Пример #1
    def _generate_zip_file(self, files_holder, name_prefix='material', name_suffix=None):
        """Generate a zip file containing the files passed.

        :param files_holder: An iterable (or an iterable containing) object that
                             contains the files to be added in the zip file.
        :param name_prefix: The prifix to the zip file name
        :param name_suffix: The suffix to the zip file name
        :return: The generated zip file.

        from indico.util.tasks import delete_file

        temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='indico.tmp', dir=Config.getInstance().getTempDir())
        with ZipFile(temp_file.name, 'w', allowZip64=True) as zip_handler:
            self.used_filenames = set()
            for item in self._iter_items(files_holder):
                name = self._prepare_folder_structure(item)
                with item.storage.get_local_path(item.storage_file_id) as filepath:
                    zip_handler.write(filepath.encode('utf-8'), name)

        # Delete the temporary file after some time.  Even for a large file we don't
        # need a higher delay since the webserver will keep it open anyway until it's
        # done sending it to the client.
        delete_file.apply_async(args=[temp_file.name], countdown=3600)
        temp_file.delete = False
        zip_file_name = '{}-{}.zip'.format(name_prefix, name_suffix) if name_suffix else '{}.zip'.format(name_prefix)
        return send_file(zip_file_name, temp_file.name, 'application/zip', inline=False)
Пример #2
    def _generate_zip_file(self, files_holder, name_prefix='material', name_suffix=None):
        """Generate a zip file containing the files passed.

        :param files_holder: An iterable (or an iterable containing) object that
                             contains the files to be added in the zip file.
        :param name_prefix: The prifix to the zip file name
        :param name_suffix: The suffix to the zip file name
        :return: The generated zip file.

        from indico.util.tasks import delete_file

        temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='indico.tmp', dir=Config.getInstance().getTempDir())
        with ZipFile(temp_file.name, 'w', allowZip64=True) as zip_handler:
            self.used_filenames = set()
            for item in self._iter_items(files_holder):
                name = self._prepare_folder_structure(item)
                with item.storage.get_local_path(item.storage_file_id) as filepath:
                    zip_handler.write(filepath.encode('utf-8'), name)

        # Delete the temporary file after some time.  Even for a large file we don't
        # need a higher delay since the webserver will keep it open anyway until it's
        # done sending it to the client.
        delete_file.apply_async(args=[temp_file.name], countdown=3600)
        temp_file.delete = False
        zip_file_name = '{}-{}.zip'.format(name_prefix, name_suffix) if name_suffix else '{}.zip'.format(name_prefix)
        return send_file(zip_file_name, temp_file.name, 'application/zip', inline=False)
Пример #3
def _generate_zip_file(attachments, regform):
    temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='indico.tmp', dir=Config.getInstance().getTempDir())
    with ZipFile(temp_file.name, 'w', allowZip64=True) as zip_handler:
        for reg_attachments in attachments.itervalues():
            for reg_attachment in reg_attachments:
                name = _prepare_folder_structure(reg_attachment)
                with reg_attachment.storage.get_local_path(reg_attachment.storage_file_id) as filepath:
                    zip_handler.write(filepath, name)

    # Delete the temporary file after some time.  Even for a large file we don't
    # need a higher delay since the webserver will keep it open anyway until it's
    # done sending it to the client.
    delete_file.apply_async(args=[temp_file.name], countdown=3600)
    temp_file.delete = False
    return send_file('attachments-{}.zip'.format(regform.id), temp_file.name, 'application/zip', inline=False)
Пример #4
def _generate_zip_file(attachments, regform):
    temp_file = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='indico.tmp', dir=Config.getInstance().getTempDir())
    with ZipFile(temp_file.name, 'w', allowZip64=True) as zip_handler:
        for reg_attachments in attachments.itervalues():
            for reg_attachment in reg_attachments:
                name = _prepare_folder_structure(reg_attachment)
                with reg_attachment.storage.get_local_path(reg_attachment.storage_file_id) as filepath:
                    zip_handler.write(filepath, name)

    # Delete the temporary file after some time.  Even for a large file we don't
    # need a higher delay since the webserver will keep it open anyway until it's
    # done sending it to the client.
    delete_file.apply_async(args=[temp_file.name], countdown=3600)
    temp_file.delete = False
    return send_file('attachments-{}.zip'.format(regform.id), temp_file.name, 'application/zip', inline=False)