def detectObjects(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode=0): nretry = 3 maxObjects = None maxScore = -100 # some very small number if mode == 0: for j in range(1, 3): # loop over 2 cams for i in range(nretry): retObjects, retScore = _detectObjects(obj_ids, bin_num, j) if retObjects is not None and retScore > maxScore: target_ind = findTargetInd(retObjects, target_obj_id) if target_ind is not None: maxObjects = retObjects maxScore = retScore maxPose = pose2list(retObjects[target_ind].pose) pubFrame(br, maxPose, 'obj_final', 'map') elif mode == 1: # realsense for i in range(nretry): retObjects, retScore = _detectObjects(obj_ids, bin_num, 3) if retObjects is not None and retScore > maxScore: target_ind = findTargetInd(retObjects, target_obj_id) if target_ind is not None: maxObjects = retObjects maxScore = retScore maxPose = pose2list(retObjects[target_ind].pose) pubFrame(br, maxPose, 'obj_final', 'map') else: print 'Mode incorrect!' return (None, None) return (maxObjects, maxScore)
def detectOneObject(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode=0, withScore=False): # hack if toHack: # may want to have delay if haveDelay: nretry = 4 timeforcapsen = 3.0 time_ = nretry * timeforcapsen if mode == 0: time_ *= 2 rospy.sleep(time_) print '[detectOneObject] simulated computation time %.2f sec' % time_ return randomPoseScore(bin_num, withScore) retObjects, retScore = detectObjects(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode) # find the target object if retObjects is not None: for obj in retObjects: if == target_obj_id: if withScore: return (pose2list(obj.pose), retScore) else: return pose2list(obj.pose) if withScore: return (None, None) else: return None
def frameCallback(msg): global br global currentTargetPose, currentTargetPoseDirty global listener time = mutex.acquire() pubFrame(br, pose2list(currentTargetPose), 'target_pose', 'map', npub=1) # mutex.acquire() # tmp1 = currentTargetPoseDirty # tmp2 = currentTargetPose target_pose = pose2list(currentTargetPose) # tip_hand_transform = xyzrpy_from_xyzquat([0,0,0,0,0,0,1]) # planner = IK(target_tip_pos = target_pose[0:3], target_tip_ori = target_pose[3:7], tip_hand_transform=tip_hand_transform, # target_link='link_6', ori_tol=0.001, pos_tol=0.0001, useFastIK=True) # plan = planner.plan() # # if plan.success(): # print 'success' # plan.visualize() # #plan.execute() # # else: # print 'failed' # currentTargetPoseDirty = False # mutex.release() # if tmp1: mutex.release()
def detectObjects(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode = 0): nretry = 3 maxObjects = None maxScore = -100 # some very small number if mode == 0: for j in range(1,3): # loop over 2 cams for i in range(nretry): retObjects, retScore = _detectObjects(obj_ids, bin_num, j) if retObjects is not None and retScore > maxScore: target_ind = findTargetInd(retObjects, target_obj_id) if target_ind is not None: maxObjects = retObjects; maxScore = retScore; maxPose = pose2list(retObjects[target_ind].pose) pubFrame(br, maxPose, 'obj_final', 'map') elif mode == 1: # realsense for i in range(nretry): retObjects, retScore = _detectObjects(obj_ids, bin_num, 3) if retObjects is not None and retScore > maxScore: target_ind = findTargetInd(retObjects, target_obj_id) if target_ind is not None: maxObjects = retObjects; maxScore = retScore; maxPose = pose2list(retObjects[target_ind].pose) pubFrame(br, maxPose, 'obj_final', 'map') else: print 'Mode incorrect!' return (None, None) return (maxObjects, maxScore)
def detectOneObject(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode = 0, withScore = False): # hack if toHack: # may want to have delay if haveDelay: nretry = 4 timeforcapsen = 3.0 time_ = nretry*timeforcapsen if mode == 0: time_ *= 2 rospy.sleep(time_) print '[detectOneObject] simulated computation time %.2f sec' % time_ return randomPoseScore(bin_num, withScore) retObjects, retScore = detectObjects(target_obj_id, obj_ids, bin_num, mode) # find the target object if retObjects is not None: for obj in retObjects: if == target_obj_id: if withScore: return (pose2list(obj.pose), retScore) else: return pose2list(obj.pose) if withScore: return (None, None) else: return None
def frameCallback( msg ): global br global currentTargetPose, currentTargetPoseDirty time = pubFrame(br, pose2list(currentTargetPose), 'target_pose', 'map', npub = 1) mutex.acquire() tmp1 = currentTargetPoseDirty tmp2 = currentTargetPose currentTargetPoseDirty = False mutex.release() if tmp1: solveIk(pose2list(tmp2))
