Пример #1
def principal_from_identifier(identifier, allow_groups=False, allow_external_users=False):
    # XXX: this is currently only used in PrincipalList
    # if we ever need to support more than just users and groups,
    # make sure to add it in here as well
    from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
    from indico.modules.users import User

        type_, data = identifier.split(':', 1)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('Invalid data')
    if type_ == 'User':
            user_id = int(data)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')
        user = User.get(user_id, is_deleted=False)
        if user is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid user: {}'.format(user_id))
        return user
    elif type_ == 'ExternalUser':
        if not allow_external_users:
            raise ValueError('External users are not allowed')
        cache = GenericCache('external-user')
        external_user_data = cache.get(data)
        if not external_user_data:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')
        user = User.query.filter(User.all_emails == external_user_data['email'], ~User.is_deleted).first()
        if user:
            return user
        # create a pending user. this user isn't sent to the DB unless it gets added
        # to the sqlalchemy session somehow (e.g. by adding it to an ACL).
        # like this processing form data does not result in something being stored in
        # the database, which is good!
        return User(first_name=external_user_data['first_name'], last_name=external_user_data['last_name'],
                    email=external_user_data['email'], affiliation=external_user_data['affiliation'],
                    address=external_user_data['address'], phone=external_user_data['phone'], is_pending=True)
    elif type_ == 'Group':
        if not allow_groups:
            raise ValueError('Groups are not allowed')
            provider, name = data.split(':', 1)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')
        if not provider:
            # local group
                group_id = int(name)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('Invalid data')
            group = GroupProxy(group_id)
            # multipass group
            group = GroupProxy(name, provider)
        if group.group is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid group: {}'.format(data))
        return group
        raise ValueError('Invalid data')
Пример #2
def principal_from_fossil(fossil,
    """Gets a GroupWrapper or AvatarUserWrapper from a fossil"""
    from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
    from indico.modules.users import User

    type_ = fossil['_type']
    id_ = fossil['id']
    if type_ == 'Avatar':
        if isinstance(id_, int) or id_.isdigit():
            # regular user
            user = User.get(int(id_))
        elif allow_pending:
            data = GenericCache('pending_identities').get(id_)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError("Cannot find user '{}' in cache".format(id_))

            data = {k: '' if v is None else v for (k, v) in data.items()}
            email = data['email'].lower()

            # check if there is not already a pending user with that e-mail
            user = User.find_first(email=email, is_pending=True)
            if not user:
                user = User(first_name=data.get('first_name') or '',
                            last_name=data.get('last_name') or '',
                            address=data.get('address', ''),
                            phone=data.get('phone', ''),
                            affiliation=data.get('affiliation', ''),
            raise ValueError(
                "Id '{}' is not a number and allow_pending=False".format(id_))
        if user is None:
            raise ValueError('User does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return user.as_avatar if legacy else user
    elif allow_emails and type_ == 'Email':
        return EmailPrincipal(id_)
    elif allow_groups and type_ in {'LocalGroupWrapper', 'LocalGroup'}:
        group = GroupProxy(int(id_))
        if group.group is None:
            raise ValueError('Local group does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return group.as_legacy_group if legacy else group
    elif allow_groups and type_ in {'LDAPGroupWrapper', 'MultipassGroup'}:
        provider = fossil['provider']
        group = GroupProxy(id_, provider)
        if group.group is None and not allow_missing_groups:
            raise ValueError('Multipass group does not exist: {}:{}'.format(
                provider, id_))
        return group.as_legacy_group if legacy else group
        raise ValueError('Unexpected fossil type: {}'.format(type_))
Пример #3
def convert_principal(principal):
    """Converts a legacy principal to PrincipalMixin style"""
    if isinstance(principal, AvatarUserWrapper):
        return principal.user
    elif isinstance(principal, GroupWrapper):
        return principal.group
    elif principal.__class__.__name__ == 'Avatar':
        return AvatarUserWrapper(principal.id).user
    elif principal.__class__.__name__ == 'Group':
        return GroupProxy(principal.id)
    elif principal.__class__.__name__ in {'CERNGroup', 'LDAPGroup', 'NiceGroup'}:
        return GroupProxy(principal.id, multipass.default_group_provider.name)
Пример #4
def get_user_access(user, admin_override_enabled=False):
    if not user:
        return []
    if admin_override_enabled and user.is_admin:
        return ['IndicoAdmin']
    access = [user.identifier] + [u.identifier for u in user.get_merged_from_users_recursive()]
    access += [GroupProxy(x.id, _group=x).identifier for x in user.local_groups]
    if user.can_get_all_multipass_groups:
        multipass_groups = [GroupProxy(x.name, x.provider.name, x)
                            for x in user.iter_all_multipass_groups()]
        access += _include_capitalized_groups(multipass_groups)
    return access
Пример #5
def _populate_blocking(blocking, room_ids, allowed_principals, reason):
    blocking.blocked_rooms = [BlockedRoom(room_id=room.id) for room in Room.query.filter(Room.id.in_(room_ids))]
    blocking.reason = reason
    blocking.allowed = [GroupProxy(_group_id_or_name(pr), provider=pr['provider'])
                        if pr.get('is_group')
                        else User.get_one(pr['id'])
                        for pr in allowed_principals]
Пример #6
def retrieve_principal(principal, allow_groups=True, legacy=True):
    """Retrieves principal object from a `(type, id)` tuple.

