Пример #1
def detectObjects(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode=0):
    nretry = 3
    maxObjects = None
    maxScore = -100  # some very small number
    if mode == 0:
        for j in range(1, 3):  # loop over 2 cams
            for i in range(nretry):
                retObjects, retScore = _detectObjects(obj_ids, bin_num, j)
                if retObjects is not None and retScore > maxScore:
                    target_ind = findTargetInd(retObjects, target_obj_id)
                    if target_ind is not None:
                        maxObjects = retObjects
                        maxScore = retScore
                        maxPose = pose2list(retObjects[target_ind].pose)
                        pubFrame(br, maxPose, 'obj_final', 'map')

    elif mode == 1:  # realsense
        for i in range(nretry):
            retObjects, retScore = _detectObjects(obj_ids, bin_num, 3)
            if retObjects is not None and retScore > maxScore:
                target_ind = findTargetInd(retObjects, target_obj_id)
                if target_ind is not None:
                    maxObjects = retObjects
                    maxScore = retScore
                    maxPose = pose2list(retObjects[target_ind].pose)
                    pubFrame(br, maxPose, 'obj_final', 'map')

        print 'Mode incorrect!'
        return (None, None)

    return (maxObjects, maxScore)
Пример #2
def detectOneObject(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode=0, withScore=False):
    # hack
    if toHack:
        # may want to have delay
        if haveDelay:
            nretry = 4
            timeforcapsen = 3.0
            time_ = nretry * timeforcapsen
            if mode == 0:
                time_ *= 2
            print '[detectOneObject] simulated computation time %.2f sec' % time_
        return randomPoseScore(bin_num, withScore)

    retObjects, retScore = detectObjects(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode)
    # find the target object
    if retObjects is not None:
        for obj in retObjects:
            if obj.name == target_obj_id:
                if withScore:
                    return (pose2list(obj.pose), retScore)
                    return pose2list(obj.pose)

    if withScore:
        return (None, None)
        return None
Пример #3
def frameCallback(msg):
    global br
    global currentTargetPose, currentTargetPoseDirty
    global listener
    time = rospy.Time.now()

    pubFrame(br, pose2list(currentTargetPose), 'target_pose', 'map', npub=1)

    # mutex.acquire()
    # tmp1 = currentTargetPoseDirty
    # tmp2 = currentTargetPose
    target_pose = pose2list(currentTargetPose)

    # tip_hand_transform = xyzrpy_from_xyzquat([0,0,0,0,0,0,1])
    # planner = IK(target_tip_pos = target_pose[0:3], target_tip_ori = target_pose[3:7], tip_hand_transform=tip_hand_transform,
    # target_link='link_6', ori_tol=0.001, pos_tol=0.0001, useFastIK=True)
    # plan = planner.plan()
    # if plan.success():
    # print 'success'
    # plan.visualize()
    # #plan.execute()  #
    # else:
    # print 'failed'

    # currentTargetPoseDirty = False
    # mutex.release()
    # if tmp1:
Пример #4
def detectObjects(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode = 0):
    nretry = 3
    maxObjects = None
    maxScore = -100   # some very small number
    if mode == 0:
        for j in range(1,3):  # loop over 2 cams
            for i in range(nretry):
                retObjects, retScore = _detectObjects(obj_ids, bin_num, j)
                if retObjects is not None and retScore > maxScore:
                    target_ind = findTargetInd(retObjects, target_obj_id)
                    if target_ind is not None:
                        maxObjects = retObjects;  maxScore = retScore;
                        maxPose = pose2list(retObjects[target_ind].pose)
                        pubFrame(br, maxPose, 'obj_final', 'map')

