Пример #1
def odbtcoding(image, height, width, ksize):
	kernel = ditherArray(int(0), int(0), int(ksize), int(0), int(1))
	kheight, kwidth = tools.getInfo(kernel)
	bs = kheight
	loopHeight = np.uint8(height / bs)
	loopWidth = np.uint8(width / bs)

	image = tools.normalize(image)

	for i in range(0, loopHeight):
		for j in range(0, loopWidth):
			tempImg = image[i*bs:i*bs+bs,j*bs:j*bs+bs]
			nMax = tools.getMax(tempImg)
			nMin = tools.getMin(tempImg)
			k = nMax - nMin

			for x in range(0, bs):
				for y in range(0, bs):
					DA = k * kernel[x][y]
					th = DA + nMin
					if image[i*bs+x][j*bs+y] >= th:
						image[i*bs+x][j*bs+y] = nMax
						image[i*bs+x][j*bs+y] = nMin
	return np.uint8(image * 255)
Пример #2
def edbs(dirName, prior):
	print("Processing for direct binary search !")
	listImgs = tools.loadDirectory(dirName)
	outDir = 'results'

	for(idx, imgname) in enumerate(listImgs):
		image = tools.readImage(imgname)
		height, width = tools.getInfo(image)
		source = np.copy(image)

		if prior == 'ED':
			# the configs are fixed
			ktype = 'floyd-steinberg'
			threshold = 127.5
			pad = 1
			imageHT = algorithms.errorDif(image, height, width, ktype, threshold, pad)
		elif prior == 'OD':
			# the configs are fixed
			ksize = 8
			imageHT = algorithms.orderedDith(image, height, width, ksize)
			print('Error ! Please choose your prior halftoning method correctly ! Options available = ED and OD .')

		image = algorithms.edbSearch(image, imageHT, height, width)
		tools.saveImage(image, idx, "EDBS")
		print(tools.psnr(np.uint8(source), np.uint8(image)))
Пример #3
def errorDiffusion(dirName, ktype, threshold):
	# # # parameter needed : directory, kernel type, threshold.
	# # directory : your dataset directory.
	# # ktype : kernel type, only accept two kind of parameters: 'floyd-steinberg' or 'jajuni' (jarvis, judice, ninke)
	# # threshold : your selected threshold.

	print("Processing for error diffusion !")
	listImgs = tools.loadDirectory(dirName)
	outDir = 'results'
	for(idx, imgname) in enumerate(listImgs):
		image = tools.readImage(imgname)
		height, width = tools.getInfo(image)
		source = np.copy(image)

		if ktype == 'floyd-steinberg':
			pad = 1
		elif ktype == 'jajuni':
			pad = 2
			print("Error ! Please choose your kernel type correctly ! Options available = floyd-steinberg and jajuni . ")

		image = algorithms.errorDif(image, height, width, ktype, threshold, pad)
		tools.saveImage(image, idx, "ED")
		print(tools.psnr(np.uint8(source), np.uint8(image)))
Пример #4
def ddbtcoding(image, height, width, ktype):
	ordKernel = orderMat(ktype)
	kheight, kwidth = tools.getInfo(ordKernel)

	# handle location for the order map
	patLoc = np.zeros((kheight * kwidth, 2))
	for m in range(0, kheight):
		for n in range(0, kwidth):
			patLoc[ordKernel[m][n]][0] = m
			patLoc[ordKernel[m][n]][1] = n
	patMaps = np.zeros((height, width))

	# get weight kernel (error kernel)
	weightKernel = matErrorDD()

	# create a dummy array to help calculation
	dumArray = np.copy(image)

	for i in range(0, height, kheight):
		for j in range(0, width, kwidth):
			index = 0
			tempImg = image[i:i+kheight,j:j+kwidth]
			mean = tools.getMean(tempImg)
			nMax = tools.getMax(tempImg)
			nMin = tools.getMin(tempImg)
			while index != (kheight * kwidth):
				ni = int(i + patLoc[index][0])
				nj = int(j + patLoc[index][1])
				if dumArray[ni][nj] > mean:
					dummy = nMax
					dummy = nMin
				error = dumArray[ni][nj] - dummy
				image[ni][nj] = dummy
				patMaps[ni][nj] = 1
				fm = 0
				for m in range(-1, 2):
					for n in range(-1, 2):
						if (ni + m >= 0) and (ni + m < height) and (nj + n >= 0) and (nj + n < width):
							if patMaps[ni + m][nj + n] == 0:
								fm = fm + weightKernel[m + 1][n + 1]

				for m in range(-1, 2):
					for n in range(-1, 2):
						if (ni + m >= 0) and (ni + m < height) and (nj + n >= 0) and (nj + n < width):
							if patMaps[ni + m][nj + n] == 0:
								dumArray[ni + m][nj + n] = dumArray[ni + m][nj + n] + (error * weightKernel[m + 1][n + 1] / fm)

				index = index + 1
	return np.uint8(image)
Пример #5
def btc(dirName, bs):
	print("Processing for block truncation coding !")
	listImgs = tools.loadDirectory(dirName)
	outDir = 'results'

	for(idx, imgname) in enumerate(listImgs):
		image = tools.readImage(imgname)
		height, width = tools.getInfo(image)
		source = np.copy(image)

		image = algorithms.btcoding(image, height, width, bs)
		tools.saveImage(image, idx, "BTC")
		print(tools.psnr(np.uint8(source), np.uint8(image)))
Пример #6
def orderedDithering(dirName, ksize):
	# # # parameter needed : directory, kernel type. 
	# # directory : your dataset directory.
	# # ktype : kernel type, only accept two kind of parameters: 'bayer8dispersed' or 'bayer8clustered'

	print("Processing for ordered dithering !")
	listImgs = tools.loadDirectory(dirName)
	outDir = 'results'

	for(idx, imgname) in enumerate(listImgs):
		image = tools.readImage(imgname)
		height, width = tools.getInfo(image)
		source = np.copy(image)

		image = algorithms.orderedDith(image, height, width, ksize)
		tools.saveImage(image, idx, "OD")
		print(tools.psnr(np.uint8(source), np.uint8(image)))
Пример #7
def ddbtc(dirName, ktype):
	# # # parameter needed : directory, kernel (order) type, threshold. 
	# # directory : your dataset directory. 
	# # ktype : kernel order type. 

	print("Processing for dot diffusion block truncation coding !")
	listImgs = tools.loadDirectory(dirName)
	outDir = 'results'

	for(idx, imgname) in enumerate(listImgs):
		image = tools.readImage(imgname)
		height, width = tools.getInfo(image)
		source = np.copy(image)

		image = algorithms.ddbtcoding(image, height, width, ktype)
		tools.saveImage(image, idx, "DDBTC")
		print(tools.psnr(np.uint8(source), np.uint8(image)))
Пример #8
def orderedDith(image, height, width, ksize):
	kernel = ditherArray(int(0), int(0), int(ksize), int(0), int(1))
	kheight, kwidth = tools.getInfo(kernel)
	bs = kheight
	loopHeight = np.uint8(height / bs)
	loopWidth = np.uint8(width / bs)

	image = tools.normalize(image)

	for i in range(0, loopHeight):
		for j in range(0, loopWidth):
			tempImg = image[i*bs:i*bs+bs,j*bs:j*bs+bs]

			for x in range(0, bs):
				for y in range(0, bs):
					if image[i*bs+x][j*bs+y] >= kernel[x][y]:
						image[i*bs+x][j*bs+y] = 255
						image[i*bs+x][j*bs+y] = 0
	return np.uint8(image)