def __init__(self, app, host='localhost', port=8000, enable_ssl=False, ssl_key=None, ssl_cert=None, reload_on_change=False, use_debugger=True, evalex_whitelist=None, quiet=False): """ Run an Indico server based on the Werkzeug server """ if not SSL and enable_ssl: console.error('You need pyopenssl to use SSL') sys.exit(1) = app = host self.port = port self.ssl = enable_ssl self.ssl_key = ssl_key self.ssl_cert = ssl_cert self.reload_on_change = reload_on_change self.use_debugger = use_debugger self.evalex_whitelist = evalex_whitelist self.quiet = quiet logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)) self._setup_ssl() self._server = None
def user_create(grant_admin): """Creates new user""" update_session_options(db) user_type = 'user' if not grant_admin else 'admin' while True: email = prompt_email() if email is None: return email = email.lower() if not User.find(User.all_emails.contains(email), ~User.is_deleted, ~User.is_pending).count(): break error('Email already exists') first_name = prompt("First name") last_name = prompt("Last name") affiliation = prompt("Affiliation", '') print() while True: username = prompt("Enter username").lower() if not Identity.find(provider='indico', identifier=username).count(): break error('Username already exists') password = prompt_pass() if password is None: return identity = Identity(provider='indico', identifier=username, password=password) user = create_user(email, {'first_name': to_unicode(first_name), 'last_name': to_unicode(last_name), 'affiliation': to_unicode(affiliation)}, identity) user.is_admin = grant_admin print_user_info(user) if prompt_bool(cformat("%{yellow}Create the new {}?").format(user_type), default=True): db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() success("New {} created successfully with ID: {}".format(user_type,
def user_revoke(user_id): """Revokes administration rights from a given user""" avatar = AvatarHolder().getById(user_id) if avatar is None: error("The user does not exists") return print_user_info(avatar) if not avatar.isAdmin(): warning("This user does not have administration rights") return if prompt_bool(cformat("%{yellow}Revoke administration rights from this user?")): admin_list = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAdminList() admin_list.revoke(avatar) success("Administration rights revoked successfully")
def user_revoke(user_id): """Revokes administration rights from a given user""" user = User.get(user_id) if user is None: error("This user does not exist") return print_user_info(user) if not user.is_admin: warning("This user does not have administration rights") return if prompt_bool(cformat("%{yellow}Revoke administration rights from this user?")): user.is_admin = False transaction.commit() success("Administration rights revoked successfully")
def user_grant(user_id): """Grants administration rights to a given user""" user = User.get(user_id) if user is None: error("This user does not exist") return print_user_info(user) if user.is_admin: warning("This user already has administration rights") return if prompt_bool(cformat("%{yellow}Grant administration rights to this user?")): user.is_admin = True transaction.commit() success("Administration rights granted successfully")
def user_grant(user_id): """Grants administration rights to a given user""" avatar = AvatarHolder().getById(user_id) if avatar is None: error("The user does not exists") return print_user_info(avatar) if avatar.isAdmin(): warning("This user already has administration rights") return if prompt_bool(cformat("%{yellow}Grant administration rights to this user?")): admin_list = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAdminList() admin_list.grant(avatar) avatar.activateAccount() success("Administration rights granted successfully")
def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=8000, enable_ssl=False, ssl_key=None, ssl_cert=None, reload_on_change=False, use_debugger=True): """ Run an Indico WSGI ref server instance Very simple dispatching app """ if not werkzeug: console.error('Please install werkzeug to use the builtin dev server') sys.exit(1) elif not SSL and enable_ssl: console.error('You need pyopenssl to use SSL') sys.exit(1) config = Config.getInstance() baseURL = config.getBaseURL() path = urlparse.urlparse(baseURL)[2].rstrip('/') def fake_app(environ, start_response): rpath = environ['PATH_INFO'] m = re.match(r'^{0}(.*)$'.format(path), rpath) if m: environ['PATH_INFO'] = environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = path for msg in application(environ, start_response): yield msg else: start_response("404 NOT FOUND", []) yield 'Not found' = fake_app = host self.port = port self.ssl = enable_ssl self.ssl_key = ssl_key self.ssl_cert = ssl_cert self.reload_on_change = reload_on_change self.use_debugger = use_debugger logger = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)) self._setup_ssl() self._server = None
def user_create(grant_admin): """Creates new user""" avatar = Avatar() user_type = 'user' if not grant_admin else 'admin' print() name = prompt("First name") surname = prompt("Last name") organization = prompt("Affiliation") print() login = prompt("Enter username") email = prompt_email().encode('utf-8') if email is None: return password = prompt_pass().encode('utf-8') if password is None: return avatar.setName(name) avatar.setSurName(surname) avatar.setOrganisation(organization) avatar.setLang("en_GB") avatar.setEmail(email) print_user_info(avatar) if prompt_bool(cformat("%{yellow}Create the new {}?").format(user_type), default=True): from MaKaC.authentication import AuthenticatorMgr avatar.activateAccount() login_info = LoginInfo(login, password) auth_mgr = AuthenticatorMgr() try: user_id = auth_mgr.createIdentity(login_info, avatar, "Local") auth_mgr.add(user_id) AvatarHolder().add(avatar) if grant_admin: admin_list = HelperMaKaCInfo.getMaKaCInfoInstance().getAdminList() admin_list.grant(avatar) success("New {} created successfully with ID: {}".format(user_type, avatar.getId())) except UserError as e: error("Error: {}".format(str(e)))