Пример #1
def infocalypse_pull(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Pull from an Infocalypse repository in Freenet.
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    if opts['hash']:
        # Use FMS to lookup the uri from the repo hash.
        if opts['uri'] != '':
            ui_.warn("Ignoring --uri because --hash is set!\n")
        if len(opts['hash']) != 1:
            raise util.Abort("Only one --hash value is allowed.")
        params['FMSREAD_HASH'] = opts['hash'][0]
        params['FMSREAD_ONLYTRUSTED'] = bool(opts['onlytrusted'])
        request_uri = get_uri_from_hash(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
        request_uri = opts['uri']

    if request_uri == '':
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Please set one with the --uri option.\n")

    params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri
    # Hmmmm... can't really implement rev.
    execute_pull(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #2
def infocalypse_pull(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Pull from an Infocalypse repository in Freenet.
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    request_uri = ''

    if opts['hash']:
        # Use FMS to lookup the uri from the repo hash.
        if opts['uri']:
            ui_.warn("Ignoring --uri because --hash is set!\n")
        if len(opts['hash']) != 1:
            raise util.Abort("Only one --hash value is allowed.")
        params['FMSREAD_HASH'] = opts['hash'][0]
        params['FMSREAD_ONLYTRUSTED'] = bool(opts['onlytrusted'])
        request_uri = get_uri_from_hash(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
    elif opts['wot']:
        import wot
        truster = get_truster(ui_, repo, opts['truster'],
                              fcpport=opts["fcpport"], fcphost=opts["fcphost"])
        request_uri = wot.resolve_pull_uri(ui_, opts['wot'], truster, repo,
                                           fcphost=opts['fcphost'], fcpport=opts['fcpport'])
    elif opts['uri']:
        request_uri = parse_repo_path(opts['uri'])

    if not request_uri:
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Please set one with the --uri option.\n")

    params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri
    # Hmmmm... can't really implement rev.
    execute_pull(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #3
def infocalypse_push(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Push to an Infocalypse repository in Freenet. """
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    if not opts['uri']:
        insert_uri = stored_cfg.get_dir_insert_uri(repo.root)
        if not insert_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored insert URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Please set one with the --uri option.\n")
        insert_uri = parse_repo_path(opts['uri'])

    set_target_version(ui_, repo, opts, params,
                       "Only pushing to version(s): %s\n")
    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    #if opts['requesturi'] != '':
    #    # DOESN'T search the insert uri index.
    #    ui_.status(("Copying from:\n%s\nTo:\n%s\n\nThis is an "
    #                + "advanced feature. "
    #                + "I hope you know what you're doing.\n") %
    #               (opts['requesturi'], insert_uri))
    #    params['REQUEST_URI'] = opts['requesturi']

    inserted_to = execute_push(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)

    request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
    associated_wot_id = stored_cfg.get_wot_identity(request_uri)
    if inserted_to and associated_wot_id:
        import wot
        from wot_id import Local_WoT_ID
        local_id = Local_WoT_ID('@' + associated_wot_id)
        wot.update_repo_listing(ui_, local_id, 
Пример #4
def infocalypse_reinsert(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Reinsert the current version of an Infocalypse repository. """
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    request_uri = opts['uri']
    if request_uri == '':
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Do a fn-pull from a repository USK and try again.\n")

    level = opts['level']
    if level < 1 or level > 5:
        ui_.warn("level must be 1,2,3,4 or 5.\n")

    insert_uri = stored_cfg.get_dir_insert_uri(repo.root)
    if not insert_uri:
        if level == 1 or level == 4:
            ui_.warn(("You can't re-insert at level %i without the " +
                      "insert URI.\n") % level)

        ui_.status("No insert URI. Will skip re-insert " + "of top key.\n")
        insert_uri = None

    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri
    params['REINSERT_LEVEL'] = level
    execute_reinsert(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #5
def infocalypse_fmsnotify(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Post a msg with the current repository USK index to fms.
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    insert_uri = stored_cfg.get_dir_insert_uri(repo.root)
    if not insert_uri and not (opts['submitbundle'] or
        ui_.warn("You can't notify because there's no stored "
                 + "insert URI for this repo.\n"
                 + "Run from the directory you inserted from.\n")

    params['ANNOUNCE'] = opts['announce']
    params['SUBMIT_BUNDLE'] = opts['submitbundle']
    params['SUBMIT_WIKI'] = opts['submitwiki']
    if params['SUBMIT_WIKI'] or params['SUBMIT_BUNDLE']:
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n")
            raise util.Abort("No request URI.")
        params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri

    params['DRYRUN'] = opts['dryrun']
    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    execute_fmsnotify(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #6
def infocalypse_wiki(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ View and edit the current repository as a wiki. """
    if os.getcwd() != repo.root:
        raise util.Abort("You must be in the repository root directory.")

