Пример #1
    def _augment_batch_(self, batch, random_state, parents, hooks):
        if batch.images is None:
            return batch

        images = batch.images
        nb_images = len(images)
        samples = self.k.draw_samples((nb_images, ), random_state=random_state)
        for i, (image, ksize) in enumerate(zip(images, samples)):
            has_zero_sized_axes = (image.size == 0)
            if ksize > 1 and not has_zero_sized_axes:
                ksize = ksize + 1 if ksize % 2 == 0 else ksize
                if image.ndim == 2 or image.shape[-1] <= 512:
                    image_aug = cv2.medianBlur(
                        _normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image), ksize)
                    # cv2.medianBlur() removes channel axis for single-channel
                    # images
                    if image_aug.ndim == 2:
                        image_aug = image_aug[..., np.newaxis]
                    # TODO this is quite inefficient
                    # handling more than 512 channels in cv2.medainBlur()
                    channels = [
                            _normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image[..., c]), ksize)
                        for c in sm.xrange(image.shape[-1])
                    image_aug = np.stack(channels, axis=-1)

                batch.images[i] = image_aug
        return batch
Пример #2
def _fliplr_cv2(arr):
    # cv2.flip() returns None for arrays with zero height or width
    # and turns channels=0 to channels=512
    if arr.size == 0:
        return np.copy(arr)

    # cv2.flip() fails for more than 512 channels
    if arr.ndim == 3 and arr.shape[-1] > 512:
        # TODO this is quite inefficient right now
        channels = [
            cv2.flip(_normalize_cv2_input_arr_(arr[..., c]), 1)
            for c in sm.xrange(arr.shape[-1])
        result = np.stack(channels, axis=-1)
        # Normalization from imgaug.imgaug._normalize_cv2_input_arr_().
        # Moved here for performance reasons. Keep this aligned.
        # TODO recalculate timings, they were computed without this.
        flags = arr.flags
        if not flags["OWNDATA"]:
            arr = np.copy(arr)
            flags = arr.flags
        if not flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]:
            arr = np.ascontiguousarray(arr)

        result = cv2.flip(_normalize_cv2_input_arr_(arr), 1)

    if result.ndim == 2 and arr.ndim == 3:
        return result[..., np.newaxis]
    return result
Пример #3
    def _augment_batch_(self, batch, random_state, parents, hooks):
        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        if batch.images is None:
            return batch

        images = batch.images

        # Make sure that all images have 3 channels
        assert all([
            image.shape[2] == 3 for image in images
        ]), ("BilateralBlur can currently only be applied to images with 3 "
             "channels. Got channels: %s" %
             ([image.shape[2] for image in images], ))

        nb_images = len(images)
        rss = random_state.duplicate(3)
        samples_d = self.d.draw_samples((nb_images, ), random_state=rss[0])
        samples_sigma_color = self.sigma_color.draw_samples(
            (nb_images, ), random_state=rss[1])
        samples_sigma_space = self.sigma_space.draw_samples(
            (nb_images, ), random_state=rss[2])
        gen = enumerate(
            zip(images, samples_d, samples_sigma_color, samples_sigma_space))
        for i, (image, di, sigma_color_i, sigma_space_i) in gen:
            has_zero_sized_axes = (image.size == 0)
            if di != 1 and not has_zero_sized_axes:
                batch.images[i] = cv2.bilateralFilter(
                    _normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image), di, sigma_color_i,
        return batch
Пример #4
def _find_edges_canny(image, edge_multiplier, from_colorspace):
    image_gray = colorlib.change_colorspace_(np.copy(image),
    image_gray = image_gray[..., 0]
    thresh = min(int(200 * (1/edge_multiplier)), 254)
    edges = cv2.Canny(_normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image_gray), thresh, thresh)
    return edges
def _suppress_edge_blobs(edges, size, thresh, inverse):
    kernel = np.ones((size, size), dtype=np.float32)
    counts = cv2.filter2D(_normalize_cv2_input_arr_(edges / 255.0), -1, kernel)

    if inverse:
        mask = (counts < thresh)
        mask = (counts >= thresh)

    edges = np.copy(edges)
    edges[mask] = 0
    return edges
Пример #6
    def _augment_batch_(self, batch, random_state, parents, hooks):
        if batch.images is None:
            return batch

        images = batch.images

                             "bool", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "uint128",
                             "uint256", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64",
                             "int128", "int256", "float32", "float64",
                             "float96", "float128", "float256"