    elif mode == 1:  # realsense
        for i in range(nretry):
            retObjects, retScore = _detectObjects(obj_ids, bin_num, 3)
            if retObjects is not None and retScore > maxScore:
                target_ind = findTargetInd(retObjects, target_obj_id)
                if target_ind is not None:
                    maxObjects = retObjects;  maxScore = retScore;
                    maxPose = pose2list(retObjects[target_ind].pose)
                    pubFrame(br, maxPose, 'obj_final', 'map')
        print 'Mode incorrect!'
        return (None, None)
    return (maxObjects, maxScore)
Пример #5
def detectOneObject(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode = 0, withScore = False):
    # hack
    if toHack:
        # may want to have delay
        if haveDelay:
            nretry = 4
            timeforcapsen = 3.0
            time_ = nretry*timeforcapsen
            if mode == 0:
                time_ *= 2
            print '[detectOneObject] simulated computation time %.2f sec' % time_
        return randomPoseScore(bin_num, withScore)
    retObjects, retScore = detectObjects(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode)
    # find the target object
    if retObjects is not None:
        for obj in retObjects:
            if obj.name == target_obj_id:
                if withScore:
                    return (pose2list(obj.pose), retScore)
                    return pose2list(obj.pose)
    if withScore:
        return (None, None)
        return None
Пример #6
def frameCallback( msg ):
    global br
    global currentTargetPose, currentTargetPoseDirty
    time = rospy.Time.now()
    pubFrame(br, pose2list(currentTargetPose), 'target_pose', 'map', npub = 1)
    tmp1 = currentTargetPoseDirty
    tmp2 = currentTargetPose
    currentTargetPoseDirty = False
    if tmp1:
Пример #7
def perceptFromManualFit(obj_id):
    posesrv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/pose_service', GetPose)   # should move service name out
    data = posesrv('','')
    pose = pose2list(data.pa.object_list[1].pose)
    return (pose, find_object_pose_type(obj_id, pose))
Пример #8
def perceptFromManualFit(obj_id):
    posesrv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/pose_service',
                                 GetPose)  # should move service name out
    data = posesrv('', '')

    pose = pose2list(data.pa.object_list[1].pose)
    return (pose, find_object_pose_type(obj_id, pose))
Пример #9
def allObjectsInsideBin(scene, bin_num):
    global _tflistener
    for i in range(len(scene.objects)):
        poselist_shelf = poseTransform(pose2list(scene.objects[i].pose), 'map', 'shelf', _tflistener)
        if not inside_bin(poselist_shelf[0:3], bin_num):
            return False
    return True
Пример #10
def allObjectsInsideBin(scene, bin_num):
    global _tflistener
    for i in range(len(scene.objects)):
        poselist_shelf = poseTransform(pose2list(scene.objects[i].pose), 'map',
                                       'shelf', _tflistener)
        if not inside_bin(poselist_shelf[0:3], bin_num):
            return False

    return True
Пример #11
def transformObjectsFromCapsenToDesiredFrame(scene, scene_frame_id):
    global _tflistener
    global br
    newscene = copy.deepcopy(scene)
    for i in range(len(scene.objects)):
        poselist_capsen_world = poseTransform(pose2list(scene.objects[i].pose), scene_frame_id, 'map', _tflistener)
        cap_T_our = get_obj_capsentf(scene.objects[i].name) # x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw
        poselist_world = transformBack(cap_T_our, poselist_capsen_world)  
        newscene.objects[i].pose = poselist2pose(poselist_world)
        #pubFrame(br, poselist_world, 'obj_%s' % scene.objects[i].name, 'map')
    return newscene
Пример #12
def transformObjectsFromCapsenToDesiredFrame(scene, scene_frame_id):
    global _tflistener
    global br
    newscene = copy.deepcopy(scene)
    for i in range(len(scene.objects)):
        poselist_capsen_world = poseTransform(pose2list(scene.objects[i].pose),
                                              scene_frame_id, 'map',
        cap_T_our = get_obj_capsentf(
            scene.objects[i].name)  # x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw
        poselist_world = transformBack(cap_T_our, poselist_capsen_world)
        newscene.objects[i].pose = poselist2pose(poselist_world)

        #pubFrame(br, poselist_world, 'obj_%s' % scene.objects[i].name, 'map')
    return newscene
Пример #13
def processFeedback(feedback):
    global currentTargetPose, currentTargetPoseDirty
    import rospy
    p = feedback.pose.position
    o = feedback.pose.orientation
    print feedback.marker_name + " is now at " + str(p.x) + ", " + str(
        p.y) + ", " + str(p.z) + ", " + str(o.x) + ", " + str(
            o.y) + ", " + str(o.z) + ", " + str(o.w)