    subcmds = ('run', 'createconfig', 'apply')
    required = sum([bool(opts[cmd]) for cmd in subcmds])
    if required == 0:
        raise util.Abort("You must specify either --run, " +
                         "--createconfig, --apply")
    if required > 1:
        raise util.Abort("Use either --run, --createconfig, or --apply")

    if opts['apply']:
        params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
        params['REQUEST_URI'] = opts['apply']
        execute_wiki_apply(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)

    if opts['fcphost'] or opts['fcpport']:
        raise util.Abort("--fcphost, --fcpport only for --apply")

    # hmmmm.... useless copy?
    params = {'WIKI': [cmd for cmd in subcmds if opts[cmd]][0],
              'HTTP_PORT': opts['http_port'],
              'HTTP_BIND': opts['http_bind']}
    execute_wiki(ui_, repo, params)
Пример #7
def infocalypse_reinsert(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Reinsert the current version of an Infocalypse repository. """
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    if not opts['uri']:
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Do a fn-pull from a repository USK and try again.\n")
        request_uri = parse_repo_path(opts['uri'])

    level = opts['level']
    if level < 1 or level > 5:
        ui_.warn("level must be 1,2,3,4 or 5.\n")

    insert_uri = stored_cfg.get_dir_insert_uri(repo.root)
    if not insert_uri:
        if level == 1 or level == 4:
            ui_.warn(("You can't re-insert at level %i without the "
                     + "insert URI.\n") % level)

        ui_.status("No insert URI. Will skip re-insert of top key.\n")
        insert_uri = None

    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri
    params['REINSERT_LEVEL'] = level
    execute_reinsert(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #8
def infocalypse_wiki(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ View and edit the current repository as a wiki. """
    if os.getcwd() != repo.root:
        raise util.Abort("You must be in the repository root directory.")

    subcmds = ('run', 'createconfig', 'apply')
    required = sum([bool(opts[cmd]) for cmd in subcmds])
    if required == 0:
        raise util.Abort("You must specify either --run, " +
                         "--createconfig, --apply")
    if required > 1:
        raise util.Abort("Use either --run, --createconfig, or --apply")

    if opts['apply'] != '':
        params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
        params['REQUEST_URI'] = opts['apply']
        execute_wiki_apply(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)

    if opts['fcphost'] != '' or opts['fcpport'] != 0:
        raise util.Abort("--fcphost, --fcpport only for --apply")

    # hmmmm.... useless copy?
    params = {
        'WIKI': [cmd for cmd in subcmds if opts[cmd]][0],
        'HTTP_PORT': opts['http_port'],
        'HTTP_BIND': opts['http_bind']
    execute_wiki(ui_, repo, params)
Пример #9
def infocalypse_info(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Display information about an Infocalypse repository.
    # FCP not required. Hmmm... Hack
    opts['fcphost'] = ''
    opts['fcpport'] = 0
    print get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    request_uri = opts['uri']
    if not request_uri:
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Please set one with the --uri option.\n")

    params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri
    execute_info(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #10
def infocalypse_info(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Display information about an Infocalypse repository.
    # FCP not required. Hmmm... Hack
    opts['fcphost'] = ''
    opts['fcpport'] = 0
    print get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    request_uri = opts['uri']
    if not request_uri:
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Please set one with the --uri option.\n")

    params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri
    execute_info(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #11
def infocalypse_create(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Create a new Infocalypse repository in Freenet. """
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    insert_uri = opts['uri']
    if insert_uri == '':
        # REDFLAG: fix parameter definition so that it is required?
        ui_.warn("Please set the insert URI with --uri.\n")

    set_target_version(ui_, repo, opts, params,
                       "Only inserting to version(s): %s\n")
    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    execute_create(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #12
def infocalypse_create(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Create a new Infocalypse repository in Freenet. """
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    insert_uri = opts['uri']
    if insert_uri == '':
        # REDFLAG: fix parameter definition so that it is required?
        ui_.warn("Please set the insert URI with --uri.\n")

    set_target_version(ui_, repo, opts, params,
                       "Only inserting to version(s): %s\n")
    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    execute_create(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #13
def infocalypse_putsite(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Insert an update to a freesite.