        rss = random_state.duplicate(len(images))
        samples = self._draw_samples(images, rss[-1])
        alpha_samples = samples[0]
        hthresh_samples = samples[1]
        sobel_samples = samples[2]

        gen = enumerate(
            zip(images, alpha_samples, hthresh_samples, sobel_samples))
        for i, (image, alpha, hthreshs, sobel) in gen:
            assert image.shape[-1] in [
                1, 3, 4
            ], ("Canny edge detector can currently only handle images with "
                "channel numbers that are 1, 3 or 4. Got %d.") % (
                    image.shape[-1], )

            has_zero_sized_axes = (0 in image.shape[0:2])
            if alpha > 0 and sobel > 1 and not has_zero_sized_axes:
                image_canny = cv2.Canny(_normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image[:, :,
                image_canny = (image_canny > 0)

                # canny returns a boolean (H,W) image, so we change it to
                # (H,W,C) and then uint8
                image_canny_color = self.colorizer.colorize(
                    image_canny, image, nth_image=i, random_state=rss[i])

                batch.images[i] = blend.blend_alpha(image_canny_color, image,

        return batch
Пример #7
def _find_edges_laplacian(image, edge_multiplier, from_colorspace):
    image_gray = colorlib.change_colorspace_(np.copy(image),
    image_gray = image_gray[..., 0]
    edges_f = cv2.Laplacian(_normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image_gray / 255.0),
    edges_f = np.abs(edges_f)
    edges_f = edges_f ** 2
    vmax = np.percentile(edges_f, min(int(90 * (1/edge_multiplier)), 99))
    edges_f = np.clip(edges_f, 0.0, vmax) / vmax

    edges_uint8 = np.clip(np.round(edges_f * 255), 0, 255.0).astype(np.uint8)
    edges_uint8 = _blur_median(edges_uint8, 3)
    edges_uint8 = _threshold(edges_uint8, 50)
    return edges_uint8
Пример #8
    def _augment_batch_(self, batch, random_state, parents, hooks):
        if batch.images is None:
            return batch

        images = batch.images

                             "bool", "uint8", "uint16", "int8", "int16",
                             "float16", "float32", "float64"
                             "uint32", "uint64", "uint128", "uint256", "int32",
                             "int64", "int128", "int256", "float96",
                             "float128", "float256"

        nb_images = len(images)
        if self.mode == "single":
            samples = self.k.draw_samples((nb_images, ),
            samples = (samples, samples)
            rss = random_state.duplicate(2)
            samples = (
                self.k[0].draw_samples((nb_images, ), random_state=rss[0]),
                self.k[1].draw_samples((nb_images, ), random_state=rss[1]),

        gen = enumerate(zip(images, samples[0], samples[1]))
        for i, (image, ksize_h, ksize_w) in gen:
            kernel_impossible = (ksize_h == 0 or ksize_w == 0)
            kernel_does_nothing = (ksize_h == 1 and ksize_w == 1)
            has_zero_sized_axes = (image.size == 0)
            if (not kernel_impossible and not kernel_does_nothing
                    and not has_zero_sized_axes):
                input_dtype = image.dtype
                if image.dtype.name in ["bool", "float16"]:
                    image = image.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
                elif image.dtype.name == "int8":
                    image = image.astype(np.int16, copy=False)

                if image.ndim == 2 or image.shape[-1] <= 512:
                    image_aug = cv2.blur(_normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image),
                                         (ksize_h, ksize_w))
                    # cv2.blur() removes channel axis for single-channel images
                    if image_aug.ndim == 2:
                        image_aug = image_aug[..., np.newaxis]
                    # TODO this is quite inefficient
                    # handling more than 512 channels in cv2.blur()
                    channels = [
                        cv2.blur(_normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image[..., c]),
                                 (ksize_h, ksize_w))
                        for c in sm.xrange(image.shape[-1])
                    image_aug = np.stack(channels, axis=-1)

                if input_dtype.name == "bool":
                    image_aug = image_aug > 0.5
                elif input_dtype.name in ["int8", "float16"]:
                    image_aug = iadt.restore_dtypes_(image_aug, input_dtype)

                batch.images[i] = image_aug
        return batch
Пример #9
def blur_gaussian_(image, sigma, ksize=None, backend="auto", eps=1e-3):
    """Blur an image using gaussian blurring in-place.

