOfMass > w/2.00 : 
				ip1 = self.__impRes.getProcessor()
			else : self.__sens.append(1)
def extract_frame_process_roi(imp, frame, channel, process, roi, roiz):
  if( imp.getStack().getClass().getName() == "ct.vss.VirtualStackOfStacks"):
    imp_frame = extract_cropped_frame_from_VirtualStackOfStacks(imp, frame-1, channel, roi, roiz)
    # extract frame and channel 
    imp_frame = ImagePlus("", extract_frame(imp, frame, channel, roiz)).duplicate()
    # check for roi and crop
    if roi != None:
      #print roi.getBounds()
      IJ.run(imp_frame, "Crop", "")
  # process  
  if process:
    IJ.run(imp_frame, "Mean 3D...", "x=1 y=1 z=0");
    IJ.run(imp_frame, "Find Edges", "stack");
  # return
  return imp_frame
Пример #15
def SaveCoverFromZip(tileIndex, newwidth, newheight, cols, rows, originalspath):
	baseDir = re.sub(r'\/originals.zip', "", originalspath)

	#print baseDir

	zf = zipfile.ZipFile(originalspath, mode='r')

	tilewidth = int(newwidth/cols)
	tileheight = int(newheight/rows)

	newwidth = int(newwidth/tilewidth) * tilewidth
	newheight = int(newheight/tileheight) * tileheight

	hiresoutip = ColorProcessor(newwidth, newheight)
	hiresout = ImagePlus("hi res output", hiresoutip)

	x = 0
	y = -1

	plane = []

	# scale the images
	for i in sorted(tileIndex.iterkeys()):
		if y < rows-1:
			y += 1
			y = 0
			x += 1
		#bi = bir.openImage(tileIndex[i]);
		#ip = ColorProcessor(bi)
		image = zf.read(str(tileIndex[i]) + ".jpeg")
		#IJ.log("Placing image :" + str(tileIndex[i]) + ".jpeg")
		my_file = open(baseDir + 'temporary.jpeg','w')
		imp = IJ.openImage(baseDir + "/temporary.jpeg")
		ip = imp.getProcessor()
		scale = Scale(ip)
		ipscaled = ScaleImageToSize(scale, tilewidth, tileheight)
		hiresoutip.copyBits(ipscaled, x*tilewidth, y*tileheight, 0)
Пример #16
def run():

    d = str(input_dir)
    files = get_swc_files(d, filenameFilter);
    if not files or len(files) == 0:
        uiservice.showDialog("No files matched the specified criteria", "Error")

    IT = ImportTracings()
    IT.applyScalingFactor(scale_factor, scale_factor, scale_factor)
    # IT.applyCalibration(1, 1, 1, "um")
    proj_rendering = "Projected" in display_choice
    for (counter, f) in enumerate(files):
        basename = os.path.basename(f)
        status.showStatus('Loading file %s: %s...' % (counter + 1, basename))
            IT.autoLoadSWC(f, proj_rendering)
            if proj_rendering:
                imp = ImagePlus("file: " + basename, IT.getSkeletonizedProjection())
        except Exception, msg:  # Jython 3: except Exception as msg:
            log.error("An error occurred when loading %s. Details:\n%s" % (f, msg))
Пример #17
	def __end(self, event): 
		if len(self.__iplist)==0 : 
			IJ.showMessage("", "Stack is empty")

		self.__iplist.sort(key = lambda ip : ip.width)
		self.__ipw=[ ip.getWidth() for ip in self.__iplist ]
		self.__iph=[ ip.getHeight() for ip in self.__iplist ]
		if self.__enlarge : 
			resizelist = [ ip.resize(maxw, maxh, True) for ip in self.__iplist ]
		else : 
			resizelist = []
			for ip in self.__iplist :
				tempip = ShortProcessor(maxw, maxh)
				xloc = int(math.floor((maxw/2.00) - (ip.width/2.00)))
				yloc = int(math.floor((maxh/2.00) - (ip.height/2.00)))
				tempip.copyBits(ip, xloc, yloc, Blitter.COPY)
		ims = ImageStack(maxw, maxh) 	

		#for ip in resizelist : ims.addSlice("", ip)
		for i in range(len(resizelist)) : 
			ims.addSlice(self.__labels[i], resizelist[i])
		self.__impRes = ImagePlus(self.__name, ims)

		self.__sens = [1 for i in range(len(self.__iplist)) ]
		if self.__appmedian : IJ.run(self.__impRes, "Median...", "radius=1 stack")
		if self.__align : self.__falign()
		if self.__avg : self.__favg()
		if self.__mosa : self.__fmosa()
		if self.__maxfinder : self.__fmaxfinder()
		if self.__fire : IJ.run(self.__impRes, "Fire", "")
		if self.__measures : self.__fmeasures()
		self.__sens[:] = []
		self.__listrois[:] = []
		self.__iplist[:] = []
		self.__cellsrois[:] = []
		self.__ipw[:] = []
		self.__iph[:] = []

		self.__init = False
Пример #18
def Extract_Red_Channel(color):
	imp = IJ.getImage()
	stack = imp.getImageStack()  
	print "number of slices:", imp.getNSlices()  
	# A list of red slices  
	reds = []  
	# Iterate each slice in the stack  
	for i in xrange(1, imp.getNSlices()+1):  
	  # Get the ColorProcessor slice at index i  
	  cp = stack.getProcessor(i)  
	  # Get its green channel as a FloatProcessor  
	  fp = cp.toFloat(0, None)  
	  # ... and store it in a list  
	# Create a new stack with only the green channel  
	stack2 = ImageStack(imp.width, imp.height)  
	for fp in reds:  
	  stack2.addSlice(None, fp)  
	# Create a new image with the stack of green channel slices  
	imp2 = ImagePlus("Red channel", stack2)  
	# Set a green look-up table:  
	IJ.run(imp2, "Red", "")  
Пример #19
	def load(self, event): #choose a folder to load images
		self.imdir = DirectoryChooser("Select a dir, dude").getDirectory()

		self.pictureList = [path.join(self.imdir, f) for f in listdir(self.imdir) if path.splitext(f)[1]==".tiff" and 'AVG' not in f and 'Avg' not in f]  #list of pictures (not averages) with .tiff extension
		print self.pictureList #list of pictures
		self.imLeft = ImagePlus(self.pictureList[self.imageCount]) #read the image
		self.imageCount =self.imageCount+1 #increase counter
		self.imRight = ImagePlus(self.pictureList[self.imageCount]) #read the image
		self.imageCount =self.imageCount+1
		self.imLeft.show() #show image on the left
		self.imLeft.getWindow().setLocation(self.coordx,self.coordy) #reposition image
		self.imRight.show() #show image on the right
		self.rightImLocx = self.coordx+self.imLeft.getWindow().getWidth() #set a variable with the x position for right image
		self.imRight.getWindow().setLocation(self.rightImLocx,self.coordy) #reposition image

		#SyncWindows(self.imLeft.getTitle() + " " + self.imRight.getTitle())
		#IJ.run("Sync Windows")

		print len(self.pictureList)
Пример #20
	def ChooseLeft(self, event): #remove right image and load another
		if self.listendFlag==0: #if is not the end of the list
			print "You chose left, which is of course right"
		if self.imageCount>=len(self.pictureList): #if is the end of the list
			print "YOU HAVE A WINNER!!!"
			self.listendFlag = 1	#flag
			if self.imageCount==len(self.pictureList):
				self.chosenOne = 'L'	#a variable to know the position of the chosen one
			self.imageCount = self.imageCount+1	#this is to avoid changing the chosen one
			self.imRight = ImagePlus(self.pictureList[self.imageCount]) #read next image
			self.imageCount =self.imageCount+1	#increase counter
			self.imRight.show() #show image on the right
			self.imRight.getWindow().setLocation(self.rightImLocx,self.coordy) #reposition image
Пример #21
	def ChooseRight(self, event): #same as above but for the right image
		if self.listendFlag==0:
			print "You chose right, :)"
		if self.imageCount>=len(self.pictureList):
			print "YOU HAVE A WINNER!!!"
			self.listendFlag = 1
			if self.imageCount==len(self.pictureList):
				self.chosenOne = 'R'
			self.imageCount = self.imageCount+1
			self.imLeft = ImagePlus(self.pictureList[self.imageCount])
			self.imageCount =self.imageCount+1
			self.imLeft.show() #show image on the left
			self.imLeft.getWindow().setLocation(self.coordx,self.coordy) #reposition image
 def openImp(self, path):
    imp = ImagePlus(path)  # open associated tif file
    imp.getWindow().setLocationAndSize(280, 120, imp.getWidth()*4, imp.getHeight()*4) # int x, int y, int width, int height
    return imp
Пример #23
''''exec "$(dirname "$0")"/ImageJ.sh --jython "$0" "$@" # (call again with fiji)'''

from org.jpedal import PdfDecoder
from ij import ImageJ, ImagePlus
import sys

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print 'Usage:', sys.argv[0], 'source.pdf'

ij = None

decoder = PdfDecoder(False)
decoder.setExtractionMode(PdfDecoder.RAWIMAGES | PdfDecoder.FINALIMAGES)

for page in range(0, decoder.getPageCount()):
    decoder.decodePage(page + 1)
    images = decoder.getPdfImageData()
    image_count = images.getImageCount()
    for i in range(0, image_count):
        name = images.getImageName(i)
        image = decoder.getObjectStore().loadStoredImage('R' + name)
        if ij == None:
            ij = ImageJ()
        ImagePlus(name, image).show()
Пример #24
def test(red, green, blue, easy=True):
    saturation = let(
        "red", red, "green", green, "blue", blue, "max",
        maximum("red", "green", "blue"), "min",
        minimum("red", "green", "blue"),
        IF(EQ(0, "max"), THEN(0), ELSE(div(sub("max", "min"), "max"))))

    brightness = div(maximum(red, green, blue), 255.0)

    hue = IF(
        EQ(0, saturation), THEN(0),
                "red", red, "green", green, "blue", blue, "max",
                maximum("red", "green", "blue"), "min",
                minimum("red", "green", "blue"), "range", sub("max", "min"),
                "redc", div(sub("max", "red"), "range"), "greenc",
                div(sub("max", "green"), "range"), "bluec",
                div(sub("max", "blue"), "range"), "hue",
                        EQ("red", "max"), THEN(sub("bluec", "greenc")),
                            IF(EQ("green", "max"),
                               THEN(sub(add(2, "redc"), "bluec")),
                               ELSE(sub(add(4, "greenc"), "redc"))))), 6),
                IF(LT("hue", 0), THEN(add("hue", 1)), ELSE("hue")))))