    if opts['createconfig']:
        if opts['wiki']:
            raise util.Abort("Use fn-wiki --createconfig.")
        params = {'SITE_CREATE_CONFIG': True}
        execute_putsite(ui_, repo, params)

    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    if opts['key']:  # order important
        params['SITE_KEY'] = opts['key']
        if not (params['SITE_KEY'].startswith('SSK') or
                params['SITE_KEY'] == 'CHK@'):
            raise util.Abort("--key must be a valid SSK "
                             + "insert key or CHK@.")

    params['ISWIKI'] = opts['wiki']
    read_freesite_cfg(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)

        # --index not required for CHK@
        if not params['SITE_KEY'].startswith('CHK'):
            params['SITE_INDEX'] = int(opts['index'])
            if params['SITE_INDEX'] < 0:
                raise ValueError()
            params['SITE_INDEX'] = -1
    except ValueError:
        raise util.Abort(MSG_BAD_INDEX)
    except TypeError:
        raise util.Abort(MSG_BAD_INDEX)

    params['DRYRUN'] = opts['dryrun']

    if not params.get('SITE_KEY', None):
        insert_uri = stored_cfg.get_dir_insert_uri(repo.root)
        if not insert_uri:
            ui_.warn("You don't have the insert URI for this repo.\n"
                     + "Supply a private key with --key or fn-push "
                     + "the repo.\n")
            return  # REDFLAG: hmmm... abort?
        params['SITE_KEY'] = 'SSK' + insert_uri.split('/')[0][3:]

    execute_putsite(ui_, repo, params)
Пример #14
def infocalypse_putsite(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Insert an update to a freesite.

    if opts['createconfig']:
        if opts['wiki']:
            raise util.Abort("Use fn-wiki --createconfig.")
        params = {'SITE_CREATE_CONFIG': True}
        execute_putsite(ui_, repo, params)

    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    if opts['key'] != '':  # order important
        params['SITE_KEY'] = opts['key']
        if not (params['SITE_KEY'].startswith('SSK')
                or params['SITE_KEY'] == 'CHK@'):
            raise util.Abort("--key must be a valid SSK " +
                             "insert key or CHK@.")

    params['ISWIKI'] = opts['wiki']
    read_freesite_cfg(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)

        # --index not required for CHK@
        if not params['SITE_KEY'].startswith('CHK'):
            params['SITE_INDEX'] = int(opts['index'])
            if params['SITE_INDEX'] < 0:
                raise ValueError()
            params['SITE_INDEX'] = -1
    except ValueError:
        raise util.Abort(MSG_BAD_INDEX)
    except TypeError:
        raise util.Abort(MSG_BAD_INDEX)

    params['DRYRUN'] = opts['dryrun']

    if not params.get('SITE_KEY', None):
        insert_uri = stored_cfg.get_dir_insert_uri(repo.root)
        if not insert_uri:
            ui_.warn("You don't have the insert URI for this repo.\n" +
                     "Supply a private key with --key or fn-push " +
                     "the repo.\n")
            return  # REDFLAG: hmmm... abort?
        params['SITE_KEY'] = 'SSK' + insert_uri.split('/')[0][3:]

    execute_putsite(ui_, repo, params)
Пример #15
def infocalypse_fmsread(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Read repository update information from fms.
    # FCP not required. Hmmm... Hack
    opts['fcphost'] = ''
    opts['fcpport'] = 0
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    request_uri = opts['uri']
    if not request_uri:
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.status("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n")
            request_uri = None
    parse_fmsread_subcmd(params, opts)
    params['DRYRUN'] = opts['dryrun']
    params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri
    execute_fmsread(ui_, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #16
def infocalypse_fmsread(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Read repository update information from fms.
    # FCP not required. Hmmm... Hack
    opts['fcphost'] = ''
    opts['fcpport'] = 0
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    request_uri = opts['uri']
    if request_uri == '':
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.status("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n")
            request_uri = None
    parse_fmsread_subcmd(params, opts)
    params['DRYRUN'] = opts['dryrun']
    params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri
    execute_fmsread(ui_, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #17
def infocalypse_archive(ui_, **opts):
    """ Commands to maintain a non-hg incremental archive."""
    subcmd = [value for value in ARCHIVE_SUBCMDS if opts[value]]
    if len(subcmd) > 1:
        raise util.Abort("--create, --pull, --push are mutally exclusive. " +
                         "Only specify one.")
    if len(subcmd) > 0:
        subcmd = subcmd[0]
        subcmd = "pull"