    This operation *may* change the input image in-place.

    dtype support::

        if (backend="auto")::

            * ``uint8``: yes; fully tested (1)
            * ``uint16``: yes; tested (1)
            * ``uint32``: yes; tested (2)
            * ``uint64``: yes; tested (2)
            * ``int8``: yes; tested (1)
            * ``int16``: yes; tested (1)
            * ``int32``: yes; tested (1)
            * ``int64``: yes; tested (2)
            * ``float16``: yes; tested (1)
            * ``float32``: yes; tested (1)
            * ``float64``: yes; tested (1)
            * ``float128``: no
            * ``bool``: yes; tested (1)

            - (1) Handled by ``cv2``. See ``backend="cv2"``.
            - (2) Handled by ``scipy``. See ``backend="scipy"``.

        if (backend="cv2")::

            * ``uint8``: yes; fully tested
            * ``uint16``: yes; tested
            * ``uint32``: no (2)
            * ``uint64``: no (3)
            * ``int8``: yes; tested (4)
            * ``int16``: yes; tested
            * ``int32``: yes; tested (5)
            * ``int64``: no (6)
            * ``float16``: yes; tested (7)
            * ``float32``: yes; tested
            * ``float64``: yes; tested
            * ``float128``: no (8)
            * ``bool``: yes; tested (1)

            - (1) Mapped internally to ``float32``. Otherwise causes
                  ``TypeError: src data type = 0 is not supported``.
            - (2) Causes ``TypeError: src data type = 6 is not supported``.
            - (3) Causes ``cv2.error: OpenCV(3.4.5) (...)/filter.cpp:2957:
                  error: (-213:The function/feature is not implemented)
                  Unsupported combination of source format (=4), and buffer
                  format (=5) in function 'getLinearRowFilter'``.
            - (4) Mapped internally to ``int16``. Otherwise causes
                  ``cv2.error: OpenCV(3.4.5) (...)/filter.cpp:2957: error:
                  (-213:The function/feature is not implemented) Unsupported
                  combination of source format (=1), and buffer format (=5)
                  in function 'getLinearRowFilter'``.
            - (5) Mapped internally to ``float64``. Otherwise causes
                  ``cv2.error: OpenCV(3.4.5) (...)/filter.cpp:2957: error:
                  (-213:The function/feature is not implemented) Unsupported
                  combination of source format (=4), and buffer format (=5)
                  in function 'getLinearRowFilter'``.
            - (6) Causes ``cv2.error: OpenCV(3.4.5) (...)/filter.cpp:2957:
                  error: (-213:The function/feature is not implemented)
                  Unsupported combination of source format (=4), and buffer
                  format (=5) in function 'getLinearRowFilter'``.
            - (7) Mapped internally to ``float32``. Otherwise causes
                  ``TypeError: src data type = 23 is not supported``.
            - (8) Causes ``TypeError: src data type = 13 is not supported``.

        if (backend="scipy")::

            * ``uint8``: yes; fully tested
            * ``uint16``: yes; tested
            * ``uint32``: yes; tested
            * ``uint64``: yes; tested
            * ``int8``: yes; tested
            * ``int16``: yes; tested
            * ``int32``: yes; tested
            * ``int64``: yes; tested
            * ``float16``: yes; tested (1)
            * ``float32``: yes; tested
            * ``float64``: yes; tested
            * ``float128``: no (2)
            * ``bool``: yes; tested (3)

            - (1) Mapped internally to ``float32``. Otherwise causes
                  ``RuntimeError: array type dtype('float16') not supported``.
            - (2) Causes ``RuntimeError: array type dtype('float128') not
            - (3) Mapped internally to ``float32``. Otherwise too inaccurate.

    image : numpy.ndarray
        The image to blur. Expected to be of shape ``(H, W)`` or ``(H, W, C)``.

    sigma : number
        Standard deviation of the gaussian blur. Larger numbers result in
        more large-scale blurring, which is overall slower than small-scale

    ksize : None or int, optional
        Size in height/width of the gaussian kernel. This argument is only
        understood by the ``cv2`` backend. If it is set to ``None``, an
        appropriate value for `ksize` will automatically be derived from
        `sigma`. The value is chosen tighter for larger sigmas to avoid as
        much as possible very large kernel sizes and therey improve

    backend : {'auto', 'cv2', 'scipy'}, optional
        Backend library to use. If ``auto``, then the likely best library
        will be automatically picked per image. That is usually equivalent
        to ``cv2`` (OpenCV) and it will fall back to ``scipy`` for datatypes
        not supported by OpenCV.

    eps : number, optional
        A threshold used to decide whether `sigma` can be considered zero.