def perceptFromManualFit(obj_id): posesrv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/pose_service', GetPose) # should move service name out rospy.sleep(0.5) data = posesrv('','') pose = pose2list([1].pose) return (pose, find_object_pose_type(obj_id, pose))
def perceptFromManualFit(obj_id): posesrv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/pose_service', GetPose) # should move service name out rospy.sleep(0.5) data = posesrv('', '') pose = pose2list([1].pose) return (pose, find_object_pose_type(obj_id, pose))
def allObjectsInsideBin(scene, bin_num): global _tflistener for i in range(len(scene.objects)): poselist_shelf = poseTransform(pose2list(scene.objects[i].pose), 'map', 'shelf', _tflistener) if not inside_bin(poselist_shelf[0:3], bin_num): return False return True
def transformObjectsFromCapsenToDesiredFrame(scene, scene_frame_id): global _tflistener global br newscene = copy.deepcopy(scene) for i in range(len(scene.objects)): poselist_capsen_world = poseTransform(pose2list(scene.objects[i].pose), scene_frame_id, 'map', _tflistener) cap_T_our = get_obj_capsentf(scene.objects[i].name) # x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw poselist_world = transformBack(cap_T_our, poselist_capsen_world) newscene.objects[i].pose = poselist2pose(poselist_world) #pubFrame(br, poselist_world, 'obj_%s' % scene.objects[i].name, 'map') return newscene
def transformObjectsFromCapsenToDesiredFrame(scene, scene_frame_id): global _tflistener global br newscene = copy.deepcopy(scene) for i in range(len(scene.objects)): poselist_capsen_world = poseTransform(pose2list(scene.objects[i].pose), scene_frame_id, 'map', _tflistener) cap_T_our = get_obj_capsentf( scene.objects[i].name) # x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw poselist_world = transformBack(cap_T_our, poselist_capsen_world) newscene.objects[i].pose = poselist2pose(poselist_world) #pubFrame(br, poselist_world, 'obj_%s' % scene.objects[i].name, 'map') return newscene
def processFeedback(feedback): global currentTargetPose, currentTargetPoseDirty import rospy p = feedback.pose.position o = feedback.pose.orientation print feedback.marker_name + " is now at " + str(p.x) + ", " + str( p.y) + ", " + str(p.z) + ", " + str(o.x) + ", " + str( o.y) + ", " + str(o.z) + ", " + str(o.w) #if feedback.marker_name == 'target_pose': mutex.acquire() currentTargetPose = feedback.pose #currentTargetPose = rosposeTransform(feedback.pose, 'link_6', 'map', listener) #currentTargetPoseDirty = True solveIk(pose2list(currentTargetPose)) mutex.release()
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True) listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.sleep(0.1) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() rospy.sleep(1) calibtag = 'link6tag1' if len(argv) == 2: calibtag = argv[1] # kinect calib joints # j1: 9.93 # j2: 39.46 # j3: -32.74 # j4: 69.54 # j5: -11.26 # j6: -70.88 #link6tag1 #link6tag3 #link6tag1 #link6tag3 # j1: -16.98 # j2: 65.55 # j3: -13.48 # j4: -21.15 # j5: -51.26 # j6: 10.63 #link6tag1 #link6tag3 #filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/camera_extrinsic_calib_data/camera_extrinsic_calib_data.json' if calibtag == 'link2tag': tag_link_transform = [0, 0.7, -0.2145-0.005, -math.pi, 0, 0] link_frame_id = 'link_2' elif calibtag == 'linkbasetag': print 'move to q =', (np.array([2.35,-67.73,62.39,-154.9,-30.11,11]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist() print 'move to q =', (np.array([2.35,-77.73,72.39,-154.9,-20.11,11]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist() tag_link_transform = [0.5291, 0.4428, 0.005, math.pi, 0, 0] link_frame_id = 'base_link' elif calibtag == 'link6tag1': #print 'move to q =', (np.array([9.93,39.37,-30.63,60.64,-12.12,-61.79]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist() tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi/2] link_frame_id = 'link_6' elif calibtag == 'link6tag2': tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, 0] link_frame_id = 'link_6' elif calibtag == 'link6tag3': tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, -math.pi/2] link_frame_id = 'link_6' elif calibtag == 'link6tag4': tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi] link_frame_id = 'link_6' # visualize it pubFrame(br, pose=tag_link_transform, frame_id='tag', parent_frame_id=link_frame_id, npub=10) tag_map_transform = poseTransform(tag_link_transform, link_frame_id, 'map', listener) apriltag_topic = 'tag_detections' while True: tagdetect = ROS_Wait_For_Msg(apriltag_topic, AprilTagDetectionArray).getmsg() if len(tagdetect.detections) == 1: tag_kinect_transform = pose2list(tagdetect.detections[0].pose.pose) break tag_kinect_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(translate=tag_kinect_transform[0:3], quaternion=tag_kinect_transform[3:7]) tag_map_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(translate=tag_map_transform[0:3], quaternion=tag_map_transform[3:7]) kinect_map_tfm_mat =, np.linalg.inv(tag_kinect_tfm_mat)) kinect_map_pose = tfm.translation_from_matrix(kinect_map_tfm_mat).tolist() + tfm.quaternion_from_matrix(kinect_map_tfm_mat).tolist() link6tag = ['link6tag1', 'link6tag2', 'link6tag3', 'link6tag4'] if calibtag in link6tag: print kinect_map_pose pubFrame(br, pose=kinect_map_pose, frame_id='new_kinect_pose', parent_frame_id='map', npub=10) else: realsense_link5_pose = poseTransform(kinect_map_pose, link_frame_id, 'link_5', listener) pubFrame(br, pose=realsense_link5_pose, frame_id='new_realsense_pose', parent_frame_id='link_5', npub=10) print realsense_link5_pose
def main(argv=None): rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True) listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.sleep(0.1) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() rospy.sleep(0.1) filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib_all_Final_apc.json' robot_touch_pts = readFromJson(filename) binNums = [0,2,3,5,6,8,9,11] nbin = len(binNums) diff_sum = 0 # shelf_pose/x: 1.92421 # shelf_pose/y: -0.0124050312627 # shelf_pose/z: -0.513553368384 ########################################### print 'floor of the shelves' for i in binNums: pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][4], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (mouthposition, binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i) # a bin at row i diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2] # examine difference in z print 'bin',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum += diff print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum/nbin offset_x = diff_sum/nbin print 'Please move the shelf in z by', offset_x print '\twhich is', -0.513553368384 - offset_x ########################################### diff_sum_left = 0 print 'left wall of the shelves' for i in binNums: pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][1], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i) # a bin at row i diff = leftWall - touch_pt[0] # examine difference in x print 'left wall: bin',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum_left += diff print 'avg(diff) left wall=', diff_sum_left/nbin ########################################### diff_sum_right = 0 print 'right wall of the shelves' for i in binNums: pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][2], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i) # a bin at row i diff = rightWall - touch_pt[0] # examine difference in x print 'right wall: bin',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum_right += diff print 'avg(diff) right wall=', diff_sum_right/nbin offset_y = (diff_sum_left/nbin+diff_sum_right/nbin) / 2 print 'Please move the shelf in y by', offset_y print '\twhich is', 0.0124050312627 - offset_y ########################################### diff_sum = 0 print 'lip to floor of the shelves' for i in binNums: pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][0], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (mouthposition, binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i) # a bin at row i diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2] # examine difference in z print 'row',i,'(bin floor - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum += diff print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum/nbin offset_y = (diff_sum_left/nbin+diff_sum_right/nbin) / 2 print 'Please move the shelf in y by', offset_y print '\twhich is', 0.0124050312627 - offset_y ########################################## front diff_sum_front = 0 print 'front of the shelves' for i in binNums: pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][2], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i) # a bin at row i diff = rightWall - touch_pt[1] # examine difference in y print 'right front wall: bin',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum_front += diff print 'avg(diff) right wall=', diff_sum_front/nbin offset_x = diff_sum_front/nbin print 'Please move the shelf in x by', offset_x print '\twhich is', 1.92421 - offset_x #- 0.87/2
