Пример #1
    def __init__(self, fx, fy, px, py, joints_num, groups_list):

        self.fx = fx
        self.fy = fy
        self.px = px
        self.py = py
        self.joints_num = joints_num
        self.groups_list = groups_list
        self.dataset_size = self._get_dataset_size()
        self._in = ImgNormalization(self.fx, self.fy, self.px, self.py, 250.)
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, path, save_dir):
     if not (os.path.exists(path)):
         raise OSError("Directory doesn't exist")
     self.path = path
     self.save_dir = save_dir
     groups_list = ['train', 'test']
     super(NYU_Dataset, self).__init__(588.036865, 587.075073, 320., 240.,
                                       14, groups_list)
     self.selected_joints = [
         32, 3, 0, 9, 6, 15, 12, 21, 18, 27, 25, 24, 30, 31
     self._in = ImgNormalization(self.fx, self.fy, self.px, self.py, 300.)
     self._in1 = ImgNormalization(self.fx, self.fy, self.px, self.py,
                                  300. * 0.87)
     self.subject_change = 2440
Пример #3
class NYU_Dataset(Dataset):
    def __init__(self, path, save_dir):
        if not (os.path.exists(path)):
            raise OSError("Directory doesn't exist")
        self.path = path
        self.save_dir = save_dir
        groups_list = ['train', 'test']
        super(NYU_Dataset, self).__init__(588.036865, 587.075073, 320., 240.,
                                          14, groups_list)
        self.selected_joints = [
            32, 3, 0, 9, 6, 15, 12, 21, 18, 27, 25, 24, 30, 31
        self._in = ImgNormalization(self.fx, self.fy, self.px, self.py, 300.)
        self._in1 = ImgNormalization(self.fx, self.fy, self.px, self.py,
                                     300. * 0.87)
        self.subject_change = 2440

    def _get_dataset_size(self):

        dataset_size = OrderedDict()
        for g in self.groups_list:
            dataset_size[g] = 0
        for grp in dataset_size:
            dir_ = '{0:s}/{1:s}/{2:s}'.format(self.path, grp, 'joint_data.mat')
            joint_data = sio.loadmat(dir_)
            joints = joint_data['joint_uvd'][0]
            dataset_size[grp] = joints.shape[0]
        return dataset_size

    def initialize_hdf5(self, f):
        Initializes the dataset structure in HDF5 format

        Keyword arguments:
        f -- HDF5 file(already open)

        dset -- object for accessing dataset attributes
        grp = {}
        dset = {}
        for g in self.groups_list:
            grp[g] = f.create_group(g)
            dset[g] = {}

        for group in grp.keys():
            dset[group]["depth_normalized"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "depth_normalized", (self.dataset_size[group], 1, 128, 128),
            dset[group]["rgb_normalized"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "rgb_normalized", (self.dataset_size[group], 4, 128, 128),
            dset[group]["com3D"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "com3D", (self.dataset_size[group], 3), dtype=np.float32)
            dset[group]["T"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "T", (self.dataset_size[group], 3, 3), dtype=np.float32)
            dset[group]["joints"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "joints", (self.dataset_size[group], 3 * self.joints_num),
            dset[group]["joints_normalized"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                (self.dataset_size[group], 3 * self.joints_num),
            dset[group]["joints3D"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "joints3D", (self.dataset_size[group], 3 * self.joints_num),
            dset[group]["joints3D_normalized"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                (self.dataset_size[group], 3 * self.joints_num),

        return dset

    def save_hdf5(dset, group, index, depth_normalized, rgb_normalized, com3D,
                  joints, joints_normalized, joints3D, joints3D_normalized, M):

        dset[group]["depth_normalized"][index] = depth_normalized
        dset[group]["rgb_normalized"][index] = rgb_normalized
        dset[group]["com3D"][index] = com3D
        dset[group]["T"][index] = M
        dset[group]["joints"][index] = joints
        dset[group]["joints_normalized"][index] = joints_normalized
        dset[group]["joints3D"][index] = joints3D
        dset[group]["joints3D_normalized"][index] = joints3D_normalized

    def load_image(self, img_dir):
        Loads depth image from binary file. Binary file contains only the bounding box
        of hand as well as its coordinates(img_width, img_height, left, top, right, bottom).

        Keyword arguments:
        img_dir -- the directory of the binary file containing the depth image        

        depth -- the depth image

        img = imageio.imread(img_dir)
        _, g, b = np.split(img, 3, axis=2)
        g = np.squeeze(g)
        b = np.squeeze(b)
        g = g.astype(np.int32)
        b = b.astype(np.int32)
        depth = np.bitwise_or(np.left_shift(g, 8), b)
        depth = depth.astype(np.float32)

        return depth

    def load_data(self):

        if (not os.path.exists(self.save_dir)):

        f = h5py.File(
                         self.__class__.__name__.split('_')[0] + '.hdf5'), 'w')
        dset = self.initialize_hdf5(f)

        for group in self.groups_list:

            labels_dir = '{0:s}/{1:s}/joint_data.mat'.format(self.path, group)
            joint_data = sio.loadmat(labels_dir)
            joints = joint_data['joint_uvd'][0]
            joints3D = joint_data['joint_xyz'][0]
            joints = joints[:, self.selected_joints, :]
            joints3D = joints3D[:, self.selected_joints, :]
            joints = np.swapaxes(joints, 1, 2)
            joints3D = np.swapaxes(joints3D, 1, 2)

            for index in range(joints.shape[0]):
                depth_dir = '{0:s}/{1:s}/depth_1_{2:07d}.png'.format(
                    self.path, group, index + 1)
                rgb_dir = '{0:s}/{1:s}/rgb_1_{2:07d}.png'.format(
                    self.path, group, index + 1)
                depth = self.load_image(depth_dir)
                rgb = cv2.imread(rgb_dir)
                rgb = rgb[:, :, ::-1]
                if group == 'test' and index >= self.subject_change:
                    depth, M = self._in1.crop_scale_depth(
                        depth, joints[index, :, 0])
                    joints3D_normalized, depth_normalized = self._in1.joints3D_depth_normalization(
                        joints3D[index, :, :], depth, joints3D[index, :, 0])
                    rgb, msk = self._in1.crop_scale_rgb(
                        rgb, depth_normalized, joints[index, :, 0])
                    rgb = np.rollaxis(rgb, 2)
                    rgb = rgb.astype(np.float32)
                    msk = msk.astype(np.float32)
                    rgb /= 255.
                    msk = np.reshape(msk, (1, 128, 128))
                    rgb = np.vstack((rgb, msk))
                    depth, M = self._in.crop_scale_depth(
                        depth, joints[index, :, 0])
                    joints3D_normalized, depth_normalized = self._in.joints3D_depth_normalization(
                        joints3D[index, :, :], depth, joints3D[index, :, 0])
                    rgb, msk = self._in.crop_scale_rgb(rgb, depth_normalized,
                                                       joints[index, :, 0])
                    rgb = np.rollaxis(rgb, 2)
                    rgb = rgb.astype(np.float32)
                    msk = msk.astype(np.float32)
                    rgb /= 255.
                    msk = np.reshape(msk, (1, 128, 128))
                    rgb = np.vstack((rgb, msk))
                joints_normalized = self.transfrom_joints(
                    joints[index, :, :], M)
                dpt = np.reshape(depth_normalized, (1, 128, 128))
                # Reshape to 3*joints_num
                joints_res = np.swapaxes(joints[index, :, :], 0, 1)
                joints_res = np.reshape(joints_res, (3 * self.joints_num, ))

                joints3D_res = np.swapaxes(joints3D[index, :, :], 0, 1)
                joints3D_res = np.reshape(joints3D_res,
                                          (3 * self.joints_num, ))

                joints_norm_res = np.swapaxes(joints_normalized, 0, 1)
                joints_norm_res = np.reshape(joints_norm_res,
                                             (3 * self.joints_num, ))

                joints3D_norm_res = np.swapaxes(joints3D_normalized, 0, 1)
                joints3D_norm_res = np.reshape(joints3D_norm_res,
                                               (3 * self.joints_num, ))

                self.save_hdf5(dset, group, index, dpt.astype(np.float32),
                               joints3D[index, :, 0].astype(np.float32),


    def compute_mean_dataset(dataset_dir):
        nyu_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'NYU.hdf5')
        if not os.path.exists(nyu_dir):
            raise IOError(
                '{0:s} could not be found. Please enter a valid hdf5 file for NYU dataset.'
        with h5py.File(nyu_dir, 'r') as f:
            mean = np.zeros((3, ))
            std = np.zeros((3, ))
            N = 0
            # Compute dataset mean
            for i in xrange(f["train/rgb_normalized"].shape[0]):
                r, g, b, m = f["train/rgb_normalized"][i]
                m = m.astype(np.int)
                m = np.bitwise_not(m.astype(np.bool))
                mean[0] += np.sum(r[m])
                mean[1] += np.sum(g[m])
                mean[2] += np.sum(b[m])
                N += np.sum(m.astype(np.int))

            mean /= N
            # Compute dataset standard deviation
            for i in xrange(f["train/rgb_normalized"].shape[0]):
                r, g, b, m = f["train/rgb_normalized"][i]
                m = m.astype(np.int)
                m = np.bitwise_not(m.astype(np.bool))
                std[0] += np.sum(np.square(r[m] - mean[0]))
                std[1] += np.sum(np.square(g[m] - mean[1]))
                std[2] += np.sum(np.square(b[m] - mean[2]))

            std /= N - 1

        np.savez(os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'mean_std.npz'), mean, std)

