Пример #1
 def __init__(self):
     super(GPC, self).__init__()
     self.meanfunc = mean.Zero()  # default prior mean
     self.covfunc = cov.RBF()  # default prior covariance
     self.likfunc = lik.Erf()  # erf likihood
     self.inffunc = inf.EP()  # default inference method
     self.optimizer = opt.Minimize(self)  # default optimizer
Пример #2
Файл: gp.py Проект: Comy/pyGPs
 def useInference(self, newInf):
     if newInf == "Laplace":
         self.inffunc = inf.Laplace()
     elif newInf == "EP":
         self.inffunc = inf.EP()
         raise Exception('Possible inf values are "Laplace", "EP".')
Пример #3
    def useLikelihood(self, newLik):
        Use another likelihood function other than default Gaussian likelihood.

        :param str newLik: 'Laplace'
        if newLik == "Laplace":
            self.likfunc = lik.Laplace()
            self.inffunc = inf.EP()
            raise Exception('Possible lik values are "Laplace".')
Пример #4
    def useInference(self, newInf):
        Use another inference techinique other than default exact inference.

        :param str newInf: 'Laplace' or 'EP'
        if newInf == "Laplace":
            self.inffunc = inf.Laplace()
        elif newInf == "EP":
            self.inffunc = inf.EP()
            raise Exception('Possible inf values are "Laplace", "EP".')
Пример #5
 def useLikelihood(self, newLik):
     if newLik == "Laplace":
         self.likfunc = lik.Laplace()
         self.inffunc = inf.EP()
         raise Exception('Possible lik values are "Laplace".')
Пример #6
Файл: lik.py Проект: Comy/pyGPs
    def proceed(self, y=None, mu=None, s2=None, inffunc=None, der=None, nargout=1):
        sn = np.exp(self.hyp); b = sn/np.sqrt(2);
        if y == None:
            y = np.zeros_like(mu) 
        if inffunc == None:                              # prediction mode if inf is not present
            if y == None:
                y = np.zeros_like(mu)
            s2zero = True; 
            if not s2 == None: 
                if np.linalg.norm(s2)>0:
                    s2zero = False                       # s2==0?       
            if s2zero:                                   # log probability evaluation
                lp = -np.abs(y-mu)/b -np.log(2*b); s2 = 0
            else:                                        # prediction
                lp = self.proceed(y, mu, s2, inf.EP())
            if nargout>1:
                ymu = mu                              # first y moment
                if nargout>2:
                    ys2 = s2 + sn**2                  # second y moment
                    return lp,ymu,ys2
                    return lp,ymu
                return lp
        else:                                            # inference mode
            if isinstance(inffunc, inf.Laplace):
                if der == None:                          # no derivative mode
                    if y == None:
                        y = np.zeros_like(mu) 
                    ymmu = y-mu
                    lp = np.abs(ymmu)/b - np.log(2*b)
                    if nargout>1:                        # derivative of log likelihood
                        dip = np.sign(ymmu)/b
                        if nargout>2:                    # 2nd derivative of log likelihood
                            d2lp = np.zeros_like(ymmu)
                            if nargout>3:                # 3rd derivative of log likelihood
                                d3lp = np.zeros_like(ymmu)
                                return lp,dlp,d2lp,d3lp
                                return lp,dlp,d2lp
                            return lp,dlp
                        return lp
                else:                                    # derivative mode
                    return []                            # derivative w.r.t. hypers
            elif isinstance(inffunc, inf.EP):
                n = np.max([len(y.flatten()),len(mu.flatten()),len(s2.flatten()),len(sn.flatten())])
                on = np.ones((n,1))
                y = y*on; mu = mu*on; s2 = s2*on; sn = sn*on; 
                fac = 1e3;          # factor between the widths of the two distributions ...
                                    # ... from when one considered a delta peak, we use 3 orders of magnitude
                #idlik = np.reshape( (fac*sn) < np.sqrt(s2) , (sn.shape[0],) ) # Likelihood is a delta peak
                #idgau = np.reshape( (fac*np.sqrt(s2)) < sn , (sn.shape[0],) ) # Gaussian is a delta peak
                idlik = (fac*sn) < np.sqrt(s2) 
                idgau = (fac*np.sqrt(s2)) < sn 
                id    = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(idgau),np.logical_not(idlik)) # interesting case in between

                if der == None:                          # no derivative mode
                    lZ = np.zeros((n,1))
                    dlZ = np.zeros((n,1))
                    d2lZ = np.zeros((n,1))
                    if np.any(idlik):
                        l = Gauss(log_sigma=np.log(s2[idlik])/2)
                        a = l.proceed(mu[idlik], y[idlik])
                        lZ[idlik] = a[0]; dlZ[idlik] = a[1]; d2lZ[idlik] = a[2]
                    if np.any(idgau):
                        l = Laplace(log_hyp=np.log(sn[idgau]))
                        a = l.proceed(mu=mu[idgau], y=y[idgau])
                        lZ[idgau] = a[0]; dlZ[idgau] = a[1]; d2lZ[idgau] = a[2] 
                    if np.any(id):
                        # substitution to obtain unit variance, zero mean Laplacian
                        tvar = s2[id]/(sn[id]**2+1e-16)
                        tmu = (mu[id]-y[id])/(sn[id]+1e-16)
                        # an implementation based on logphi(t) = log(normcdf(t))
                        zp = (tmu+np.sqrt(2)*tvar)/np.sqrt(tvar)
                        zm = (tmu-np.sqrt(2)*tvar)/np.sqrt(tvar)
                        ap =  self._logphi(-zp)+np.sqrt(2)*tmu
                        am =  self._logphi( zm)-np.sqrt(2)*tmu
                        apam = np.vstack((ap,am)).T
                        lZ[id] = self._logsum2exp(apam) + tvar - np.log(sn[id]*np.sqrt(2.))

