Пример #1
def keyPressEvent(obj, event):
    global frame_idx
    global refer_T
    key = obj.GetKeySym()
    if key == 'Right':
        # vis.clear_frame_poses()
        if frame_idx > 305:

        cur_frame = frames.frames[frame_idx]
        cur_Tcw = cur_frame['extrinsic_Tcw']
        cur_name = cur_frame['file_name']
        cur_depth_name = cur_frame['depth_file_name']

        K = K_from_frame(cur_frame)

        # Read image
        cur_img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(base_dir, cur_name)).astype(
            np.float32) / 255.0
        cur_depth = load_depth_from_png(os.path.join(base_dir, cur_depth_name),

        # Crop with new intrinsic
        cur_img = crop_by_intrinsic(cur_img, K, in_K, interp_method='nearest')
        # next_img = crop_by_intrinsic(next_img, K, in_K)
        cur_depth = crop_by_intrinsic(cur_depth,
        h, w, c = cur_img.shape

        # rel_T = cam_opt.relateive_pose(cur_Tcw[:3, :3], cur_Tcw[:3, 3], next_Tcw[:3, :3], next_Tcw[:3, 3])
        X_3d = cam_opt.pi_inv(K, x_2d.reshape((h * w, 2)),
                              cur_depth.reshape((h * w, 1)))
        cur_Twc = cam_opt.camera_pose_inv(cur_Tcw[:3, :3], cur_Tcw[:3, 3])
        X_3d = cam_opt.transpose(cur_Twc[:3, :3], cur_Twc[:3, 3], X_3d)

        vis.set_point_cloud(X_3d, cur_img.reshape((h * w, 3)))
        vis.add_frame_pose(cur_Tcw[:3, :3],
                           cur_Tcw[:3, 3],

        frame_idx += 1

    def load_frame_2_tensors(self, frame, out_frame_dim):
        C, H, W = out_frame_dim
        K = self.depth_k.copy()

        Tcw = np.asarray(frame['extrinsic_Tcw'], dtype=np.float32).reshape(
            (3, 4))
        Rcw, tcw = Tcw[:3, :3], Tcw[:3, 3]
        img_file_name = frame['file_name']
        depth_file_name = frame['depth_file_name']

        # Load image and depth
        img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.base_dir, img_file_name))
        ori_H, ori_W, _ = img.shape
        img = crop_by_intrinsic(img, self.img_k, self.depth_k)
        img = cv2.resize(img, (ori_W, ori_H))
        depth = read_7scenese_depth(
            os.path.join(self.base_dir, depth_file_name))

        # Post-process image and depth (fill the holes with cross bilateral filter)
        resize_ratio = max(H / ori_H, W / ori_W)
        img = cv2.resize(img,
                         dsize=(int(resize_ratio * ori_W),
                                int(resize_ratio * ori_H)))
        depth = cv2.resize(depth,
                           dsize=(int(resize_ratio * ori_W),
                                  int(resize_ratio * ori_H)),
        if self.fill_depth_holes:
            depth = fill_depth_cross_bf(img, depth)
        depth[depth < 1e-5] = 1e-5
        img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).astype(np.float32) / 255.0

        # camera intrinsic parameters:
        K[0, 0] *= resize_ratio
        K[0, 2] = (resize_ratio * ori_W) / 2
        K[1, 1] *= resize_ratio
        K[1, 2] = (resize_ratio * ori_H) / 2
        new_K = K.copy()
        new_K[0, 2] = W / 2
        new_K[1, 2] = H / 2

        # crop and resize with new K
        img = crop_by_intrinsic(img, K, new_K)
        depth = crop_by_intrinsic(depth, K, new_K, interp_method='nearest')

        # camera motion representation: (center, rotation_center2world)
        c = camera_center_from_Tcw(Rcw, tcw)
        Rwc = np.eye(4)
        Rwc[:3, :3] = Rcw.T
        q = quaternion_from_matrix(Rwc)
        log_q = log_quat(q)
        pose_vector = np.concatenate((c, log_q)).astype(np.float32)

        # convert to torch.tensor
        ori_img_tensor = torch.from_numpy(img.transpose(
            (2, 0, 1)))  # (C, H, W)
        img_tensor = ori_img_tensor.clone()
        if self.transform_func:
            img_tensor = self.transform_func(img_tensor)
        depth_tensor = torch.from_numpy(depth).view(1, H, W)  # (1, H, W)

        pose_vector = torch.from_numpy(pose_vector)  # (1, 3)
        Tcw_tensor = torch.from_numpy(Tcw)  # (3, 4)
        K_tensor = torch.from_numpy(new_K)  # (3, 3)

        return pose_vector, img_tensor, depth_tensor, K_tensor, Tcw_tensor, ori_img_tensor