Пример #1
def plotMeanError(msi, axes=None):
    create a plot for the Msi with x axes being the wavelengths and
    y-axes being the corresponding mean image values
    (e.g. reflectances, absorptions). Plots also standard deviation bands
    Takes image masks into account:
    doesn't plot a spectrum containing masked elements
    if axes is None:
        axes = plt.gca()
    # sort the wavelengths
    sortedIndices = sorted(range(len(msi.get_wavelengths())),
                           key=lambda k: msi.get_wavelengths()[k])
    sortedWavelenghts = msi.get_wavelengths()[sortedIndices]
    # copy the msi, since it will be altered (mean will be built)
    msi_copy = copy.deepcopy(msi)
    image = msi_copy.get_image()
    image = imgmani.collapse_image(image)
    std_curve = np.ma.std(image, axis=0)
    # calculate std
    logging.info("percentual std: " +
                 str(std_curve / msi_copy.get_image() * 100.))
    # plot as errorbar
    axes.errorbar(sortedWavelenghts, msi_copy.get_image()[sortedIndices],
            yerr=std_curve, fmt='-o')
Пример #2
 def normalize(self, msi):
     # todo: guard if iqBand is outside of image dimension
     original_shape = msi.get_image().shape
     collapsed_image = collapse_image(msi.get_image())
     iqDimension = collapsed_image[:, self.iqBand]
     normalized_image = collapsed_image / iqDimension[:, None]
     msi.set_image(np.reshape(normalized_image, original_shape))
Пример #3
 def normalize(self, msi):
     # todo: guard if iqBand is outside of image dimension
     original_shape = msi.get_image().shape
     collapsed_image = collapse_image(msi.get_image())
     iqDimension = collapsed_image[ :, self.iqBand]
     normalized_image = collapsed_image / iqDimension[:, None]
     msi.set_image(np.reshape(normalized_image, original_shape))
Пример #4
def plotMeanError(msi, axes=None):
    create a plot for the Msi with x axes being the wavelengths and
    y-axes being the corresponding mean image values
    (e.g. reflectances, absorptions). Plots also standard deviation bands
    Takes image masks into account:
    doesn't plot a spectrum containing masked elements
    if axes is None:
        axes = plt.gca()
    # sort the wavelengths
    sortedIndices = sorted(range(len(msi.get_wavelengths())),
                           key=lambda k: msi.get_wavelengths()[k])
    sortedWavelenghts = msi.get_wavelengths()[sortedIndices]
    # copy the msi, since it will be altered (mean will be built)
    msi_copy = copy.deepcopy(msi)
    image = msi_copy.get_image()
    image = imgmani.collapse_image(image)
    std_curve = np.ma.std(image, axis=0)
    # calculate std
    logging.info("percentual std: " +
                 str(std_curve / msi_copy.get_image() * 100.))
    # plot as errorbar
Пример #5
def plot(msi, axes=None, color=None):
    create a plot for the Msi with x axes being the wavelengths and
    y-axes being the corresponding image values (e.g. reflectances, absorptions)
    Takes image masks into account:
    doesn't plot a spectrum containing masked elements
    if axes is None:
        axes = plt.gca()

    sortedIndices = sorted(range(len(msi.get_wavelengths())),
                           key=lambda k: msi.get_wavelengths()[k])
    sortedWavelenghts = msi.get_wavelengths()[sortedIndices]
    # reshape to collapse all but last dimension (which contains reflectances)
    collapsedImage = imgmani.collapse_image(msi.get_image())
    # todo: simply use np.ma.compress_rows