                    if nargout>1:
                        lqp = -0.5*zp**2 - 0.5*np.log(2*np.pi) - self._logphi(-zp);       # log( N(z)/Phi(z) )
                        lqm = -0.5*zm**2 - 0.5*np.log(2*np.pi) - self._logphi( zm);
                        dap = -np.exp(lqp-0.5*np.log(s2[id])) + np.sqrt(2)/sn[id]
                        dam =  np.exp(lqm-0.5*np.log(s2[id])) - np.sqrt(2)/sn[id]
                        _z1 = np.vstack((ap,am)).T
                        _z2 = np.vstack((dap,dam)).T
                        _x = np.array([[1],[1]])
                        dlZ[id] = self._expABz_expAx(_z1, _x, _z2, _x)
                        if nargout>2:
                            a = np.sqrt(8.)/sn[id]/np.sqrt(s2[id]);
                            bp = 2./sn[id]**2 - (a - zp/s2[id])*np.exp(lqp)
                            bm = 2./sn[id]**2 - (a + zm/s2[id])*np.exp(lqm)
                            _x = np.reshape(np.array([1,1]),(2,1))
                            _z1 = np.reshape(np.array([ap,am]),(1,2))
                            _z2 = np.reshape(np.array([bp,bm]),(1,2))
                            d2lZ[id] = self._expABz_expAx(_z1, _x, _z2, _x) - dlZ[id]**2
                            return lZ,dlZ,d2lZ
                            return lZ,dlZ
                        return lZ
                else:                                    # derivative mode
                    dlZhyp = np.zeros((n,1))
                    if np.any(idlik):
                        dlZhyp[idlik] = 0
                    if np.any(idgau):
                        l = Laplace(log_hyp=np.log(sn[idgau]))
                        a =  l.proceed(mu=mu[idgau], y=y[idgau], inffunc='inf.Laplace', nargout=1)
                        dlZhyp[idgau] = a[0]

                    if np.any(id):
                        # substitution to obtain unit variance, zero mean Laplacian
                        tmu = (mu[id]-y[id])/(sn[id]+1e-16);        tvar = s2[id]/(sn[id]**2+1e-16)
                        zp  = (tvar+tmu/np.sqrt(2))/np.sqrt(tvar);  vp = tvar+np.sqrt(2)*tmu
                        zm  = (tvar-tmu/np.sqrt(2))/np.sqrt(tvar);  vm = tvar-np.sqrt(2)*tmu
                        dzp = (-s2[id]/sn[id]+tmu*sn[id]/np.sqrt(2)) / np.sqrt(s2[id])
                        dvp = -2*tvar - np.sqrt(2)*tmu
                        dzm = (-s2[id]/sn[id]-tmu*sn[id]/np.sqrt(2)) / np.sqrt(s2[id])
                        dvm = -2*tvar + np.sqrt(2)*tmu
                        lezp = self._lerfc(zp); # ap = exp(vp).*ezp
                        lezm = self._lerfc(zm); # am = exp(vm).*ezm
                        vmax = np.max(np.array([vp+lezp,vm+lezm]),axis=0); # subtract max to avoid numerical pb
                        ep  = np.exp(vp+lezp-vmax)
                        em  = np.exp(vm+lezm-vmax)
                        dap = ep*(dvp - 2/np.sqrt(np.pi)*np.exp(-zp**2-lezp)*dzp)
                        dam = em*(dvm - 2/np.sqrt(np.pi)*np.exp(-zm**2-lezm)*dzm)        
                        dlZhyp[id] = (dap+dam)/(ep+em) - 1;       
                    return dlZhyp               # deriv. wrt hyp.lik
            elif isinstance(inffunc, inf.VB):
                n = len(s2.flatten()); b = np.zeros((n,1)); y = y*np.ones((n,1)); z = y
                return b,z
Пример #7
Файл: lik.py Проект: Comy/pyGPs
    def proceed(self, y=None, mu=None, s2=None, inffunc=None, der=None, nargout=1):
        if not y == None:
            y = np.sign(y)
            y[y==0] = 1
            y = 1                                        # allow only +/- 1 values
        if inffunc == None:                              # prediction mode if inf is not present
            y = y*np.ones_like(mu)                       # make y a vector
            s2zero = True; 
            if not s2 == None: 
                if np.linalg.norm(s2)>0:
                    s2zero = False                       # s2==0?       
            if s2zero:                                   # log probability evaluation
                p,lp = self.cumGauss(y,mu,2)
            else:                                        # prediction
                lp = self.proceed(y, mu, s2, inf.EP())
                p = np.exp(lp)
            if nargout>1:
                ymu = 2*p-1                              # first y moment
                if nargout>2:
                    ys2 = 4*p*(1-p)                      # second y moment
                    return lp,ymu,ys2
                    return lp,ymu
                return lp
        else:                                            # inference mode
            if isinstance(inffunc, inf.Laplace):
                if der == None:                          # no derivative mode
                    f = mu; yf = y*f                     # product latents and labels
                    p,lp = self.cumGauss(y,f,2)
                    if nargout>1:                        # derivative of log likelihood
                        n_p = self.gauOverCumGauss(yf,p)
                        dlp = y*n_p                      # derivative of log likelihood
                        if nargout>2:                    # 2nd derivative of log likelihood
                            d2lp = -n_p**2 - yf*n_p
                            if nargout>3:                # 3rd derivative of log likelihood
                                d3lp = 2*y*n_p**3 + 3*f*n_p**2 + y*(f**2-1)*n_p 
                                return lp,dlp,d2lp,d3lp
                                return lp,dlp,d2lp
                            return lp,dlp
                        return lp
                else:                                    # derivative mode
                    return []                            # derivative w.r.t. hypers

