Пример #1
def test_invalid_json_respons_is_handled(mocker, caplog, method):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    request.method = method.upper()
    request.url = RavemPlugin.settings.get('api_endpoint') + 'test_endpoint'
    response = MagicMock()
    response.request = request
    response.url = response.request.url
    response.json.return_value = {'bad': 'json'}
    response.raise_for_status.return_value = False
    request.return_value = response

    with pytest.raises(RavemAPIException) as excinfo:
        ravem_api_call('test_endpoint', method=method)

    err_msg = '{0} {1} returned json without a result or error: {2}'.format(
        RavemPlugin.settings.get('api_endpoint') + 'test_endpoint',
        {'bad': 'json'})
    assert excinfo.value.message == err_msg
    assert excinfo.value.endpoint == 'test_endpoint'
    assert excinfo.value.response == response

    log = extract_logs(caplog, one=True, name='indico.plugin.ravem')
    assert log.message == err_msg

    assert request.call_count == 1
Пример #2
def test_raises_timeout(mocker):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    request.side_effect = Timeout('Timeout test error message', request=request)

    with pytest.raises(Timeout) as excinfo:

    assert excinfo.value.message == "Timeout while contacting the room."
    assert request.call_count == 1
Пример #3
def test_accepts_json(mocker):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json.return_value = {'result': 'test'}
    response.raise_for_status.return_value = False
    request.return_value = response

    ravem_api_call('test_endpoint', param1='test1', param2='test2')

    assert request.call_count == 1
    assert request.call_args[1]['headers']['Accept'] == 'application/json'
Пример #4
def test_correct_auth_method(mocker):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json.return_value = {'result': 'test'}
    response.raise_for_status.return_value = False
    request.return_value = response

    ravem_api_call('test_endpoint', param1='test1', param2='test2')

    assert request.call_count == 1
    assert isinstance(request.call_args[1]['auth'], HTTPDigestAuth)
Пример #5
def test_correct_http_method(mocker, method):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json.return_value = {'result': 'test'}
    response.raise_for_status.return_value = False
    request.return_value = response

    ravem_api_call('test_endpoint', method=method, param1='test1', param2='test2')

    assert request.call_count == 1
    assert request.call_args[0][0] == method
Пример #6
def test_params_generated(mocker, params):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json.return_value = {'result': 'test'}
    response.raise_for_status.return_value = False
    request.return_value = response

    ravem_api_call('test_endpoint', **params)

    assert request.call_count == 1
    assert request.call_args[1]['params'] == params
Пример #7
def test_unexpected_exception_is_logged(mocker, caplog, method, params):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    request.side_effect = IndexError('this is unexpected')

    with pytest.raises(IndexError) as excinfo:
        ravem_api_call('test_endpoint', method=method, **params)

    assert excinfo.value.message == 'this is unexpected'
    log = extract_logs(caplog, one=True, name='indico.plugin.ravem')
    assert log.message == "failed call: {0} {1} with {2}: {3}".format(method.upper(), 'test_endpoint', params,
                                                                      'this is unexpected')
    assert request.call_count == 1
Пример #8
def test_correct_api_endpoint(mocker, root_endpoint, endpoint, expected_url):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json.return_value = {'result': 'test'}
    response.raise_for_status.return_value = False
    request.return_value = response

    RavemPlugin.settings.set('api_endpoint', root_endpoint)
    ravem_api_call(endpoint, param1='test1', param2='test2')

    assert request.call_count == 1
    assert request.call_args[0][1] == expected_url
Пример #9
def test_correct_auth_credentials(mocker, username, password):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json.return_value = {'result': 'test'}
    response.raise_for_status.return_value = False
    request.return_value = response