    #if feedback.marker_name == 'target_pose':
    currentTargetPose = feedback.pose
    #currentTargetPose = rosposeTransform(feedback.pose, 'link_6', 'map', listener)
    #currentTargetPoseDirty = True
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
    rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True)
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
    calibtag = 'link6tag1'
    if len(argv) == 2:
        calibtag = argv[1]
    # kinect calib joints
    # j1: 9.93
    # j2: 39.46
    # j3: -32.74
    # j4: 69.54
    # j5: -11.26
    # j6: -70.88
    # j1: -16.98
    # j2: 65.55
    # j3: -13.48
    # j4: -21.15
    # j5: -51.26
    # j6: 10.63

    #filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/camera_extrinsic_calib_data/camera_extrinsic_calib_data.json'
    if calibtag == 'link2tag':
        tag_link_transform = [0, 0.7, -0.2145-0.005, -math.pi, 0, 0]  
        link_frame_id = 'link_2'
    elif calibtag == 'linkbasetag':
        print 'move to q =', (np.array([2.35,-67.73,62.39,-154.9,-30.11,11]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist()
        print 'move to q =', (np.array([2.35,-77.73,72.39,-154.9,-20.11,11]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist()
        tag_link_transform = [0.5291, 0.4428, 0.005, math.pi, 0, 0]  
        link_frame_id = 'base_link'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag1':
        #print 'move to q =', (np.array([9.93,39.37,-30.63,60.64,-12.12,-61.79]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist()
        tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi/2]  
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag2':
        tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, 0]  
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag3':
        tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, -math.pi/2]  
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag4':
        tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi]  
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    # visualize it
    pubFrame(br, pose=tag_link_transform, frame_id='tag', parent_frame_id=link_frame_id, npub=10)
    tag_map_transform = poseTransform(tag_link_transform, link_frame_id, 'map', listener)
    apriltag_topic = 'tag_detections' 
    while True:
        tagdetect = ROS_Wait_For_Msg(apriltag_topic, AprilTagDetectionArray).getmsg() 
        if len(tagdetect.detections) == 1:
            tag_kinect_transform = pose2list(tagdetect.detections[0].pose.pose)
    tag_kinect_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(translate=tag_kinect_transform[0:3], 
    tag_map_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(translate=tag_map_transform[0:3], 
    kinect_map_tfm_mat = np.dot(tag_map_tfm_mat, np.linalg.inv(tag_kinect_tfm_mat))
    kinect_map_pose = tfm.translation_from_matrix(kinect_map_tfm_mat).tolist() + tfm.quaternion_from_matrix(kinect_map_tfm_mat).tolist()

    link6tag = ['link6tag1', 'link6tag2', 'link6tag3', 'link6tag4']
    if calibtag in link6tag:
        print kinect_map_pose
        pubFrame(br, pose=kinect_map_pose, frame_id='new_kinect_pose', parent_frame_id='map', npub=10)
        realsense_link5_pose = poseTransform(kinect_map_pose, link_frame_id, 'link_5', listener)
        pubFrame(br, pose=realsense_link5_pose, frame_id='new_realsense_pose', parent_frame_id='link_5', npub=10)
        print realsense_link5_pose
def main(argv=None):
    rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True)
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
    filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib_all_Final_apc.json'
    robot_touch_pts = readFromJson(filename)
    binNums = [0,2,3,5,6,8,9,11]
    nbin = len(binNums)
    diff_sum = 0
    # shelf_pose/x: 1.92421
    # shelf_pose/y: -0.0124050312627
    # shelf_pose/z: -0.513553368384
    print 'floor of the shelves'
    for i in binNums:
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][4], '/map', '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (mouthposition, binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i)  # a bin at row i
        diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2]  # examine difference in z
        print 'bin',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum += diff
    print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum/nbin
    offset_x = diff_sum/nbin
    print 'Please move the shelf in z by', offset_x
    print '\twhich is', -0.513553368384 - offset_x
    diff_sum_left = 0
    print 'left wall of the shelves'
    for i in binNums:
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][1], '/map', '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i)  # a bin at row i
        diff = leftWall - touch_pt[0]  # examine difference in x
        print 'left wall: bin',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum_left += diff
    print 'avg(diff) left wall=', diff_sum_left/nbin
    diff_sum_right = 0
    print 'right wall of the shelves'
    for i in binNums:
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][2], '/map', '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i)  # a bin at row i
        diff = rightWall - touch_pt[0]  # examine difference in x
        print 'right wall: bin',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum_right += diff
    print 'avg(diff) right wall=', diff_sum_right/nbin
    offset_y = (diff_sum_left/nbin+diff_sum_right/nbin) / 2
    print 'Please move the shelf in y by', offset_y
    print '\twhich is', 0.0124050312627 - offset_y
    diff_sum = 0
    print 'lip to floor of the shelves'
    for i in binNums:
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][0], '/map', '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (mouthposition, binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i)  # a bin at row i
        diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2]  # examine difference in z
        print 'row',i,'(bin floor - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum += diff
    print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum/nbin