for y in np.linspace(limits[2],limits[3], nseg[1]): for z in np.linspace(limits[4],limits[5], nseg[2]): setCart([x,y,z], ori) print x,y,z # get the apriltag pose from pr_apriltag apriltag_topic = '/pr_apriltags/detections' #print 'wait for detection at', apriltag_topic rospy.sleep(2) tag_camera_transform = None for i in xrange(5): tagdetect = ROS_Wait_For_Msg(apriltag_topic, AprilTagDetections).getmsg() tagpose = findtagid(tagdetect.detections, 0) if tagpose is not None: tag_camera_transform = pose2list(tagpose) break rospy.sleep(0.02) if tag_camera_transform is None: print 'No tag detect' continue # get the link6 from robot (apriltrans,aprilrot) = lookupTransform('/map','/link6_apriltag', listener) appose_robot = list(apriltrans) + list(aprilrot) cam_pose = xyzquat_from_matrix( matrix_from_xyzquat(appose_robot) , np.linalg.inv(matrix_from_xyzquat(tag_camera_transform))) ) # appose_robot * inv(tagpose) xs = xs + [cam_pose[0]]
def main(argv=None): rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True) listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.sleep(0.1) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() rospy.sleep(0.1) filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib.json' robot_touch_floor_pts = readFromJson(filename) num_rows = 4 diff_sum = 0 print 'floor of the shelves' for i in range(num_rows): pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_floor_pts[i], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (mouthposition, binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i*3) # a bin at row i diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2] # examine difference in z print 'row',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum += diff print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum/num_rows filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib_left_side.json' robot_touch_left_pts = readFromJson(filename) num_rows = 4 diff_sum_left = 0 print 'left wall of the shelves' for i in range(num_rows): pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_left_pts[i], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i*3) # a bin at row i diff = leftWall - touch_pt[0] # examine difference in x print 'left wall: row',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum_left += diff print 'avg(diff) left wall=', diff_sum_left/num_rows filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib_right_side.json' robot_touch_right_pts = readFromJson(filename) num_rows = 4 diff_sum_right = 0 print 'right wall of the shelves' for i in range(num_rows): pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_right_pts[i], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i*3) # a bin at row i diff = rightWall - touch_pt[0] # examine difference in x print 'right wall: row',i,'(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum_right += diff print 'avg(diff) right wall=', diff_sum_right/num_rows filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib_right.json' robot_touch_lip_pts = readFromJson(filename) num_rows = 4 diff_sum = 0 print 'lip to floor of the shelves' for i in range(num_rows): pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_lip_pts[i], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (mouthposition, binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i*3) # a bin at row i diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2] # examine difference in z print 'row',i,'(bin floor - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum += diff print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum/num_rows
global q0 q0 = None listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.sleep(0.1) currentTargetPose = Pose() br = TransformBroadcaster() currentTargetPoseDirty = False # create an interactive marker server on the topic namespace ik_interactive server = InteractiveMarkerServer("ik_interactive") # create an interactive marker for TargetPose #pose = [1.1756, -0.0080496, 0.79966, 0.96262, -0.039399, -0.25934, 0.06743] pose = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] currentTargetPose = rosposeTransform(poselist2pose(pose), 'link_6', 'map', listener) pose = pose2list(currentTargetPose) int_marker = createInteractiveMarker('target_pose', *pose, frame_id='map') # cubemarker = createCubeMarker(offset=tuple(pose[0:3]), rgba=(1,0,1,0.5), # orientation=tuple(pose[3:7]), # scale=(0.01,0.01,0.01)) #int_marker.controls.append(cubemarker) int_marker.controls.extend(createMoveControls(fixed=False)) server.insert(int_marker, processFeedback) rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), frameCallback) server.applyChanges() print 'ready' rospy.spin()
