def gen_manual_trades(self):

        indicators = Indicators(symbols = self.symbol,, ed=self.ed)
        momentum, sma, bollinger_minus, bollinger_plus = indicators.get_all_inidcators()

        cols = ["Symbol", "Order", "Shares"]
        trades = np.zeros(shape = ([0],3))
        trades = pd.DataFrame(trades, index =, columns = cols)
        holdings = 0    # initial holdsing value:
        momentum_cutoff = 0.075
        for i in range([0]):
            # if it's the first day, buy because the general trend of the economy is up:
            if i == 0 and holdings < 1000:
                to_buy = 1000 - holdings
                trades.ix[i] = (self.symbol, "BUY", to_buy)
                holdings = holdings + to_buy
            # first, buy/sell based on bollinger bands:
            # if price is below lower bollinger band, buy:
            elif bollinger_minus.ix[i] >[i].values[0] and holdings < 1000:
                to_buy = 1000 - holdings
                trades.ix[i] = (self.symbol, "BUY", to_buy)
                holdings = holdings + to_buy
            # elif price is above upper bollinger band, sell:
            elif bollinger_plus.ix[i] <[i].values[0] and holdings > -1000:
                to_sell = 1000 + holdings
                trades.ix[i] = (self.symbol, "SELL", to_sell)
                holdings = holdings - to_sell
            # if momentum slope is above a value, buy because we expect it to go up:
            elif self.get_momentum_slope(momentum, i) > momentum_cutoff and holdings < 1000:
                to_buy = 1000 - holdings
                trades.ix[i] = (self.symbol, "BUY", to_buy)
                holdings = holdings + to_buy
            # else if momentum slope is below a value, sell because we expect price to then go down:
            elif self.get_momentum_slope(momentum, i) < -momentum_cutoff and holdings > -1000:
                to_sell = 1000 + holdings
                trades.ix[i] = (self.symbol, "SELL", to_sell)
                holdings = holdings - to_sell
            # if sma is larger than the price, buy:
            elif self.sma_is_consistently_higher(sma, i) and holdings < 1000:
                to_buy = 1000 - holdings
                trades.ix[i] = (self.symbol, "BUY", to_buy)
                holdings = holdings + to_buy
            # elif sma is lower than price, sell:
            elif self.sma_is_consistently_lower(sma, i) and holdings > -1000:
                to_sell = 1000 + holdings
                trades.ix[i] = (self.symbol, "SELL", to_sell)
                holdings = holdings - to_sell

        trades["Symbol"] = self.symbol

        return trades
 def get_indicators(self, prices):
     calc_indicators = Indicators(self.syms,, self.ed)
     momentum, sma, low_bollinger, high_bollinger = calc_indicators.get_normed_indicators(
     df = pd.DataFrame(index=prices.index)
     df['Momentum'] = momentum
     df['SMA'] = sma
     df['Bollinger Low'] = low_bollinger
     df['Bollinger High'] = high_bollinger
     return df