    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    params['ARCHIVE_CACHE_DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ARCHIVE_CACHE_DIR)

    if not subcmd in ARCHIVE_SUBCMDS:
        raise util.Abort("Unhandled subcommand: " + subcmd)

    # 2 qt?
    ARCHIVE_SUBCMDS[subcmd](ui_, opts, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #18
def infocalypse_archive(ui_, **opts):
    """ Commands to maintain a non-hg incremental archive."""
    subcmd = [value for value in ARCHIVE_SUBCMDS if opts[value]]
    if len(subcmd) > 1:
        raise util.Abort("--create, --pull, --push are mutally exclusive. " +
                         "Only specify one.")
    if len(subcmd) > 0:
        subcmd = subcmd[0]
        subcmd = "pull"

    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    params['ARCHIVE_CACHE_DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ARCHIVE_CACHE_DIR)

    if not subcmd in ARCHIVE_SUBCMDS:
        raise util.Abort("Unhandled subcommand: " + subcmd)

    # 2 qt?
    ARCHIVE_SUBCMDS[subcmd](ui_, opts, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #19
def infocalypse_copy(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Copy an Infocalypse repository to a new URI. """
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    insert_uri = opts['inserturi']
    if insert_uri == '':
        # REDFLAG: fix parameter definition so that it is required?
        ui_.warn("Please set the insert URI with --inserturi.\n")

    request_uri = opts['requesturi']
    if request_uri == '':
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Please set one with the --requesturi option.\n")

    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri
    execute_copy(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #20
def infocalypse_copy(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Copy an Infocalypse repository to a new URI. """
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    insert_uri = opts['inserturi']
    if insert_uri == '':
        # REDFLAG: fix parameter definition so that it is required?
        ui_.warn("Please set the insert URI with --inserturi.\n")

    request_uri = opts['requesturi']
    if request_uri == '':
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Please set one with the --requesturi option.\n")

    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri
    execute_copy(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #21
def infocalypse_push(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Push to an Infocalypse repository in Freenet. """
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    insert_uri = opts['uri']
    if insert_uri == '':
        insert_uri = stored_cfg.get_dir_insert_uri(repo.root)
        if not insert_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored insert URI for this repo.\n"
                    "Please set one with the --uri option.\n")

    set_target_version(ui_, repo, opts, params,
                       "Only pushing to version(s): %s\n")
    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    #if opts['requesturi'] != '':
    #    # DOESN'T search the insert uri index.
    #    ui_.status(("Copying from:\n%s\nTo:\n%s\n\nThis is an "
    #                + "advanced feature. "
    #                + "I hope you know what you're doing.\n") %
    #               (opts['requesturi'], insert_uri))
    #    params['REQUEST_URI'] = opts['requesturi']

    execute_push(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #22
def infocalypse_push(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Push to an Infocalypse repository in Freenet. """
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    insert_uri = opts['uri']
    if insert_uri == '':
        insert_uri = stored_cfg.get_dir_insert_uri(repo.root)
        if not insert_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored insert URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Please set one with the --uri option.\n")

    set_target_version(ui_, repo, opts, params,
                       "Only pushing to version(s): %s\n")
    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    #if opts['requesturi'] != '':
    #    # DOESN'T search the insert uri index.
    #    ui_.status(("Copying from:\n%s\nTo:\n%s\n\nThis is an "
    #                + "advanced feature. "
    #                + "I hope you know what you're doing.\n") %
    #               (opts['requesturi'], insert_uri))
    #    params['REQUEST_URI'] = opts['requesturi']

    execute_push(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #23
def infocalypse_push(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Push to an Infocalypse repository in Freenet. """
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    if not opts['uri']:
        insert_uri = stored_cfg.get_dir_insert_uri(repo.root)
        if not insert_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored insert URI for this repo.\n"
                     "Please set one with the --uri option.\n")
        insert_uri = parse_repo_path(opts['uri'])

    set_target_version(ui_, repo, opts, params,
                       "Only pushing to version(s): %s\n")
    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    #if opts['requesturi'] != '':
    #    # DOESN'T search the insert uri index.
    #    ui_.status(("Copying from:\n%s\nTo:\n%s\n\nThis is an "
    #                + "advanced feature. "
    #                + "I hope you know what you're doing.\n") %
    #               (opts['requesturi'], insert_uri))
    #    params['REQUEST_URI'] = opts['requesturi']

