Пример #1
    def test_edge_decisions_from_groundtruth(self):
        # 1 2
        # 3 4
        vol1 = np.zeros((20,20), dtype=np.uint32)
        vol1[ 0:10,  0:10] = 1
        vol1[ 0:10, 10:20] = 2
        vol1[10:20,  0:10] = 3
        vol1[10:20, 10:20] = 4
        vol1 = vigra.taggedView(vol1, 'yx')
        rag = Rag(vol1)
        # 2 3
        # 4 5
        vol2 = vol1.copy() + 1

        decisions = rag.edge_decisions_from_groundtruth(vol2)
        assert decisions.all()

        # 7 7
        # 4 5
        vol2[( vol2 == 2 ).nonzero()] = 7
        vol2[( vol2 == 3 ).nonzero()] = 7
        decision_dict = rag.edge_decisions_from_groundtruth(vol2, asdict=True)
        assert decision_dict[(1,2)] == False
        assert decision_dict[(1,3)] == True
        assert decision_dict[(2,4)] == True
        assert decision_dict[(3,4)] == True
Пример #2
    def test_naive_segmentation_from_edge_decisions(self):
        superpixels = generate_random_voronoi((100,200), 200)
        rag = Rag( superpixels )
        # The 'groundtruth' is just divided into quadrants
        groundtruth = np.zeros_like(superpixels)
        groundtruth[0:50,   0:100] = 1
        groundtruth[50:100, 0:100] = 2
        groundtruth[0:50,   100:200] = 3
        groundtruth[50:100, 100:200] = 4

        decisions = rag.edge_decisions_from_groundtruth(groundtruth)
        segmentation = rag.naive_segmentation_from_edge_decisions(decisions)
        # We don't know where the exact boundary is, but pixels 
        # near the corners should definitely be homogenous
        assert (segmentation[:20,   :20] == segmentation[0,  0]).all()
        assert (segmentation[:20,  -20:] == segmentation[0, -1]).all()
        assert (segmentation[-20:,  :20] == segmentation[-1, 0]).all()
        assert (segmentation[-20:, -20:] == segmentation[-1,-1]).all()