Пример #1
	def genIIIFManifest(self, on_demand=False):

		# run singleObjectPackage
		A bit of a hack here: creating getParams{} with pid as list[] as expected by singleObjectPackage(),
		simulates normal WSUDOR_API use of singleObjectPackage()
		getParams = {}
		getParams['PID'] = [self.pid]

		# run singleObjectPackage() from API
		if on_demand == True:
			getParams['on_demand'] = True
			single_json = json.loads(singleObjectPackage(getParams))
			single_json = json.loads(singleObjectPackage(getParams))
		# create root mani obj
			manifest = iiif_manifest_factory_instance.manifest( label=single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_title_ms'][0] )
			manifest = iiif_manifest_factory_instance.manifest( label="Unknown Title" )
		manifest.viewingDirection = "left-to-right"

		# build metadata
		Order of preferred fields is the order they will show on the viewer
		NOTE: solr items are stored here as strings so they won't evaluate
		preferred_fields = [
			("Title", "single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_title_ms'][0]"),
			("Description", "single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_abstract_ms'][0]"),
			("Year", "single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_key_date_year'][0]"),
			("Item URL", "\"<a href='{url}'>{url}</a>\".format(url=single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_location_url_ms'][0])"),
			("Original", "single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_otherFormat_note_ms'][0]")
		for field_set in preferred_fields:
				manifest.set_metadata({ field_set[0]:eval(field_set[1]) })
				print "Could Not Set Metadata Field, Skipping",field_set[0]
		# start anonymous sequence
		seq = manifest.sequence(label="default sequence")

		# get component parts		
		image_list = [ds for ds in self.ohandle.ds_list if ds.endswith('JP2')]
		print image_list

		# iterate through component parts
		for image in image_list:
			print "adding",image
			# generate obj|ds self.pid as defined in loris TemplateHTTP extension
			fedora_http_ident = "fedora:%s|%s" % (self.pid,image)
			# fedora_http_ident = "%s|%s" % (self.pid,image) #loris_dev

			# Create a canvas with uri slug of page-1, and label of Page 1
			cvs = seq.canvas(ident=fedora_http_ident, label=image)

			# Create an annotation on the Canvas
			anno = cvs.annotation()

			# Add Image: http://www.example.org/path/to/image/api/p1/full/full/0/native.jpg
			img = anno.image(fedora_http_ident, iiif=True)

			# OR if you have a IIIF service:

			cvs.height = img.height
			cvs.width = img.width

		# insert into Redis and return JSON string
		print "Inserting manifest for",self.pid,"into Redis..."
		return manifest.toString()
Пример #2
	def genIIIFManifest(self, on_demand=False):

		Currently generates IIIF manifest with one sequence, handful of canvases for each image.

		# Wait until risearch catches up with constituent objects
		print "waiting for risearch to catch up..."
		stime = time.time()
		ttime = 0
		while ttime < 30 :
			sparql_count = fedora_handle.risearch.sparql_count('select $page where  {{ $page <fedora-rels-ext:isConstituentOf> <info:fedora/%s> . }}' % (self.pid))
			print sparql_count
			if sparql_count < len(self.pages_from_objMeta):
				ttime = time.time() - stime
				print ttime
				print 'constituent objects found in risearch, continuing'

		# get solr_doc
		solr_doc = self.SolrDoc.asDictionary()

		# create root mani obj
			manifest = iiif_manifest_factory_instance.manifest( label=solr_doc['mods_title_ms'][0] )
			manifest = iiif_manifest_factory_instance.manifest( label="Unknown Title" )
		manifest.viewingDirection = "left-to-right"

		# build metadata
		Order of preferred fields is the order they will show on the viewer
		NOTE: solr items are stored here as strings so they won't evaluate
		preferred_fields = [
			("Title", "solr_doc['mods_title_ms'][0]"),
			("Description", "solr_doc['mods_abstract_ms'][0]"),
			("Year", "solr_doc['mods_key_date_year'][0]"),
			("Item URL", "\"<a href='%s'>%s</a>\" % (solr_doc['mods_location_url_ms'][0],solr_doc['mods_location_url_ms'][0])"),
			("Original", "solr_doc['mods_otherFormat_note_ms'][0]")
		for field_set in preferred_fields:
				manifest.set_metadata({ field_set[0] : eval(field_set[1]) })
				print "Could Not Set Metadata Field, Skipping",field_set[0]

		# start anonymous sequence
		seq = manifest.sequence(label="default sequence")

		# write constituent pages
		This is tricky.
		When ingesting new objects, the rels-ext relationships are written at a slight delay.
		As such, without waiting / confirming all relationships are indexed in risearch,
		results in only subsets of the whole book getting added.