    Valid principal types are 'Avatar', 'User' and 'Group'.

    :param principal: The principal (a tuple/list)
    :param allow_groups: If group principals are allowed
    :param legacy: If legacy wrappers or new objects should be returned.
    from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
    from indico.modules.groups.legacy import LocalGroupWrapper, LDAPGroupWrapper
    from indico.modules.users import User

    type_, id_ = principal
    if type_ in {'Avatar', 'User'}:
        user = User.get(int(id_))
        if not user:
            return None
        return user.as_avatar if legacy else user
    elif type_ == 'Group' and allow_groups:
        if isinstance(id_, (int, basestring)):  # legacy group
            group = LocalGroupWrapper(id_) if unicode(
                id_).isdigit() else LDAPGroupWrapper(id_)
            return group if legacy else group.group
        else:  # new group
            provider, name_or_id = id_
            group = GroupProxy(name_or_id, provider)
            return group.as_legacy_group if legacy else group
        raise ValueError('Unexpected type: {}'.format(type_))
Пример #7
 def _create_group(id_):
     group = LocalGroup()
     group.id = id_
     group.name = u'dummy-{}'.format(id_)
     return GroupProxy(group.id, _group=group)
Пример #8
 def _checkParams(self):
         group = GroupProxy(request.view_args['group_id'], request.view_args['provider'])
     except ValueError:
         group = None
     if group is None or group.group is None:
         raise NotFound
     self.group = group
Пример #9
def test_iter_acl():
    user = User()
    user_p = MagicMock(principal=user, spec=['principal'])
    ipn = IPNetworkGroup()
    ipn_p = MagicMock(principal=ipn, spec=['principal'])
    local_group = GroupProxy(123, _group=MagicMock())
    local_group_p = MagicMock(principal=local_group, spec=['principal'])
    remote_group = GroupProxy('foo', 'bar')
    remote_group_p = MagicMock(principal=remote_group, spec=['principal'])
    acl = [
        ipn, user_p, remote_group, local_group_p, user, local_group,
        remote_group_p, ipn_p
    assert list(iter_acl(iter(acl))) == [
        user_p, user, ipn, ipn_p, local_group_p, local_group, remote_group,
Пример #10
 def _process_args(self):
         group = GroupProxy(request.view_args['group_id'], request.view_args['provider'])
     except ValueError:
         group = None
     if group is None or group.group is None:
         raise NotFound
     if not config.LOCAL_GROUPS and group.is_local:
         raise Forbidden('Local groups are disabled.')
     self.group = group
Пример #11
def get_principal(name):
    if '@' in name:
        return get_user(name)