def main(argv=None): rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True) listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.sleep(0.1) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() rospy.sleep(0.1) filename = os.environ[ 'APC_BASE'] + '/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/shelf_calib_data/shelf_calib_all_Final_apc.json' robot_touch_pts = readFromJson(filename) binNums = [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11] nbin = len(binNums) diff_sum = 0 # shelf_pose/x: 1.92421 # shelf_pose/y: -0.0124050312627 # shelf_pose/z: -0.513553368384 ########################################### print 'floor of the shelves' for i in binNums: pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][4], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (mouthposition, binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i) # a bin at row i diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2] # examine difference in z print 'bin', i, '(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum += diff print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum / nbin offset_x = diff_sum / nbin print 'Please move the shelf in z by', offset_x print '\twhich is', -0.513553368384 - offset_x ########################################### diff_sum_left = 0 print 'left wall of the shelves' for i in binNums: pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][1], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i) # a bin at row i diff = leftWall - touch_pt[0] # examine difference in x print 'left wall: bin', i, '(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum_left += diff print 'avg(diff) left wall=', diff_sum_left / nbin ########################################### diff_sum_right = 0 print 'right wall of the shelves' for i in binNums: pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][2], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i) # a bin at row i diff = rightWall - touch_pt[0] # examine difference in x print 'right wall: bin', i, '(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum_right += diff print 'avg(diff) right wall=', diff_sum_right / nbin offset_y = (diff_sum_left / nbin + diff_sum_right / nbin) / 2 print 'Please move the shelf in y by', offset_y print '\twhich is', 0.0124050312627 - offset_y ########################################### diff_sum = 0 print 'lip to floor of the shelves' for i in binNums: pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][0], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (mouthposition, binFloorHeight) = getBinMouthAndFloor(0, i) # a bin at row i diff = binFloorHeight - touch_pt[2] # examine difference in z print 'row', i, '(bin floor - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum += diff print 'avg(diff)=', diff_sum / nbin offset_y = (diff_sum_left / nbin + diff_sum_right / nbin) / 2 print 'Please move the shelf in y by', offset_y print '\twhich is', 0.0124050312627 - offset_y ########################################## front diff_sum_front = 0 print 'front of the shelves' for i in binNums: pose = coordinateFrameTransform(robot_touch_pts[i][2], '/map', '/shelf', listener) touch_pt = pose2list(pose.pose) (leftWall, rightWall) = getBinSideWalls(i) # a bin at row i diff = rightWall - touch_pt[1] # examine difference in y print 'right front wall: bin', i, '(expected - robot_touch)=', diff diff_sum_front += diff print 'avg(diff) right wall=', diff_sum_front / nbin offset_x = diff_sum_front / nbin print 'Please move the shelf in x by', offset_x print '\twhich is', 1.92421 - offset_x #- 0.87/2
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True) listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.sleep(0.1) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() rospy.sleep(1) calibtag = 'link6tag1' if len(argv) == 2: calibtag = argv[1] #filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/camera_extrinsic_calib_data/camera_extrinsic_calib_data.json' if calibtag == 'link2tag': tag_link_transform = [0, 0.7, -0.2145-0.005, -math.pi, 0, 0] link_frame_id = 'link_2' elif calibtag == 'realsense1': print 'move to q =', (np.array([ 0.0, -23.02, 34.73, 154.93, -25.15, 0.0]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist() r = 0.1923/2 tag_link_transform = [0.4033-0.230 -r, -1.121/2 + 0.044 + r, 0.005, 0, 0, 0] link_frame_id = 'base_link' elif