Пример #1
def do_it(session, islandList, time):
	session : ikabot.web.session.Session

    # this dict will contain all the cities from each island
    # as they where in last scan
    cities_before_per_island = {}

    while True:
        # this is done inside the loop because the user may colonize in a new island
        if islandList != []:
            islandsIds = islandList
            islandsIds = getIslandsIds(session)
        for islandId in islandsIds:
            html = session.get(island_url + islandId)
            island = getIsland(html)
            # cities in the current island
            cities_now = [
                city_space for city_space in island['cities']
                if city_space['type'] != 'empty'
            ]  #loads the islands non empty cities into ciudades

            # if we haven't scaned this island before,
            # save it and do nothing
            if islandId not in cities_before_per_island:
                cities_before_per_island[islandId] = cities_now.copy()
                cities_before = cities_before_per_island[islandId]

                # someone disappeared
                for city_before in cities_before:
                    if city_before['id'] not in [
                            city_now['id'] for city_now in cities_now
                        # we didn't find the city_before in the cities_now
                        msg = _(
                            'the city {} of the player {} disappeared in {} {}:{} {}'
                        ).format(city_before['name'], city_before['Name'],
                                 island['x'], island['y'], island['name'])
                        sendToBot(session, msg)

                # someone colonised
                for city_now in cities_now:
                    if city_now['id'] not in [
                            city_before['id'] for city_before in cities_before
                        # we didn't find the city_now in the cities_before
                        msg = _('{} founded {} in {} {}:{} {}').format(
                            city_now['Name'], city_now['name'],
                            materials_names[int(island['good'])], island['x'],
                            island['y'], island['name'])
                        sendToBot(session, msg)

        wait(time * 60)
Пример #2
def do_it(session, islandList, time, fights):
    session : ikabot.web.session.Session
        Session object
    islandList : list[dict]
        A list containing island objects which should be searched, if an empty list is passed, all the user's colonised islands are searched
    time : int
        The time in minutes between two consecutive seraches
    fights : str
        String that can either be y or n. Indicates whether or not to scan for fight activity on islands

    # this dict will contain all the cities from each island
    # as they where in last scan
    cities_before_per_island = {}

    while True:
        # this is done inside the loop because the user may colonize in a new island
        if islandList != []:
            islandsIds = islandList
            islandsIds = getIslandsIds(session)
        for islandId in islandsIds:
            html = session.get(island_url + islandId)
            island = getIsland(html)
            # cities in the current island
            cities_now = [
                city_space for city_space in island['cities']
                if city_space['type'] != 'empty'
            ]  # loads the islands non empty cities into ciudades

            # if we haven't scaned this island before,
            # save it and do nothing
            if islandId not in cities_before_per_island:
                cities_before_per_island[islandId] = cities_now.copy()
                cities_before = cities_before_per_island[islandId]

                # someone disappeared
                for city_before in cities_before:
                    if city_before['id'] not in [
                            city_now['id'] for city_now in cities_now
                        # we didn't find the city_before in the cities_now
                        msg = _(
                            'The city {} of the player {} disappeared in {} {}:{} {}'
                        ).format(city_before['name'], city_before['Name'],
                                 island['x'], island['y'], island['name'])
                        sendToBot(session, msg)

                    if fights.lower() == 'y':
                        for city_now in cities_now:
                            if city_now['id'] == city_before['id']:
                                if 'infos' in city_now and 'infos' not in city_before and 'armyAction' in city_now[
                                        'infos'] and city_now['infos'][
                                            'armyAction'] == 'fight':
                                    msg = _(
                                        'A fight started in the city {} of the player {} on island {} {}:{} {}'
                                            island['tradegood'])], island['x'],
                                        island['y'], island['name'])
                                    sendToBot(session, msg)
                                if 'infos' not in city_now and 'infos' in city_before and 'armyAction' in city_before[
                                        'infos'] and city_before['infos'][
                                            'armyAction'] == 'fight':
                                    msg = _(
                                        'A fight stopped in the city {} of the player {} on island {} {}:{} {}'
                                            island['tradegood'])], island['x'],
                                        island['y'], island['name'])
                                    sendToBot(session, msg)

                # someone colonised
                for city_now in cities_now:
                    if city_now['id'] not in [
                            city_before['id'] for city_before in cities_before
                        # we didn't find the city_now in the cities_before
                        msg = _(
                            'Player {} created a new city {} in {} {}:{} {}'
                        ).format(city_now['Name'], city_now['name'],
                                 island['x'], island['y'], island['name'])
                        sendToBot(session, msg)

                cities_before_per_island[islandId] = cities_now.copy(
                )  # update cities_before_per_island for the current island

        wait(time * 60)