    inserted_to = execute_push(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)

    request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
    associated_wot_id = stored_cfg.get_wot_identity(request_uri)
    if inserted_to and associated_wot_id:
        import wot
        from wot_id import Local_WoT_ID
        local_id = Local_WoT_ID('@' + associated_wot_id)
Пример #24
def infocalypse_fmsnotify(ui_, repo, **opts):
    """ Post a msg with the current repository USK index to fms.
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    insert_uri = stored_cfg.get_dir_insert_uri(repo.root)
    if not insert_uri and not (opts['submitbundle'] or opts['submitwiki']):
        ui_.warn("You can't notify because there's no stored " +
                 "insert URI for this repo.\n" +
                 "Run from the directory you inserted from.\n")

    params['ANNOUNCE'] = opts['announce']
    params['SUBMIT_BUNDLE'] = opts['submitbundle']
    params['SUBMIT_WIKI'] = opts['submitwiki']
    if params['SUBMIT_WIKI'] or params['SUBMIT_BUNDLE']:
        request_uri = stored_cfg.get_request_uri(repo.root)
        if not request_uri:
            ui_.warn("There is no stored request URI for this repo.\n")
            raise util.Abort("No request URI.")
        params['REQUEST_URI'] = request_uri

    params['DRYRUN'] = opts['dryrun']
    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    execute_fmsnotify(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)
Пример #25
def infocalypse_create(ui_, repo, local_identity=None, **opts):
    """ Create a new Infocalypse repository in Freenet.
    :type local_identity: Local_WoT_ID
    :param local_identity: If specified the new repository is associated with
                           that identity.
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    if opts['uri'] and opts['wot']:
        ui_.warn("Please specify only one of --uri or --wot.\n")
    elif opts['uri']:
        insert_uri = parse_repo_path(opts['uri'])
    elif opts['wot']:
        opts['wot'] = parse_repo_path(opts['wot'])
        nick_prefix, repo_name, repo_edition = opts['wot'].split('/', 2)

        if not repo_name.endswith('.R1') and not repo_name.endswith('.R0'):
            ui_.warn("Warning: Creating repository without redundancy. (R0 or"
                     " R1)\n")

        from wot_id import Local_WoT_ID

        local_identity = Local_WoT_ID(nick_prefix)

        insert_uri = local_identity.insert_uri.clone()

        insert_uri.name = repo_name
        insert_uri.edition = repo_edition
        # Before passing along into execute_create().
        insert_uri = str(insert_uri)
        ui_.warn("Please set the insert key with either --uri or --wot.\n")

    # This is a WoT repository.
    if local_identity:
        # Prompt whether to replace in the case of conflicting names.
        from wot import build_repo_list

        request_usks = build_repo_list(ui_, local_identity)
        names = map(lambda x: USK(x).get_repo_name(), request_usks)
        new_name = USK(insert_uri).get_repo_name()

        if new_name in names:
            replace = ui_.prompt("A repository with the name '{0}' is already"
                                 " published by {1}. Replace it? [y/N]"
                                 .format(new_name, local_identity),

            if replace.lower() != 'y':
                raise util.Abort("A repository with this name already exists.")

            # Remove the existing repository from each configuration section.
            existing_usk = request_usks[names.index(new_name)]

            existing_dir = None
            for directory, request_usk in stored_cfg.request_usks.iteritems():
                if request_usk == existing_usk:
                    if existing_dir:
                        raise util.Abort("Configuration lists the same "
                                         "request USK multiple times.")
                    existing_dir = directory

            assert existing_dir

            existing_hash = normalize(existing_usk)

            # Config file changes will not be written until a successful insert
            # below.
            del stored_cfg.version_table[existing_hash]
            del stored_cfg.request_usks[existing_dir]
            del stored_cfg.insert_usks[existing_hash]
            del stored_cfg.wot_identities[existing_hash]