    #print hierarchy(hue)

    #print "hue view:", hue.view( FloatType() ).iterationOrder()

    if easy:
        # About 26 ms
    hsb = Views.stack( hue.view( FloatType() ),
                       saturation.view( FloatType() ),
                       brightness.view( FloatType() ) )

        # About 13 ms: half! Still much worse than plain ImageJ,
        # but the source images are iterated 4 times, rather than just once,
        # and the saturation is computed twice,
        # and the min, max is computed 3 and 4 times, respectively.
        hsb = Views.stack(hue.viewDouble(FloatType()),
    # Even worse: ~37 ms
    width, height = rgb.dimension(0), rgb.dimension(1)
    h = compute(hue).into(ArrayImgs.floats([width, height]))
    s = compute(saturation).into(ArrayImgs.floats([width, height]))
    b = compute(brightness).into(ArrayImgs.floats([width, height]))
    hsb = Views.stack( h, s, b )

        imp = IL.wrap(hsb, "HSB view")
        # Tested it: takes more time (~40 ms vs 26 ms above)
        width, height = rgb.dimension(0), rgb.dimension(1)
        hb = zeros(width * height, 'f')
        sb = zeros(width * height, 'f')
        bb = zeros(width * height, 'f')
        h = ArrayImgs.floats(hb, [width, height])
        s = ArrayImgs.floats(sb, [width, height])
        b = ArrayImgs.floats(bb, [width, height])
        #print "ArrayImg:", b.iterationOrder()
        ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(hue.view(FloatType()), None), h)
        ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(saturation.view(FloatType()), None), s)
        ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(brightness.view(FloatType()), None), b)
        stack = ImageStack(width, height)
        stack.addSlice(FloatProcessor(width, height, hb, None))
        stack.addSlice(FloatProcessor(width, height, sb, None))
        stack.addSlice(FloatProcessor(width, height, bb, None))
        imp = ImagePlus("hsb", stack)
    return imp
Пример #25
	#add the images to concatenated stacks
	conThresholdStack = concatStacks(conThresholdStack, thresholdImp)
	conFRETImp2Stack=concatStacks(conFRETImp2Stack, FRETimp2)
	conFRETProjImpStack=concatStacks(conFRETProjImpStack, FRETProjImp)
	conlabelImpStack=concatStacks(conlabelImpStack, labelImp)

#Show the images and make the images pretty... I should have put in a function`

conThresholdImp= ImagePlus( "Threshold image for "+ originalTitle, conThresholdStack)
conThresholdImp.setDimensions(1,  imp1.getNSlices(), imp1.getNFrames())
IJ.setMinAndMax(conThresholdImp, 0,1)
conThresholdImp = CompositeImage(conThresholdImp, CompositeImage.COMPOSITE)

conFRETImp2 = ImagePlus( "Emission ratios X1000 of "+ originalTitle, conFRETImp2Stack)
conFRETImp2.setDimensions(1, imp1.getNSlices(), imp1.getNFrames())
conFRETImp2 = CompositeImage(conFRETImp2, CompositeImage.COMPOSITE)  
IJ.setMinAndMax(conFRETImp2, 500, 3500)
    # Convert method string to the opencv corresponding index
    Dico_Method = {
        "Square difference": 0,
        "Normalised Square Difference": 1,
        "Cross-Correlation": 2,
        "Normalised cross-correlation": 3,
        "0-mean cross-correlation": 4,
        "Normalised 0-mean cross-correlation": 5
    Method = Dico_Method[method]

    if show_images:
        from ij import ImagePlus, ImageStack
        Stack_Image = ImageStack()
        Stack_Image_ImP = ImagePlus()

    if add_roi:
        from ij.plugin.frame import RoiManager
        from ij.gui import Roi
        RM = RoiManager()
        rm = RM.getInstance()

    if show_table:
        from ij.measure import ResultsTable
        from utils import AddToTable
        Table = ResultsTable().getResultsTable(
        )  # allows to append to an existing table

    ## Check if input are valid
    if n_hit <= 0:
 def getThreshold(self, imp):
     result = ImagePlus(imp.title,
     return result
Пример #28
def crop(im,roi):
	ip = im.getProcessor()
	im = ImagePlus(im.getTitle() + '_Cropped', ip.crop())
	return im
def scaleandfilter(infile,outfile,scalex,scaley,scalez,anisofilter,runtube):
	print ("infile is: "+infile)
	imp = Opener().openImage(infile)
	print imp
	print "scalex = %f; scaley = %f ; scalez = %f" % (scalex,scaley,scalez)
	# Rescale
	cal = imp.getCalibration()
	iml = ImgLib.wrap(imp)
	scaledimg = Scale3D(iml, scalex, scaley, scalez)
	# find range of pixel values for scaled image
	from mpicbg.imglib.algorithm.math import ComputeMinMax
	# (for imglib2 will be: net.imglib2.algorithm.stats)
	# Make a copy of the stack (converting to 8 bit as we go)
	stack = ImageStack(imp2.width, imp2.height)
	print "min = %e, max =%e" % (min,max)
	for i in xrange(1, imp2.getNSlices()+1):
		# set range
		stack.addSlice(str(i), ip.convertToByte(True))
	# save copy of calibration info
	# close original image
	# make an image plus with the copy
	scaled = ImagePlus(imp2.title, stack)
	# Deal with calibration info which didn't seem to come along for the ride
	print "dx = %f; dy=%f; dz=%f" % (cal.pixelWidth,cal.pixelHeight,cal.pixelDepth)
	if anisofilter.upper() != 'FALSE':
		print("saving input file as "+intif)
		# anisotropic filtering
		anisopts="-scanrange:10 -tau:2 -nsteps:2 -lambda:0.1 -ipflag:0 -anicoeff1:1 -anicoeff2:0 -anicoeff3:0"
		anisopts=anisopts+" -dx:%f -dy:%f -dz:%f" % (cal.pixelWidth,cal.pixelHeight,cal.pixelDepth)

		if sys.version_info > (2, 4):
			#for testing
			# subprocess.check_call(["cp",intif,outtif])
			subprocess.check_call([anisofilter]+anisopts.split(' ')+[intif,outtif])
			os.system(" ".join([anisofilter]+anisopts.split(' ')+[intif,outtif]))
		# Open anisofilter output back into Fiji
		print("Opening output tif: "+outtif)
		scaled = Opener().openImage(outtif)
	# Hessian (tubeness)
	print("Running tubeness")
		result = tp.generateImage(scaled)
		IJ.run(result, "8-bit","")
	# Save out file
	fileName, fileExtension = os.path.splitext(outfile)
	print("Saving as "+fileExtension+": "+outfile)
	if fileExtension.lower()=='.nrrd':
		# Save to PIC
		IJ.run(result,"Biorad ...", "biorad=["+outfile+"]")
Пример #30
	def exit(self):
Пример #31
redgreen = ops.add(red32, green32)
display.createDisplay("redgreen", data.create(redgreen))

# make a copy of the red + green image
copy = redgreen.copy()
# wrap as ImagePlus
imp = ImageJFunctions.wrap(copy, "wrapped")

# create and call background subtractor
bgs = BackgroundSubtracter()
bgs.rollingBallBackground(imp.getProcessor(), 50.0, False, False, True, True,

