Пример #1
def setup():
    print "Gathering router MAC address"

    router_mac_address = Inet.get_router_mac_addy()

    # persist to current user directory as hidden file
    home = os.getenv("HOME")
    filename = ".trackr"
    filename = os.path.join(home, filename)

    # check if exists
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        print "Initializing on first run..."
        print "Please answer some questions to help me setup. ;-)"
        f = open(filename, "w")

        question = "Where are you running this from:"
        choices = """
		a) work?
		b) home?
		c) other?
        question += choices

        valid_responses = {"a": "work", "b": "home", "c": "other"}

        resp = raw_input(question.strip()).lower()
        location = {"work": "", "home": "", "other": ""}

        if resp in valid_responses.keys():
            loc = valid_responses[resp]
            location[loc] = router_mac_address

            print "Saving MAC address %s for %s" % (router_mac_address, loc)
            print "Repeating the question...choose a, b, or c."

        pickle.dump(location, f)
        print "Load 'er up..."
Пример #2
from inet import Inet

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # grab mac address
    mac = Inet.get_router_mac_addy()
    if(mac == None):
        print "Unable to retrieve route MAC address"
    # look for mac in our DB
    # found in DB?...log time
    # not found in DB?...ask user what this place is
    # periodically log MAC address
Пример #3
def blah():
    from datetime import datetime
    print "%s (%s)" % (Inet.get_router_mac_addy(), datetime.today())