Пример #1
class TestSetMultiPointerTrack(IndicoTestCase):

    def _val(self, iter):
        return list(e._value for e in iter)

    def setUp(self):
        super(TestSetMultiPointerTrack, self).setUp()
        self._mpt = SetMultiPointerTrack()
        self._a = DummyType(1  + 2)
        self._b = DummyType(2  + 2)
        self._c = DummyType(1  + 2)
        self._d = DummyType(1  + 1)
        self._e = DummyType(2  + 1)
        self._f = DummyType(3  + 4)

    def _addSome(self):
        self._mpt.add(1, self._a)
        self._mpt.add(2, self._b)
        self._mpt.add(1, self._c)
        self._mpt.add(1, self._d)
        self._mpt.add(2, self._e)
        self._mpt.add(3, self._f)

    def testOrdering(self):

            list(e._value for ts, e in self._mpt),
            [7, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3])

    def testPointerIterator(self):

        self._mpt.addPointer("bar", 2)

                         [7, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3])


    def testPointerIteratorTill(self):
        Iterate till a certain timestamp


        self.assertEqual(self._val(self._mpt.pointerIterValues("foo", till=2 )),
                         [3, 4, 2, 3, 3])
Пример #2
class SyncManager(Persistent):
    Stores live sync configuration parameters and "agents". It is  basically an
    "Agent Manager"
    def __init__(self, granularity=MPT_GRANULARITY):
        :param granularity: integer, number of seconds per MPT entry
        self._granularity = granularity

    def getGranularity(self):
        Returns the granularity that is set for the MPT
        return self._granularity

    def getDBInstance(cls):
        Returns the instance of SyncManager currently in the DB
        storage = getPluginType().getStorage()
        if 'agent_manager' in storage:
            return storage['agent_manager']
            root = DBMgr.getInstance().getDBConnection()

    def reset(self, agentsOnly=False, trackOnly=False):
        Resets database structures

        .. WARNING::
           This erases any agents and contents in the MPT
        if not trackOnly:
            self._agents = mapping.PersistentMapping()
        if not agentsOnly:
            self._track = SetMultiPointerTrack()

    def registerNewAgent(self, agent):
        Registers the agent, placing it in a mapping structure
        self._agents[agent.getId()] = agent

        # create a new pointer in the track

        # impose myself as its manager

    def removeAgent(self, agent):
        Removes an agent
        del self._agents[agent.getId()]

    def query(self, agentId=None, till=None):
        Queries the agent for a given timespan

        # TODO: Add more criteria! (for now this will do)

        if agentId == None:
            raise QueryException("No criteria specified!")

        return self._track.pointerIterItems(agentId, till=till)

    def advance(self, agentId, newLastTS):
        Advances the agent "pointer" to the specified timestamp
        self._track.movePointer(agentId, newLastTS)

    def add(self, timestamp, action):
        Adds a specific action to the specified timestamp
        self._track.add(timestamp / self._granularity, action)

    def getTrack(self):
        Rerturns the MPT
        return self._track

    def getAllAgents(self):
        Returns the agent dictionary
        return self._agents

    def objectExcluded(self, obj):
        Decides whether a particular object should be ignored or not
        excluded = getPluginType().getOption('excludedCategories').getValue()

        if isinstance(obj, conference.SessionSlot):
            return True
        elif isinstance(obj, conference.Category):
            return obj.getId() in excluded
        elif isinstance(obj, conference.Conference):
            owner = obj.getOwner()
            if owner:
                return owner.getId() in excluded
        elif obj.getParent():
            conf = obj.getConference()
            if conf:
                owner = conf.getOwner()
                if owner:
                    return owner.getId() in excluded

        return False
Пример #3
class SyncManager(Persistent):
    Stores live sync configuration parameters and "agents". It is  basically an
    "Agent Manager"

    def __init__(self, granularity=MPT_GRANULARITY):
        :param granularity: integer, number of seconds per MPT entry
        self._granularity = granularity

    def getGranularity(self):
        Returns the granularity that is set for the MPT
        return self._granularity

    def getDBInstance(cls):
        Returns the instance of SyncManager currently in the DB
        storage = getPluginType().getStorage()
        if 'agent_manager' in storage:
            return storage['agent_manager']
            root = DBMgr.getInstance().getDBConnection()

    def reset(self, agentsOnly=False, trackOnly=False):
        Resets database structures

        .. WARNING::
           This erases any agents and contents in the MPT
        if not trackOnly:
            self._agents = mapping.PersistentMapping()
        if not agentsOnly:
            self._track = SetMultiPointerTrack()

    def registerNewAgent(self, agent):
        Registers the agent, placing it in a mapping structure
        self._agents[agent.getId()] = agent

        # create a new pointer in the track

        # impose myself as its manager

    def removeAgent(self, agent):
        Removes an agent
        del self._agents[agent.getId()]

    def query(self, agentId=None, till=None):
        Queries the agent for a given timespan

        # TODO: Add more criteria! (for now this will do)

        if agentId == None:
            raise QueryException("No criteria specified!")

        return self._track.pointerIterItems(agentId, till=till)

    def advance(self, agentId, newLastTS):
        Advances the agent "pointer" to the specified timestamp

    def add(self, timestamp, action):
        Adds a specific action to the specified timestamp
        self._track.add(timestamp / self._granularity, action)

    def getTrack(self):
        Rerturns the MPT
        return self._track

    def getAllAgents(self):
        Returns the agent dictionary
        return self._agents

    def objectExcluded(self, obj):
        Decides whether a particular object should be ignored or not
        excluded = getPluginType().getOption('excludedCategories').getValue()
        if isinstance(obj, conference.Category):
            return obj.getId() in excluded
        elif isinstance(obj, conference.Conference):
            owner = obj.getOwner()
            if owner:
                return owner.getId() in excluded
        elif obj.getParent():
            conf = obj.getConference()
            if conf:
                owner = conf.getOwner()
                if owner:
                    return owner.getId() in excluded

        return False