# wrap as Img and display
iplus = ImagePlus("bgs", imp.getProcessor())
print type(imp)
imgBgs = ImageJFunctions.wrapFloat(iplus)
display.createDisplay("back_sub", data.create(ImgPlus(imgBgs)))

kernel = DetectionUtils.createLoGKernel(3.0, 2, array([1.0, 1.0], 'd'))

print type(kernel)
print type(imgBgs)
print type(red32.getImg())

log = ops.convolve(ops.create(dimensions2D, FloatType()), imgBgs, kernel)
display.createDisplay("log", data.create(ImgPlus(log)))

otsu = ops.run("threshold", ops.create(dimensions2D, BitType()), log, Otsu())
Пример #32
if red:
    if not os.path.exists(z_proj_dir+'/red'):
if yellow:
    if not os.path.exists(z_proj_dir+'/yellow'):
if not os.path.exists(merge_z_dir):
for stage_pos in im_series:
    print 'current stage position ID: ' + stage_pos
    imps_for_comp = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None]
    if blue:
        cyan_id = color_sublists['bfp'][stage_pos]
	print 'blue image file: ' + cyan_id
        c_imp = ImagePlus(img_dir+'/'+cyan_id)
        imps_for_comp[4] = c_imp
    if cyan:
        cyan_id = color_sublists['cfp'][stage_pos]
	print 'cyan image file: ' + cyan_id
        c_imp = ImagePlus(img_dir+'/'+cyan_id)
        imps_for_comp[4] = c_imp
    if green:
        green_id = color_sublists['gfp'][stage_pos]
 	print 'green image file: ' + green_id
        g_imp = ImagePlus(img_dir+'/'+green_id)
        imps_for_comp[1] = g_imp
    if yellow:
        green_id = color_sublists['yfp'][stage_pos]
 	print 'yellow image file: ' + green_id
        g_imp = ImagePlus(img_dir+'/'+green_id)
Пример #33
    stack2 = imp2.getImageStack()

    #this is te destination (we will display as composite)
    newStack = ImageStack(imp1.width, imp1.height)

    #fuse the 2 stacks inter intwoven stack
    for i in xrange(1, imp1.getNSlices() + 1):
        # Get the ColorProcessor slice at index i
        cp1 = stack1.getProcessor(i)
        cp2 = stack2.getProcessor(i)
        # Add both to the new stack
        newStack.addSlice(None, cp1)
        newStack.addSlice(None, cp2)

    # Create a new ImagePlus with the new stack newStack
    newImp = ImagePlus("my composite", newStack)

    # Tell the ImagePlus to represent the slices in its stack
    # in hyperstack form, and open it as a CompositeImage:
    nChannels = 2  # two color channels
    nSlices = stack1.getSize()  # the number of slices of the original stack
    nFrames = 1  # only one time point
    newImp.setDimensions(nChannels, nSlices, nFrames)
    #comp = ImagePlus.CompositeImage(newImp, CompositeImage.COMPOSITE)
    comp = ImagePlus.CompositeImage(newImp)

    imp1 = comp
    print "Opening single channel:"
def snapshot(imp, c, z, f, x, y, L):
	'''Take a L x L snapshot centered at (x,y) at channel c, slice z and frame f

		imp: an ImagePlus object for processing
		c, z, f: specificed channel, slice (z-dimension) and frame coordinate
		x, y: targeted center position to take the snapshot
		L: desired edge lengths of the snapshot in pixels

		cropped: an ImagePlus object of the snapshot image
	# Import inside function to limit scope
	from ij import ImagePlus
	# Get the dimensions of the images
	cN = imp.getNChannels()
	zN = imp.getNSlices()
#	fN = imp.getNFrames()

	# Convert specified position (c,z,f) to index assuming hyperstack order is czt (default)
	sliceIndex = int(cN * zN * (f-1) + cN * (z-1) + c)
	ipTemp = imp.getProcessor()
	impTemp = ImagePlus('temp', ipTemp)

	# Expand the image by half of L to make sure final duplicate is the same size
	# when requested (x,y) could be within L pixels of the edge
	wOld = ipTemp.getWidth()
	hOld = ipTemp.getHeight()
	wNew = wOld + int(L)
	hNew = hOld + int(L)
	ipNew = ipTemp.createProcessor(wNew, hNew)
	ipNew.setColor(0) # 0 = black color
	ipNew.insert(ipTemp, int(L/2), int(L/2))
	imgNew = ImagePlus('new', ipNew)
	# Use the specified center coordinate x, y and the target side length to create ROI
	imgNew.setRoi(int(x), int(y), int(L), int(L))
#	cropped = ImagePlus('cropped', ipNew.crop())
	cropped = imgNew.crop()
	return cropped
#DRAW_DOT = False
DRAW_DOT = True # use if drawing a dot at the center of tracking

#DRAW_BOX = False
DRAW_BOX = True # use if drawing a dot at the center of tracking

#ANNOTATE_Z = True # use if drawing a string to annotate the z position

TEST_RUN = False
#TEST_RUN = True # use for testing run (2 tracks)

# Reading in the image file for taking snapshots
tifFile = input_folder + tif_filename
imp = ImagePlus(tifFile)

# For running all ZOOM_BY_Z_DEPTH and DRAW_DOT combinations

#boolList = [False, True]
#for ZOOM_BY_Z_DEPTH in boolList:
#	for DRAW_DOT in boolList:
#		# Running the heavy-lifting function to save all snapshot series
#		output_folder = input_folder + outputPrefix + '-zZoom_' + str(ZOOM_BY_Z_DEPTH) + '-drawDot_' + str(DRAW_DOT) + '-' + time_stamp + '/'
#		if not os.path.exists(output_folder):
#			os.makedirs(output_folder)
#		save_snap_shot_seq(imp, xml_filename, input_folder, output_folder, ZOOM_BY_Z_DEPTH, Z1_CLOSE_TO_COVERSLIP, DRAW_DOT, TEST_RUN, z_number_to_project, L)

Пример #36
            for ch in range(0, 2):  #Loop over channels
                norm = 1 / (apicalimps[ch].getProcessor().getStats().mean
                            ) * 1000  #normalize to mean intensity of image
                    int(centroidX[cell]) - 30,
                    int(centroidY[cell]) - 30, 60, 60)
                toAdd = apicalimps[ch].crop().getProcessor()
        print('There was a problem with sample ' + sample_label)

#Merge channels and save image stacks

measureAll = ImagePlus('measure_all', stacks[0])
detectAll = ImagePlus('detect_all', stacks[1])

measureAvg = zp.run(measureAll, 'avg')
detectAvg = zp.run(detectAll, 'avg')

compositeAvg = cm.mergeChannels([measureAvg, detectAvg],
                                False)  #this we'll save

compositeAll = cm.mergeChannels([measureAll, detectAll], False)

IJ.saveAs(compositeAll, "Tiff", os.path.join(outputdir, 'Composite_All.tif'))
print('Saved ' + os.path.join(outputdir, 'Composite_All.tif'))
IJ.saveAs(compositeAvg, "Tiff", os.path.join(outputdir, 'Composite_AVG.tif'))
print('Saved ' + os.path.join(outputdir, 'Composite_AVG.tif'))
def main():

    Interpreter.batchMode = True

    if (lambda_flat == 0) ^ (lambda_dark == 0):
        print ("ERROR: Both of lambda_flat and lambda_dark must be zero,"
               " or both non-zero.")
    lambda_estimate = "Automatic" if lambda_flat == 0 else "Manual"

    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    print "Loading images..."
    filenames = enumerate_filenames(pattern)
    num_channels = len(filenames)
    num_images = len(filenames[0])
    image = Opener().openImage(filenames[0][0])
    width = image.width
    height = image.height

    # The internal initialization of the BaSiC code fails when we invoke it via
    # scripting, unless we explicitly set a the private 'noOfSlices' field.
    # Since it's private, we need to use Java reflection to access it.
    Basic_noOfSlices = Basic.getDeclaredField('noOfSlices')
    basic = Basic()
    Basic_noOfSlices.setInt(basic, num_images)

    # Pre-allocate the output profile images, since we have all the dimensions.
    ff_image = IJ.createImage("Flat-field", width, height, num_channels, 32);
    df_image = IJ.createImage("Dark-field", width, height, num_channels, 32);


    # BaSiC works on one channel at a time, so we only read the images from one
    # channel at a time to limit memory usage.
    for channel in range(num_channels):
        print "Processing channel %d/%d..." % (channel + 1, num_channels)
        print "==========================="

        stack = ImageStack(width, height, num_images)
        opener = Opener()
        for i, filename in enumerate(filenames[channel]):
            print "Loading image %d/%d" % (i + 1, num_images)
            image = opener.openImage(filename)
            stack.setProcessor(image.getProcessor(), i + 1)
        input_image = ImagePlus("input", stack)

        # BaSiC seems to require the input image is actually the ImageJ
        # "current" image, otherwise it prints an error and aborts.
            input_image, None, None,
            "Estimate shading profiles", "Estimate both flat-field and dark-field",
            lambda_estimate, lambda_flat, lambda_dark,
            "Ignore", "Compute shading only"

        # Copy the pixels from the BaSiC-generated profile images to the
        # corresponding channel of our output images.
        ff_channel = WindowManager.getImage("Flat-field:%s" % input_image.title)
        ff_image.slice = channel + 1
        ff_image.getProcessor().insert(ff_channel.getProcessor(), 0, 0)
        df_channel = WindowManager.getImage("Dark-field:%s" % input_image.title)
        df_image.slice = channel + 1
        df_image.getProcessor().insert(df_channel.getProcessor(), 0, 0)


    template = '%s/%s-%%s.tif' % (output_dir, experiment_name)
    ff_filename = template % 'ffp'
    IJ.saveAsTiff(ff_image, ff_filename)
    df_filename = template % 'dfp'
    IJ.saveAsTiff(df_image, df_filename)

    print "Done!"
Пример #38
imp = IJ.getImage()
stkA = ArrayList()
for i in range(1, 4):
#for i in range(1, imp.getNFrames()):
   e4d = Extractfrom4D()
   IJ.log("current time point" + str(i))
   aframe = e4d.coreheadless(imp, 3)
   ortho = XYZMaxProject(aframe)
   orthoimp = ortho.getXYZProject()
stk = ImageStack(stkA.get(0).getWidth(), stkA.get(0).getHeight())
for item in stkA:
   stk.addSlice("slcie", item.getProcessor())
out = ImagePlus("out", stk)

IJ.run(out, "Grays", "");
IJ.run(out, "RGB Color", "");

# load data from file
filepath = '/Users/miura/Dropbox/Mette/20_23h/20_23hrfull_corrected_1_6_6_netdispZ40.csv'
filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
newfilename = os.path.join(os.path.splitext(filename)[0], '_plotStack.tif')

data = readCSV(filepath)
calib = imp.getCalibration()
xscale = calib.pixelWidth
Пример #39
  # This 'finally' block executes even in the event of an error
  # guaranteeing that the executing threads will be shut down no matter what.