    # otherwise we assume it's a group's name
    group = group_cache.setdefault(name, GroupProxy(name, provider='cern-ldap'))
    if not group or not group.group:
        group = None
        print(cformat("%{red}!%{reset} Group %{cyan}{}%{reset} doesn't seem to exist!").format(name))
    return group
Пример #12
def principal_from_identifier(identifier, allow_groups=False):
    # XXX: this is currently only used in PrincipalList
    # if we ever need to support more than just users and groups,
    # make sure to add it in here as well
    from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
    from indico.modules.users import User

        type_, data = identifier.split(':', 1)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('Invalid data')
    if type_ == 'User':
            user_id = int(data)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')
        user = User.get(user_id, is_deleted=False)
        if user is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid user: {}'.format(user_id))
        return user
    elif type_ == 'Group':
        if not allow_groups:
            raise ValueError('Groups are not allowed')
            provider, name = data.split(':', 1)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')
        if not provider:
            # local group
                group_id = int(name)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('Invalid data')
            group = GroupProxy(group_id)
            # multipass group
            group = GroupProxy(name, provider)
        if group.group is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid group: {}'.format(data))
        return group
        raise ValueError('Invalid data')
Пример #13
 def principal(self):
     from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
     if self.type == PrincipalType.user:
         return self.user
     elif self.type == PrincipalType.local_group:
         return self.local_group.proxy
     elif self.type == PrincipalType.multipass_group:
         return GroupProxy(self.multipass_group_name,
     elif self.type == PrincipalType.email:
         return EmailPrincipal(self.email)
Пример #14
def _populate_blocking(blocking, room_ids, allowed_principals, reason):
    blocking.reason = reason
    principals = {
        GroupProxy(_group_id_or_name(pr), provider=pr['provider'])
        if pr.get('is_group') else User.get_one(pr['id'])
        for pr in allowed_principals
    # We don't use `=` here to prevent SQLAlchemy from deleting and re-adding unchanged entries
    blocking.allowed |= principals  # add new
    blocking.allowed &= principals  # remove deleted
    _update_blocked_rooms(blocking, room_ids)
Пример #15
 def _process(self, room_ids, start_date, end_date, reason,
     rooms = Room.query.filter(Room.id.in_(room_ids)).all()
     allowed = []
     for obj in allowed_principals:
         if obj.get('is_group'):
             allowed.append(GroupProxy(obj['id'], provider=obj['provider']))
             allowed.append(User.query.filter(User.id == obj['id']).one())
     blocking = create_blocking(rooms, start_date, end_date, reason,
     return jsonify_data(flash=False)
Пример #16
 def convert_principal(self, old_principal):
     """Converts a legacy principal to PrincipalMixin style"""
     if old_principal.__class__.__name__ == 'Avatar':
         principal = self.global_ns.avatar_merged_user.get(old_principal.id)
         if not principal and 'email' in old_principal.__dict__:
             email = convert_to_unicode(
             principal = self.global_ns.users_by_primary_email.get(
                 email, self.global_ns.users_by_secondary_email.get(email))
             if principal is not None:
                     'Using {} for {} (matched via {})'.format(
                         principal, old_principal, email))
         if not principal:
             self.print_error("User {} doesn't exist".format(
         return principal
     elif old_principal.__class__.__name__ == 'Group':
         assert int(old_principal.id) in self.global_ns.all_groups
         return GroupProxy(int(old_principal.id))
     elif old_principal.__class__.__name__ in {
             'CERNGroup', 'LDAPGroup', 'NiceGroup'
         return GroupProxy(old_principal.id, self.default_group_provider)
Пример #17
 def principal(self):
     from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
     if self.type == PrincipalType.user:
         return self.user
     elif self.type == PrincipalType.local_group:
         return self.local_group.proxy
     elif self.type == PrincipalType.multipass_group:
         return GroupProxy(self.multipass_group_name, self.multipass_group_provider)
     elif self.type == PrincipalType.email:
         return EmailPrincipal(self.email)
     elif self.type == PrincipalType.network:
         return self.ip_network_group
     elif self.type == PrincipalType.event_role:
         return self.event_role
     elif self.type == PrincipalType.category_role:
         return self.category_role
Пример #18
 def _process(self):
     query = LocalGroup.query.options(joinedload(LocalGroup.members)).order_by(db.func.lower(LocalGroup.name))
     groups = [GroupProxy(g.id, _group=g) for g in query]
     providers = [p for p in multipass.identity_providers.itervalues() if p.supports_groups]
     form = SearchForm(obj=FormDefaults(exact=True))
     if not providers:
         del form.provider
         form.provider.choices = ([('', _('All')), ('indico', _('Local Groups'))] +
                                  [(p.name, p.title) for p in sorted(providers, key=attrgetter('title'))])
     search_results = None
     if form.validate_on_submit():
         search_providers = None if not providers or not form.provider.data else {form.provider.data}
         search_results = GroupProxy.search(form.name.data, exact=form.exact.data, providers=search_providers)
         search_results.sort(key=attrgetter('provider', 'name'))
     provider_titles = {p.name: p.title for p in multipass.auth_providers.itervalues()}
     provider_titles[None] = _('Local')
     return WPGroupsAdmin.render_template('groups.html', groups=groups, providers=providers, form=form,
                                          search_results=search_results, provider_titles=provider_titles)
Пример #19
 def getName(self):
     return GroupProxy(self.id).name
Пример #20
 def proxy(self):
     """Return a GroupProxy wrapping this group."""
     from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
     return GroupProxy(self.id, _group=self)
Пример #21
def principal_from_fossil(fossil, allow_pending=False, allow_groups=True, allow_missing_groups=False,
                          allow_emails=False, allow_networks=False, existing_data=None, event=None):
    from indico.modules.networks.models.networks import IPNetworkGroup
    from indico.modules.events.models.roles import EventRole
    from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
    from indico.modules.users import User