    RavemPlugin.settings.set_multi({'username': username, 'password': password})
    ravem_api_call('test_endpoint', param1='test1', param2='test2')

    assert request.call_count == 1
    auth = request.call_args[1]['auth']
    assert auth.username == username
    assert auth.password == password
Пример #10
def test_correct_auth_method(mocker):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json.return_value = {'result': 'test'}
    response.raise_for_status.return_value = False
    request.return_value = response

    token = 'foo'
    RavemPlugin.settings.set('access_token', token)
    ravem_api_call('test_endpoint', param1='test1', param2='test2')

    assert request.call_count == 1
    assert 'Authorization' in request.call_args[1]['headers']
    assert request.call_args[1]['headers'][
        'Authorization'] == 'Bearer %s' % token
Пример #11
 def connect_endpoint(self, room_name, vc_room_id):
     return ravem_api_call('%s/connect' % self.SERVICE_TYPE,
                               'meetingId': vc_room_id,
                               'roomName': room_name
Пример #12
def disconnect_endpoint(room_name, vc_room_name, service_type):
    """Disconnects a physical room from a vidyo room using the RAVEM API.

    This call will return "OK" as a result immediately if RAVEM can (or has
    started to) perform the operation. This does not mean the operation has
    actually succeeded. One should poll for the status of the room afterwards
    using the `get_endpoint_status` method after some delay to allow the
    operation to be performed.

    :param room_name: str -- the name of the physical room
    :param vc_room_name: str -- The Vidyo room name (which is recommended to
        disconnect the physical room from the Vidyo room in case the service
        type is Vidyo.)
    :param service_type: str -- The endpoint type (usually `vidyo` or `other`)

    :returns: dict -- {'result': 'OK'} if the operation "succeeds", raises a
        RavemAPIException otherwise.
    params = {
        'method': 'POST',
        'where': 'room_name',
        'value': room_name,
        'type': service_type
    if service_type == 'vidyo':
        params['vidyo_room_name'] = vc_room_name

    return ravem_api_call('videoconference/disconnect', **params)
Пример #13
def test_http_error_is_logged(mocker, caplog, method, params):
    request = mocker.patch('indico_ravem.util.requests.request')
    request.method = method.upper()
    request.url = RavemPlugin.settings.get('api_endpoint') + 'test_endpoint'
    response = MagicMock()
    response.raise_for_status.side_effect = HTTPError('Well this is embarrassing')
    response.request = request
    response.url = response.request.url
    request.return_value = response

    with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
        ravem_api_call('test_endpoint', method=method, **params)

    assert excinfo.value.message == 'Well this is embarrassing'
    log = extract_logs(caplog, one=True, name='indico.plugin.ravem')
    assert log.message == '{0} {1} failed with {2}'.format(
        method.upper(), RavemPlugin.settings.get('api_endpoint') + 'test_endpoint', 'Well this is embarrassing')

    assert request.call_count == 1
Пример #14
    def get_endpoint_status(room_name):
        """Returns the status of an physical room.

        This call returns the status of a room equipped with videoconference capable device

        :param room_name: str -- the name of the physical room
        room_name = room_name.replace('/', '-', 1)
        return ravem_api_call('rooms/details',
                                  'where': 'room_name',
                                  'value': room_name
Пример #15
def get_endpoint_status(room_name):
    """Returns the status of an physical room.

    This call returns the status of a room equipped with Vidyo capable device

    :param room_name: str -- the name of the physical room

    :returns: dict -- the status of the room as a JSON response according to the
        RAVEM API.
    return ravem_api_call('getstatus',
Пример #16
def connect_endpoint(vidyo_room_id, query):
    """Connects a physical room to a Vidyo room using the RAVEM API.

    This call will return "OK" as a result immediately if RAVEM can (or has
    started to) perform the operation. This does not mean the operation has
    actually succeeded. One should poll for the status of the room afterwards
    using the `get_endpoint_status` method after some delay to allow the
    operation to be performed..

    :param vidyo_room_id: str -- target Vidyo room ID
    :param query: str -- search query passed to RAVEM to allow it to find the
        physical room from Vidyo. Usually, simply the room's endpoint as
        specified in the room's status data.

    :returns: dict -- {'result': 'OK'} if the operation "succeeds", raises a
              RavemAPIException otherwise.
    return ravem_api_call('videoconference/connect',