    offset_y = (diff_sum_left/nbin+diff_sum_right/nbin) / 2
    print 'Please move the shelf in y by', offset_y
    print '\twhich is', 0.0124050312627 - offset_y

    ##########################################  front
    diff_sum_front = 0
    print 'front of the shelves'
    for i in binNums:
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][2], '/map', '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i)  # a bin at row i
        diff = rightWall - touch_pt[1]  # examine difference in y
        print 'right front wall: bin',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum_front += diff
    print 'avg(diff) right wall=', diff_sum_front/nbin
    offset_x = diff_sum_front/nbin
    print 'Please move the shelf in x by', offset_x
    print '\twhich is', 1.92421 - offset_x  #- 0.87/2 
Пример #16
 for y in np.linspace(limits[2],limits[3], nseg[1]):
     for z in np.linspace(limits[4],limits[5], nseg[2]):
         setCart([x,y,z], ori)
         print x,y,z
         # get the apriltag pose from pr_apriltag
         apriltag_topic = '/pr_apriltags/detections' 
         #print 'wait for detection at', apriltag_topic
         tag_camera_transform = None
         for i in xrange(5):
             tagdetect = ROS_Wait_For_Msg(apriltag_topic, AprilTagDetections).getmsg() 
             tagpose = findtagid(tagdetect.detections, 0)
             if tagpose is not None:
                 tag_camera_transform = pose2list(tagpose)
         if tag_camera_transform is None:
             print 'No tag detect'
         # get the link6 from robot
         (apriltrans,aprilrot) = lookupTransform('/map','/link6_apriltag', listener)
         appose_robot = list(apriltrans) + list(aprilrot)
         cam_pose = xyzquat_from_matrix( np.dot( matrix_from_xyzquat(appose_robot) , np.linalg.inv(matrix_from_xyzquat(tag_camera_transform))) )
         # appose_robot * inv(tagpose)
         xs = xs + [cam_pose[0]]
Пример #17
def main(argv=None):
    rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True)
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
    filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib.json'
    robot_touch_floor_pts = readFromJson(filename)
    num_rows = 4
    diff_sum = 0
    print 'floor of the shelves'
    for i in range(num_rows):
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_floor_pts[i], '/map', '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (mouthposition, binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i*3)  # a bin at row i
        diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2]  # examine difference in z
        print 'row',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum += diff
    print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum/num_rows
    filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib_left_side.json'
    robot_touch_left_pts = readFromJson(filename)
    num_rows = 4
    diff_sum_left = 0
    print 'left wall of the shelves'
    for i in range(num_rows):
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_left_pts[i], '/map', '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i*3)  # a bin at row i
        diff = leftWall - touch_pt[0]  # examine difference in x
        print 'left wall: row',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum_left += diff
    print 'avg(diff) left wall=', diff_sum_left/num_rows
    filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib_right_side.json'
    robot_touch_right_pts = readFromJson(filename)
    num_rows = 4
    diff_sum_right = 0
    print 'right wall of the shelves'
    for i in range(num_rows):
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_right_pts[i], '/map', '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i*3)  # a bin at row i
        diff = rightWall - touch_pt[0]  # examine difference in x
        print 'right wall: row',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum_right += diff
    print 'avg(diff) right wall=', diff_sum_right/num_rows
    filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib_right.json'
    robot_touch_lip_pts = readFromJson(filename)
    num_rows = 4
    diff_sum = 0
    print 'lip to floor of the shelves'
    for i in range(num_rows):
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_lip_pts[i], '/map', '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (mouthposition, binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i*3)  # a bin at row i
        diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2]  # examine difference in z
        print 'row',i,'(bin floor - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum += diff
    print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum/num_rows
Пример #18
    global q0
    q0 = None
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    currentTargetPose = Pose()
    br = TransformBroadcaster()
    currentTargetPoseDirty = False