		# self.pages_from_rels
		for page_num in self.pages_from_rels:			

			# open wsudor handle
			page_handle = WSUDOR_ContentTypes.WSUDOR_Object(self.pages_from_rels[page_num])
			print "Working on:",page_handle.ohandle.label

			# generate obj|ds self.pid as defined in loris TemplateHTTP extension
			fedora_http_ident = "fedora:%s|JP2" % (page_handle.pid)

			# Instantiate canvas under sequence
			cvs = seq.canvas(ident=fedora_http_ident, label=page_handle.ohandle.label)

			# Create an annotation on the Canvas
			anno = cvs.annotation()

			# Add Image Annotation
			img = anno.image(fedora_http_ident, iiif=True)
			img.id = fedora_http_ident

			# set canvas dimensions
			cvs.height = img.height
			cvs.width = img.width

			# create annotationsList for page object
			annol = cvs.annotationList("%s" % (page_handle.pid))

			# create annotations for HTML and ALTOXML content
			# HTML
			anno = annol.annotation()
			anno.text(ident="https://%s/WSUAPI/bitStream/%s/HTML" % (localConfig.APP_HOST, page_handle.pid), format="text/html")
			anno = annol.annotation()
			anno.text(ident="https://%s/WSUAPI/bitStream/%s/ALTOXML" % (localConfig.APP_HOST, page_handle.pid), format="text/xml")

			# push annotationList to page object
			Automatically updates / overwrites
			print "Inserting annotation list for",page_handle.pid,"as object datastream..."
			ds_handle = eulfedora.models.DatastreamObject(page_handle.ohandle, "IIIF_ANNOLIST", "IIIF_ANNOLIST", mimetype="application/json", control_group="M")
			ds_handle.label = "IIIF_ANNOLIST"
			ds_handle.content = annol.toString()

		# create datastream with IIIF manifest and return JSON string
		print "Inserting manifest for",self.pid,"as object datastream..."
		ds_handle = eulfedora.models.DatastreamObject(self.ohandle, "IIIF_MANIFEST", "IIIF_MANIFEST", mimetype="application/json", control_group="M")
		ds_handle.label = "IIIF_MANIFEST"
		ds_handle.content = manifest.toString()

		return manifest.toString()
Пример #3
	def genIIIFManifest(self):

		stime = time.time()

		# create root mani obj
			manifest = iiif_manifest_factory_instance.manifest( label=self.SolrDoc.asDictionary()['mods_title_ms'][0] )
			manifest = iiif_manifest_factory_instance.manifest( label="Unknown Title" )
		manifest.viewingDirection = "left-to-right"

		# build metadata
		Order of preferred fields is the order they will show on the viewer
		NOTE: solr items are stored here as strings so they won't evaluate
		preferred_fields = [
			("Title", "self.SolrDoc.asDictionary()['mods_title_ms'][0]"),
			("Description", "self.SolrDoc.asDictionary()['mods_abstract_ms'][0]"),
			("Year", "self.SolrDoc.asDictionary()['mods_key_date_year'][0]"),
			("Item URL", "\"<a href='{url}'>{url}</a>\".format(url=self.SolrDoc.asDictionary()['mods_location_url_ms'][0])"),
			("Original", "self.SolrDoc.asDictionary()['mods_otherFormat_note_ms'][0]")
		for field_set in preferred_fields:
				manifest.set_metadata({ field_set[0]:eval(field_set[1]) })
				print "Could Not Set Metadata Field, Skipping",field_set[0]
		# start anonymous sequence
		seq = manifest.sequence(label="collection thumbs")