    if existing_data is None:
        existing_data = set()

    type_ = fossil['_type']
    id_ = fossil['id']
    if type_ == 'Avatar':
        if isinstance(id_, int) or id_.isdigit():
            # regular user
            user = User.get(int(id_))
        elif allow_pending:
            data = GenericCache('pending_identities').get(id_)
            if not data:
                raise ValueError("Cannot find user '{}' in cache".format(id_))

            data = {k: '' if v is None else v for k, v in data.items()}
            email = data['email'].lower()

            # check if there is not already a (pending) user with that e-mail
            # we need to check for non-pending users too since the search may
            # show a user from external results even though the email belongs
            # to an indico account in case some of the search criteria did not
            # match the indico account
            user = User.query.filter(User.all_emails == email, ~User.is_deleted).first()
            if not user:
                user = User(first_name=data.get('first_name') or '', last_name=data.get('last_name') or '',
                            address=data.get('address', ''), phone=data.get('phone', ''),
                            affiliation=data.get('affiliation', ''), is_pending=True)
            raise ValueError("Id '{}' is not a number and allow_pending=False".format(id_))
        if user is None:
            raise ValueError('User does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return user
    elif allow_emails and type_ == 'Email':
        return EmailPrincipal(id_)
    elif allow_networks and type_ == 'IPNetworkGroup':
        group = IPNetworkGroup.get(int(id_))
        if group is None or (group.hidden and group not in existing_data):
            raise ValueError('IP network group does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return group
    elif allow_groups and type_ in {'LocalGroupWrapper', 'LocalGroup'}:
        group = GroupProxy(int(id_))
        if group.group is None:
            raise ValueError('Local group does not exist: {}'.format(id_))
        return group
    elif allow_groups and type_ in {'LDAPGroupWrapper', 'MultipassGroup'}:
        provider = fossil['provider']
        group = GroupProxy(id_, provider)
        if group.group is None and not allow_missing_groups:
            raise ValueError('Multipass group does not exist: {}:{}'.format(provider, id_))
        return group
    elif event and type_ == 'EventRole':
        role = EventRole.get(id_)
        role_name = fossil.get('name')
        if role is None:
            raise ValueError('Role does not exist: {}:{}'.format(role_name, id_))
        if role.event != event:
            raise ValueError('Role does not belong to provided event: {}:{} - {}'.format(role_name, id_, event))
        return role
        raise ValueError('Unexpected fossil type: {}'.format(type_))
Пример #22
 def group(self):
     return GroupProxy(self.id)
Пример #23
def principal_from_identifier(identifier, allow_groups=False, allow_external_users=False, allow_event_roles=False,
                              allow_category_roles=False, allow_registration_forms=False, allow_emails=False,
                              event_id=None, soft_fail=False):
    from indico.modules.events.models.events import Event
    from indico.modules.events.models.roles import EventRole
    from indico.modules.categories.models.roles import CategoryRole
    from indico.modules.events.registration.models.forms import RegistrationForm
    from indico.modules.groups import GroupProxy
    from indico.modules.users import User