calibtag == 'link6tag1': #print 'move to q =', (np.array([9.93,39.37,-30.63,60.64,-12.12,-61.79]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist() tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi/2] link_frame_id = 'link_6' elif calibtag == 'link6tag2': tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, 0] link_frame_id = 'link_6' elif calibtag == 'link6tag3': tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, -math.pi/2] link_frame_id = 'link_6' elif calibtag == 'link6tag4': tag_link_transform = [-(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi] link_frame_id = 'link_6' # visualize it pubFrame(br, pose=tag_link_transform, frame_id='tag', parent_frame_id=link_frame_id, npub=10) tag_map_transform = poseTransform(tag_link_transform, link_frame_id, 'map', listener) apriltag_topic = '/pr_apriltags/detections' print 'Wait for apriltag detection' tag_camera_transforms = [] for i in xrange(5): while True: tagdetect = ROS_Wait_For_Msg(apriltag_topic, AprilTagDetections).getmsg() if len(tagdetect.detections) == 1: tag_camera_transform = pose2list(tagdetect.detections[0].pose) tag_camera_transforms.append(tag_camera_transform) break tag_camera_transform = np.average(np.array(tag_camera_transforms), axis = 0) tag_camera_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(tag_camera_transform) tag_map_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(tag_map_transform) camera_map_tfm_mat =, np.linalg.inv(tag_camera_tfm_mat)) camera_map_pose = tfm.translation_from_matrix(camera_map_tfm_mat).tolist() + tfm.quaternion_from_matrix(camera_map_tfm_mat).tolist() link6tag = ['link6tag1', 'link6tag2', 'link6tag3', 'link6tag4'] if calibtag in link6tag: print camera_map_pose pubFrame(br, pose=camera_map_pose, frame_id='new_kinect_pose', parent_frame_id='map', npub=10) elif calibtag == 'realsense1': realsense_link5_pose = poseTransform(camera_map_pose, link_frame_id, 'link_5', listener) pubFrame(br, pose=realsense_link5_pose, frame_id='new_realsense_pose', parent_frame_id='link_5', npub=10) print realsense_link5_pose
def _detectOneObject(obj_id, bin_num, kinect_num): global _detect_one_object_srv global br print 'In', bcolors.WARNING, '_detectOneObject', bcolors.ENDC, 'obj_ids:', obj_id, 'bin_num:', bin_num # filter the point cloud pc, foreground_mask = get_filtered_pointcloud([obj_id], bin_num, kinect_num) if pc is None: return (None, None) # string[] model_names # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480) # bool[] foreground_mask # bool find_exact_object_list # Set to true if you only want to consider scene hypotheses that contain exactly the objects in 'model_names' # ObjectConstraint[] constraints # These apply to all objects # --- # SceneHypothesis[] detections # 2. prepare constraints bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr()[bin_num] # a list of right \ # left \ # back \ # front \ # bottom \ # top ccnstr = [] tol = 0.9 # larger is more strict (trans,rot) = lookupTransform(pc.header.frame_id, '/shelf', _tflistener) # 2.1 right ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([1,0,0], [bin_cnstr[0],0,0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) ) # 2.2 left ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([-1,0,0], [bin_cnstr[1],0,0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) ) # 2.3 back ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,1,0], [0,bin_cnstr[2],0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) ) # 2.4 front ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,-1,0], [0,bin_cnstr[3],0], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) ) # 2.5 floor ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,0,1], [0,0,bin_cnstr[4]], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) ) # 2.6 top ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0,0,-1], [0,0,bin_cnstr[5]], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) ) # 2.7 on floor floor_thick = 0.03 ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint(ObjectConstraint.SUPPORTING_PLANE, transformPlane([0,0,1], [0,0, bin_cnstr[4]-floor_thick/2], trans,rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num) ) # string model_name # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480) # bool[] foreground_mask # ObjectConstraint[] constraints # geometry_msgs/Pose true_pose # for testing # --- # # ObjectHypothesis[] detections with Timer('detect_one_object'): # detect using capsen service_name = '/detection_service/detect_one_object' req = DetectOneObjectRequest() req.model_name = obj_id = pc req.constraints = ccnstr req.foreground_mask = foreground_mask #req.foreground_mask = [True for i in xrange(*] print 'Waiting for service up: ', service_name rospy.wait_for_service(service_name) try: print 'Calling service:', service_name ret = _detect_one_object_srv(req) # ret.detections is a list of capsen_vision/ObjectHypothesis # string name # geometry_msgs/Pose pose # float32 score # float32[] score_components if len(ret.detections)>0: print len(ret.detections), 'ObjectHypothesis returned, max score', ret.detections[0].score for i in range(len(ret.detections)): poselist_capsen_world = poseTransform(pose2list(ret.detections[i].pose), pc.header.frame_id, 'map', _tflistener) cap_T_our = get_obj_capsentf(obj_id) # x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw poselist_world = transformBack(cap_T_our, poselist_capsen_world) # transform to our desired pose # check whether inside bin poselist_shelf = poseTransform(poselist_world, 'map', 'shelf', _tflistener) if inside_bin(poselist_shelf[0:3], bin_num): #pubFrame(br, poselist_world, 'obj', 'map') return (poselist_world, ret.detections[i].score) else: print 'reject hypo', i, 'because it is outside the target bin' print 'No ObjectHypothesis satisfy hard bin constraint' return (None, None) else: print 'No ObjectHypothesis returned' return (None, None) except: print 'Calling service:', service_name, 'failed' print 'encounters errors:', traceback.format_exc() return (None, None)
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv rospy.init_node('calib', anonymous=True) listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.sleep(0.1) br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() rospy.sleep(1) calibtag = 'link6tag1' if len(argv) == 2: calibtag = argv[1] # kinect calib joints # j1: 9.93 # j2: 39.46 # j3: -32.74 # j4: 69.54 # j5: -11.26 # j6: -70.88 #link6tag1 #link6tag3 #link6tag1 #link6tag3 # j1: -16.98 # j2: 65.55 # j3: -13.48 # j4: -21.15 # j5: -51.26 # j6: 10.63 #link6tag1 #link6tag3 #filename = os.environ['APC_BASE']+'/catkin_ws/src/apc_config/camera_extrinsic_calib_data/camera_extrinsic_calib_data.json' if calibtag == 'link2tag': tag_link_transform = [0, 0.7, -0.2145 - 0.005, -math.pi, 0, 0] link_frame_id = 'link_2' elif calibtag == 'linkbasetag': print 'move to q =', ( np.array([2.35, -67.73, 62.39, -154.9, -30.11, 11]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist() print 'move to q =', ( np.array([2.35, -77.73, 72.39, -154.9, -20.11, 11]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist() tag_link_transform = [0.5291, 0.4428, 0.005, math.pi, 0, 0] link_frame_id = 'base_link' elif calibtag == 'link6tag1': #print 'move to q =', (np.array([9.93,39.37,-30.63,60.64,-12.12,-61.79]) / 180 * math.pi).tolist() tag_link_transform = [ -(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi / 2 ] link_frame_id = 'link_6' elif calibtag == 'link6tag2': tag_link_transform = [ -(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, 0 ] link_frame_id = 'link_6' elif calibtag == 'link6tag3': tag_link_transform = [ -(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, -math.pi / 2 ] link_frame_id = 'link_6' elif calibtag == 'link6tag4': tag_link_transform = [ -(2.54 + 4 + 1 + 19.23 / 2) / 100.0, 0, 0.01, math.pi, 0, math.pi ] link_frame_id = 'link_6' # visualize it pubFrame(br, pose=tag_link_transform, frame_id='tag', parent_frame_id=link_frame_id, npub=10) tag_map_transform = poseTransform(tag_link_transform, link_frame_id, 'map', listener) apriltag_topic = 'tag_detections' while True: tagdetect = ROS_Wait_For_Msg(apriltag_topic, AprilTagDetectionArray).getmsg() if len(tagdetect.detections) == 1: tag_kinect_transform = pose2list(tagdetect.detections[0].pose.pose) break tag_kinect_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat( translate=tag_kinect_transform[0:3], quaternion=tag_kinect_transform[3:7]) tag_map_tfm_mat = matrix_from_xyzquat(translate=tag_map_transform[0:3], quaternion=tag_map_transform[3:7]) kinect_map_tfm_mat =, np.linalg.inv(tag_kinect_tfm_mat)) kinect_map_pose = tfm.translation_from_matrix(kinect_map_tfm_mat).tolist( ) + tfm.quaternion_from_matrix(kinect_map_tfm_mat).tolist() link6tag = ['link6tag1', 'link6tag2', 'link6tag3', 'link6tag4'] if calibtag in link6tag: print kinect_map_pose pubFrame(br, pose=kinect_map_pose, frame_id='new_kinect_pose', parent_frame_id='map', npub=10) else: realsense_link5_pose = poseTransform(kinect_map_pose, link_frame_id, 'link_5', listener) pubFrame(br, pose=realsense_link5_pose, frame_id='new_realsense_pose', parent_frame_id='link_5', npub=10) print realsense_link5_pose
