Пример #1
def _require_extensions(*names):
    missing = sorted(name for name in names if not has_extension(db.engine, name))
    if not missing:
        return True
    click.secho(f"Required Postgres extensions missing: {', '.join(missing)}", fg='red')
    click.secho('Create them using these SQL commands (as a Postgres superuser):', fg='yellow')
    for name in missing:
        click.secho(f'  CREATE EXTENSION {name};', bold=True)
    return False
Пример #2
def _require_extensions(*names):
    missing = sorted(name for name in names if not has_extension(db.engine, name))
    if not missing:
        return True
    print(cformat('%{red}Required Postgres extensions missing: {}').format(', '.join(missing)))
    print(cformat('%{yellow}Create them using these SQL commands (as a Postgres superuser):'))
    for name in missing:
        print(cformat('%{white!}  CREATE EXTENSION {};').format(name))
    return False
Пример #3
def _require_extensions(*names):
    missing = sorted(name for name in names if not has_extension(db.engine, name))
    if not missing:
        return True
    print colored('Required Postgres extensions missing: {}'.format(', '.join(missing)), 'red')
    print colored('Create them using these SQL commands (as a Postgres superuser):', 'yellow')
    for name in missing:
        print colored('  CREATE EXTENSION {};'.format(name), 'white', attrs={'bold': True})
    return False
Пример #4
def _require_extensions(*names):
    missing = sorted(name for name in names if not has_extension(db.engine, name))
    if not missing:
        return True
    print(cformat('%{red}Required Postgres extensions missing: {}').format(', '.join(missing)))
    print(cformat('%{yellow}Create them using these SQL commands (as a Postgres superuser):'))
    for name in missing:
        print(cformat('%{white!}  CREATE EXTENSION {};').format(name))
    return False
Пример #5
def _require_extensions(*names):
    missing = sorted(name for name in names if not has_extension(db.engine, name))
    if not missing:
        return True
    print colored('Required Postgres extensions missing: {}'.format(', '.join(missing)), 'red')
    print colored('Create them using these SQL commands (as a Postgres superuser):', 'yellow')
    for name in missing:
        print colored('  CREATE EXTENSION {};'.format(name), 'white', attrs={'bold': True})
    return False
def upgrade():
    if context.is_offline_mode():
        raise Exception('This upgrade is only possible in online mode')

    if has_extension(op.get_bind(), 'unaccent'):
        print 'Unaccent extension is available - indico_unaccent will use it'
        print 'Unaccent extension is NOT available - indico_unaccent will not touch its argument'
Пример #7
 def _after_create(target, conn, **kw):
     assert target is column.table
     col_func = func.indico_unaccent(func.lower(column))
     index_kwargs = {}
     if not current_app.config['TESTING'] and has_extension(conn, 'pg_trgm'):
         index_kwargs = {'postgresql_using': 'gin',
                         'postgresql_ops': {col_func.key: 'gin_trgm_ops'}}
     elif not current_app.config['TESTING']:
         print 'Warning: pg_trgm extension is not available'
     Index(conv('ix_{}_{}_unaccent'.format(column.table.name, column.name)), col_func, **index_kwargs).create(conn)
def upgrade():
    if context.is_offline_mode():
        raise Exception('This upgrade is only possible in online mode')

    if has_extension(op.get_bind(), 'unaccent'):
        print 'Unaccent extension is available - indico_unaccent will use it'
        print 'Unaccent extension is NOT available - indico_unaccent will not touch its argument'
Пример #9
def create_unaccent_function(conn):
    """Creates the unaccent function if it doesn't exist yet.

    In TESTING mode it always uses the no-op version to have a
    consistent database setup.
    if not current_app.config['TESTING'] and has_extension(conn, 'unaccent'):
        if not current_app.config['TESTING']:
            print 'Warning: unaccent extension is not available'
Пример #10
def create_unaccent_function(conn):
    """Creates the unaccent function if it doesn't exist yet.

    In TESTING mode it always uses the no-op version to have a
    consistent database setup.
    if not current_app.config['TESTING'] and has_extension(conn, 'unaccent'):
        if not current_app.config['TESTING']:
            print 'Warning: unaccent extension is not available'
def upgrade():
    if context.is_offline_mode():
        raise Exception('This upgrade is only possible in online mode')

    has_trgm = has_extension(op.get_bind(), 'pg_trgm')
    if has_trgm:
        print 'pg_trgm extension is available - creating trigram indexes'
        print 'pg_trgm extension is not available - creating normal indexes'

    _create_index(has_trgm, 'users', 'first_name')
    _create_index(has_trgm, 'users', 'last_name')
    _create_index(has_trgm, 'users', 'phone')
    _create_index(has_trgm, 'users', 'address')
    _create_index(has_trgm, 'affiliations', 'name')
    _create_index(has_trgm, 'emails', 'email')
Пример #12
 def _after_create(target, conn, **kw):
     assert target is column.table
     col_func = func.indico_unaccent(func.lower(column))
     index_kwargs = {}
     if not current_app.config['TESTING'] and has_extension(
             conn, 'pg_trgm'):
         index_kwargs = {
             'postgresql_using': 'gin',
             'postgresql_ops': {
                 col_func.key: 'gin_trgm_ops'
     elif not current_app.config['TESTING']:
         print 'Warning: pg_trgm extension is not available'
     Index(conv('ix_{}_{}_unaccent'.format(column.table.name, column.name)),
           col_func, **index_kwargs).create(conn)
def upgrade():
    if context.is_offline_mode():
        raise Exception('This upgrade is only possible in online mode')

    has_trgm = has_extension(op.get_bind(), 'pg_trgm')
    if has_trgm:
        print 'pg_trgm extension is available - creating trigram indexes'
        print 'pg_trgm extension is not available - creating normal indexes'

    _create_index(has_trgm, 'users', 'first_name')
    _create_index(has_trgm, 'users', 'last_name')
    _create_index(has_trgm, 'users', 'phone')
    _create_index(has_trgm, 'users', 'address')
    _create_index(has_trgm, 'affiliations', 'name')
    _create_index(has_trgm, 'emails', 'email')