    # print "filtered ", filteredImage.shape
    i = 0
    for i in range(collapsedImage.shape[0]):
        if (collapsedImage[i, 0] is not np.ma.masked):
                      collapsedImage[i, :][sortedIndices],
Пример #6
def calculate_mean_spectrum(msi):
    """ reduce this image to only its mean spectrum.
    If the msi.get_image() is a masked array these values will be ignored when
    calculating the mean spectrum """
    # reshape to collapse all but last dimension (which contains reflectances)
    collapsedImage = collapse_image(msi.get_image())
    msi.set_image(np.mean(collapsedImage, axis=0))
    # returns the same msi.
    return msi
Пример #7
def calculate_mean_spectrum(msi):
    """ reduce this image to only its mean spectrum.
    If the msi.get_image() is a masked array these values will be ignored when
    calculating the mean spectrum """
    # reshape to collapse all but last dimension (which contains reflectances)
    collapsedImage = collapse_image(msi.get_image())
    msi.set_image(np.mean(collapsedImage.astype(float), axis=0))
    # returns the same msi.
    return msi
Пример #8
 def normalize(self, msi, norm="l1"):
     original_shape = msi.get_image().shape
     collapsed_image = collapse_image(msi.get_image())
     # temporarily save mask, since scipy normalizer removes mask
     is_masked_array = isinstance(msi.get_image(), np.ma.MaskedArray)
     if is_masked_array:
         mask = msi.get_image().mask
     normalizer = Normalizer(norm=norm)
     normalized_image = normalizer.transform(collapsed_image)
     if is_masked_array:
         normalized_image = np.ma.MaskedArray(normalized_image, mask=mask)
     msi.set_image(np.reshape(normalized_image, original_shape))
Пример #9
 def normalize(self, msi, norm="l1"):
     original_shape = msi.get_image().shape
     collapsed_image = collapse_image(msi.get_image())
     # temporarily save mask, since scipy normalizer removes mask
     is_masked_array = isinstance(msi.get_image(), np.ma.MaskedArray)
     if is_masked_array:
         mask = msi.get_image().mask
     normalizer = Normalizer(norm=norm)
     normalized_image = normalizer.transform(collapsed_image)
     if is_masked_array:
         normalized_image = np.ma.MaskedArray(normalized_image, mask=mask)
     msi.set_image(np.reshape(normalized_image, original_shape))
Пример #10
def normalize_integration_times(msi):
    """ divides by integration times """
    if ('integration times' not in msi.get_properties()):
        logging.warn("warning: trying to normalize integration times for "
            "image without the integration time property")
        return msi

    original_shape = msi.get_image().shape
    collapsed_image = collapse_image(msi.get_image())
    collapsed_image = collapsed_image / msi.get_properties()['integration times']

    msi.add_property({'integration times':
        np.ones_like(msi.get_properties()['integration times'])})
    return msi
Пример #11
def normalize_integration_times(msi):
    """ divides by integration times """
    if ('integration times' not in msi.get_properties()):
        logging.warn("warning: trying to normalize integration times for "
                     "image without the integration time property")
        return msi

    original_shape = msi.get_image().shape
    collapsed_image = collapse_image(msi.get_image())
    collapsed_image = collapsed_image / msi.get_properties(
    )['integration times']

        'integration times':
        np.ones_like(msi.get_properties()['integration times'])
    return msi
Пример #12
def plot(msi, axes=None, color=None):
    create a plot for the Msi with x axes being the wavelengths and
    y-axes being the corresponding image values (e.g. reflectances, absorptions)
    Takes image masks into account:
    doesn't plot a spectrum containing masked elements
    if axes is None:
        axes = plt.gca()

    sortedIndices = sorted(range(len(msi.get_wavelengths())),
                           key=lambda k: msi.get_wavelengths()[k])
    sortedWavelenghts = msi.get_wavelengths()[sortedIndices]
    # reshape to collapse all but last dimension (which contains reflectances)
    collapsedImage = imgmani.collapse_image(msi.get_image())
    # todo: simply use np.ma.compress_rows

    # print "filtered ", filteredImage.shape
    i = 0
    for i in range(collapsedImage.shape[0]):
        if (collapsedImage[i, 0] is not np.ma.masked):
                      collapsedImage[i, :][sortedIndices], "-o", color=color)