Пример #1
class Mongo(object):
    def __init__(self, imgur_id):
        """Initializes Mongo.

            imgur_id: id to authorize the imgur API.
        self._imgur_client_id = imgur_id
        self._imgur = Imgur(self._imgur_client_id)
        self._client = MongoClient('mongodb://')
        self._db = self._client.hotornot

    def random_girl(self):
        """Fetches a random girl from girls collection.

        Fetches a random girl from the girls collection by limited the result to one
        and skipping over a random number of integers that is equal to or less than 
        the number of elements in the collection.

            A dict object representing the random girl fetched 
            from the collection.
        return [result for result in self._db.girls.find().limit(1) \

    def random_boy(self):
        """Fetches a random boy from boys collection.

        Fetches a random boy from the boys collection by limited the result to one
        and skipping over a random number of integers that is equal to or less than 
        the number of elements in the collection.

            A dict object representing the random boy fetched 
            from the collection.
        return [result for result in self._db.boys.find().limit(1) \

    def upload_album(self, hash, girl=True):
        """Uploads image data to a MongoDB collection.

        Fetches an album based on a hash value from the Imgur API and
        formats the hash and link into a dictionary with a default rating
        and vote count for each image in the album. The images are placed into
        a MongoDB collection corresponding to the supplied gender.

            hash: A hash associated with an Imgur album.
            girl: gender of the album photos.
        images = self._imgur.album_images(hash)['data']
        for image in images:
            doc = {
                '_id': image['id'],
                'rating': 0.0,
                'count': 0,
                'link': image['link']

                if girl:
            except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError:

    def upload_image(self, hash, girl=True):

    def update_girl(self, hash, new_rate):
        """Updates a girl with a new average rating.

        Given the associated girl image hash, the new rating is applied to the 
        count and old rating to get a total average. The new average is then 
        updated into the corresponding MongoDB document.

            hash: A hash belong to a girl's image.
            new_rate: A new rating supplied by a user.
        image = self._db.girls.find_one({'_id': hash})
        total_average = self.average(image['rating'], new_rate, image['count'])

            {'_id': hash}, {
                '$inc': {
                    'count': 1
                '$set': {
                    'rating': total_average

    def update_boy(self, hash, new_rate):
        """Updates a girl with a new average rating.

        Given the associated girl image hash, the new rating is applied to the 
        count and old rating to get a total average. The new average is then 
        updated into the corresponding MongoDB document.

            hash: A hash belong to a girl's image.
            new_rate: A new rating supplied by a user.
        image = self._db.boys.find_one({'_id': hash})
        total_average = self.average(image['rating'], new_rate, image['count'])

            {'_id': hash}, {
                '$inc': {
                    'count': 1
                '$set': {
                    'rating': total_average

    def top_girls(self):
        """Returns top 5 girls based on rating."""
        return [
            girl for girl in self._db.girls.find().sort(
                'rating', pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(5)

    def top_boys(self):
        """Returns top 5 guys based on rating."""
        return [
            boy for boy in self._db.boys.find().sort(
                'rating', pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(5)

    def average(old_rating, new_rating, count):
        """Returns a new incremental average."""
        return float(
            round(Decimal((old_rating * count + new_rating) / (count + 1)), 1))