Пример #1
def plot_model_fit_overview(f_i, z_i, model):
    #Generate plot data from fitted model
    z_fit = model.predict(f_i)

    fig = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True, figsize=(12, 5))
    gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 2)
    f_ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0])
    f_ax1.set_title("Nyquist plot")
    f_ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1])
    f_ax2.set_title("Bode plot")
    f_ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 1])
    plot_nyquist(f_ax1, z_i, fmt='o')
    plot_nyquist(f_ax1, z_fit, fmt='-')
    plot_bode((f_ax2, f_ax3), f_i, z_i, ls='', marker='s', label='Data')
    plot_bode((f_ax2, f_ax3), f_i, z_fit, ls='-', marker='', label='Fit')
    return gs
Пример #2
def test_plot_bode():

    f = [1, 10, 100]
    Z = np.array([1, 2, 3]) + 1j*np.array([2, 3, 4])

    _, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2)
    axes = plot_bode(axes, f, Z, scale=10)

    xs, ys = axes[0].lines[0].get_xydata().T
    assert (xs == f).all() and (ys == np.abs(Z)).all()

    xs, ys = axes[1].lines[0].get_xydata().T
    assert (xs == f).all() and (ys == -np.angle(Z, deg=True)).all()
Пример #3
    def plot(self, ax=None, f_data=None, Z_data=None, kind='altair', **kwargs):
        """ visualizes the model and optional data as a nyquist,
            bode, or altair (interactive) plots

        ax: matplotlib.axes
            axes to plot on
        f_data: np.array of type float
            Frequencies of input data (for Bode plots)
        Z_data: np.array of type complex
            Impedance data to plot
        kind: {'altair', 'nyquist', 'bode'}
            type of plot to visualize

        Other Parameters
        **kwargs : optional
            If kind is 'nyquist' or 'bode', used to specify additional
             `matplotlib.pyplot.Line2D` properties like linewidth,
             line color, marker color, and labels.
            If kind is 'altair', used to specify nyquist height as `size`

        ax: matplotlib.axes
            axes of the created nyquist plot

        if kind == 'nyquist':
            if ax is None:
                fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))

            if Z_data is not None:
                ax = plot_nyquist(ax, Z_data, ls='', marker='s', **kwargs)

            if self._is_fit():
                if f_data is not None:
                    f_pred = f_data
                    f_pred = np.logspace(5, -3)

                Z_fit = self.predict(f_pred)
                ax = plot_nyquist(ax, Z_fit, ls='-', marker='', **kwargs)
            return ax
        elif kind == 'bode':
            if ax is None:
                fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(5, 5))

            if f_data is not None:
                f_pred = f_data
                f_pred = np.logspace(5, -3)

            if Z_data is not None:
                if f_data is None:
                    raise ValueError('f_data must be specified if' +
                                     ' Z_data for a Bode plot')
                ax = plot_bode(ax, f_data, Z_data, ls='', marker='s', **kwargs)

            if self._is_fit():
                Z_fit = self.predict(f_pred)
                ax = plot_bode(ax, f_pred, Z_fit, ls='-', marker='', **kwargs)
            return ax
        elif kind == 'altair':
            plot_dict = {}

            if Z_data is not None and f_data is not None:
                plot_dict['data'] = {'f': f_data, 'Z': Z_data}

            if self._is_fit():
                if f_data is not None:
                    f_pred = f_data
                    f_pred = np.logspace(5, -3)

                Z_fit = self.predict(f_pred)
                if self.name is not None:
                    name = self.name
                    name = 'fit'
                plot_dict[name] = {'f': f_pred, 'Z': Z_fit, 'fmt': '-'}

            chart = plot_altair(plot_dict, **kwargs)
            return chart
            raise ValueError("Kind must be one of 'altair'," +
                             f"'nyquist', or 'bode' (received {kind})")