# ISSUE: Does not work with IntervalView from View.rotate,
# so img1 and img2 were copied into ArrayImg
# (The error would occur when iterating vol4d pixels beyond the first element in the 4th dimension.)
vol4d = Views.stack([img1] + steps + [img2])

# Convert 1 -> 255 for easier volume rendering in 3D Viewer
#compute(mul(vol4d, 255)).into(vol4d)
for t in Views.iterable(vol4d):
  if 0 != t.getByte():

# Construct an ij.VirtualStack from vol4d
virtualstack = IL.wrap(vol4d, "interpolations").getStack()
imp = ImagePlus("interpolations", virtualstack)
imp.setDimensions(1, vol4d.dimension(2), vol4d.dimension(3))
imp.setDisplayRange(0, 255)
# Show as a hyperstack with 4 dimensions, 1 channel
com = CompositeImage(imp, CompositeImage.GRAYSCALE)

# Show rendered volumes in 4D viewer: 3D + time axis
univ = Image3DUniverse()
Пример #40
def register_hyperstack_subpixel(imp, channel, shifts, target_folder, virtual):
  """ Takes the imp, determines the x,y,z drift for each pair of time points, using the preferred given channel,
  and outputs as a hyperstack.
  The shifted image is computed using TransformJ allowing for sub-pixel shifts using interpolation.
  This is quite a bit slower than just shifting the image by full pixels as done in above function register_hyperstack().
  However it significantly improves the result by removing pixel jitter.
  # Compute bounds of the new volume,
  # which accounts for all translations:
  minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = compute_min_max(shifts)
  # Make shifts relative to new canvas dimensions
  # so that the min values become 0,0,0
  for shift in shifts:
    shift.x -= minx
    shift.y -= miny
    shift.z -= minz
  # new canvas dimensions:
  width = int(imp.width + maxx - minx)
  height = int(maxy - miny + imp.height)
  slices = int(maxz - minz + imp.getNSlices())

  print "New dimensions:", width, height, slices
  # prepare stack for final results
  stack = imp.getStack()
  if virtual is True: 
    names = []
    registeredstack = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())
  # prepare empty slice for padding
  empty = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height)


  # get raw data as stack
  stack = imp.getStack()

  # loop across frames
  for frame in range(1, imp.getNFrames()+1):
    IJ.showProgress(frame / float(imp.getNFrames()+1))
    fr = "t" + zero_pad(frame, len(str(imp.getNFrames()))) # for saving files in a virtual stack
    # get and report current shift
    shift = shifts[frame-1]
    print "frame",frame,"correcting drift",-shift.x-minx,-shift.y-miny,-shift.z-minz
    IJ.log("    frame "+str(frame)+" correcting drift "+str(round(-shift.x-minx,2))+","+str(round(-shift.y-miny,2))+","+str(round(-shift.z-minz,2)))

    # loop across channels
    for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):      
      tmpstack = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())

      # get all slices of this channel and frame
      for s in range(1, imp.getNSlices()+1):
        ip = stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch, s, frame))
        ip2 = ip.createProcessor(width, height) # potentially larger
        ip2.insert(ip, 0, 0)
        tmpstack.addSlice("", ip2)

      # Pad the end (in z) of this channel and frame
      for s in range(imp.getNSlices(), slices):
        tmpstack.addSlice("", empty)

      # subpixel translation
      imp_tmpstack = ImagePlus("", tmpstack)
      imp_translated = translate_single_stack_using_imglib2(imp_tmpstack, shift.x, shift.y, shift.z)
      # Add translated frame to final time-series
      translated_stack = imp_translated.getStack()
      for s in range(1, translated_stack.getSize()+1):
        ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s, len(str(slices)))
        ip = translated_stack.getProcessor(s).duplicate() # duplicate is important as otherwise it will only be a reference that can change its content  
        if virtual is True:
          name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"
          currentslice = ImagePlus("", ip)
          currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"));
          FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
          registeredstack.addSlice("", ip)    

  if virtual is True:
    # Create virtual hyper stack with the result
    registeredstack = VirtualStack(width, height, None, target_folder)
    for name in names:
    registeredstack_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstack)
    registeredstack_imp.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), slices, imp.getNFrames())
    registeredstack_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstack)
    registeredstack_imp.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
    registeredstack_imp.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), slices, imp.getNFrames())
    if 1 == registeredstack_imp.getNChannels():
      return registeredstack_imp
  #IJ.log("\nHyperstack dimensions: time frames:" + str(registeredstack_imp.getNFrames()) + ", slices: " + str(registeredstack_imp.getNSlices()) + ", channels: " + str(registeredstack_imp.getNChannels()))

  # Else, as composite
  mode = CompositeImage.COLOR;
  if isinstance(imp, CompositeImage):
    mode = imp.getMode()
    return registeredstack_imp
  return CompositeImage(registeredstack_imp, mode)
Пример #41
a different LUT to each slice in a stack...


from ij import IJ, ImagePlus, ImageStack

# start clean
IJ.run("Close All")

# returned is an array of ImagePlus, in many cases just one imp.
src = img_dir + "/VS_demo.tif"
stack = IJ.openImage(src)

ip_red = stack.getProcessor(1)
imp_red = ImagePlus('red', ip_red)
imp_r = imp_red.duplicate()
# IJ.saveAs(imp_red, "Tiff", img_dir + "/R.tif")

ip_green = stack.getProcessor(2)
imp_green = ImagePlus('green', ip_green)
imp_g = imp_green.duplicate()

ip_blue = stack.getProcessor(3)
imp_blue = ImagePlus('blue', ip_blue)
imp_b = imp_blue.duplicate()

ip_ir = stack.getProcessor(4)
Пример #42
    print("STICS completed for ROI " + str(i + 1) + " of " +
          str(num_window_x * num_window_y))

IJ.log("2D STICS completed")
IJ.log("Window size: " + str(width_sub) + " pixels")
IJ.log("Maximum time lag analyzed: " + str(max_cycle_length) + " frames")

#savepath = IJ.getDirectory("")
#imp = IJ.getImage()
#ssize = imp.getStackSize()
#titleext = imp.getTitle()
title = os.path.splitext(
    filename)[0] + "_STICS_map"  #os.path.splitext(titleext)[0]

save_imp = ImagePlus(title, result_stack)

dimA = save_imp.getDimensions()
for c in range(dimA[2]):
    for z in range(dimA[3]):
        for t in range(dimA[4]):
            save_imp.setPosition(c + 1, z + 1, t + 1)
            #print c, z, t
            numberedtitle = \
            title + "_c" + IJ.pad(c, 2) + \
            "_z" + IJ.pad(z, 4) + \
            "_t" + IJ.pad(t, 4) + ".tif"
            stackindex = save_imp.getStackIndex(c + 1, z + 1, t + 1)
            aframe = ImagePlus(numberedtitle,
Пример #43
def fretCalculations(imp1, nFrame, donorChannel, acceptorChannel, acceptorChannel2, table, gfx1, gfx2, gfx3, gfx4, gfx5, originalTitle):
	donorImp=extractChannel(imp1, donorChannel, nFrame)
	acceptorImp=extractChannel(imp1, acceptorChannel, nFrame)
	acceptorImp2=extractChannel(imp1, acceptorChannel2, nFrame)
	#push donor and acceptor channels to gpu and threshold them both to remove saturated pixels
	clij2.threshold(gfx4,gfx2, maxIntensity)
	clij2.binarySubtract(gfx3, gfx2, gfx6)
	clij2.threshold(gfx5,gfx2, maxIntensity)
	clij2.binarySubtract(gfx6, gfx2, gfx3)
	clij2.threshold(gfx3,gfx6, 0.5)
	clij2.multiplyImages(gfx6, gfx4, gfx2)
	clij2.multiplyImages(gfx6, gfx5, gfx4)
	#donor is gfx2, acceptor FRET is gfx4, segment channel (acceptor normal) is gfx6
	clij2.statisticsOfBackgroundAndLabelledPixels(gfx2, gfx1, results)
	clij2.statisticsOfBackgroundAndLabelledPixels(gfx4, gfx1, results2)
	clij2.statisticsOfBackgroundAndLabelledPixels(gfx6, gfx1, results3)
	#calculate the fret ratios, removing any ROI with intensity of zero
	FRET =[]
	for i in xrange(len(acceptorChIntensity)):
		if (acceptorChIntensity[i]>0) and (donorChIntensity[i]>0):
			#don't write in the zeros to the results
			table.addValue("Frame (Time)", nFrame)
			table.addValue("Label", i)
			table.addValue("Emission ratio", acceptorChIntensity[i]/donorChIntensity[i])