    def normalize_dataset(dataset_dir):
        mean_std_hand_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'mean_std_hand.npz')
        mean_std_bg_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'mean_std_bg.npz')
        if not (os.path.exists(mean_std_hand_dir)):
            raise IOError(
                '{0:s} could not be found. Please enter a valid file with the mean and the standar deviation of the dataset.'
        if not (os.path.exists(mean_std_bg_dir)):
            raise IOError(
                '{0:s} could not be found. Please enter a valid file with the mean and the standar deviation of the dataset.'
        mean_std_hand = np.load(os.path.join(mean_std_hand_dir))
        mean_std_bg = np.load(os.path.join(mean_std_bg_dir))
        mean_hand = mean_std_hand['arr_0']
        std_hand = mean_std_hand['arr_1']
        mean_bg = mean_std_bg['arr_0']
        std_bg = mean_std_bg['arr_1']
        nyu_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'NYU.hdf5')
        if not os.path.exists(nyu_dir):
            raise IOError(
                '{0:s} could not be found. Please enter a valid hdf5 file for NYU dataset.'
        with h5py.File(nyu_dir, 'r+') as f:
            for i in xrange(f["train/rgb_normalized"].shape[0]):
                rgb = np.rollaxis(f["train/rgb_normalized"][i], 0, start=3)
                rgb[rgb[:, :, 3].astype(np.int).astype(np.bool),
                    0:3] = (rgb[rgb[:, :, 3].astype(np.int).astype(np.bool),
                                0:3] - mean_hand.astype(np.float32)) / np.sqrt(
                rgb[np.bitwise_not(rgb[:, :,
                    0:3] = (rgb[np.bitwise_not(rgb[:, :, 3].astype(np.int).
                                               astype(np.bool)), 0:3] -
                            mean_bg.astype(np.float32)) / np.sqrt(
                f["train/rgb_normalized"][i] = np.rollaxis(rgb, 2)
            for i in xrange(f["test/rgb_normalized"].shape[0]):
                rgb = np.rollaxis(f["test/rgb_normalized"][i], 0, start=3)
                rgb[rgb[:, :, 3].astype(np.int).astype(np.bool),
                    0:3] = (rgb[rgb[:, :, 3].astype(np.int).astype(np.bool),
                                0:3] - mean_hand.astype(np.float32)) / np.sqrt(
                rgb[np.bitwise_not(rgb[:, :,
                    0:3] = (rgb[np.bitwise_not(rgb[:, :, 3].astype(np.int).
                                               astype(np.bool)), 0:3] -
                            mean_bg.astype(np.float32)) / np.sqrt(
                f["test/rgb_normalized"][i] = np.rollaxis(rgb, 2)
Пример #4
class Dataset(object):

    __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, fx, fy, px, py, joints_num, groups_list):

        self.fx = fx
        self.fy = fy
        self.px = px
        self.py = py
        self.joints_num = joints_num
        self.groups_list = groups_list
        self.dataset_size = self._get_dataset_size()
        self._in = ImgNormalization(self.fx, self.fy, self.px, self.py, 250.)

    def _get_dataset_size(self):
        Abstract class for computing the dataset size. 
        Different implementation in each dataset 

    def initialize_hdf5(self, f):
        Initializes the dataset structure in HDF5 format

        Keyword arguments:
        f -- HDF5 file(already open)

        dset -- object for accessing dataset attributes
        grp = {}
        dset = {}
        for g in self.groups_list:
            grp[g] = f.create_group(g)
            dset[g] = {}

        for group in grp.keys():
            dset[group]["depth_normalized"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "depth_normalized", (self.dataset_size[group], 1, 128, 128),
            dset[group]["com3D"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "com3D", (self.dataset_size[group], 3), dtype=np.float32)
            dset[group]["T"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "T", (self.dataset_size[group], 3, 3), dtype=np.float32)
            dset[group]["joints"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "joints", (self.dataset_size[group], 3 * self.joints_num),
            dset[group]["joints_normalized"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                (self.dataset_size[group], 3 * self.joints_num),
            dset[group]["joints3D"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "joints3D", (self.dataset_size[group], 3 * self.joints_num),
            dset[group]["joints3D_normalized"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                (self.dataset_size[group], 3 * self.joints_num),
            dset[group]["path"] = grp[group].create_dataset(
                "path", (self.dataset_size[group], ), dtype="S72")

        return dset

    def save_hdf5(dset, group, index, depth_normalized, com3D, joints,
                  joints_normalized, joints3D, joints3D_normalized, M, path):

        dset[group]["depth_normalized"][index] = depth_normalized
        dset[group]["com3D"][index] = com3D
        dset[group]["T"][index] = M
        dset[group]["joints"][index] = joints
        dset[group]["joints_normalized"][index] = joints_normalized
        dset[group]["joints3D"][index] = joints3D
        dset[group]["joints3D_normalized"][index] = joints3D_normalized
        dset[group]["path"][index] = path

    def transfrom_joints(self, joints, M):
        joints_normalized = np.zeros(joints.shape)

        for joint in range(joints.shape[1]):
            t = self._in.transform_point_2D(joints[:, joint], M)
            joints_normalized[0, joint] = t[0]
            joints_normalized[1, joint] = t[1]
            joints_normalized[2, joint] = joints[2, joint]

        return joints_normalized