    # create an interactive marker server on the topic namespace ik_interactive
    server = InteractiveMarkerServer("ik_interactive")

    # create an interactive marker for TargetPose
    #pose = [1.1756, -0.0080496, 0.79966, 0.96262, -0.039399, -0.25934, 0.06743]
    pose = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
    currentTargetPose = rosposeTransform(poselist2pose(pose), 'link_6', 'map',
    pose = pose2list(currentTargetPose)
    int_marker = createInteractiveMarker('target_pose', *pose, frame_id='map')
    # cubemarker = createCubeMarker(offset=tuple(pose[0:3]), rgba=(1,0,1,0.5),
    # orientation=tuple(pose[3:7]),
    # scale=(0.01,0.01,0.01))
    server.insert(int_marker, processFeedback)

    rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), frameCallback)

    print 'ready'
Пример #19
def main(argv=None):
    rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True)
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()

    filename = os.environ[
        'APC_BASE'] + '/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib_all_Final_apc.json'
    robot_touch_pts = readFromJson(filename)

    binNums = [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11]
    nbin = len(binNums)
    diff_sum = 0
    # shelf_pose/x: 1.92421
    # shelf_pose/y: -0.0124050312627
    # shelf_pose/z: -0.513553368384
    print 'floor of the shelves'
    for i in binNums:
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][4], '/map',
                                        '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
         binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i)  # a bin at row i
        diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2]  # examine difference in z
        print 'bin', i, '(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum += diff
    print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum / nbin
    offset_x = diff_sum / nbin
    print 'Please move the shelf in z by', offset_x
    print '\twhich is', -0.513553368384 - offset_x

    diff_sum_left = 0
    print 'left wall of the shelves'
    for i in binNums:
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][1], '/map',
                                        '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i)  # a bin at row i
        diff = leftWall - touch_pt[0]  # examine difference in x
        print 'left wall: bin', i, '(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum_left += diff
    print 'avg(diff) left wall=', diff_sum_left / nbin

    diff_sum_right = 0
    print 'right wall of the shelves'
    for i in binNums:
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][2], '/map',
                                        '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i)  # a bin at row i
        diff = rightWall - touch_pt[0]  # examine difference in x
        print 'right wall: bin', i, '(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum_right += diff
    print 'avg(diff) right wall=', diff_sum_right / nbin

    offset_y = (diff_sum_left / nbin + diff_sum_right / nbin) / 2
    print 'Please move the shelf in y by', offset_y
    print '\twhich is', 0.0124050312627 - offset_y

    diff_sum = 0
    print 'lip to floor of the shelves'
    for i in binNums:
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][0], '/map',
                                        '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
         binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i)  # a bin at row i
        diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2]  # examine difference in z
        print 'row', i, '(bin floor - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum += diff
    print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum / nbin

    offset_y = (diff_sum_left / nbin + diff_sum_right / nbin) / 2
    print 'Please move the shelf in y by', offset_y
    print '\twhich is', 0.0124050312627 - offset_y