			table.addValue("Mean donor emission", results.getValue("MEAN_INTENSITY",i))
			table.addValue("Mean acceptor emission (FRET)", results2.getValue("MEAN_INTENSITY",i))
			table.addValue("Mean acceptor emission", results3.getValue("MEAN_INTENSITY",i))

			table.addValue("Sum donor emission", donorChIntensity[i])
			table.addValue("Sum acceptor emission (FRET)", acceptorChIntensity[i])
			table.addValue("Sum acceptor emission", results3.getValue("SUM_INTENSITY",i))

			table.addValue("Volume", cal.pixelWidth * cal.pixelHeight * cal.pixelDepth * results.getValue("PIXEL_COUNT",i))
			table.addValue("Pixel count", results.getValue("PIXEL_COUNT",i))
			table.addValue("x", cal.pixelWidth*results.getValue("CENTROID_X",i))
			table.addValue("y", cal.pixelHeight*results.getValue("CENTROID_Y",i))
			table.addValue("z", cal.pixelDepth*results.getValue("CENTROID_Z",i))
			table.addValue("File name", originalTitle)
			#must write in the zeros as this array is used to generate the map of emission ratios
	table.show("Results of " + originalTitle)
	FRETarray= array( "f", FRET)
	fp= FloatProcessor(len(FRET), 1, FRETarray, None)
	FRETImp= ImagePlus("FRETImp", fp)
	clij2.replaceIntensities(gfx1, gfx4, gfx5)
	maxProj=clij2.create(gfx5.getWidth(), gfx5.getHeight(), 1)
	clij2.maximumZProjection(gfx5, maxProj)
	#pull the images
	labelImp = clij2.pull(gfx1)

	return table, FRETimp2, FRETProjImp, labelImp
Пример #44
# Capture RGB movie from stack, including ROIs and overlays
from ij import IJ, ImageStack, ImagePlus
from ij.process import ColorProcessor
from java.awt.image import BufferedImage as BI
from java.lang import Thread

f = ImagePlus.getDeclaredField("listeners")
listeners = f.get(None)

imp = IJ.getImage()
canvas = imp.getWindow().getCanvas()

# Define range of slices to capture
slices = xrange(1, imp.getNSlices() + 1)

w, h = canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()

capture = ImageStack(w, h)

for i in slices:
  for l in listeners:
  Thread.sleep(50) # wait for repaints to happen, triggered by listeners, if any.
  bi = BI(w, h, BI.TYPE_INT_ARGB)
  g = bi.createGraphics()
Пример #45
    # (watershed segmentation), some segmentation lines
    # may be improperly placed if local maxima are suppressed
    # by the tolerance.
    mf = MaximumFinder()
    if output_type == 'Single_Points':
        output_type_param = mf.SINGLE_POINTS
    elif output_type == 'Maxima_Within_Tolerance':
        output_type_param = mf.IN_TOLERANCE
    elif output_type == 'Segmented_Particles':
        output_type_param = mf.SEGMENTED
    elif output_type == 'List':
        output_type_param = mf.LIST
    elif output_type == 'Count':
        output_type_param = mf.COUNT
    # Get a new byteProcessor with a normal (uninverted) LUT where
    # the marked points are set to 255 (Background 0). Pixels outside
    # of the roi of the input image_processor_copy are not set. No
    # output image is created for output types POINT_SELECTION, LIST
    # and COUNT.  In these cases findMaxima returns null.
    byte_processor = mf.findMaxima(image_processor_copy, noise_tolerance,
                                   output_type_param, exclude_edge_maxima,
    # Invert the image or ROI.
    if output_type == 'Segmented_Particles' and not light_background:
        # Invert the values in this image's LUT (indexed color model).
    image_plus = ImagePlus("output", byte_processor)
    IJ.saveAs(image_plus, output_datatype, tmp_output_path)
Пример #46
A = SimpleMatrix(s)  #ejml matrix
B = SimpleMatrix.transpose(A.divide(A.normF()))  # normalize source

R = SimpleMatrix.transpose(B.svd().getU().negative(
))  # Rotation matrix from SVD decomposition of source color
c_suv = R.mult(D).getMatrix().data  # Rotate RGB

#Fiddly stuff to divide data array into SUV components
L1 = [
    c_suv[i:i + imp2.height * imp2.width]
    for i in range(0, len(c_suv), imp2.height * imp2.width)

# \\J\\, two channel diffuse color vector. See Mallick et al. Beyond Lambert: Reconstructing Specular Surfaces Using Color
J1 = [val * val for val in L1[1]]
J2 = [val * val for val in L1[2]]
J = [math.sqrt(x + y) for x, y in zip(J1, J2)]

# arrays into images
S = ImagePlus("S", FloatProcessor(imp2.height, imp2.width, L1[0]))
U = ImagePlus("U", FloatProcessor(imp2.height, imp2.width, L1[1]))
V = ImagePlus("V", FloatProcessor(imp2.height, imp2.width, L1[2]))
JNorm = ImagePlus("two channel diffuse color vector",
                  FloatProcessor(imp2.height, imp2.width, J))

)  # two channel diffuse color vector show, uncomment for SUV components
Пример #47
def testImageJ(imp):
    return ImagePlus("HSB stack", imp.getProcessor().getHSBStack())
Пример #48
if not os.path.exists(resultPrefix):
    resultPrefix = IJ.getDirectory("home")
resultPrefix = resultPrefix + "/Results"

# for all the frames in the movie, run  "Analyze Skeleton (2D/3D)" (maybe
# later in multiple threads)

newStack = ImageStack(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight())

# getNFrames not getNSlices since input data is a 2D time series stack
# NOT a 3D stack.
frameCount = imp.getNFrames()

# Remember: a python range (1, 10) is the numbers 1 to 9!
for i in range(1, frameCount + 1):
    slice = ImagePlus(str(i), stack.getProcessor(i))
    # Execute plugin exactly on this slice i
    IJ.run(slice, "Analyze Skeleton (2D/3D)", "")
    image = WindowManager.getCurrentImage()
    IJ.saveAs("Measurements", resultPrefix + str(i) + ".xls")

    # concatenate the new tagged image onto the end of the tagged image stack we
    # want in the end, but not if its then 1st one!
    newStack.addSlice("", image.getProcessor().getPixels())
    if i == 1:

image = ImagePlus("TaggedMovie", newStack)
Пример #49
yoffset = imp.getHeight()
ip = out.getProcessor()

size = 5
off = int(Math.floor(size/2) + 1)
for i in range(len(data)):
	if i < 1:
#	if i > 20:
#		break
	frame = float(data.get(i)[2])
#	nextframe = float(data.get(i+1)[2])
#	if nextframe - frame < 1:
#		print str(i), 'trackend'
#	else:
		#print str(i), 'in track'
	x1 = int(round(float(data.get(i)[13]) / xscale))
	y1 = int(round(float(data.get(i)[14]) / xscale))
	z1 = int(round(float(data.get(i)[15]) / xscale))
	ip.setColor(Color(255, 100, 100))
	ip.drawOval(x1-off, y1-off, size, size)
	ip.drawOval(x1-off, yoffset + z1 -off, size, size)
	ip.drawOval(xoffset + z1 -off, y1 - off, size, size)		
# plot 
outimp = ImagePlus(os.path.basename(filename)+'_Out.tif', ip)

# Assumes all files have the same size
ImStack = None
for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(sourceDir):
	for filename in filenames:
	  # Skip non-TIFF files
	  if not filename.endswith(".tif"):
	  path = os.path.join(root, filename)
	  # Upon finding the first image, initialize the VirtualStack
	  if ImStack is None:
		imp = IJ.openImage(path)
		ImStack = VirtualStack(imp.width, imp.height, None, sourceDir)
	  # Add a slice, relative to the sourceDIr

OnscreenImage = ImagePlus(sourceDir,ImStack)

print "Generating MIP, waiting..."
outimp = maxZprojection(OnscreenImage)
print "Max projection generated"

#@ String (label="Would you like to save the max proj? y = save, anything else = don't save", description="Save as") SaveQuery
	#@output String greeting
print SaveQuery
savename = sourceDir+"_MIP.tif"
if SaveQuery.upper=='Y':

	#@ String (label="Would you like to rename the max proj? (if not, will use directory name+MIP). y = yes, otherwise no", description="Save as rename") RenameQuery
	#@output String greeting
Пример #51
            xradius = gd.getNextNumber()
            yradius = gd.getNextNumber()
            zradius = gd.getNextNumber()
    return canProceed