            elif isinstance(inffunc, inf.EP):
                if der == None:                          # no derivative mode
                    z = mu/np.sqrt(1+s2) 
                    junk,lZ = self.cumGauss(y,z,2)       # log part function
                    if not y == None:
                         z = z*y
                    if nargout>1:
                        if y == None: y = 1
                        n_p = self.gauOverCumGauss(z,np.exp(lZ))
                        dlZ = y*n_p/np.sqrt(1.+s2)       # 1st derivative wrt mean
                        if nargout>2:
                            d2lZ = -n_p*(z+n_p)/(1.+s2)  # 2nd derivative wrt mean
                            return lZ,dlZ,d2lZ
                            return lZ,dlZ
                        return lZ
                else:                                    # derivative mode
                    return []                       # deriv. wrt hyp.lik
Пример #8
Файл: lik.py Проект: Comy/pyGPs
 def proceed(self, y=None, mu=None, s2=None, inffunc=None, der=None, nargout=1):
     sn2 = np.exp(2. * self.hyp[0])
     if inffunc == None:              # prediction mode 
         if y == None:
             y = np.zeros_like(mu)
         s2zero = True
         if (not s2==None) and np.linalg.norm(s2) > 0:
             s2zero = False     
         if s2zero:                   # log probability
             lp = -(y-mu)**2 /sn2/2 - np.log(2.*np.pi*sn2)/2. 
             s2 = np.zeros_like(s2)
             inf_func = inf.EP()   # prediction
             lp = self.proceed(y, mu, s2, inf_func)
         if nargout>1:
             ymu = mu                 # first y moment
             if nargout>2:
                 ys2 = s2 + sn2       # second y moment
                 return lp,ymu,ys2
                 return lp,ymu
             return lp  
         if isinstance(inffunc, inf.EP):
             if der == None:                                  # no derivative mode
                 lZ = -(y-mu)**2/(sn2+s2)/2. - np.log(2*np.pi*(sn2+s2))/2. # log part function
                 if nargout>1:
                     dlZ  = (y-mu)/(sn2+s2)                   # 1st derivative w.r.t. mean
                     if nargout>2:
                         d2lZ = -1/(sn2+s2)                   # 2nd derivative w.r.t. mean
                         return lZ,dlZ,d2lZ
                        return lZ,dlZ
                     return lZ
             else:                                            # derivative mode
                 dlZhyp = ((y-mu)**2/(sn2+s2)-1) / (1+s2/sn2) # deriv. w.r.t. hyp.lik
                 return dlZhyp
         elif isinstance(inffunc, inf.Laplace):
             if der == None:                                  # no derivative mode
                 if y == None: 
                 ymmu = y-mu
                 lp = -ymmu**2/(2*sn2) - np.log(2*np.pi*sn2)/2. 
                 if nargout>1:
                     dlp = ymmu/sn2                           # dlp, derivative of log likelihood
                     if nargout>2:                            # d2lp, 2nd derivative of log likelihood
                         d2lp = -np.ones_like(ymmu)/sn2
                         if nargout>3:                        # d3lp, 3rd derivative of log likelihood
                             d3lp = np.zeros_like(ymmu)
                             return lp,dlp,d2lp,d3lp
                             return lp,dlp,d2lp
                         return lp,dlp
                     return lp
             else:                                            # derivative mode
                 lp_dhyp   = (y-mu)**2/sn2 - 1                # derivative of log likelihood w.r.t. hypers
                 dlp_dhyp  = 2*(mu-y)/sn2                     # first derivative,
                 d2lp_dhyp = 2*np.ones_like(mu)/sn2           # and also of the second mu derivative
                 return lp_dhyp,dlp_dhyp,d2lp_dhyp