        The blurred image. Same shape and dtype as the input.
        (Input image *might* have been altered in-place.)

    has_zero_sized_axes = (image.size == 0)
    if sigma > 0 + eps and not has_zero_sized_axes:
        dtype = image.dtype

                             "bool", "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "int8",
                             "int16", "int32", "int64", "uint64", "float16",
                             "float32", "float64"
                             "uint128", "uint256", "int128", "int256",
                             "float96", "float128", "float256"

        dts_not_supported_by_cv2 = ["uint32", "uint64", "int64", "float128"]
        backend_to_use = backend
        if backend == "auto":
            backend_to_use = ("cv2" if image.dtype.name
                              not in dts_not_supported_by_cv2 else "scipy")
        elif backend == "cv2":
            assert image.dtype.name not in dts_not_supported_by_cv2, (
                "Requested 'cv2' backend, but provided %s input image, which "
                "cannot be handled by that backend. Choose a different "
                "backend or set backend to 'auto' or use a different "
                "datatype." % (image.dtype.name, ))
        elif backend == "scipy":
            # can handle all dtypes that were allowed in gate_dtypes()

        if backend_to_use == "scipy":
            if dtype.name == "bool":
                # We convert bool to float32 here, because gaussian_filter()
                # seems to only return True when the underlying value is
                # approximately 1.0, not when it is above 0.5. So we do that
                # here manually. cv2 does not support bool for gaussian blur.
                image = image.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            elif dtype.name == "float16":
                image = image.astype(np.float32, copy=False)

            # gaussian_filter() has no ksize argument
            # TODO it does have a truncate argument that truncates at x
            #      standard deviations -- maybe can be used similarly to ksize
            if ksize is not None:
                    "Requested 'scipy' backend or picked it automatically by "
                    "backend='auto' n blur_gaussian_(), but also provided "
                    "'ksize' argument, which is not understood by that "
                    "backend and will be ignored.")

            # Note that while gaussian_filter can be applied to all channels
            # at the same time, that should not be done here, because then
            # the blurring would also happen across channels (e.g. red values
            # might be mixed with blue values in RGB)
            if image.ndim == 2:
                image[:, :] = ndimage.gaussian_filter(image[:, :],
                nb_channels = image.shape[2]
                for channel in sm.xrange(nb_channels):
                    image[:, :,
                          channel] = ndimage.gaussian_filter(image[:, :,
            if dtype.name == "bool":
                image = image.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            elif dtype.name == "float16":
                image = image.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            elif dtype.name == "int8":
                image = image.astype(np.int16, copy=False)
            elif dtype.name == "int32":
                image = image.astype(np.float64, copy=False)

            # ksize here is derived from the equation to compute sigma based
            # on ksize, see
            # https://docs.opencv.org/3.1.0/d4/d86/group__imgproc__filter.html
            # -> cv::getGaussianKernel()
            # example values:
            #   sig = 0.1 -> ksize = -1.666
            #   sig = 0.5 -> ksize = 0.9999
            #   sig = 1.0 -> ksize = 1.0
            #   sig = 2.0 -> ksize = 11.0
            #   sig = 3.0 -> ksize = 17.666
            # ksize = ((sig - 0.8)/0.3 + 1)/0.5 + 1

            if ksize is None:
                ksize = _compute_gaussian_blur_ksize(sigma)
                assert ia.is_single_integer(ksize), (
                    "Expected 'ksize' argument to be a number, "
                    "got %s." % (type(ksize), ))

            ksize = ksize + 1 if ksize % 2 == 0 else ksize

            if ksize > 0:
                image_warped = cv2.GaussianBlur(
                    _normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image), (ksize, ksize),

                # re-add channel axis removed by cv2 if input was (H, W, 1)
                image = (image_warped[..., np.newaxis] if image.ndim == 3
                         and image_warped.ndim == 2 else image_warped)

        if dtype.name == "bool":
            image = image > 0.5
        elif dtype.name != image.dtype.name:
            image = iadt.restore_dtypes_(image, dtype)

    return image
Пример #10
def blur_mean_shift_(image, spatial_window_radius, color_window_radius):
    """Apply a pyramidic mean shift filter to the input image in-place.

    This produces an output image that has similarity with one modified by
    a bilateral filter. That is different from mean shift *segmentation*,
    which averages the colors in segments found by mean shift clustering.

    This function is a thin wrapper around ``cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering``.

    .. note::

        This function does *not* change the image's colorspace to ``RGB``
        before applying the mean shift filter. A non-``RGB`` colorspace will
        hence influence the results.