def _detectOneObject(obj_id, bin_num, kinect_num): global _detect_one_object_srv global br print 'In', bcolors.WARNING, '_detectOneObject', bcolors.ENDC, 'obj_ids:', obj_id, 'bin_num:', bin_num # filter the point cloud pc, foreground_mask = get_filtered_pointcloud([obj_id], bin_num, kinect_num) if pc is None: return (None, None) # string[] model_names # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480) # bool[] foreground_mask # bool find_exact_object_list # Set to true if you only want to consider scene hypotheses that contain exactly the objects in 'model_names' # ObjectConstraint[] constraints # These apply to all objects # --- # SceneHypothesis[] detections # 2. prepare constraints bin_cnstr = get_bin_cnstr( )[bin_num] # a list of right \ # left \ # back \ # front \ # bottom \ # top ccnstr = [] tol = 0.9 # larger is more strict (trans, rot) = lookupTransform(pc.header.frame_id, '/shelf', _tflistener) # 2.1 right ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint( ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([1, 0, 0], [bin_cnstr[0], 0, 0], trans, rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num)) # 2.2 left ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint( ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([-1, 0, 0], [bin_cnstr[1], 0, 0], trans, rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num)) # 2.3 back ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint( ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0, 1, 0], [0, bin_cnstr[2], 0], trans, rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num)) # 2.4 front ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint( ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0, -1, 0], [0, bin_cnstr[3], 0], trans, rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num)) # 2.5 floor ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint( ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[4]], trans, rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num)) # 2.6 top ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint( ObjectConstraint.HALF_SPACE, transformPlane([0, 0, -1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[5]], trans, rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num)) # 2.7 on floor floor_thick = 0.03 ccnstr.append( createCapsenConstraint( ObjectConstraint.SUPPORTING_PLANE, transformPlane([0, 0, 1], [0, 0, bin_cnstr[4] - floor_thick / 2], trans, rot, pc.header.frame_id), tol, bin_num)) # string model_name # sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 cloud # Note: this must be an organized point cloud (e.g., 640x480) # bool[] foreground_mask # ObjectConstraint[] constraints # geometry_msgs/Pose true_pose # for testing # --- # # ObjectHypothesis[] detections with Timer('detect_one_object'): # detect using capsen service_name = '/detection_service/detect_one_object' req = DetectOneObjectRequest() req.model_name = obj_id = pc req.constraints = ccnstr req.foreground_mask = foreground_mask #req.foreground_mask = [True for i in xrange(*] print 'Waiting for service up: ', service_name rospy.wait_for_service(service_name) try: print 'Calling service:', service_name ret = _detect_one_object_srv(req) # ret.detections is a list of capsen_vision/ObjectHypothesis # string name # geometry_msgs/Pose pose # float32 score # float32[] score_components if len(ret.detections) > 0: print len( ret.detections ), 'ObjectHypothesis returned, max score', ret.detections[ 0].score for i in range(len(ret.detections)): poselist_capsen_world = poseTransform( pose2list(ret.detections[i].pose), pc.header.frame_id, 'map', _tflistener) cap_T_our = get_obj_capsentf(obj_id) # x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw poselist_world = transformBack( cap_T_our, poselist_capsen_world) # transform to our desired pose # check whether inside bin poselist_shelf = poseTransform(poselist_world, 'map', 'shelf', _tflistener) if inside_bin(poselist_shelf[0:3], bin_num): #pubFrame(br, poselist_world, 'obj', 'map') return (poselist_world, ret.detections[i].score) else: print 'reject hypo', i, 'because it is outside the target bin' print 'No ObjectHypothesis satisfy hard bin constraint' return (None, None) else: print 'No ObjectHypothesis returned' return (None, None) except: print 'Calling service:', service_name, 'failed' print 'encounters errors:', traceback.format_exc() return (None, None)