        type_, data = identifier.split(':', 1)
    except ValueError:
        raise ValueError('Invalid data')
    if type_ == 'User':
            user_id = int(data)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')
        user = User.get(user_id, is_deleted=(None if soft_fail else False))
        if user is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid user: {}'.format(user_id))
        return user
    elif type_ == 'ExternalUser':
        if not allow_external_users:
            raise ValueError('External users are not allowed')
        cache = GenericCache('external-user')
        external_user_data = cache.get(data)
        if not external_user_data:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')
        user = User.query.filter(User.all_emails == external_user_data['email'], ~User.is_deleted).first()
        if user:
            return user
        # create a pending user. this user isn't sent to the DB unless it gets added
        # to the sqlalchemy session somehow (e.g. by adding it to an ACL).
        # like this processing form data does not result in something being stored in
        # the database, which is good!
        return User(first_name=external_user_data['first_name'], last_name=external_user_data['last_name'],
                    email=external_user_data['email'], affiliation=external_user_data['affiliation'],
                    address=external_user_data['address'], phone=external_user_data['phone'], is_pending=True)
    elif type_ == 'Group':
        if not allow_groups:
            raise ValueError('Groups are not allowed')
            provider, name = data.split(':', 1)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')
        if not provider:
            # local group
                group_id = int(name)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError('Invalid data')
            group = GroupProxy(group_id)
            # multipass group
            group = GroupProxy(name, provider)
        if not soft_fail and group.group is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid group: {}'.format(data))
        return group
    elif type_ == 'EventRole':
        if not allow_event_roles:
            raise ValueError('Event roles are not allowed')
            event_role_id = int(data)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')
        event_role = EventRole.get(event_role_id)
        if event_role is None or event_role.event_id != event_id:
            raise ValueError('Invalid event role: {}'.format(event_role_id))
        return event_role
    elif type_ == 'CategoryRole':
        if not allow_category_roles:
            raise ValueError('Category roles are not allowed')
        event = Event.get(event_id)
        if event is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid event id: {}'.format(event_id))
            category_role_id = int(data)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')
        if soft_fail:
            category_role = CategoryRole.get(category_role_id)
            category_role = CategoryRole.get_category_role_by_id(event.category, category_role_id)
        if category_role is None:
            raise ValueError('Invalid category role: {}'.format(category_role_id))
        return category_role
    elif type_ == 'RegistrationForm':
        if not allow_registration_forms:
            raise ValueError('Registration forms are not allowed')

            reg_form_id = int(data)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Invalid data')

        registration_form = RegistrationForm.get(reg_form_id, is_deleted=(None if soft_fail else False))
        if registration_form is None or registration_form.event_id != event_id:
            raise ValueError('Invalid registration form: {}'.format(reg_form_id))
        return registration_form
    elif type_ == 'Email':
        if not allow_emails:
            raise ValueError('Emails are not allowed')
        return EmailPrincipal(data)
        raise ValueError('Invalid data')
Пример #24
 def group(self):
     return GroupProxy(self.id, self.provider)
Пример #25
def _include_capitalized_groups(groups):
    alternatives = _get_alternative_group_names()
    for group in groups:
        yield group.identifier
        for alt_name in alternatives.get((group.provider, group.name.lower()), ()):
            yield GroupProxy(alt_name, group.provider).identifier
Пример #26
    def fetch_rooms(self, connection, room_name=None):
        self._logger.debug("Fetching room information...")