    ##########################################  front
    diff_sum_front = 0
    print 'front of the shelves'
    for i in binNums:
        pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][2], '/map',
                                        '/shelf', listener)
        touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose)
        (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i)  # a bin at row i
        diff = rightWall - touch_pt[1]  # examine difference in y
        print 'right front wall: bin', i, '(expected - robot_touch)=', diff
        diff_sum_front += diff
    print 'avg(diff) right wall=', diff_sum_front / nbin
    offset_x = diff_sum_front / nbin
    print 'Please move the shelf in x by', offset_x
    print '\twhich is', 1.92421 - offset_x  #- 0.87/2
Пример #20
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
    rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True)
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
    calibtag = 'link6tag1'
    if len(argv) == 2:
        calibtag = argv[1]
    #filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/camera_extrinsic_calib_data/camera_extrinsic_calib_data.json'
    if calibtag == 'link2tag':
        tag_link_transform = [0, 0.7, -0.2145-0.005, -math.pi, 0, 0]  
        link_frame_id = 'link_2'
    elif calibtag == 'realsense1':
        print 'move to q =', (np.array([ 0.0, -23.02, 34.73, 154.93, -25.15, 0.0]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist()
        r = 0.1923/2
        tag_link_transform = [0.4033-0.230 -r, -1.121/2 + 0.044 + r, 0.005, 0, 0, 0]  
        link_frame_id = 'base_link'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag1':
        #print 'move to q =', (np.array([9.93,39.37,-30.63,60.64,-12.12,-61.79]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist()
        tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi/2]  
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag2':
        tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, 0]  
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag3':
        tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, -math.pi/2]  
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag4':
        tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi]  
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    # visualize it
    pubFrame(br, pose=tag_link_transform, frame_id='tag', parent_frame_id=link_frame_id, npub=10)
    tag_map_transform = poseTransform(tag_link_transform, link_frame_id, 'map', listener)
    apriltag_topic = '/pr_apriltags/detections' 
    print 'Wait for apriltag detection'
    tag_camera_transforms = []
    for i in xrange(5):
        while True:
            tagdetect = ROS_Wait_For_Msg(apriltag_topic, AprilTagDetections).getmsg() 
            if len(tagdetect.detections) == 1:
                tag_camera_transform = pose2list(tagdetect.detections[0].pose)
    tag_camera_transform = np.average(np.array(tag_camera_transforms), axis = 0)
    tag_camera_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(tag_camera_transform) 
    tag_map_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(tag_map_transform) 
    camera_map_tfm_mat = np.dot(tag_map_tfm_mat, np.linalg.inv(tag_camera_tfm_mat))
    camera_map_pose = tfm.translation_from_matrix(camera_map_tfm_mat).tolist() + tfm.quaternion_from_matrix(camera_map_tfm_mat).tolist()

    link6tag = ['link6tag1', 'link6tag2', 'link6tag3', 'link6tag4']
    if calibtag in link6tag:
        print camera_map_pose
        pubFrame(br, pose=camera_map_pose, frame_id='new_kinect_pose', parent_frame_id='map', npub=10)
    elif calibtag == 'realsense1':
        realsense_link5_pose = poseTransform(camera_map_pose, link_frame_id, 'link_5', listener)
        pubFrame(br, pose=realsense_link5_pose, frame_id='new_realsense_pose', parent_frame_id='link_5', npub=10)
        print realsense_link5_pose
Пример #21
def _detectOneObject(obj_id, bin_num, kinect_num):
    global _detect_one_object_srv
    global br
    print 'In', bcolors.WARNING, '_detectOneObject', bcolors.ENDC, 'obj_ids:', obj_id, 'bin_num:', bin_num
    # filter the point cloud
    pc, foreground_mask = get_filtered_pointcloud([obj_id], bin_num, kinect_num)
    if pc is None:
        return (None, None)
    # string[] model_names
    # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud   # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480)
    # bool[] foreground_mask
    # bool find_exact_object_list     # Set to true if you only want to consider scene hypotheses that contain exactly the objects in 'model_names'
    # ObjectConstraint[] constraints  # These apply to all objects
    # ---
    # SceneHypothesis[] detections
    # 2. prepare constraints
    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()[bin_num] # a list of right \ # left \ # back \  # front  \ # bottom \ # top
    ccnstr = []
    tol = 0.9  # larger is more strict
    (trans,rot) = lookupTransform(pc.header.frame_id, '/shelf', _tflistener)
    # 2.1 right
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([1,0,0], [bin_cnstr[0],0,0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.2 left
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([-1,0,0], [bin_cnstr[1],0,0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.3 back
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,1,0], [0,bin_cnstr[2],0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.4 front
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,-1,0], [0,bin_cnstr[3],0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.5 floor
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,0,1], [0,0,bin_cnstr[4]], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.6 top
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,0,-1], [0,0,bin_cnstr[5]], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # 2.7 on floor
    floor_thick = 0.03
    ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.SUPPORTING_PLANE, transformPlane([0,0,1], [0,0, bin_cnstr[4]-floor_thick/2], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) )
    # string model_name
    # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud   # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480)
    # bool[] foreground_mask
    # ObjectConstraint[] constraints
    # geometry_msgs/Pose true_pose    # for testing
    # ---
    # ObjectHypothesis[] detections