# Get active image and store it in the variable 'img'
img = WindowManager.getCurrentImage()

# Can we proceed?
if getSettings(img):

    # Get the image stack within the ImagePlus of img
    stack = img.getStack()

    # Instantiate ij.plugin.Filters3D
    f3d = Filters3D()

    # Retrieve filtered stack
    newStack = f3d.filter(stack, f3d.MEDIAN, xradius, yradius, zradius)

    # Construct a new ImagePlus from the stack
    fImg = ImagePlus("Filtered_"+img.getTitle(), newStack);

    # Other processing could go here (...)
    #IJ.run(fImg, "Shen-Castan Edge Detector", "coefficient=0.50");

    # Display result
Пример #52
def from32To8Bit(imPath):
	im = IJ.openImage(imPath)
	im = ImagePlus(im.getTitle(),im.getProcessor().convertToByteProcessor())
Пример #53
def PrepareDatabase(minw, maxw, baseDir, aspectRatio, majorWidth, majorHeight):
	outputpath = baseDir + "/" + str(majorWidth) + "_" + str(majorHeight) + "_orig.tif"
	#initialize stacks and labels
	stackScaled = []
	stackOrig = ImageStack(majorWidth, majorHeight)
	imageNames = []
	for i in range(minw, maxw+1):
		stackScaled.append(ImageStack(i, int(round(i/aspectRatio, 0))))

	counter = 0

	# initialize zip file for originals
	zf = zipfile.ZipFile(baseDir + "/originals.zip", mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=1)
	zf.writestr('from_string.txt', 'hello')
	zf = zipfile.ZipFile(baseDir + "/originals.zip", mode='a', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=1)

	for root, dirs, files in os.walk(str(baseDir)):
		for f1 in files:
			if f1.endswith(".jpg") or f1.endswith(".jpe") or f1.endswith(".jpeg"):
				id = root + "/" +  f1
				imp = IJ.openImage(id)
				if imp is None:
					print "Couldn\'t open image from file:", id
				# skip non RGBimages
				if imp.getProcessor().getNChannels() != 3:
					print "Converting non RGB image:", id
					if imp.getStackSize() > 1:
				#skip images with different aspect ratio
				width = imp.getWidth()
				height = imp.getHeight()
				ratio = round(float(width)/float(height), 2) # this makes the ratio filering approximate, minor variations in image dimensions will be ignored
				if ratio != aspectRatio:
					IJ.log("Skipping image of size: " + str(width) + "," + str(height))
				# now scale the image within a given range
				scale = Scale(imp.getProcessor())
				IJ.log("Scaling image " + str(counter) + " " + str(id))
				for i in range(minw, maxw+1):
					stackScaled[i-minw].addSlice(None, ScaleImageToSize(scale, i, int(round(i/aspectRatio, 0))))
					imageNames[i-minw] += str(id) + ";"
				# save the originals to a temp directory
				scaledOrig = ImagePlus(None, ScaleImageToSize(scale, majorWidth, majorHeight))
				SaveToZip(zf, scaledOrig, baseDir, counter)
				counter += 1
	# save the stacks
	for i in range(minw, maxw+1):
		impScaled = ImagePlus(str(minw) + "_" + str(int(round(i/aspectRatio, 0))), stackScaled[i-minw])
		#print imageNames
		impScaled.setProperty('Info', imageNames[i-minw][:-1])
		fs = FileSaver(impScaled)
		filepath = baseDir + "/" + str(i) + "_" + str(int(round(i/aspectRatio, 0))) + ".tif"
		IJ.log("Saving output stack" + str(filepath))
		#IJ.save(impScaled, filepath);
Пример #54
def CreateCover(ip, width, height, dbpath):
    # split input image into appropriate tiles
    stackt = SplitImage(ip, width, height)
    impt = ImagePlus("template", stackt)
    nSlicestmp = impt.getNSlices()

    # open the preprocessed database
    print dbpath
    impd = IJ.openImage(dbpath)
    stackd = impd.getImageStack()
    nSlicesdb = impd.getNSlices()

    #associate index with image names
    imageNames = impd.getProperty('Info')
    imageList = imageNames.split(';')

    # set up preview output
    outputip = ColorProcessor(ip.width, ip.height)
    outputimp = ImagePlus("output", outputip)

    cols = ip.width / width
    rows = ip.height / height

    print str(cols) + "," + str(rows)

    x = 0
    y = 0

    arrays = [None, None]  # a list of two elements
    tileNames = {}
    tileIndex = {}
    placed = {}
    used = {}

    while len(placed) < nSlicestmp:
        randomTileIndex = random.randint(1, nSlicestmp)
        if randomTileIndex in placed:
        # transform to row adn column coordinate
        if randomTileIndex % rows == 0:
            y = rows - 1
            x = (randomTileIndex / rows) - 1
            y = (randomTileIndex % rows) - 1
            x = int(randomTileIndex / rows)

        pixelst = stackt.getPixels(randomTileIndex)
        minimum = Float.MAX_VALUE
        #iterate through database images
        j = 1
        indexOfBestMatch = 0
        arrays[0] = pixelst
        while j < nSlicesdb:
            if j in used:
                j += 1
            arrays[1] = stackd.getPixels(j)
            diff = CoverMakerUtils.tileTemplateDifference(arrays)
            if diff < minimum:
                minimum = diff
                indexOfBestMatch = j
            j += 1
        ip = stackd.getProcessor(indexOfBestMatch)
        outputip.copyBits(ip, x * width, y * height, 0)
        used[indexOfBestMatch] = 1
        tileNames[randomTileIndex] = imageList[indexOfBestMatch - 1]
        tileIndex[randomTileIndex] = indexOfBestMatch - 1
        placed[randomTileIndex] = 1

    return tileNames, tileIndex, cols, rows
Пример #55
from ij import IJ, ImagePlus  
from ij.process import FloatProcessor  
from array import zeros  
from random import random  
from ij.gui import Roi, PolygonRoi  
# Create a new ImagePlus filled with noise  
width = 1024  
height = 1024  
pixels = zeros('f', width * height)  
for i in xrange(len(pixels)):  
  pixels[i] = random()  
fp = FloatProcessor(width, height, pixels, None)  
imp = ImagePlus("Random", fp)  
# Fill a rectangular region of interest  
# with a value of 2:  
roi = Roi(400, 200, 400, 300)  
# Fill a polygonal region of interest  
# with a value of -3  
xs = [234, 174, 162, 102, 120, 123, 153, 177, 171,  
      60, 0, 18, 63, 132, 84, 129, 69, 174, 150,  
      183, 207, 198, 303, 231, 258, 234, 276, 327,  
      378, 312, 228, 225, 246, 282, 261, 252]  
ys = [48, 0, 60, 18, 78, 156, 201, 213, 270, 279,  
# Duplicate a hyperstack reducing dimensionality in the Z axis,
# opening a new stack with XYT (no Z).

from ij import IJ, ImagePlus, ImageStack

imp = IJ.getImage()
stack1 = imp.getStack()

# Fixed Z position
slice_index = imp.getSlice()# 1-based

stack2 = ImageStack(imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight())

for frame_index in xrange(imp.getNFrames()):
  i = frame_index * imp.getNSlices() + slice_index
  stack2.addSlice(str(frame_index), stack1.getPixels(i))

ImagePlus(imp.getTitle() + " - fixed Z=" + str(slice_index), stack2).show()
Пример #57
def main():
        # Retrieve valid data
        rt = Utils.getTable();
        start = time.time()

        # Retrive x,y,t positions (all in unc. units)
        x = getColumn(rt, X_POS_HEADING)
        y = getColumn(rt, Y_POS_HEADING)
        t = getColumn(rt, T_POS_HEADING)

        # Retrieve the total n. of tracks
        track_ids = getColumn(rt, ID_HEADING)
        track_ids = [int(i) for i in track_ids]
        n_tracks = track_ids[-1]
        log("Tracks to be analyzed: ", n_tracks)
        IJ.error("Invalid Results Table")

    # Create "nan"-padded tables to hold results
    detail_rt = new_Table()

    # Extract individual tracks and determine the track with the
    # largest data (i.e., the one with the highest number of rows)
    track_row = 0
    max_track_row = 0
    for i in range(0, rt.getCounter()-1):

        track_label = str(track_ids[i])
        if (track_ids[i]==track_ids[i+1]):
            dx = (x[i+1]-x[i])**2
            dy = (y[i+1]-y[1])**2
            dt = t[i+1]-t[i]
            dis = math.sqrt(dx+dy)
            vel = dis/dt
            if (track_row>max_track_row):
                max_track_row = track_row

            # Log to "detailed" table
            if (i<=max_track_row):
            detail_rt.setValue("Dis_" + track_label, track_row, dis)
            detail_rt.setValue("Vel_" + track_label, track_row, vel)
            detail_rt.setValue("Dur_" + track_label, track_row, dt)
            detail_rt.setValue("Flag_" + track_label, track_row,
                RESTING_FLAG if vel < restingVelocity else MOVING_FLAG)
            track_row += 1
            # Analyzed track just ended: Reset loop variables and create column
            # to hold bout flags
            track_row = 0
            detail_rt.setValue("BoutFlag_" + track_label, 0, float("nan"))
            detail_rt.setValue("Mov_Dur_" + track_label, 0, float("nan"))
            detail_rt.setValue("Rest_Dur_" + track_label, 0, float("nan"))
            log("Extracting track ", track_label)

    listOfRasterPaths = [] # List holding raster tracks

    # Loop through individual tracks and tag each datapoint (i.e., each row)
    for track in range(0, n_tracks):

        durHeading = "Dur_" + str(track)
        fFlagHeading = "Flag_" + str(track)
        bFlagHeading = "BoutFlag_" + str(track)
        mDurHeading = "Mov_Dur_" + str(track)
        rDurHeading = "Rest_Dur_" + str(track)

        durations  = getColumn(detail_rt, durHeading)
        fFlags = getColumn(detail_rt, fFlagHeading)
        bFlags = getColumn(detail_rt, bFlagHeading)
        nDataPoints = findLastNonNumberIdx(durations) + 1

        log("Tagging track ", track, ": ", nDataPoints , " positions")
        for row in range(0, nDataPoints):