		# get component parts		
		For collection object, this will be all children objects.
		Interesting hack here: use API functions without traversing twisted HTTP cycle
		obj_list = json.loads( WSUDOR_API.functions.availableFunctions.hasMemberOfCollection({'PID':[self.pid]}) )		

		# iterate through component parts
		for obj in obj_list['results']:
			print "adding",obj['memberTitle']

			# generate obj|ds self.pid as defined in loris TemplateHTTP extension
			fedora_http_ident = "fedora:%s|%s" % (obj['object'], obj['isRepBy']+"_JP2")
			# fedora_http_ident = "%s|%s" % (obj['object'], obj['isRepBy']+"_JP2") #loris_dev

			# Create a canvas with uri slug 
			cvs = seq.canvas(ident=fedora_http_ident, label=obj['memberTitle'])	

			# Create an annotation on the Canvas
			anno = cvs.annotation()		

			# Add Image: http://www.example.org/path/to/image/api/p1/full/full/0/native.jpg
			img = anno.image(fedora_http_ident, iiif=True)

			# OR if you have a IIIF service:
			cvs.height = img.height
			cvs.width = img.width

		# insert into Redis and return JSON string
		print "Inserting manifest for",self.pid,"into Redis..."

		# report time
		etime = time.time()
		ttime = etime - stime
		print "total time",ttime

		# redisHandles.r_iiif.set(self.pid,manifest.toString())
		return manifest.toString()
Пример #4
	def genIIIFManifest(self, on_demand=False):

		# run singleObjectPackage
		A bit of a hack here: creating getParams{} with pid as list[] as expected by singleObjectPackage(),
		simulates normal WSUDOR_API use of singleObjectPackage()
		getParams = {}
		getParams['PID'] = [self.pid]

		# run singleObjectPackage() from API
		if on_demand == True:
			getParams['on_demand'] = True
			single_json = json.loads(singleObjectPackage(getParams))
			single_json = json.loads(singleObjectPackage(getParams))

		# create root mani obj
			manifest = iiif_manifest_factory_instance.manifest( label=single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_title_ms'][0] )
			manifest = iiif_manifest_factory_instance.manifest( label="Unknown Title" )
		manifest.viewingDirection = "left-to-right"

		# build metadata
		Order of preferred fields is the order they will show on the viewer
		NOTE: solr items are stored here as strings so they won't evaluate
		preferred_fields = [
			("Title", "single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_title_ms'][0]"),
			("Description", "single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_abstract_ms'][0]"),
			("Year", "single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_key_date_year'][0]"),
			("Item URL", "\"<a href='%s'>%s</a>\" % (single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_location_url_ms'][0],single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_location_url_ms'][0])"),
			("Original", "single_json['objectSolrDoc']['mods_otherFormat_note_ms'][0]")
		for field_set in preferred_fields:
				manifest.set_metadata({ field_set[0]:eval(field_set[1]) })
				print "Could Not Set Metadata Field, Skipping",field_set[0]

		# start anonymous sequence
		seq = manifest.sequence(label="default sequence")

		# iterate through component parts
		for image in single_json['parts_imageDict']['sorted']:

			# generate obj|ds identifier as defined in loris TemplateHTTP extension
			fedora_http_ident = "fedora:%s|%s" % (self.pid,image['jp2'])
			# fedora_http_ident = "%s|%s" % (self.pid,image['jp2']) #loris_dev

			# Create a canvas with uri slug of page-1, and label of Page 1
			cvs = seq.canvas(ident=fedora_http_ident, label=image['ds_id'])

			# Create an annotation on the Canvas
			anno = cvs.annotation()

			# Add Image: http://www.example.org/path/to/image/api/p1/full/full/0/native.jpg
			img = anno.image(fedora_http_ident, iiif=True)

			# OR if you have an IIIF service:

			cvs.height = img.height
			cvs.width = img.width

		# create datastream with IIIF manifest and return JSON string
		print "Inserting manifest for",self.pid,"as object datastream..."
		ds_handle = eulfedora.models.DatastreamObject(self.ohandle, "IIIF_MANIFEST", "IIIF_MANIFEST", mimetype="application/json", control_group="M")
		ds_handle.label = "IIIF_MANIFEST"
		ds_handle.content = manifest.toString()

		return manifest.toString()