    with Timer('detect_one_object'):
        # detect using capsen
        service_name = '/detection_service/detect_one_object'
        req = DetectOneObjectRequest()
        req.model_name = obj_id
        req.cloud = pc
        req.constraints = ccnstr
        req.foreground_mask = foreground_mask
        #req.foreground_mask = [True for i in xrange(req.cloud.height*req.cloud.width)]
        print 'Waiting for service up: ', service_name
            print 'Calling service:', service_name
            ret = _detect_one_object_srv(req)
            # ret.detections is a list of capsen_vision/ObjectHypothesis
                # string name
                # geometry_msgs/Pose pose
                # float32 score
                # float32[] score_components
            if len(ret.detections)>0:
                print len(ret.detections), 'ObjectHypothesis returned, max score', ret.detections[0].score
                for i in range(len(ret.detections)):
                    poselist_capsen_world = poseTransform(pose2list(ret.detections[i].pose), pc.header.frame_id, 'map', _tflistener)
                    cap_T_our = get_obj_capsentf(obj_id) # x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw
                    poselist_world = transformBack(cap_T_our, poselist_capsen_world)    # transform to our desired pose
                    # check whether inside bin
                    poselist_shelf = poseTransform(poselist_world, 'map', 'shelf', _tflistener)
                    if inside_bin(poselist_shelf[0:3], bin_num):
                        #pubFrame(br, poselist_world, 'obj', 'map')
                        return (poselist_world, ret.detections[i].score)
                        print 'reject hypo', i, 'because it is outside the target bin'
                print 'No ObjectHypothesis satisfy hard bin constraint'
                return (None, None)
                print 'No ObjectHypothesis returned'
                return (None, None)
            print 'Calling service:', service_name, 'failed'
            print 'encounters errors:', traceback.format_exc()
            return (None, None)
Пример #22
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv

    rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True)
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()

    calibtag = 'link6tag1'
    if len(argv) == 2:
        calibtag = argv[1]

    # kinect calib joints
    # j1: 9.93
    # j2: 39.46
    # j3: -32.74
    # j4: 69.54
    # j5: -11.26
    # j6: -70.88
    # j1: -16.98
    # j2: 65.55
    # j3: -13.48
    # j4: -21.15
    # j5: -51.26
    # j6: 10.63


    #filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/camera_extrinsic_calib_data/camera_extrinsic_calib_data.json'
    if calibtag == 'link2tag':
        tag_link_transform = [0, 0.7, -0.2145 - 0.005, -math.pi, 0, 0]
        link_frame_id = 'link_2'
    elif calibtag == 'linkbasetag':
        print 'move to q =', (
            np.array([2.35, -67.73, 62.39, -154.9, -30.11, 11]) / 180 *
        print 'move to q =', (
            np.array([2.35, -77.73, 72.39, -154.9, -20.11, 11]) / 180 *
        tag_link_transform = [0.5291, 0.4428, 0.005, math.pi, 0, 0]
        link_frame_id = 'base_link'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag1':
        #print 'move to q =', (np.array([9.93,39.37,-30.63,60.64,-12.12,-61.79]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist()
        tag_link_transform = [
            -(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0,
            math.pi / 2
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag2':
        tag_link_transform = [
            -(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, 0
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag3':
        tag_link_transform = [
            -(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0,
            -math.pi / 2
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'
    elif calibtag == 'link6tag4':
        tag_link_transform = [
            -(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi
        link_frame_id = 'link_6'