        # Add "vcs" context. No-op if the identity already has it.
        msg_params = {'Message': 'AddContext',
                      'Identity': local_identity.identity_id,
                      'Context': 'vcs'}

        import fcp
        import wot
        node = fcp.FCPNode(**wot.get_fcpopts(fcphost=opts["fcphost"],
        vcs_response =\

        if vcs_response['header'] != 'FCPPluginReply' or\
                'Replies.Message' not in vcs_response or\
                vcs_response['Replies.Message'] != 'ContextAdded':
            raise util.Abort("Failed to add context. Got {0}\n.".format(

    set_target_version(ui_, repo, opts, params,
                       "Only inserting to version(s): %s\n")
    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    inserted_to = execute_create(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)

    if inserted_to and local_identity:
        # creation returns a list of request URIs; use the first.
        stored_cfg.set_wot_identity(inserted_to[0], local_identity)

        import wot
        wot.update_repo_listing(ui_, local_identity, 
Пример #26
def infocalypse_genkey(ui_, **opts):
    """ Print a new SSK key pair. """
    params, dummy = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    execute_genkey(ui_, params)
Пример #27
def infocalypse_create(ui_, repo, local_identity=None, **opts):
    """ Create a new Infocalypse repository in Freenet.
    :type local_identity: Local_WoT_ID
    :param local_identity: If specified the new repository is associated with
                           that identity.
    params, stored_cfg = get_config_info(ui_, opts)

    if opts['uri'] and opts['wot']:
        ui_.warn("Please specify only one of --uri or --wot.\n")
    elif opts['uri']:
        insert_uri = parse_repo_path(opts['uri'])
    elif opts['wot']:
        opts['wot'] = parse_repo_path(opts['wot'])
        nick_prefix, repo_name, repo_edition = opts['wot'].split('/', 2)

        if not repo_name.endswith('.R1') and not repo_name.endswith('.R0'):
            ui_.warn("Warning: Creating repository without redundancy. (R0 or"
                     " R1)\n")

        from wot_id import Local_WoT_ID

        local_identity = Local_WoT_ID(nick_prefix)

        insert_uri = local_identity.insert_uri.clone()

        insert_uri.name = repo_name
        insert_uri.edition = repo_edition
        # Before passing along into execute_create().
        insert_uri = str(insert_uri)
        ui_.warn("Please set the insert key with either --uri or --wot.\n")

    # This is a WoT repository.
    if local_identity:
        # Prompt whether to replace in the case of conflicting names.
        from wot import build_repo_list

        request_usks = build_repo_list(ui_, local_identity)
        names = map(lambda x: USK(x).get_repo_name(), request_usks)
        new_name = USK(insert_uri).get_repo_name()

        if new_name in names:
            replace = ui_.prompt("A repository with the name '{0}' is already"
                                 " published by {1}. Replace it? [y/N]".format(
                                     new_name, local_identity),

            if replace.lower() != 'y':
                raise util.Abort("A repository with this name already exists.")

            # Remove the existing repository from each configuration section.
            existing_usk = request_usks[names.index(new_name)]

            existing_dir = None
            for directory, request_usk in stored_cfg.request_usks.iteritems():
                if request_usk == existing_usk:
                    if existing_dir:
                        raise util.Abort("Configuration lists the same "
                                         "request USK multiple times.")
                    existing_dir = directory

            assert existing_dir

            existing_hash = normalize(existing_usk)

            # Config file changes will not be written until a successful insert
            # below.
            del stored_cfg.version_table[existing_hash]
            del stored_cfg.request_usks[existing_dir]
            del stored_cfg.insert_usks[existing_hash]
            del stored_cfg.wot_identities[existing_hash]

        # Add "vcs" context. No-op if the identity already has it.
        msg_params = {
            'Message': 'AddContext',
            'Identity': local_identity.identity_id,
            'Context': 'vcs'

        import fcp
        import wot
        node = fcp.FCPNode(**wot.get_fcpopts(fcphost=opts["fcphost"],
        vcs_response =\

        if vcs_response['header'] != 'FCPPluginReply' or\
                'Replies.Message' not in vcs_response or\
                vcs_response['Replies.Message'] != 'ContextAdded':
            raise util.Abort(
                "Failed to add context. Got {0}\n.".format(vcs_response))

    set_target_version(ui_, repo, opts, params,
                       "Only inserting to version(s): %s\n")
    params['INSERT_URI'] = insert_uri
    inserted_to = execute_create(ui_, repo, params, stored_cfg)

    if inserted_to and local_identity:
        # creation returns a list of request URIs; use the first.
        stored_cfg.set_wot_identity(inserted_to[0], local_identity)

        import wot
Пример #28
def infocalypse_genkey(ui_, **opts):
    """ Print a new SSK key pair. """
    params, dummy = get_config_info(ui_, opts)
    execute_genkey(ui_, params)