        counter = Counter()
        foundation_rooms = []

        coordinates = self.fetch_buildings_coordinates(connection)
        cursor = connection.cursor()

        if room_name:
                'SELECT * FROM foundation_pub.meeting_rooms WHERE ID = :room_name',
                'SELECT * FROM foundation_pub.meeting_rooms ORDER BY ID')

        for row in cursor:
            counter['found'] += 1
            data = self._prepare_row(row, cursor)
            room_id = data['ID']

                room_data, email_warning = self._parse_room_data(
                    data, coordinates, room_id)
                manager_group = data.get('EMAIL_LIST')
                self._logger.debug("Fetched data for room with id='%s'",
            except SkipRoom as e:
                counter['skipped'] += 1
                self._logger.info("Skipped room %s: %s", room_id, e)

            room = Room.query.filter_by(building=room_data['building'],

            if room_data['owner'] is None:
                del room_data['owner']
                if room is None:
                    counter['skipped'] += 1
                    self._logger.info("Skipped room %s: %s", room_id,
                                      email_warning[0] % email_warning[1:])
                elif not room.is_deleted:

            # Insert new room
            if room is None:
                room = Room()
                counter['inserted'] += 1
                self._logger.info("Created new room '%s'", room_id)
                counter['updated'] += 1

            # Update room data
            self._update_room(room, room_data)
            new_managers = set()
            if manager_group is not None:
                group = GroupProxy(manager_group.strip(), provider='cern-ldap')
                if group.group is None:
                    self._logger.warning("Group '%s' does not exist in LDAP",
            current_managers = room.get_manager_list()
            for principal in current_managers - new_managers:
                room.update_principal(principal, full_access=False)
            for principal in new_managers - current_managers:
                room.update_principal(principal, full_access=True)

            self._logger.info("Updated room '%s' information", room_id)

        # Deactivate rooms not found in Foundation
        indico_rooms = Room.find(
            Room.name == room_name) if room_name else Room.find(
        rooms_to_deactivate = (
            room for room in indico_rooms
            if room not in foundation_rooms and not room.is_deleted)
        for room in rooms_to_deactivate:
            self._logger.info("Deactivated room '%s'", room.full_name)
            room.is_deleted = True
            counter['deactivated'] += 1
        self._logger.info("Deactivated %d rooms not found in Foundation",

            "Rooms summary: %d in Foundation - %d skipped - %d inserted - %d updated - %d deactivated",
            counter['found'], counter['skipped'], counter['inserted'],
            counter['updated'], counter['deactivated'])
Пример #27
         user._affiliation.name = user._affiliation.affiliation_link.name
     return user
 elif type_ == 'Group':
     if not allow_groups:
         raise ValueError('Groups are not allowed')
         provider, name = data.split(':', 1)
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError('Invalid data')
     if not provider:
         # local group
             group_id = int(name)
         except ValueError:
             raise ValueError('Invalid data')
         group = GroupProxy(group_id)
         # multipass group
         group = GroupProxy(name, provider)
     if not soft_fail and group.group is None:
         raise ValueError(f'Invalid group: {data}')
     return group
 elif type_ == 'EventRole':
     if not allow_event_roles:
         raise ValueError('Event roles are not allowed')
         event_role_id = int(data)
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError('Invalid data')
     event_role = EventRole.get(event_role_id)
     if event_role is None or event_role.event_id != event_id:
Пример #28
 def is_member_of_group(self, group_name):
     group_provider = multipass.default_group_provider
     group = GroupProxy(group_name,
                        group_provider.name if group_provider else None)
     return group.has_member(self.user)