    .. note::

        This function is quite slow.

    dtype support::

        * ``uint8``: yes; fully tested
        * ``uint16``: no (1)
        * ``uint32``: no (1)
        * ``uint64``: no (1)
        * ``int8``: no (1)
        * ``int16``: no (1)
        * ``int32``: no (1)
        * ``int64``: no (1)
        * ``float16``: no (1)
        * ``float32``: no (1)
        * ``float64``: no (1)
        * ``float128``: no (1)
        * ``bool``: no (1)

        - (1) Not supported by ``cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering``.

    image : ndarray
        ``(H,W)`` or ``(H,W,1)`` or ``(H,W,3)`` image to blur.
        Images with no or one channel will be temporarily tiled to have
        three channels.

    spatial_window_radius : number
        Spatial radius for pixels that are assumed to be similar.

    color_window_radius : number
        Color radius for pixels that are assumed to be similar.

        Blurred input image. Same shape and dtype as the input.
        (Input image *might* have been altered in-place.)

    if 0 in image.shape[0:2]:
        return image

    # opencv method only supports uint8
    assert image.dtype.name == "uint8", (
        "Expected image with dtype \"uint8\", "
        "got \"%s\"." % (image.dtype.name, ))

    shape_is_hw = (image.ndim == 2)
    shape_is_hw1 = (image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[-1] == 1)
    shape_is_hw3 = (image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[-1] == 3)

    assert shape_is_hw or shape_is_hw1 or shape_is_hw3, (
        "Expected (H,W) or (H,W,1) or (H,W,3) image, "
        "got shape %s." % (image.shape, ))

    # opencv method only supports (H,W,3), so we have to tile here for (H,W)
    # and (H,W,1)
    if shape_is_hw:
        image = np.tile(image[..., np.newaxis], (1, 1, 3))
    elif shape_is_hw1:
        image = np.tile(image, (1, 1, 3))

    spatial_window_radius = max(spatial_window_radius, 0)
    color_window_radius = max(color_window_radius, 0)

    image = _normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image)
    image = cv2.pyrMeanShiftFiltering(image,

    if shape_is_hw:
        image = image[..., 0]
    elif shape_is_hw1:
        image = image[..., 0:1]

    return image
def stylize_cartoon(image,
    """Convert the style of an image to a more cartoonish one.

    This function was primarily designed for images with a size of ``200``
    to ``800`` pixels. Smaller or larger images may cause issues.

    Note that the quality of the results can currently not compete with
    learned style transfer, let alone human-made images. A lack of detected
    edges or also too many detected edges are probably the most significant

    This method is loosely based on the one proposed in

    Added in 0.4.0.

    **Supported dtypes**:

        * ``uint8``: yes; fully tested
        * ``uint16``: no
        * ``uint32``: no
        * ``uint64``: no
        * ``int8``: no
        * ``int16``: no
        * ``int32``: no
        * ``int64``: no
        * ``float16``: no
        * ``float32``: no
        * ``float64``: no
        * ``float128``: no
        * ``bool``: no

    image : ndarray
        A ``(H,W,3) uint8`` image array.

    blur_ksize : int, optional
        Kernel size of the median blur filter applied initially to the input
        image. Expected to be an odd value and ``>=0``. If an even value,
        thn automatically increased to an odd one. If ``<=1``, no blur will
        be applied.

    segmentation_size : float, optional
        Size multiplier to decrease/increase the base size of the initial
        mean-shift segmentation of the image. Expected to be ``>=0``.
        Note that the base size is increased by roughly a factor of two for
        images with height and/or width ``>=400``.

    edge_prevalence : float, optional
        Multiplier for the prevalance of edges. Higher values lead to more
        edges. Note that the default value of ``1.0`` is already fairly
        conservative, so there is limit effect from lowerin it further.

    saturation : float, optional
        Multiplier for the saturation. Set to ``1.0`` to not change the
        image's saturation.

    suppress_edges : bool, optional
        Whether to run edge suppression to remove blobs containing too many
        or too few edge pixels.

    from_colorspace : str, optional
        The source colorspace. Use one of ``imgaug.augmenters.color.CSPACE_*``.
        Defaults to ``RGB``.

        Image in cartoonish style.