            # Define the boundaries of the moving window. "Stopping flags"
            # within this window will be monitoried to define a motionless bout
            # NB: Boundaries are defined from the rows of the input table. This
            # works only when the time elapsed betwen two rows is a single frame.
            # So we'll have to monitor the actual time that has elapsed within the
            # bounderies of the window
            lower_bound = max(0, row - neighborhood + 1)
            upper_bound = min(nDataPoints, row+neighborhood)
            sum_of_flags = 0
            sum_of_frames = 0
            neighborhood_sum = upper_bound - lower_bound

            for i in xrange(lower_bound, upper_bound):
                if isNumber(durations[i]) and isNumber(fFlags[i]):
                    sum_of_flags += (fFlags[i] * durations[i])
                    sum_of_frames += durations[i]
                if sum_of_frames >= neighborhood_sum:

            # Assign this tracked point to its bout
            moving_bout_duration = float("nan")
            resting_bout_duration = float("nan")
            bout_flag = float("nan")
            if sum_of_flags >= neighborhood_sum:
                bout_flag = MOVING_FLAG
                moving_bout_duration = durations[row]
                bout_flag = RESTING_FLAG
                resting_bout_duration = durations[row]
            detail_rt.setValue(bFlagHeading, row, bout_flag)
            detail_rt.setValue(mDurHeading, row, moving_bout_duration)
            detail_rt.setValue(rDurHeading, row, resting_bout_duration)

        if generateRasterTracks:
            # Generate raster column if path is long enough
            if nDataPoints > shortestRasterTrack:

                # Retrieve updated column of bout flags
                bFlags = getColumn(detail_rt, bFlagHeading)

                # Generate raster column (motion-flags temporally aligned, all 1
                # frame apart) until the path duration reaches the maximum limit
                keepGrowingRasterPath = True
                for idx, duration in enumerate(durations):
                    if (keepGrowingRasterPath):
                        flag = bFlags[idx]
                        for insertIdx in range(1, int(duration)):
                            if (len(bFlags)==longestRasterTrack):
                                keepGrowingRasterPath = False
                            bFlags.insert(idx+insertIdx, flag)

                # Store only lists without NaN values

        # Allow analysis to be interrupted
        if IJ.escapePressed():

    # Display table. Displaying it now may ensure all tracks are padded with "NaN"
    if (displayDetailedTable):
        detail_rt.show("Track_Details["+ str(restingVelocity) +"-"+ str(neighborhood) +"]")

    # Now that all paths are contained in listOfRasterPaths. Sort them by length of track
    listOfRasterPaths = sorted(listOfRasterPaths, key = len)

    # Create Image of analysis. We'll create it from a ResultsTable. It would be much
    # more efficient to generate a text image directly, but this allows the table to be
    # processed elsewhere if needed. In IJ1, column headings of a ResultsTable must be
    # unique, so we will use distinct identifiers
    if generateRasterTracks:
        raster_rt = new_Table()
        log('Tracks to be rendered:', len(listOfRasterPaths))
        for rasterPath in xrange(len(listOfRasterPaths)):

            log("Rendering track ", rasterPath)
            for row, raster_flag in enumerate(listOfRasterPaths[rasterPath]):

                if not isNumber(raster_flag):
                if (row>raster_rt.getCounter()-1):

                # Create upper border: 1 px-wide
                bColor = borderColor if isNumber(raster_flag) else backgroundColor
                raster_rt.setValue("Delim1_" + str(rasterPath), row, bColor)

                # Create raster path: 18 px wide
                raster_flag_color = colorizeFlag(raster_flag)
                for i in 'abcdefghijklmnopq':
                    raster_rt.setValue("Raster_" + str(rasterPath) + str(i), row, raster_flag_color)

                # Create lower border: 1 px-wide
                raster_rt.setValue("Delim2_" + str(rasterPath), row, bColor)

                # Append padding space between tracks: 10px wide
                for j in 'abcdefghij':
                    raster_rt.setValue("Space_" + str(rasterPath) + str(j), row, backgroundColor)

            # Allow analysis to be interrupted
            if IJ.escapePressed():

        # Display table of rasterized tracks
        if displayRasterTable:
            raster_rt.show("RasterTracks["+ str(restingVelocity) +"-"+ str(neighborhood ) +"]")

        # Display image of rasterized tracks
        ip = raster_rt.getTableAsImage().rotateLeft()
        paintNaNpixels(ip, backgroundColor)
        ip = ip.convertToByte(False)
        imp = ImagePlus("RasterTracks["+ str(restingVelocity) +"-"+ str(neighborhood ) +"]", ip)

        ## Add scale-bar for time
        IJ.run(imp, "Set Scale...", "distance=1 known="+ str(frameCal[0]) +" unit="+ frameCal[1]);
        IJ.run(imp, "Scale Bar...", "width=10 color=Black location=[Lower Right] overlay");

    # Loop through individual tracks and extract some basic statistics. Most of these parameters
    # are already retrieved by Trackmate. We calculate them here just for convenience
    track_ids = []      # List holding the track identifier
    sum_distances = []  # List holding the track's total distance
    sum_durations = []  # List holding the track's total duration
    max_speeds = []     # List holding the track's Max speed
    min_speeds = []     # List holding the track's Min speed
    sum_n_rests = []    # List holding the number of resting bouts in each track
    sum_n_moves = []    # List holding the number of moving bouts in each track
    sum_dur_rests = []  # List holding the total resting time of each tracked object
    sum_dur_moves = []  # List holding the total moving time of each tracked object

    log("Logging Summaries...")
    summary_rt = new_Table()
    for track in range(0, n_tracks):

        # Retrieve and store the track identifier
        track_id = str(track)
        track_ids.insert(track, "Track_"+track_id)

        # Retrive tracking data
        distances = getColumn(detail_rt, "Dis_" + track_id)
        durations = getColumn(detail_rt, "Dur_" + track_id)
        velocities = getColumn(detail_rt, "Vel_" + track_id)
        mov_durations = getColumn(detail_rt, "Mov_Dur_" + track_id)
        rest_durations = getColumn(detail_rt, "Rest_Dur_" + track_id)

        # Reset stats for this track
        track_sum_dis = 0
        track_sum_dur = 0
        track_max_vel = 0
        track_min_vel = sys.maxint
        track_sum_move = 0
        track_sum_rest = 0
        track_n_moves  = 0
        track_n_rests  = 0

        # Compute basic stats and store them in dedicated lists
        nDataPoints = findLastNonNumberIdx(distances) + 1
        for row in xrange(nDataPoints):
            track_sum_dis += distances[row]
            track_sum_dur += durations[row]
            if (velocities[row]>track_max_vel):
                track_max_vel = velocities[row]
            if (velocities[row]<track_min_vel):
                track_min_vel = velocities[row]
            if isNumber(mov_durations[row]):
                track_sum_move += mov_durations[row]
            if isNumber(rest_durations[row]):
                track_sum_rest += rest_durations[row]

        sum_distances.insert(track, track_sum_dis)
        sum_durations.insert(track, track_sum_dur)
        max_speeds.insert(track, track_max_vel)
        min_speeds.insert(track, track_min_vel)
        sum_dur_moves.insert(track, track_sum_move)
        sum_dur_rests.insert(track, track_sum_rest)

        # Assess the number of moving/resting bouts in this track
        for row in xrange(nDataPoints-1):
            if isNumber(mov_durations[row]) and not isNumber(mov_durations[row+1]):
                track_n_moves += 1
            if isNumber(rest_durations[row]) and not isNumber(rest_durations[row+1]):
                track_n_rests += 1

        # Predict cases in which bouts lasted entire track duration
        if track_n_moves==0 and track_sum_dur==track_sum_move:
            track_n_moves += 1
        if track_n_rests==0 and track_sum_dur==track_sum_rest:
            track_n_rests += 1

        sum_n_moves.insert(track, track_n_moves)
        sum_n_rests.insert(track, track_n_rests)

    # Log summary data
    for i in range(0, n_tracks):

        # Ignore tracks shorter than neighborhood
        if hideShortTracks and sum_durations[i]<neighborhood:

        row = summary_rt.getCounter()
        summary_rt.setLabel(track_ids[i], row)
        summary_rt.setValue("Total dx", row, sum_distances[i])
        summary_rt.setValue("Duration", row, sum_durations[i])
        summary_rt.setValue("Max speed", row, max_speeds[i])
        summary_rt.setValue("Min speed", row, min_speeds[i])
        summary_rt.setValue("Moving dur", row, sum_dur_moves[i])
        summary_rt.setValue("Resting dur", row, sum_dur_rests[i])
        summary_rt.setValue("Resting %", row, 100 * sum_dur_rests[i] / sum_durations[i])
        summary_rt.setValue("Moving bouts", row, sum_n_moves[i])
        summary_rt.setValue("Resting bouts", row, sum_n_rests[i])
        if sum_n_moves[i]!=0:
            summary_rt.setValue("Avg moving bout dur", row, sum_dur_moves[i] / sum_n_moves[i])
        if sum_n_rests[i]!=0:
            summary_rt.setValue("Avg resting bout dur", row, sum_dur_rests[i] / sum_n_rests[i])

    summary_rt.show("Track_Summaries["+ str(restingVelocity) +"-"+ str(neighborhood) +"]")
    log("Finished: ", time.time()-start, " seconds")
Пример #58
# Input parameters
N = 500     # number of pixels
L = 532*0.000000001      # wavelength in nm
w = 0.002  # width field of view 
z = 0.05  # z step in meter

imp = IJ.getImage()

