print('velocity is %f' % velocity)

#Read png image
initial = 0
ndvi = cv2.imread('%s.png' % initial)
ndvi = cv2.rotate(
    ndvi, cv2.ROTATE_180
)  #I don't know why but completed images are opposite so modify here

#Give rotation angle to the png image
rotated_ndvi = ip.rotation(ndvi, initial_degree, scanrate, velocity, width)

#cv2.namedWindow('img', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.imwrite('0.png', rotated_ndvi)

for i in range(flen - 1):
    t = i + 1
    os.chdir(directory_all_HS)  #Move to directory of HS files
    degree = ip.Yaw(HS_files[t], imu, initial_degree, initial_yaw)
    os.chdir(directory_image)  #Move to directory of images
    ndvi = cv2.imread('%s.png' % t)
    rotated_ndvi = ip.rotation(ndvi, degree, scanrate, velocity, width)
    os.chdir(directory_image_rotated)  #Move to directory of rotated images
    cv2.imwrite('%s.png' % t, rotated_ndvi)
    print('%d done' % t)
Пример #2
        all_norm_image_RGB = np.append(initial_norm_image_RGB,norm_image_RGB, axis=0)
        all_norm_image_RGB = np.append(all_norm_image_RGB,norm_image_RGB, axis=0)
    j = j + 1
    print('j = %d' % j)

    #Confirm line working or turning. If turning then break
    os.chdir(directory_all_HS)  #Move to directory of HS files
    initial_degree = ip.FirstDirection(
        HS_files[0], gps)  #initial degree means initial yaw using rotation
    initial_yaw = ip.firstYaw(HS_files[0],
                              imu)  #This is for yaw angle from second image on
    degree = ip.Yaw(HS_files[j], imu, initial_degree, initial_yaw)
    past_degree = ip.Yaw(HS_files[j - 1], imu, initial_degree, initial_yaw)
    diference = abs(degree - past_degree)
    print('Degree deviation = %f' % diference)
    if diference > 10:
        print('Finish the first row')
#cv2.namedWindow('img', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.imwrite('big0.png' , all_norm_image_RGB)
Пример #3
    for i in range(number - 1):
        j = j + 1
        print('j = %d' % j)

        image = cv2.imread('%s.png' % j)
        if i == 0:  #The first append is initial and next image, the second one is all_images and next image
            all_images = np.append(initial_image, image, axis=0)
            all_images = np.append(all_images, image, axis=0)

        #Confirm line working or turning. If turning, then check the number by the end and concatenate the number of images
        degree = ip.Yaw(HS_files[j], imu, initial_degree, initial_yaw)
        next_degree = ip.Yaw(
            HS_files[j + number - 1], imu, initial_degree, initial_yaw
        )  #next_degree means the last image in concatenated images
        difference = abs(degree - next_degree)
        print('Degree deviation = %f' % difference)
        #The process of the end of the row
        if difference > 10:
            del all_images
            last_number = j
            initial_image = cv2.imread('%d.png' % j)
            print('Last initial image is %d' % j)
            #Detect the number of remain images
            while True:
                os.chdir(directory_all_HS)  #Move to directory of HS files
velocity = ip.speed(HS_files[0], HS_files[1], gps)
rotated_ndvi = ip.rotation(ndvi, initial_degree, scanrate, velocity, width)

#cv2.namedWindow('img', cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.imwrite('0.png', rotated_ndvi)
print('0 done')

for i in range(flen - 1):
    t = i + 1
    os.chdir(directory_all_HS)  #Move to directory of HS files
    degree = ip.Yaw(HS_files[t], imu, initial_degree, initial_yaw)
    past_degree = ip.Yaw(HS_files[t - 1], imu, initial_degree, initial_yaw)
    #Initialize yaw direction if the difference between past and current degree is larger than 20
    if abs(degree - past_degree) > 10:
        initial_degree = ip.FirstDirection(
            HS_files[t], gps)  #initial degree means initial yaw using rotation
        initial_yaw = ip.firstYaw(
            HS_files[t], imu)  #This is for yaw angle from second image on
        degree = ip.Yaw(HS_files[t], imu, initial_degree, initial_yaw)
        print('IMU Initialized!')
    os.chdir(directory_image)  #Move to directory of images
    ndvi = cv2.imread('%s.png' % t)
    rotated_ndvi = ip.rotation(ndvi, degree, scanrate, velocity, width)
    os.chdir(directory_image_rotated)  #Move to directory of rotated images