                         "bool", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "uint128",
                         "uint256", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64",
                         "int128", "int256", "float16", "float32", "float64",
                         "float96", "float128", "float256"

    assert image.ndim == 3 and image.shape[2] == 3, (
        "Expected to get a (H,W,C) image, got shape %s." % (image.shape, ))

    blur_ksize = max(int(np.round(blur_ksize)), 1)
    segmentation_size = max(segmentation_size, 0.0)
    saturation = max(saturation, 0.0)

    is_small_image = max(image.shape[0:2]) < 400

    image = _blur_median(image, blur_ksize)
    image_seg = np.zeros_like(image)

    if is_small_image:
        spatial_window_radius = int(10 * segmentation_size)
        color_window_radius = int(20 * segmentation_size)
        spatial_window_radius = int(15 * segmentation_size)
        color_window_radius = int(40 * segmentation_size)

    if segmentation_size <= 0:
        image_seg = image

    if is_small_image:
        edges_raw = _find_edges_canny(image_seg, edge_prevalence,
        edges_raw = _find_edges_laplacian(image_seg, edge_prevalence,

    edges = edges_raw

    edges = ((edges > 100) * 255).astype(np.uint8)

    if suppress_edges:
        # Suppress dense 3x3 blobs full of detected edges. They are visually
        # ugly.
        edges = _suppress_edge_blobs(edges, 3, 8, inverse=False)

        # Suppress spurious few-pixel edges (5x5 size with <=3 edge pixels).
        edges = _suppress_edge_blobs(edges, 5, 3, inverse=True)

    return _saturate(_blend_edges(image_seg, edges), saturation,
def _blur_median(image, ksize):
    if ksize % 2 == 0:
        ksize += 1
    if ksize <= 1:
        return image
    return cv2.medianBlur(_normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image), ksize)
Пример #13
    def _augment_batch_(self, batch, random_state, parents, hooks):
        if batch.images is None:
            return batch

        images = batch.images

                             "bool", "uint8", "uint16", "int8", "int16",
                             "float16", "float32", "float64"
                             "uint32", "uint64", "uint128", "uint256", "int32",
                             "int64", "int128", "int256", "float96",
                             "float128", "float256"
        rss = random_state.duplicate(len(images))

        for i, image in enumerate(images):
            _height, _width, nb_channels = image.shape

            # currently we don't have to worry here about alignemnt with
            # non-image data and therefore can just place this before any
            # sampling
            if image.size == 0:

            input_dtype = image.dtype
            if image.dtype.name in ["bool", "float16"]:
                image = image.astype(np.float32, copy=False)
            elif image.dtype.name == "int8":
                image = image.astype(np.int16, copy=False)

            if self.matrix_type == "None":
                matrices = [None] * nb_channels
            elif self.matrix_type == "constant":
                matrices = [self.matrix] * nb_channels
            elif self.matrix_type == "function":
                matrices = self.matrix(images[i], nb_channels, rss[i])
                if ia.is_np_array(matrices) and matrices.ndim == 2:
                    matrices = np.tile(matrices[..., np.newaxis],
                                       (1, 1, nb_channels))

                is_valid_list = (isinstance(matrices, list)
                                 and len(matrices) == nb_channels)
                is_valid_array = (ia.is_np_array(matrices)
                                  and matrices.ndim == 3
                                  and matrices.shape[2] == nb_channels)
                assert is_valid_list or is_valid_array, (
                    "Callable provided to Convole must return either a "
                    "list of 2D matrices (one per image channel) "
                    "or a 2D numpy array "
                    "or a 3D numpy array where the last dimension's size "
                    "matches the number of image channels. "
                    "Got type %s." % (type(matrices), ))

                if ia.is_np_array(matrices):
                    # Shape of matrices is currently (H, W, C), but in the
                    # loop below we need the first axis to be the channel
                    # index to unify handling of lists of arrays and arrays.
                    # So we move the channel axis here to the start.
                    matrices = matrices.transpose((2, 0, 1))
                raise Exception("Invalid matrix type")

            # TODO check if sampled matrices are identical over channels
            #      and then just apply once. (does that really help wrt speed?)
            image_aug = image
            for channel in sm.xrange(nb_channels):
                if matrices[channel] is not None:
                    # ndimage.convolve caused problems here cv2.filter2D()
                    # always returns same output dtype as input dtype
                    image_aug[..., channel] = cv2.filter2D(
                        _normalize_cv2_input_arr_(image_aug[..., channel]), -1,

            if input_dtype.name == "bool":
                image_aug = image_aug > 0.5
            elif input_dtype.name in ["int8", "float16"]:
                image_aug = iadt.restore_dtypes_(image_aug, input_dtype)

            batch.images[i] = image_aug

        return batch