#synthetic amplitude and phase
am = [math.exp(-1.6*val) for val in imp.getProcessor().getPixels()] 
ph = [-3*val for val in imp.getProcessor().getPixels()]

t = [x*cmath.exp(-1j*y) for x, y in zip(am, ph)] 

real = ImagePlus("real", FloatProcessor(N,N,[val.real for val in t]))
imaginary = ImagePlus("IMAGINARY", FloatProcessor(N,N,[val.imag for val in t]))

fft_1 = fft.fft(real,imaginary,N,N)

#projection to detector plane
z = Propagator.Zone(L, N, z, w)
real2 = [(x * y).real for x , y in zip(fft_1, [val.conjugate() for val in z])]
imag2 = [(x * y).imag for x , y in zip(fft_1, [val.conjugate() for val in z])]
R2 = ImagePlus("real", FloatProcessor(N, N, real2, None))
I2 = ImagePlus("imaginary", FloatProcessor(N, N, imag2, None))

ifft_1 = fft.ifft(R2,I2,N,N)

#amplitude at detector plane
Пример #59
def create_registered_hyperstack(imp, channel, target_folder, virtual):
  """ Takes the imp, determines the x,y,z drift for each pair of time points, using the preferred given channel,
  and outputs as a hyperstack."""
  shifts = compute_frame_translations(imp, channel)
  # Make shifts relative to 0,0,0 of the original imp:
  shifts = concatenate_shifts(shifts)
  print "shifts concatenated:"
  for s in shifts:
    print s.x, s.y, s.z
  # Compute bounds of the new volume,
  # which accounts for all translations:
  minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = compute_min_max(shifts)
  # Make shifts relative to new canvas dimensions
  # so that the min values become 0,0,0
  for shift in shifts:
    shift.x -= minx
    shift.y -= miny
    shift.z -= minz
  print "shifts relative to new dimensions:"
  for s in shifts:
    print s.x, s.y, s.z
  # new canvas dimensions:
  width = imp.width + maxx - minx
  height = maxy - miny + imp.height
  slices = maxz - minz + imp.getNSlices()

  print "New dimensions:", width, height, slices
  # Prepare empty slice to pad in Z when necessary
  empty = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height)

  # if it's RGB, fill the empty slice with blackness
  if isinstance(empty, ColorProcessor):
  # Write all slices to files:
  stack = imp.getStack()

  if virtual is False:
  	registeredstack = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())
  names = []
  for frame in range(1, imp.getNFrames()+1):
    shift = shifts[frame-1]
    fr = "t" + zero_pad(frame, len(str(imp.getNFrames())))
    # Pad with empty slices before reaching the first slice
    for s in range(shift.z):
      ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s + 1, len(str(slices))) # slices start at 1
      for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
        name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"

        if virtual is True:
          currentslice = ImagePlus("", empty)
          currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
          FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
          empty = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height)
          registeredstack.addSlice(str(name), empty)
    # Add all proper slices
    stack = imp.getStack()
    for s in range(1, imp.getNSlices()+1):
      ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s + shift.z, len(str(slices)))
      for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
         ip = stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch, s, frame))
         ip2 = ip.createProcessor(width, height) # potentially larger
         ip2.insert(ip, shift.x, shift.y)
         name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"

         if virtual is True:
           currentslice = ImagePlus("", ip2)
           currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"));
           FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
           registeredstack.addSlice(str(name), ip2)

    # Pad the end
    for s in range(shift.z + imp.getNSlices(), slices):
      ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s + 1, len(str(slices)))
      for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
        name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"

        if virtual is True:
          currentslice = ImagePlus("", empty)
          currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
          FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
          registeredstack.addSlice(str(name), empty)

  if virtual is True:
      # Create virtual hyper stack with the result
      registeredstack = VirtualStack(width, height, None, target_folder)
      for name in names:
      registeredstack_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstack)
      registeredstack_imp.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), len(names) / (imp.getNChannels() * imp.getNFrames()), imp.getNFrames())

    registeredstack_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstack)
    registeredstack_imp.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
    registeredstack_imp.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), len(names) / (imp.getNChannels() * imp.getNFrames()), imp.getNFrames())
    if 1 == registeredstack_imp.getNChannels():
      return registeredstack_imp
  IJ.log("\nHyperstack dimensions: time frames:" + str(registeredstack_imp.getNFrames()) + ", slices: " + str(registeredstack_imp.getNSlices()) + ", channels: " + str(registeredstack_imp.getNChannels()))

  # Else, as composite
  mode = CompositeImage.COLOR;
  if isinstance(imp, CompositeImage):
    mode = imp.getMode()
    return registeredstack_imp
  return CompositeImage(registeredstack_imp, mode)
Пример #60
def register_hyperstack(imp, channel, shifts, target_folder, virtual):
  """ Takes the imp, determines the x,y,z drift for each pair of time points, using the preferred given channel,
  and outputs as a hyperstack."""
  # Compute bounds of the new volume,
  # which accounts for all translations:
  minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz = compute_min_max(shifts)
  # Make shifts relative to new canvas dimensions
  # so that the min values become 0,0,0
  for shift in shifts:
    shift.x -= minx
    shift.y -= miny
    shift.z -= minz
  #print "shifts relative to new dimensions:"
  #for s in shifts:
  #  print s.x, s.y, s.z
  # new canvas dimensions:r
  width = imp.width + maxx - minx
  height = maxy - miny + imp.height
  slices = maxz - minz + imp.getNSlices()

  print "New dimensions:", width, height, slices
  # Prepare empty slice to pad in Z when necessary
  empty = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height)

  # if it's RGB, fill the empty slice with blackness
  if isinstance(empty, ColorProcessor):
  # Write all slices to files:
  stack = imp.getStack()

  if virtual is False:
  	registeredstack = ImageStack(width, height, imp.getProcessor().getColorModel())
  names = []
  for frame in range(1, imp.getNFrames()+1):
    shift = shifts[frame-1]
    print "frame",frame,"correcting drift",-shift.x-minx,-shift.y-miny,-shift.z-minz
    IJ.log("    frame "+str(frame)+" correcting drift "+str(-shift.x-minx)+","+str(-shift.y-miny)+","+str(-shift.z-minz))
    fr = "t" + zero_pad(frame, len(str(imp.getNFrames())))
    # Pad with empty slices before reaching the first slice
    for s in range(shift.z):
      ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s + 1, len(str(slices))) # slices start at 1
      for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
        name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"

        if virtual is True:
          currentslice = ImagePlus("", empty)
          currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
          FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
          empty = imp.getProcessor().createProcessor(width, height)
          registeredstack.addSlice(str(name), empty)
    # Add all proper slices
    stack = imp.getStack()
    for s in range(1, imp.getNSlices()+1):
      ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s + shift.z, len(str(slices)))
      for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
         ip = stack.getProcessor(imp.getStackIndex(ch, s, frame))
         ip2 = ip.createProcessor(width, height) # potentially larger
         ip2.insert(ip, shift.x, shift.y)
         name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"

         if virtual is True:
           currentslice = ImagePlus("", ip2)
           currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"));
           FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
           registeredstack.addSlice(str(name), ip2)

    # Pad the end
    for s in range(shift.z + imp.getNSlices(), slices):
      ss = "_z" + zero_pad(s + 1, len(str(slices)))
      for ch in range(1, imp.getNChannels()+1):
        name = fr + ss + "_c" + zero_pad(ch, len(str(imp.getNChannels()))) +".tif"

        if virtual is True:
          currentslice = ImagePlus("", empty)
          currentslice.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
          FileSaver(currentslice).saveAsTiff(target_folder + "/" + name)
          registeredstack.addSlice(str(name), empty)

  if virtual is True:
      # Create virtual hyper stack with the result
      registeredstack = VirtualStack(width, height, None, target_folder)
      for name in names:
      registeredstack_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstack)
      registeredstack_imp.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), len(names) / (imp.getNChannels() * imp.getNFrames()), imp.getNFrames())
    registeredstack_imp = ImagePlus("registered time points", registeredstack)
    registeredstack_imp.setProperty("Info", imp.getProperty("Info"))
    registeredstack_imp.setDimensions(imp.getNChannels(), len(names) / (imp.getNChannels() * imp.getNFrames()), imp.getNFrames())
    if 1 == registeredstack_imp.getNChannels():
      return registeredstack_imp
  #IJ.log("\nHyperstack dimensions: time frames:" + str(registeredstack_imp.getNFrames()) + ", slices: " + str(registeredstack_imp.getNSlices()) + ", channels: " + str(registeredstack_imp.getNChannels()))

  # Else, as composite
  mode = CompositeImage.COLOR;
  if isinstance(imp, CompositeImage):
    mode = imp.getMode()
    return registeredstack_imp
  return CompositeImage(registeredstack_imp, mode)