    # visualize it

    tag_map_transform = poseTransform(tag_link_transform, link_frame_id, 'map',

    apriltag_topic = 'tag_detections'
    while True:
        tagdetect = ROS_Wait_For_Msg(apriltag_topic,
        if len(tagdetect.detections) == 1:
            tag_kinect_transform = pose2list(tagdetect.detections[0].pose.pose)

    tag_kinect_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(
    tag_map_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(translate=tag_map_transform[0:3],

    kinect_map_tfm_mat = np.dot(tag_map_tfm_mat,

    kinect_map_pose = tfm.translation_from_matrix(kinect_map_tfm_mat).tolist(
    ) + tfm.quaternion_from_matrix(kinect_map_tfm_mat).tolist()

    link6tag = ['link6tag1', 'link6tag2', 'link6tag3', 'link6tag4']
    if calibtag in link6tag:
        print kinect_map_pose
        realsense_link5_pose = poseTransform(kinect_map_pose, link_frame_id,
                                             'link_5', listener)

        print realsense_link5_pose
Пример #23
def _detectOneObject(obj_id, bin_num, kinect_num):
    global _detect_one_object_srv
    global br

    print 'In', bcolors.WARNING, '_detectOneObject', bcolors.ENDC, 'obj_ids:', obj_id, 'bin_num:', bin_num
    # filter the point cloud
    pc, foreground_mask = get_filtered_pointcloud([obj_id], bin_num,
    if pc is None:
        return (None, None)

    # string[] model_names
    # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud   # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480)
    # bool[] foreground_mask
    # bool find_exact_object_list     # Set to true if you only want to consider scene hypotheses that contain exactly the objects in 'model_names'
    # ObjectConstraint[] constraints  # These apply to all objects
    # ---
    # SceneHypothesis[] detections

    # 2. prepare constraints

    bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr(
    )[bin_num]  # a list of right \ # left \ # back \  # front  \ # bottom \ # top
    ccnstr = []

    tol = 0.9  # larger is more strict
    (trans, rot) = lookupTransform(pc.header.frame_id, '/shelf', _tflistener)
    # 2.1 right
            transformPlane([1, 0, 0], [bin_cnstr[0], 0, 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.2 left
            transformPlane([-1, 0, 0], [bin_cnstr[1], 0, 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.3 back
            transformPlane([0, 1, 0], [0, bin_cnstr[2], 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.4 front
            transformPlane([0, -1, 0], [0, bin_cnstr[3], 0], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.5 floor
            transformPlane([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[4]], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.6 top
            transformPlane([0, 0, -1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[5]], trans, rot,
                           pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # 2.7 on floor
    floor_thick = 0.03
            transformPlane([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[4] - floor_thick / 2],
                           trans, rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num))
    # string model_name
    # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud   # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480)
    # bool[] foreground_mask
    # ObjectConstraint[] constraints
    # geometry_msgs/Pose true_pose    # for testing
    # ---
    # ObjectHypothesis[] detections

    with Timer('detect_one_object'):
        # detect using capsen
        service_name = '/detection_service/detect_one_object'
        req = DetectOneObjectRequest()
        req.model_name = obj_id
        req.cloud = pc
        req.constraints = ccnstr
        req.foreground_mask = foreground_mask
        #req.foreground_mask = [True for i in xrange(req.cloud.height*req.cloud.width)]

        print 'Waiting for service up: ', service_name
            print 'Calling service:', service_name
            ret = _detect_one_object_srv(req)
            # ret.detections is a list of capsen_vision/ObjectHypothesis
            # string name
            # geometry_msgs/Pose pose
            # float32 score
            # float32[] score_components
            if len(ret.detections) > 0:
                print len(
                ), 'ObjectHypothesis returned, max score', ret.detections[
                for i in range(len(ret.detections)):
                    poselist_capsen_world = poseTransform(
                        pose2list(ret.detections[i].pose), pc.header.frame_id,
                        'map', _tflistener)

                    cap_T_our = get_obj_capsentf(obj_id)  # x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw
                    poselist_world = transformBack(
                        poselist_capsen_world)  # transform to our desired pose

                    # check whether inside bin
                    poselist_shelf = poseTransform(poselist_world, 'map',
                                                   'shelf', _tflistener)
                    if inside_bin(poselist_shelf[0:3], bin_num):
                        #pubFrame(br, poselist_world, 'obj', 'map')
                        return (poselist_world, ret.detections[i].score)
                        print 'reject hypo', i, 'because it is outside the target bin'
                print 'No ObjectHypothesis satisfy hard bin constraint'
                return (None, None)
                print 'No ObjectHypothesis returned'
                return (None, None)
            print 'Calling service:', service_name, 'failed'
            print 'encounters errors:', traceback.format_exc()
            return (None, None)